Setting the record straight: the true biblical account of "aliens" and my theory on what the hell is going on!
I realize that the following is a lot of reading but please bear with me. If you are not willing to listen before you make up your mind about the following information, then please move on, this is not for you. if however you are willing to see something truly beautiful then please read on...
a lot of people do not believe in god, religion, or biblical accuracy. many of these people have been truly disappointed by religion and it's leaders and because of these self appointed ambassadors of god on earth, most have never read the bible.
in the past, i had always found peace and rest in God. i have been a student of scripture since my early teens, spending time in many different denominations, and in my early 20s i even inherited the role of minister in a small protestant church.
life however has many ways of robbing a person of their faith and after much persecution from the local Greek orthodox church and the government, a shattered engagement to a "spiritual" woman that cheated on me twice, and the abandonment of the members of the ministry, I struggled to spiritually stand and gave up the ministry and abandoned Christian churches.
Years later, after the dawning of the age of information we are living in now, I came across many many many bits of information that led me down the proverbial rabbit hole with no bottom in site! For years i learned of the atrocities brought about by the "global elite"! The path to knowledge is one that can drive most people insane, and i nearly reached that destination!
I prayed to the defunked version of the "God" that had been programmed into my DNA by mainstream religion. The same religions that keep people in darkness with the promise of light! Religion is not light. Religion is the opium of the world. But what is God?
So I prayed some more. Prayed for knowledge, wisdom, but most of all, love! My heart felt so numb that I was an emotional concrete slab. I prayed for that god's blessings so that I can feel the warmth that I felt when I first discovered that the god of the Bible was not the God of religion.
What happened next some might interpret as God answering my prayers. I received an amazing revelation. And I would like to share this with you. You see we all ask God for his "blessings"! But what is a blessing? For years I thought, like most people, that it was some mystical, almost magical exhibition of god's power.
Thankfully, as you shall now see this is hardly the case!
One of the things I realized during my studies and research is the importance of communication! Communication is language, whether it be a verbal, bodily, digital, or whatever! In order for language to have reception "tuning in" or understanding of language is KEY! The westernization of the globe is here with the English language being the most prominent of verbal languages, although perhaps not the most popular.
But the Bible, like many ancient texts is not written in English, and although we can take the jist of the meaning of the texts, many key words are literally, lost in translation. The tower of Babel story readily indicates the outcome of a breakdown in communication. And religion, which brought us its unholy TRADITIONS, has for centuries led people astray through the constant spoon-feeding of information, through its Sunday masses, icons, statues and whatever other monstrous ideals they shove down people's throats. But the scriptures themselves speak of constant and diligent study of scriptures required by practioners of faith. This sadly is not the case and apparently it nothing has really changed.
Having discovered the writings of Thomas Paine left me with a very definitive strength of the power of the mind and applying reason and logic to all aspects of life. Logic is such a beautiful tool and I have strived to always apply it in all areas of my life. This mindset led me to my first discovery.
The translation of the word bless in the original Greek is Ευλογία) Ev-logıa. By definition, Evlogia, literally means to "receive logic»! God's first blessing on humanity then is his bestowment of common sense and reason to the world! And if you think about it, most people can hardly be considered as logical and rational. Most people will do what they feel, and rarely use common sense to make decisions.
Now when I came to this realization, I wondered if it was true that there was the rumored "hidden message" encrypted within the bible. I’ve read the bible many times. Front to back sometimes, and other times in depth studies about various subjects, checking out historical references, even different translations. I never saw any hidden messages of the sort. Religion had truly dug deep.
Eventually it dawned on me that the intertangled web of misinformation, disinformation, tradition, and lies, stemmed back as far as recorded history existed. It was driving me crazy! The greatest shock however was when I realized that the farther back into history the more confusion existed! Building lies upon lies upon lies the truth about civilization seemed almost gone. People on this site are hardly ignorant of ancient civilizations which possessed amazing technologies, understanding, perhaps even "super human" powers! None of these concrete evidences fit into any version of religion that I studied. Combine that with the notion that there is enough archaeological evidence to suggest that perhaps we were truly visited by an advanced race, made religion seem like fiction! What the hell is going on?
While researching a man named Ron Wyatt and some of his discoveries, I stumbled upon his claims of finding the remnant of Noah's ark. For those that don't know, the story of the biblical deluge is present in over 120 cultures, suggesting that a man and his family survived it using a boat. Much scientific evidence also suggests that a global flood did happen at some point so I figured the story of Noah was a great place to start as that instance in history was the jump off for modern history.
