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Setting the record straight: the true biblical account of "aliens"

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  • #46
    Originally posted by logos View Post

    the bottom line is that nobody can prove that there ARENT creatures from outerspace same as nobody can prove that there actually ARE! all we have is certain evidences, half truths, a truckload of disinformation, agendas, lies, deceit, all covered up in the name of "god" for our own good! this is not enough for freethinkers like us. they are pushing their bastardized version of democracy down our throats but at least in many ways, a lot of people have managed to snap out of the trance. when we finally wake up we are quikc to cling to anything other than what we already know because it is natural instinct. "the enemy of my enemy is my friend" and all that !
    All Truth is Half Truth

    the following may add some "meat" to your statement on archeology :

    Anomalous Artifacts

    ps: your wheel within a wheel is very Searl Engine like
    Last edited by MonsieurM; 09-15-2012, 10:00 PM.
    Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


    • #47
      Aliens And Demons

      Hi every one
      i would like to make a coment about this tread becouse it is actually regarding free energy. That thousend`s ideas for inventions making ouer lives better at the end lead us to polluted soil and air , abondoned places with no living form, lack of fresh spring water and all the animals that was created by God are somwere missing and that will not come back, never. it can be only genetically copied from srach and result belive me will be very sad to all of us.

      Only one energy is neverending this one that comes only and from Jesus and calls pure Love. Love that lives all the time. If sombody thinks that God the father and his Son Jesus with Holy spirit are not acting in today modern society Is in need to re-find this Divinity and ask for conversion.

      He states Isus Christos that in new era we not going to need nothing, evrything will be given from God All Mighty directly to us.

      Reading the first post and alien race or wathewer this is calling, I send you to some apocryphic texts that are not in cannon of mostly Bibles . Enoch is one of them wit explanation from where humans get tchnology and magic and rituals and all this stuff that enslave us to evil one, .The books of adam and eve. - there is a story how man was created and why evil reject this creation.
      loads of info.

      My personal belif is that We was created to be a copy of God that is enuf to feel great but becouse of the first sin we should show respect and repentance to look holy in the eyes of Ouer Lord Jesus Christ that Sicrifice His body to pay for ouer sins. An now we only need to take conversion and just brnig Jesus to Ouer Hearts and He will come to us for sure. Pray, Pray, Pray.

      One more thing is revelation of John which is not understand by many and i will even not to try decode the meaning but theres One that making this right now Jesus Christos in .Jesus to mankind. go to and see for Yor self I just add that theese messeges was back in 19.. somthing and after som time ago again and now they are back last time so there will be no next time becouse time of the evil ruling on eart is going to finish very soon and the time of love will take place so nobady wiil be enemy to other .

      Peace and Love

      Jesus is Lord


      • #48
        Originally posted by MonsieurM View Post
        All Truth is Half Truth

        the following may add some "meat" to your statement on archeology :

        Anomalous Artifacts

        ps: your wheel within a wheel is very Searl Engine like
        thanks for the link monsieurm

        i've seen most of these just helps blow mainstram religion and archaology out of the water

        and the searl engine was the closest thing that made sense especially IF they can get it to work


        • #49
          Originally posted by logos View Post
          thanks for the link monsieurm

          i've seen most of these just helps blow mainstram religion and archaology out of the water

          and the searl engine was the closest thing that made sense especially IF they can get it to work

          wheel within a wheel can also be found in some of Tesla's design .... if one was in the knowing .... it would be him ... my personal heros , i must admit

          he understood the Fractal Universe ... and guess what .... the Bible was one of his inspiration ( Nature played a big role too ) .... so there must be something to it ....

          The inventions, researches and writings of Nikola Tesla, with special reference to his work in polyphase currents and high potential lighting

          for fun : Check page 33

          ps: whatever belief gets you to treat others with respect and dignity .... I'm game ... just keep your mind open
          Last edited by MonsieurM; 09-15-2012, 10:44 PM.
          Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


          • #50
            What about the books of Moses?

