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Setting the record straight: the true biblical account of "aliens"

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  • #76
    Originally posted by Ruphus View Post
    What I've been working on is this

    In the beginning:

    Water=aether=energy (I think knowledge is energy as well)

    Vault=the limits of the speed of light. c=0 and c=1
    Day=low end of the c limit (also time as we know it is not God's time, 1 day may be millions of years)
    night=high end of the c limit
    "let there be light!" speaking vibrates the aether causing waves EM waves
    Day 1 2 3 4 5 6 7=a scalar for a fractal universe c=1 c=1*2 c=1*3 ect.
    birds=photons? not sure here but can go through the vault, no limit
    Adam=neutron (contains evil and the making of eve)
    Eve=proton (see neutron decay)
    snake=electron (only interacts with eve, also see the description of how Adam will forever interact with him, atomic spin)
    Plants and trees basic building blocks such as quarks

    Sure it sounds crazy, I know.

    So a flood could be a flood of energy. As far as aliens...well a ship or vessel could be a spaceship?

    There is a lot of things in Revelations as well and a few others I've read so far.

    If mankind is an atom, a particular man may be an element. Polonium 216 (6^3) may be the Beast (element) that changed our DNA. Its unique in structure to all elements and its in us and radioactive.

    I promise I'm a sane individual.

    i'm sure your very sane ruphus!

    and i also think your on the right track too...

    i've stumbled along similar bits of info.
    1) do yuo know what sonoluminesence is? have a look on youtube and see. when i saw that, it reminded me of day one and or four of the creation.
    2) it's interesting that you say that there are multiple speeds of light. it's true that light seems to be slowing down, or at least is not as fast as it once was. talking about an explosive/implosive universe, light is part of the expansive side, i.e. moving away from the origin/ center. as it moves thru space, it seems to be losing momentum. even if you take walter russell into account, this would make sense of the aprticle that actualy cause light.

    did you read my analysis on adam being created on the third day? i'd like to know what you think


    • #77
      This thread reads like Harry Potter versus Lord of the rings and I'm not sure I understand what the point is here. It seems kind of like... the leprechaun told me he saw a fairy who told him she saw an elf riding a unicorn so unicorns must be real, very strange.

      Last edited by Allcanadian; 04-20-2013, 08:20 AM.


      • #78
        Thanks for the input.

        I actually had not seen sonoluminescence and I'm not sure how come, but thanks for pointing it out.

        I read your thoughts on the 3rd and 6th day. When I read it myself the first time I felt something was missing in translation too. Mankind and a man seem to fit.

        Perhaps we should start another thread elsewhere on this forum. I would hope those who are interested would follow.


        • #79
          Im not against spirituality. Im not into religion cause it gets in the way of my spirituality. Most organized religions seem to be designed to keep you in the dark...
          On the subject of ancient text, I think this discussion does belong in renewable energy. The Ark of the Covenant for example. Seems like it could be a static electricity generator/capacitor. There is an urban legend about someone who built one and dismantled it cause it was too dangerous


          • #80
            Genesis 2.5 does not or even hint that god created an alien or man or whatever the argument is on the third day. Its pretty obvious to anybody who has reading skills above a monkey that the author was reinforcing the fact that GOD created man, and in the context of creation we were more important to him than anything else. Everything on THIS earth was created for us.

            Oh by the way MOSES wrote the first 5 book of the bible. There were not 5 authors of genesis. Some one said that earlier. Not the truth. If the truth is even important to you.

            I don't criticize anyone who against religion unless they themselves are guilty of the same hypocrisy. Religion is MANS narcissistic need for ceremony..... All religions. Even the ones that pick apart ancient and loved books and write long articles distorting the truth of what they say.

            Faith in God and acceptance of Jesus Christ as your Lord and Saviour is not religion. To read, understand, Try to follow and except the word of God as the truth does not make you religious.

            I feel for you. A lot of people are just like you Logo's, they have all figured out. Primarily because they cannot accept the fact that salvation through Jesus Christ is a simple matter. Ask for forgiveness, accept it and keep God first in your decision making. Jesus only gave you one commandment, Love your neighbor...
            Simple things to do.

            Life does not get easier. There is no BLESSING, there is only the battle of trying to be an example of Christ on Earth and the reward for fighting it. The rest is up to you.