Noah’s ark, genesis chapter 6... I figured let's go back to a few more chapters. The creation story. Adam and eve. Cain and able. Cain’s banishment which led to him building the first cities. The original patriarchs of the Adam’s bloodlines which included Enoch! I even read the book of Enoch during this time for the first time. Marvelous!
Before I go on, I want to show you the results of the programming which we have all undergone. I know it sounds extreme but please just bare with me!
When I say Adam and eve you probably think of something like this:
This is the result of the programming! What actually happens is that when you read the scriptures about Adam and eve or the flood of Noah or the tower of Babel, a similar mental image pops into your head which "downloads" the programming. Instead let's try to apply logic and see if there is a different, deeper message.
Genesis 1 is the creation story. I’d urge everybody reading this to go read it either in your bibles or on a website like
Besides certain scientific revelations that I have understood by reading this, I want to concentrate for now on the "alien" agenda.
Day one is the "big bang" and the separation of day and night. Day 2 is the creation of atmosphere through separation of water. Day 3 the unveiling of land masses and production of plant life. Day 4 the organization of celestial bodies and the introduction of time. Day 5 the creation of birds and water living creatures.
Day 6: after the creation of land animals,
«26 Then God said, “Let us make mankind in our image, in our likeness, so that they may rule over the fish in the sea and the birds in the sky, over the livestock and all the wild animals, [a] and over all the creatures that move along the ground.”
27 So God created mankind in his own image,
In the image of God he created them;
Male and female he created them."
And immediately the controversies begin. With this passage, immediately I would get that famous image referred to above as Adam and eve in front of a tree holding an apple, fig leaves covering their genitalia and a mean looking snake hovering above them...
However this is far from the truth!
The creation account does not end in chapter 1. It continues to chapter 2, and then at some point the writer goes back into the story of the creation.
"4 This is the account of the heavens and the earth when they were created, when the Lord God made the earth and the heavens.
5 Now no shrub had yet appeared on the earth[a] and no plant had yet sprung up, for the Lord God had not sent rain on the earth and there was no one to work the ground, 6 but streams[b] came up from the earth and watered the whole surface of the ground. 7 Then the Lord God formed a man[c] from the dust of the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and the man became a living being."
At first it seems, because of the programming that it is just an expanded version of the 6th day. But let's look closer:
First thing to do is figure the time frame. Verse 5 refers to a point in time where «no shrub ... and no plant" had appeared on the earth. So, this is referencing DAY 3 not day 6!!! (And here are 2 of those 3 "magic" numbers 3, 6, 9!)
Secondly these are 2 completely separate creation accounts. On day 6 there is a verbal command and the it simply happened. Also, in verse 26 notice that "god" is speaking to someone, using a plural form; "let us, our image, our likeness". Where as in the second account, there is a physical act being done, using dirt and spirit to activate life.
Thirdly, where as Adam (day 3) is referred to as a living being, day 6 refers a man-kind, or a kind of man! I didn’t think much of this at first until I picked up another English translation of the bible; I think it was a newer version of the NIB and the word "mankind» simply became "man". It wouldn't mean much if you didn't catch the day 3 creation.
Am I right in my analysis? You decide. If I am though, imagine that Judaism, Christianity and Islam all take the fundamental principal that God created man ONLY on the sixth day. There whole religious view is based on this! If they got the creation wrong then the whole foundation will send religion crumbling to the ground. And let it crumble. I refuse to believe a lie.
So then, where does this leave us?
1) Adam was NOT created on day 6 contrary to popular belief
2) There is a biblical reference to a second creation of a “kind of man” perhaps THESE beings are the true so called “aliens” that the elite have come to program us, through their propaganda machines, that they come from some other galaxy. Perhaps these are the beings referred to as angels, demons, devils and fallen ones. Perhaps some of these beings are the ones who are referenced in ancient texts and myths, the same ones we believe wielded these awesome technologies that today we are trying to rediscover and reproduce. Think about it? if we are ALWAYS being lied to by the elite through disinformation, would they not use the same tactics for a similar, i.e. aliens, existence? Would it not make sense that these beings originated here and that they probably never left?
3) There is more knowledge locked up in the Vatican vaults than anywhere else on the globe. What are they hiding?
4) What else are we missing? What is religion hiding from us? Does not this then help us why religion is TRULY so ungodly?