            In the timeline posted by Ufopolitics, he red-coded the Biblical sources but somehow skipped the books of Moses, one of which is the book of Genesis that started the thread. I am sorry to be so CRITICAL but really, folks, if one of the outspoken and prolific posters on this forume, Mr. Ufopolitics himself, can make a mistake like this, don't we ALL need to read carefully and make up our own minds on subjects like this?

            I think this relates to OU because it points out a basic problem that I see over and over in these threads. Not to pick on just Ufopolitics, but a lot of posts here are just plain jibberish. And, I mean that seriously. I like a lot of the posts made by Ufopolitics and this is (still) one of my favorite places to spend some time.

            My point here is EVERYONE needs to think hard about what is going on and do their best to make the best decision possible about the various items being discussed.

            Another point I would like to make: There are other chronologies beside the one Ufopolitics posted. It certainly does not match the chronology of Usher. Each one should decide what they intend to trust or believe and what they intend to treat as IMPORTANT. For example, the Christian would probably say all this pales when compared to the life, death and RESURRECTION of Jesus Christ. How was THAT?

            Perhaps this is not the place for that discussion after all....

            The Holy Bible tells the story of the angel Gabriel that supposedly travelled from "heaven" to "earth" in a matter of a few minutes, at most. If you are of the opinion that "heaven" is at least as far away as Alpha Centauri (?) 4+ parsecs away, this is "obviously" faster than the speed of light.

            That argument is not likely to convince everyone, but it is at least interesting. Put bluntly, Einstein was wrong about the speed of light being the upper limit on velocity? What else is wrong about conventional science?

            Don't answer that. The question itself is not politically correct.

            Look it. I just want to build an OU device that I can hold in my hand and say to myself, now I have proof that things are not well in science land.
            There is a reason why science has been successful and technology is widespread. Don't be afraid to do the math and apply the laws of physics.


            • #51

              Brief Table of Contents

              Hey, I don't expect everyone to accept this "evidence" without question, but, if you are truly interested, you will find this to be an excellent collection of pages and links.

              Have fun!
              There is a reason why science has been successful and technology is widespread. Don't be afraid to do the math and apply the laws of physics.


              • #52
                As this is not limited to a Bible study group, or a Sunday School where we expound on our favorite religious fancies, and look for truths to be found in old scriptures, only. I don't understand the relation of what this connection of "Aliens" is doing here, being compared to what happened thousands of years ago, in old scriptures.
                As THEY are here and in full view all over our skies in every country. The internet is full of videos of their going ons that are happening NOW.
                Some of us have seen them, some of us have communicated with them, but don't remember, or can't remember.
                Aliens or ETs are no more "God" than we are, or in the "Image of God" and no less so, also.

                The "Wheel Within Wheels", "Mercaba", "Vimanas of India" have already been mentioned. I've also given further links showing these Vimanas and the relation of these ancient Vimanas and their temples to energy producing devices, that use a similar technology.
                I've also mentioned the book called OAHSPE. It is not about religion. Did anyone check out the book. 900 pages of objective information and history of this planet. NO?
                So, please expound on what this thread is about, or getting at, as I really am confused on what we are trying to accomplish here.
                God is an "Alien"??? Is that what this is about?
                There is more than just partial and subjective fear based RELIGIONs, of the past to find truth in.
                Called objective SPIRITUALITY. Not a mind control program.


                • #53
                  Grist for the mill

                  Regarding the Anomalous Artifacts

                  Artifacts buried during the Great Flood? Some, even some "scientists", think these are evidence of the Biblical flood.
                  There is a reason why science has been successful and technology is widespread. Don't be afraid to do the math and apply the laws of physics.