            And last but not least this thread has nothing to do with Alternative Energy. Anybody who thinks so should give up and go away, go find a religion to occupy yourself with...



            • #81
              Great Post!

              Hi Matt,

              That is a great post. Everyone wants to equate Christianity with the religions of the world. As you said there is no comparison. Christianity is a way of life that worships a living God and not some dead prophet or an even deader idol. You gave an excellent description of what it means to be a Christian. And you are also correct that this world is not going to be easy or a blessing for Christians. In fact the Bible makes it clear things are only going to get worse until Jesus returns.

              But after He comes back and destroys Satan what a wonderful world we will have then. Jesus said we can't even imagine what that will be like. Keep up the good fight.

              Just because someone disagrees with you does NOT make them your enemy. We can disagree without attacking someone.


              • #82
                Originally posted by Allcanadian View Post
                This thread reads like Harry Potter versus Lord of the rings and I'm not sure I understand what the point is here. It seems kind of like... the leprechaun told me he saw a fairy who told him she saw an elf riding a unicorn so unicorns must be real, very strange.

                its funny you should say that. in fact it would seem that tolkien's lord of the ring might get it's inspiration from scripture the battles of the 9 kings after the flood. read the story of abraham in the the book of jasher. it really gave me goose bumps

                the point is that perhaps it's time for the western world to perhaps look at their religion with new eyes. follow christianity backwards and you quickly realize that it has hardly anything to do with the kind of church, spirit, or standard the bible preaches. let alone that their is more than enough information in the text that points to that ever evasive goal of finding the lost technologies of the ancient past.


                • #83
                  Originally posted by Ruphus View Post
                  Thanks for the input.

                  I actually had not seen sonoluminescence and I'm not sure how come, but thanks for pointing it out.

                  I read your thoughts on the 3rd and 6th day. When I read it myself the first time I felt something was missing in translation too. Mankind and a man seem to fit.

                  Perhaps we should start another thread elsewhere on this forum. I would hope those who are interested would follow.
                  i would perfer to not start another thread but perhaps a blog somewhere.
                  this is a technology forum and the point of the thread was to show that even when it comes to the bible, things may not always be as we perceive them to be


                  • #84
                    Originally posted by Matthew Jones View Post
                    Genesis 2.5 does not or even hint that god created an alien or man or whatever the argument is on the third day. Its pretty obvious to anybody who has reading skills above a monkey that the author was reinforcing the fact that GOD created man, and in the context of creation we were more important to him than anything else. Everything on THIS earth was created for us.

                    Oh by the way MOSES wrote the first 5 book of the bible. There were not 5 authors of genesis. Some one said that earlier. Not the truth. If the truth is even important to you.

                    I don't criticize anyone who against religion unless they themselves are guilty of the same hypocrisy. Religion is MANS narcissistic need for ceremony..... All religions. Even the ones that pick apart ancient and loved books and write long articles distorting the truth of what they say.

                    Faith in God and acceptance of Jesus Christ as your Lord and Saviour is not religion. To read, understand, Try to follow and except the word of God as the truth does not make you religious.

                    I feel for you. A lot of people are just like you Logo's, they have all figured out. Primarily because they cannot accept the fact that salvation through Jesus Christ is a simple matter. Ask for forgiveness, accept it and keep God first in your decision making. Jesus only gave you one commandment, Love your neighbor...
                    Simple things to do.

                    Life does not get easier. There is no BLESSING, there is only the battle of trying to be an example of Christ on Earth and the reward for fighting it. The rest is up to you.

                    And last but not least this thread has nothing to do with Alternative Energy. Anybody who thinks so should give up and go away, go find a religion to occupy yourself with...

                    looks like i struck a nerve. for that i am sorry. i didnt mean to offend anybody.

                    then how do you explain what genesis 2:5 reads? your attacking the messenger and not the message.

                    i read it very clear, that before god existed foliage, he created Adam= man.

                    i do not believe in aliens from another planet.

                    i do not believe that there is an ultimate authority for the bible either. that is a religious concept that has swelled to having god's "ambassador on earth"

                    moses perhaps compiled the genesis stories into the book of genesis. he most certainly wasnt there. he probably was readiing the book of enoch. maybe yuo should too.

                    i've recently been to sinai in egypt, where it is believed that god gave moses the ten commandments only to come back down the mountain and find a rebelious people defiling themselves in the presence of god himself. it was a very spiritual trip for me and to stand there on the mountain sent chills down my spine to realize how easy it is to sway from the rightous path.

                    i truly accept that yeshua is the son of christ sent here to fulfill scripture. i believe he is coming back in the timeframe he said he would too.

                    of course, you are entitled to believe what you wish, as am i. and i am not shoving anything down anybody;s throat or am i judgemental on other's people views or beliefs.

                    this thread however has EVERYTHING to do with alternative energy though. many forms of it, in fact!