I stand by my discovery. This is simply the tip of the iceberg. It’s late and more will come soon
I realize that the following is a lot of reading but please bear with me. If you are not willing to listen before you make up your mind about the following information, then please move on, this is not for you. if however you are willing to see something truly beautiful then please read on...
a lot of people do not believe in god, religion, or biblical accuracy. many of these people have been truly disappointed by religion and it's leaders and because of these self appointed ambassadors of god on earth, most have never read the bible.
in the past, i had always found peace and rest in God. i have been a student of scripture since my early teens, spending time in many different denominations, and in my early 20s i even inherited the role of minister in a small protestant church.
life however has many ways of robbing a person of their faith and after much persecution from the local Greek orthodox church and the government, a shattered engagement to a "spiritual" woman that cheated on me twice, and the abandonment of the members of the ministry, I struggled to spiritually stand and gave up the ministry and abandoned Christian churches.
Years later, after the dawning of the age of information we are living in now, I came across many many many bits of information that led me down the proverbial rabbit hole with no bottom in site! For years i learned of the atrocities brought about by the "global elite"! The path to knowledge is one that can drive most people insane, and i nearly reached that destination!
I prayed to the defunked version of the "God" that had been programmed into my DNA by mainstream religion. The same religions that keep people in darkness with the promise of light! Religion is not light. Religion is the opium of the world. But what is God?
So I prayed some more. Prayed for knowledge, wisdom, but most of all, love! My heart felt so numb that I was an emotional concrete slab. I prayed for that god's blessings so that I can feel the warmth that I felt when I first discovered that the god of the Bible was not the God of religion.
What happened next some might interpret as God answering my prayers. I received an amazing revelation. And I would like to share this with you. You see we all ask God for his "blessings"! But what is a blessing? For years I thought, like most people, that it was some mystical, almost magical exhibition of god's power.
Thankfully, as you shall now see this is hardly the case!
One of the things I realized during my studies and research is the importance of communication! Communication is language, whether it be a verbal, bodily, digital, or whatever! In order for language to have reception "tuning in" or understanding of language is KEY! The westernization of the globe is here with the English language being the most prominent of verbal languages, although perhaps not the most popular.
But the Bible, like many ancient texts is not written in English, and although we can take the jist of the meaning of the texts, many key words are literally, lost in translation. The tower of Babel story readily indicates the outcome of a breakdown in communication. And religion, which brought us its unholy TRADITIONS, has for centuries led people astray through the constant spoon-feeding of information, through its Sunday masses, icons, statues and whatever other monstrous ideals they shove down people's throats. But the scriptures themselves speak of constant and diligent study of scriptures required by practioners of faith. This sadly is not the case and apparently it nothing has really changed.
Having discovered the writings of Thomas Paine left me with a very definitive strength of the power of the mind and applying reason and logic to all aspects of life. Logic is such a beautiful tool and I have strived to always apply it in all areas of my life. This mindset led me to my first discovery.
The translation of the word bless in the original Greek is Ευλογία) Ev-logıa. By definition, Evlogia, literally means to "receive logic»! God's first blessing on humanity then is his bestowment of common sense and reason to the world! And if you think about it, most people can hardly be considered as logical and rational. Most people will do what they feel, and rarely use common sense to make decisions.
Now when I came to this realization, I wondered if it was true that there was the rumored "hidden message" encrypted within the bible. I’ve read the bible many times. Front to back sometimes, and other times in depth studies about various subjects, checking out historical references, even different translations. I never saw any hidden messages of the sort. Religion had truly dug deep.
Eventually it dawned on me that the intertangled web of misinformation, disinformation, tradition, and lies, stemmed back as far as recorded history existed. It was driving me crazy! The greatest shock however was when I realized that the farther back into history the more confusion existed! Building lies upon lies upon lies the truth about civilization seemed almost gone. People on this site are hardly ignorant of ancient civilizations which possessed amazing technologies, understanding, perhaps even "super human" powers! None of these concrete evidences fit into any version of religion that I studied. Combine that with the notion that there is enough archaeological evidence to suggest that perhaps we were truly visited by an advanced race, made religion seem like fiction! What the hell is going on?
While researching a man named Ron Wyatt and some of his discoveries, I stumbled upon his claims of finding the remnant of Noah's ark. For those that don't know, the story of the biblical deluge is present in over 120 cultures, suggesting that a man and his family survived it using a boat. Much scientific evidence also suggests that a global flood did happen at some point so I figured the story of Noah was a great place to start as that instance in history was the jump off for modern history.