                  • #54
                    Originally posted by Nick_Z View Post
                    As this is not limited to a Bible study group, or a Sunday School where we expound on our favorite religious fancies, and look for truths to be found in old scriptures, only. I don't understand the relation of what this connection of "Aliens" is doing here, being compared to what happened thousands of years ago, in old scriptures.
                    As THEY are here and in full view all over our skies in every country. The internet is full of videos of their going ons that are happening NOW.
                    Some of us have seen them, some of us have communicated with them, but don't remember, or can't remember.
                    Aliens or ETs are no more "God" than we are, or in the "Image of God" and no less so, also.

                    The "Wheel Within Wheels", "Mercaba", "Vimanas of India" have already been mentioned. I've also given further links showing these Vimanas and the relation of these ancient Vimanas and their temples to energy producing devices, that use a similar technology.
                    I've also mentioned the book called OAHSPE. It is not about religion. Did anyone check out the book. 900 pages of objective information and history of this planet. NO?
                    So, please expound on what this thread is about, or getting at, as I really am confused on what we are trying to accomplish here.
                    God is an "Alien"??? Is that what this is about?
                    There is more than just partial and subjective fear based RELIGIONs, of the past to find truth in.
                    Called objective SPIRITUALITY. Not a mind control program.
                    and again nickz quoted from my previous post.

                    "it is not about the validity of the bible per say but evidences that in the actual hebrew bible there are scriptures that represent 2 seperate races of intelligent beings residing on this planet at some point in ancient history, the same as sumerian and other ancient texts."

                    i stated a timeline and theory that in the book of genesis chapter 2:5 that there is a reference to a SECOND all together DIFFERENT story about the creation of man that aligns itself to the THIRD day of creation, and that it is NOT the creation of mankind referred to on the 6th day. we are not theologizing here. i am not making this an issue of personal spiritual beliefs but am asking like minded individuals to look at the text and see if they also see this anomaly that judaism, christianity and islam either, a) missed, b) ignored, or c) covered up.

                    you can perhpas begin to imagine the outcry if i am right however. organized religion would as it stands today, collapse, seeing as from day one they built their house on something that is NOT TRUE! and this wouldnt be a trifling matter either!

                    i am stating as well that PERHAPS, IF the bible is true, then this is probably the only known text that explains the real origins of "annunaki", a species capable of amazing sciences, mastered in the arts of deception and war, able to present themselves in different forms, i.e. shapeshifting or even mind control and manipulation as they can present themselves in any form that they wish. i am also trying to show that IF my theory is correct, that even after the global deluge, which is not just something that shows up in sunday school, but is soemthing that is readily accepted be even mainstream sciences, and globally accepted by humanity, that they continued what they were doing, still producing genetically engineered giants, still manipulating world events, perhaps even to this say, from behind the scenes! they represeneted themselves to the masses as gods thousands of years ago, and today should they wish, (and again IF i am correct) they can present themselves as interplanetary beings and the WHOLE FRIGGIN' globe would believe them! obama would get on t.v. and announce to the world "ladies and gentleman, we are not alone!" sh*t would hit the fan, they'd have a new excuse to keep firing guns and missiles, keep stripping us of our freedoms as citiens of the world, our natural resources would be robbed from right under us, and you'd have a worst case scenario unheard of in hostory.

                    now, am i as narrow minded to assume that some of the events of this theory took place ONLY on earth? absolutly not! i am hardly discreditting the evidences we have access to granted by the use of the internet. i am simply suggesting a DIFFERENT theory then just jumping on the band wagon that has a bumper sticker that reads "take me to your leader!'

                    there is NO way to know if i am correct. but my theory is JUST as valid if not MORE valid because i would think that if we WERE visited and colonised by spacemen once upon a time, why the hell would they just get up and leave and allow us 1000s of years to regroup, get educated, and build huge powerful weapons to ward them off? does this make sense? strategically, no!

                    the hollywood propaganda machine certainly has been busy the last few decades. have you noticed that a lot of sci-fi movies that feature alien invasions NEVER tell you WHERE the aliens are from, even if its fictional?

                    ocourse non of this can really be addressed if i am wrong in my original discovery! but noone has yet proven me wrong either! and i am not here for personal glory, recognition, or any other form of personal gain, but here to contribute! and i am doing it against one of the fundamental pieces of mind control used in the world today and has been in use for about 2000 years! a piece of ancient text, THE ONLY ancient text that is readily in almost half of the worlds homes in the world and probably EVERY home in the western world! the only agenda here is truth and logic!