                    • #85
                      as this thread is about the bible as a text and not christianity as a religion or faith, please keep opinions in regards to faith aside.

                      i brought up no issues on faith, religion or dogma. i when through a chapter and a half of scriputure in my original post. and i never claimed to be 100% correct. i just stated an observation.

                      people want to figure out what tesla and other greats of the past found in the bible that inspired them to do what they did. the first page is a great place to start. i also have another post in regards to revelations 4. tesla himself pointed directly to that book.


                      • #86
                        Well said Logos. There are only three possibilities when it comes to two people talking about two different religions, A is right, B is right, or neither is correct. So to argue over it is pointless in my opinion. I, like you, are not trying to harm the good book, but instead seek the hidden manna. It takes wisdom, so help is needed.

                        Some of my thoughts on Revelations are:

                        Octaves and oscillators.


                        • #87
                          Originally posted by Matthew Jones View Post
                          I feel for you. A lot of people are just like you Logo's, they have all figured out. Primarily because they cannot accept the fact that salvation through Jesus Christ is a simple matter. Ask for forgiveness, accept it and keep God first in your decision making. Jesus only gave you one commandment, Love your neighbor...
                          Simple things to do.

                          Life does not get easier. There is no BLESSING, there is only the battle of trying to be an example of Christ on Earth and the reward for fighting it. The rest is up to you.
                          Matt, I mostly agree with what you said.

                          Jesus Christ actually gave 2 "commandments" that were the sum of the eternal 10 Commandments. First, love God and second love your neighbor.

                          Question for you - Just how does one love God and how does one love their neighbor?

                          Commandments 1-4 are fruits of loving God and Commandments 5-10 are fruits of loving your neighbor. So the 10 Commandments (that are the very character of God and the very thing Jesus died on the cross to magnify) are still in effect because they are eternal. Yet most Christians actually believe it was done away with at the cross?!

                          If it is as easy as you say to be a Christian (actually it's the hardest thing in the world to do - it is in fact impossible without divine help - which is why so many people want to distort Christianity to fit their carnal lives), why do 99% of Christians show total disrespect of God's Holy Fourth Commandment and choose to keep Sunday as the Sabbath (which they still do not keep as God commanded)?

                          Do you have an opinion on this? I will tell you now that this is the most important issue and will be a large part of the coming mark of the beast law. Satan already got 99%+ of Christians going along with it.

                          When Sunday laws are passed, the Christians who continue to profess God's forgiveness and continue to deny God's justice by breaking His 4th Commandment will receive the mark of the beast and eternal death. I hope that someone keeps in mind what I say when that time comes because it will not be far off.


                          • #88
                            Originally posted by logos View Post
                            as this thread is about the bible as a text and not christianity as a religion or faith, please keep opinions in regards to faith aside.

                            i brought up no issues on faith, religion or dogma. i when through a chapter and a half of scriputure in my original post. and i never claimed to be 100% correct. i just stated an observation.

                            people want to figure out what tesla and other greats of the past found in the bible that inspired them to do what they did. the first page is a great place to start. i also have another post in regards to revelations 4. tesla himself pointed directly to that book.
                            Logos, God gave His word in the Bible to save souls. While there is a lot of science in it, they relate mostly to creation. To take His words of life to build some machine to make free energy, misrepresents what the Bible actually says and misapplies it - is just wrong on so many levels. And the theories you present in this thread are all wrong and treat the Bible as some cheap ancient text of secret knowledge. It is plainly written enough and is clearly about salvation of souls.

                            In the end, God is not concerned about people having free energy devices - before the flood, they had great knowledge and only 8 out of the probably billions made it! So technology is not here to help but only to magnify what is already in the human heart. And what is inside the human heart?

