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New energy site going up

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  • New energy site going up

    Most sites on free energy I have found so far, do not seem to take great care in explaining what devices are capable of or how to build them - in layman's terms.

    The site is going to be comprised of two aspects - theory/research and practical application. Let me know what you guys think. Any suggestions on how to structure and categorize the information would be great. I got the forum up and running and a basic structure laid out.

    Energy Studies Group

  • #2
    Hi Carter,

    That looks like it will be an interesting site. I saved it to my bookmarks and will be dropping by to check on it from time to time. There is another name you might want to add to your list of people that have made contributions to the energy field. That is Nathan Stubblefield. He could send telephone signals through the ground and was said to have lit up all the hillsides around his home with some kind of lights connected to the ground. Unfortunately no one has been able to figure out how he did it and the secrets died with him. He still might be worthy of some study though.

    Just because someone disagrees with you does NOT make them your enemy. We can disagree without attacking someone.


    • #3
      Originally posted by citfta View Post
      Hi Carter,

      That looks like it will be an interesting site. I saved it to my bookmarks and will be dropping by to check on it from time to time. There is another name you might want to add to your list of people that have made contributions to the energy field. That is Nathan Stubblefield. He could send telephone signals through the ground and was said to have lit up all the hillsides around his home with some kind of lights connected to the ground. Unfortunately no one has been able to figure out how he did it and the secrets died with him. He still might be worthy of some study though.

      Nathan Stubblefield Earth battery/Self Generating Induction Coil Replications
      Members of his own family were poisoned by his 'lights'.
      Last edited by GSM; 09-12-2012, 09:42 AM.


      • #4
        It would be good to stop people opening up endless new
        threads on the same topic instead of finding the relevant
        thread and using it.


        • #5
          Duplicate Threads

          Originally posted by wrtner View Post
          It would be good to stop people opening up endless new
          threads on the same topic instead of finding the relevant
          thread and using it.
          That would require moderators to know what subjects have been threaded before or to build filters. Neither one is very viable in the long run. I much prefer to take the best of threads and incorporate them into the static part of the site. One of the reasons people re thread is because they can't find the material.


          • #6
            Originally posted by citfta View Post
            Hi Carter,

            That looks like it will be an interesting site. I saved it to my bookmarks and will be dropping by to check on it from time to time. There is another name you might want to add to your list of people that have made contributions to the energy field. That is Nathan Stubblefield. He could send telephone signals through the ground and was said to have lit up all the hillsides around his home with some kind of lights connected to the ground. Unfortunately no one has been able to figure out how he did it and the secrets died with him. He still might be worthy of some study though.

            Thanks for checking it out. When it comes to key figures, at first I am going to try and keep it confined to people who have a body of work to study. The forums will be a good place for people to make a case for adding new people. I think Stubblefield's invention could go under the designs and concepts category.

            Right now I am trying to work out how to structure the Theory part of the site. Not sure if I should add: electrodynamics, thermodynamics, quantum physics, particle physics, etc. or if I should just keep simple broad categories like mangets, light, gravity, etc. Any thoughts would be appreciated.


            • #7
              Originally posted by wrtner View Post
              It would be good to stop people opening up endless new
              threads on the same topic instead of finding the relevant
              thread and using it.

              The Search engine here has never worked well for me - as exampled with its results for Nathan Stubblefield.
              Always bitty (as can only be expected via a Forum) and time wasting.
              Hence I add this other link for Citfta, which again is not a result of the Energetic Forum search-engine.

              Nathan Stubblefield: Earth Energy and Vocal Radio | Journal of Borderland Research

              Cheers ........ Graham.