                    • #55
                      Neither Christians nor Jews will relate to or want to discuss what you are interested in discussing. As an Alien or Extraterestrial tie or origin to their texts and history is practically a Sin, and will most likely be scoffed off as BS, or at best insignificant or even offensive. That is part of the programming. "12 Galactic Tribes" Ha! Pleiadians, Right!
                      Also 3rd day, or 6th day, are symbolic, and not actual days as we know them, as is much of the rest of the symbolic nature of these bibles. Dark Horse, Sea of Crystal, etz.. So, to look for an answer in those terms may be fruitless, and even more confusing at best. As more than one thing has been lost from their original Hebrew translation, as well as from their "fire letters" that they were once written in. As there is "power" in Hebrew sounds and words, that register on your entire body and its energy centers. This is all but lost in the translations from their original meaning.
                      Latin to English translations, also.

                      If you are only interested in relating to the two bibles, Old and New Testaments, to prove them wrong, or not, to yourself. How would you do that? By listening to someones opinion? As if they were there?

                      If you have not read Zecharia Sitchin's book called "The 12th planet", I would recommend you do so.
                      Zecharia Sitchin - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

                      Also the "Book of Knowledge" The 64 keys of Enock, by J.J Hurtack.
                      An Introduction to the Keys of Enoch J. J. Hurtak (1973) « Church of the Cosmos : Temple of Light

                      I think that you will find some answers and information to what you are looking for there. I doubt that what you seek is to be found elsewhere, as in the Old and New Testament Bibles. Although many will disagree.
                      Each to his own...



                      • #56
                        Some of you may find this map of the submerged continent Of "Pan" interesting. This was from the Era before the flood.
                        The map had nothing to do with "Atlantis", which was located between eastern Mexico, Caribbean Islands, through the Bermuda Triangle area, and part of the Atlantic ocean as well.

                        Here is a link to that book OASPHE: Where the map was taken from.
                        Oahspe index
                        Although the book was written in 1882 in a archaic bible form, it has nothing to do with religion. Although it covers most of the known religions and land divisions, their rulers, and history of each. It also covers the history of the American Indians, the "Mound-Builders", and some of their ways, and their achievements.
                        It was from this book OASPHE that the word "Starship" was first used.
                        Last edited by Nick_Z; 04-23-2013, 12:18 AM.


                        • #57
                          OAHSPE, Pleiadeans, Faith, Etc.

                          I will have to admit at this point I don't have much confidence in the claims and statements put forth by either of you, logos and Nick_Z. And, I think it has to do with the notion of faith, belief and/or trust. It seems to me the current and common idea behind the notion of faith does not reflect my view of the concept and unless the thoughts going back and forth at this time take a turn for the better I don't see much purpose in adding to this thread.

                          So, I am going to have my say here and probably say goodbye to this thread.

                          First, the notion of faith is closely tied to belief and trust. This is, of course, my personal view of the matter. In my view, reason and logic MUST agree, cohere and relate in some way if not most ways to the thing believed, that is, the thing, object or person in which I put my faith. I don't use the word in such a way as to support or underscore in any way the notion or concept of BLIND FAITH.

                          To emphasize the point I will state what I DON'T believe in regards to faith. Faith is not something that I decide on "out of the blue" and interpret everything in relationship to what I have "decided" to believe or put my faith in. In other words, it seems to me that a large number of people accept or subscribe to the view that faith exists in some kind of vacumn or somehow comes FIRST and once you somehow get FAITH nothing really has to make any sense from that point on. Somehow, if you have FAITH, you can believe in total nonsense, and then, again, somehow, you can just take your nonsense on FAITH and you are no longer accountable to society. You just got to HAVE faith. To me that is just nuts.