                            Jeremiah 17:9 "The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked: who can know it?"

                            Why not apply yourself to knowing the plain truth of the Bible and gain something even greater than all the treasure in this world? Eternal life free from Satan's grasp.


                            • #89
                              Originally posted by SilverToGold View Post
                              Matt, I mostly agree with what you said.

                              Jesus Christ actually gave 2 "commandments" that were the sum of the eternal 10 Commandments. First, love God and second love your neighbor.

                              Question for you - Just how does one love God and how does one love their neighbor?

                              Commandments 1-4 are fruits of loving God and Commandments 5-10 are fruits of loving your neighbor. So the 10 Commandments (that are the very character of God and the very thing Jesus died on the cross to magnify) are still in effect because they are eternal. Yet most Christians actually believe it was done away with at the cross?!

                              If it is as easy as you say to be a Christian (actually it's the hardest thing in the world to do - it is in fact impossible without divine help - which is why so many people want to distort Christianity to fit their carnal lives), why do 99% of Christians show total disrespect of God's Holy Fourth Commandment and choose to keep Sunday as the Sabbath (which they still do not keep as God commanded)?

                              Do you have an opinion on this? I will tell you now that this is the most important issue and will be a large part of the coming mark of the beast law. Satan already got 99%+ of Christians going along with it.

                              When Sunday laws are passed, the Christians who continue to profess God's forgiveness and continue to deny God's justice by breaking His 4th Commandment will receive the mark of the beast and eternal death. I hope that someone keeps in mind what I say when that time comes because it will not be far off.
                              You should read what I wrote again. I said "salvation through Jesus Christ is a simple matter". Cristian is a word describing a person who practices religion. Saved is a person who accepts Christ as his Saviour and allows themselves to be forgiven because of the forgiveness he has given us the opportunity to accept.
                              I wrote "Life does not get easier. There is no BLESSING, there is only the battle of trying to be an example of Christ on Earth and the reward for fighting it." So if some how you took that as easy then maybe you further study the literary aspects of the English language along side Logo's who no matter what will imagine he is right when saying god created man on the third day. This is a mistake to read into a simple literary highlight.

                              So let me give an example. I write about growing a flower.

                              ...Today I grew a flower. I put the seed in the ground. Then I watered the ground. The ground warmed up from the sun the seed germinated and sprouted. A flower grew and I was happy, (Pay attention NOW!!!!)I planted a seed in the dirt and grew a flower today.....

                              Notice how in my last sentence I skipped over everything to point out the important part of the story... Highlighting what was most important to me the author.

                              Now I gave a free lesson out today, I will not post again. This thread is not valuable to me or anyone I care about. I feel for you LOGOS nothing more nothing less, and I feel for all of you who have convinced yourselfs of some alternative to the bible.

                              Oh ya the real Mt. Sinai

                              @ SilvertoGold.
                              I will not take the bait you probably are the better "Cristian" no argument from me. Good luck with that line of thinking.



                              • #90
                                what the bible IS, is inspired by god. and if so, it can speak to many people in many ways. if you are an avid reader of it, how many times have you read a particular verse or story only to come back some time later and grasp a whole other meaning?

                                when moses wrote exodus, he never mentions that his staff is in fact a bit more than a regular stick he found on the ground. according to the book of jasher, it is a rod of saphire and was taken by adam himself out of eden so that he could plow the ground and was left out in the wilderness for moses to find years later after the flood. maybe this is true, maybe not. the book of joshua DIRECTLY points to the book of jasher though. should we exclude that book too from the bible?

                                i started this thread from a simple observation i made. i didnt go looking for this discrepency of genesis 2. and i'd read it MANY times before that before i saw it. does it hav anything to do with jesus' teachings? NO! can it hurt mainstream religion? perhaps! but i believe in the power of the scriptures.

                                if 99% of christians today, held fast to their own teachings, perhaps the world wouldnt be where it is today. perhaps also their are more sinister forces at work that have, over hundreds of years, managed to dilute and pollute many of the doctrines of scripture.

                                if you think that what you believe exactly has NO corruption in it at all, then by all means please move along. i said in the beginning this thread was not for you. but i would call attention to jesus's parable of the seeds that fell on different types of soil and the reaction and the result.