Noah’s ark, genesis chapter 6... I figured let's go back to a few more chapters. The creation story. Adam and eve. Cain and able. Cain’s banishment which led to him building the first cities. The original patriarchs of the Adam’s bloodlines which included Enoch! I even read the book of Enoch during this time for the first time. Marvelous!
Before I go on, I want to show you the results of the programming which we have all undergone. I know it sounds extreme but please just bare with me!
When I say Adam and eve you probably think of something like this:
This is the result of the programming! What actually happens is that when you read the scriptures about Adam and eve or the flood of Noah or the tower of Babel, a similar mental image pops into your head which "downloads" the programming. Instead let's try to apply logic and see if there is a different, deeper message.
Genesis 1 is the creation story. I’d urge everybody reading this to go read it either in your bibles or on a website like
Besides certain scientific revelations that I have understood by reading this, I want to concentrate for now on the "alien" agenda.
Day one is the "big bang" and the separation of day and night. Day 2 is the creation of atmosphere through separation of water. Day 3 the unveiling of land masses and production of plant life. Day 4 the organization of celestial bodies and the introduction of time. Day 5 the creation of birds and water living creatures.
Day 6: after the creation of land animals,
«26 Then God said, “Let us make mankind in our image, in our likeness, so that they may rule over the fish in the sea and the birds in the sky, over the livestock and all the wild animals, [a] and over all the creatures that move along the ground.”
27 So God created mankind in his own image,
In the image of God he created them;
Male and female he created them."
And immediately the controversies begin. With this passage, immediately I would get that famous image referred to above as Adam and eve in front of a tree holding an apple, fig leaves covering their genitalia and a mean looking snake hovering above them...
However this is far from the truth!
The creation account does not end in chapter 1. It continues to chapter 2, and then at some point the writer goes back into the story of the creation.
"4 This is the account of the heavens and the earth when they were created, when the Lord God made the earth and the heavens.
5 Now no shrub had yet appeared on the earth[a] and no plant had yet sprung up, for the Lord God had not sent rain on the earth and there was no one to work the ground, 6 but streams[b] came up from the earth and watered the whole surface of the ground. 7 Then the Lord God formed a man[c] from the dust of the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and the man became a living being."
At first it seems, because of the programming that it is just an expanded version of the 6th day. But let's look closer:
First thing to do is figure the time frame. Verse 5 refers to a point in time where «no shrub ... and no plant" had appeared on the earth. So, this is referencing DAY 3 not day 6!!! (And here are 2 of those 3 "magic" numbers 3, 6, 9!)
Secondly these are 2 completely separate creation accounts. On day 6 there is a verbal command and the it simply happened. Also, in verse 26 notice that "god" is speaking to someone, using a plural form; "let us, our image, our likeness". Where as in the second account, there is a physical act being done, using dirt and spirit to activate life.
Thirdly, where as Adam (day 3) is referred to as a living being, day 6 refers a man-kind, or a kind of man! I didn’t think much of this at first until I picked up another English translation of the bible; I think it was a newer version of the NIB and the word "mankind» simply became "man". It wouldn't mean much if you didn't catch the day 3 creation.
Am I right in my analysis? You decide. If I am though, imagine that Judaism, Christianity and Islam all take the fundamental principal that God created man ONLY on the sixth day. There whole religious view is based on this! If they got the creation wrong then the whole foundation will send religion crumbling to the ground. And let it crumble. I refuse to believe a lie.
So then, where does this leave us?
1) Adam was NOT created on day 6 contrary to popular belief
2) There is a biblical reference to a second creation of a “kind of man” perhaps THESE beings are the true so called “aliens” that the elite have come to program us, through their propaganda machines, that they come from some other galaxy. Perhaps these are the beings referred to as angels, demons, devils and fallen ones. Perhaps some of these beings are the ones who are referenced in ancient texts and myths, the same ones we believe wielded these awesome technologies that today we are trying to rediscover and reproduce. Think about it? if we are ALWAYS being lied to by the elite through disinformation, would they not use the same tactics for a similar, i.e. aliens, existence? Would it not make sense that these beings originated here and that they probably never left?
3) There is more knowledge locked up in the Vatican vaults than anywhere else on the globe. What are they hiding?
4) What else are we missing? What is religion hiding from us? Does not this then help us why religion is TRULY so ungodly?
I stand by my discovery. This is simply the tip of the iceberg. It’s late and more will come soon