                          On top of that, if someone HAS faith, you can write that person off as crazy and you don't really have to give that person much respect any more. Anyone that has "real" faith has got to be nuts.

                          I am starting to feel nutty just writing this all down. Bottom line is, I watched the video about (excuse me, FROM) the Pleiadians, and I did some reading about OAHSPE and the background of that is tied to a spiritualist from 1880 or 1882. These groups are really far out, as in off the stage. There is nothing mainline, here. Again, I am sorry, but this is too much for me.

                          I think it is quite arrogant to think that all extraterrestials, i.e. aliens, are basically "just like us". Do you really think all of them have brains similar to yours and mine? None of them are "higher" or "lower" than we? You think they all share a basically similar set of senses and ability to homo sapiens?

                          If you met an alien that was your superior you would be unwilling to acknowldege their superiority and would be willing to endure pain and death to maintain your belief and faith in your racial superiority or equality?

                          Let me get back to my main thought. @logos: People that say they believe in what the Bible says are not going to abruptly change their ideas because you think the Bible teaches aliens were created on day 3. It is more likely they will assume there are three days between verses 5 and 6, or whatever.

                          It is extremely unlikely that you will demolish the worldview of millions of people with a new theory based on a few verses. And, @Nick_Z, I don't think bringing New Age Spiritualism to the table is going to make that much of a difference, either.

                          I am sure some people will be intrigued and some people will change their views, but there are bigger issues at stake. I liked the presentation of the idea that there are good aliens and bad aliens and we are involved in a cosmic struggle between good and evil. That makes sense to me.

                          I choose to believe that good is stronger than evil and good will win. As an individual person, I am not all that important. I may not survive the battle in this lifetime, but I still believe that in the cosmic scheme, good will come out victorious over evil. I don't actually believe in the Catholic worldview, but I believe the story in the Holy Bible has lessons for us that are important and valuable. One lesson is this: There is more to this universe than that which we observe and experience in our day to day lives. Call it supernatural or call it spiritual, there is more. So, I believe it possible that so called science is wrong. Do you think it wrong of me to try and prove it for myself?

                          The founders of this forum believe there is Free Energy. They also have a lot of other teachings. Are they right or wrong? I have my opinions but what I really want to SEE THE RESULTS FOR MYSELF. Scientific, reproducible results. Show me this is real. Convince me OU is for real.

                          I don't think these verses have been missed or covered up or ignored by Judaism, Christianity or Islam. The observations made have been explained away to most people's satisfaction or they simply don't find anything there of any significance.

                          Continue to popularize your views, but I don't think you have much of a chance for much success. I respect you for doing some original thinking and encourage you to continue your search for understanding.
                          There is a reason why science has been successful and technology is widespread. Don't be afraid to do the math and apply the laws of physics.


                          • #58
                            Vatican recognizes ET's...2009

                            Vatican's chief astronomer says there is no conflict between believing in God and in the possibility of extraterrestrial civilizations perhaps more evolved than humans.

                            "In my opinion this possibility exists," said the Reverend José Gabriel Funes, head of the Vatican Observatory and a scientific adviser to Pope Benedict XVI, referring to life on other planets.

                            "How can we exclude that life has developed elsewhere," he said in an interview with the Vatican newspaper L'Osservatore Romano, published in its Tuesday-Wednesday edition. The large number of galaxies with their own planets makes this possible, he noted.

                            Asked if he was referring to beings similar to humans or even more evolved than humans, he said: "Certainly, in a universe this big you can't exclude this hypothesis."

                            In the interview headlined, "The extraterrestrial is my brother," Funes said he saw no conflict between belief in such beings and faith in God.

                            "Just as there is a multiplicity of creatures on earth, there can be other beings, even intelligent, created by God. This is not in contrast with our faith because we can't put limits on God's creative freedom. Why can't we speak of a 'brother extraterrestrial'? It would still be part of creation."

                            Funes, who runs the observatory that is based south of Rome and in Arizona, held out the possibility that the human race might actually be the "lost sheep" of the universe. There could be other beings "who remained in full friendship with their creator," he said.

                            Funes commentary is a giant step away from the historical record that includes the Inquisition, which condemned Galileo in the 17th century for insisting that the Earth revolved around the Sun. The Roman Catholic Church did not rehabilitate him until 1992.

                            Funes said he believed as an astronomer that the most likely explanation for the start of the universe was "the big bang," the theory that it sprang into existence from dense matter billions of years ago. But he said this was not in conflict with faith in God as creator. "God is the creator," he said. "There is a sense to creation. We are not children of an accident."

                            He added: "As an astronomer, I continue to believe that God is the creator of the universe and that we are not the product of something casual but children of a good father who has a project of love in mind for us."
                            Principles for the Development of a Complete Mind: Study the science of art. Study the art of science. Develop your senses- especially learn how to see. Realize that everything connects to everything else.― Leonardo da Vinci


                            • #59
                              Nobody is trying to convince anyone here.
                              You mention that you have Faith, but not "Blind Faith". That is enough for you. I would also want proof to have faith or actually believe in something, although some things can not be proven, with what you can see, hear, or touch. Prove that you are a spirit, for example.
                              I was raised Catholic, as Catholic as it gets. But, that didn't do it for me. The book(s) mentioned are not New Age, they are a history of this planet. As mentioned of over 24000 years of history. An OBJECTIVE, and impartial history of some things that no other books have ever given any insight of, especially of what happened previous to our written history and also about the Flood. And why there was an Intervention, and how it relates to what we are about to go through now. Hopefully in an objective view point, not a sales pitch.
                              We were told not to trust in mediums, that is to be expected. Does that make all prophets, mediums, and gifted people, BAD. If you were one, would that make you bad? Most evolved cultures were guided by them, when they didn't burn them, stone them, or hang them instead. Those that can see into the future, or the past, heal the sick, raise the dead. Like Jesus did, were normally killed, or worse.

                              I understand your distrust, I know it well. But, our planets fragmented history can not be explained by symbolic stories of creation, either. If you have no curiosity of what really happened, then nothing will will change that, no matter what you hear, read, or do. If those stories are enough for you, that is fine, but for those that aren't satisfied with them, I mention other sources, sources that explain creation, and our past, as well as possible futures, in a different light.
                              As I don't want to bore anyone, that is all I will mention on this subject.
                              Thanks for listening...



                              • #60
                                Sharing with You All...

                                “Fortunately, some are born with spiritual immune systems that sooner or later give rejection to the illusory worldview grafted upon them from birth through social conditioning. They begin sensing that something is amiss, and start looking for answers. Inner knowledge and anomalous outer experiences show them a side of reality others are oblivious to, and so begins their journey of awakening.

                                Each step of the journey is made by following the heart instead of following the crowd and by choosing knowledge over the veils of ignorance.
                                What we are experiencing is the externalization of subconscious patterns of behavior. This is how humans bring subconscious patterns of behavior to conscious awareness, by projecting subconscious patterns of behavior onto space and watching them as they unfold(time).

                                You see the physical universe is the subconscious mind of god, it normally operates automatically without conscious observation, pattern recognition is the key. Remember the universe is fractal and relational. This is the dynamic of self similarity at different orders of magnitude and everything is connected.

                                When we bring subconscious patterns of behavior to conscious awareness we are not only becoming more conscious individually but collectively as well. Since the physical universe is simply the externalized projection of our collective subconscious, when we bring subconscious patterns of behavior to conscious awareness we are doing the work of the creator. As above so below, as within so without..."


                                Principles for the Development of a Complete Mind: Study the science of art. Study the art of science. Develop your senses- especially learn how to see. Realize that everything connects to everything else.― Leonardo da Vinci

