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Tesla's Free Energy Concept

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  • Tesla's Free Energy Concept

    There seems to be a big mystery surrounding this subject, the conspiracy weavers love it for all kinds of reasons. The myth is shattered through doing the unthinkable - reading Tesla's writings.

    1) Free Wireless Energy

    This appears to be the source of all the confusion - the fact that consumers would be supplied with free electricity. Apparently no one considered the power supply that powered the transmitter. The transmitter was not self-powering, the energy was to be obtained through conventional means, using technologies that were available over 100 years ago, and are still readily available today.

    ... I simply went there because in Colorado my system of power transmission was introduced. All around the plants in the mountains, my three-phase system, and the induction motors were employed. All the mines surrounding Cripple Creek and Telluride were operated by them, and I had friends there who were only too delighted to give me all the power I wanted, and not charge anything for it.
    Nikola Tesla On His Work With Alternating Currents And Their Application To Wireless Telegraphy, Telephony, And Transmission Of Power, page 109

    Now, as then, what determines whether the energy that you consume is free or not is the person who supplies it. The conspiracy weavers and their ignorance are responsible for their own coverup and diversion. "Reveal the secrets of free energy!", when the energy generated by such things as water or wind is free anyway, of exactly the same source as powered Tesla's transmitter in Colorado. It's a matter of supply and "possession", not secret technologies.

    "Knowledge is cosmic. It does not evolve or unfold in man. Man unfolds to an awareness of it. He gradually discovers it." - Walter Russell

    "Once men died for Truth, but now Truth dies at the hands of men." - Manly P. Hall

  • #2
    2) "The Medium"

    Sprouting energy out of thin air with magical technologies? Not quite. Here Tesla gives a clear description of his intentions and the energy source.

    From "The Problem Of Increasing Human Energy, With Special References To The Harnessing Of The Sun's Energy" by Nikola Tesla


    ... As the first step toward this realization I conceived the following mechanism. Imagine a thermopile consisting of a number of bars of metal extending from the earth to the outer space beyond the atmosphere. The heat from below, conducted upward along these metal bars, would cool the earth or the sea or the air, according to the location of the lower parts of the bars, and the result, as is well known, would be an electric current circulating in these bars. The two terminals of the thermopile could now be joined through an electric motor, and, theoretically, this motor would run on and on, until the media below would be cooled down to the temperature of the outer space. This would be an inanimate engine which, to all evidence, would be cooling a portion of the medium below the temperature of the surrounding, and operating by the heat abstracted.

    But was it not possible to realize a similar condition without necessarily going to a height? Conceive, for the sake of illustration, [a cylindrical] enclosure T, as illustrated in diagram b, such that energy could not be transferred across it except through a channel or path O, and that, by some means or other, in this enclosure a medium were maintained which would have little energy, and that on the outer side of the same there would be the ordinary ambient medium with much energy. Under these assumptions the energy would flow through the path O, as indicated by the arrow, and might then be converted on its passage into some other form of energy. The question was, Could such a condition be attained? Could we produce artificially such a "sink" for the energy of the ambient medium to flow in? Suppose that an extremely low temperature could be maintained by some process in a given space; the surrounding medium would then be compelled to give off heat, which could be converted into mechanical or other form of energy, and utilized. By realizing such a plan, we should be enabled to get at any point of the globe a continuous supply of energy, day and night. More than this, reasoning in the abstract, it would seem possible to cause a quick circulation of the medium, and thus draw the energy at a very rapid rate.

    Here, then, was an idea which, if realizable, afforded a happy solution of the problem of getting energy from the medium. But was it realizable? I convinced myself that it was so in a number of ways, of which one is the following. As regards heat, we are at a high level, which may be represented by the surface of a mountain lake considerably above the sea, the level of which may mark the absolute zero of temperature existing in the interstellar space. Heat, like water, flows from high to low level, and, consequently, just as we can let the water of the lake run down to the sea, so we are able to let heat from the earth's surface travel up into the cold region above. Heat, like water, can perform work in flowing down, and if we had any doubt as to whether we could derive energy from the medium by means of a thermopile, as before described, it would be dispelled by this analogue. But can we produce cold in a given portion of the space and cause the heat to flow in continually? To create such a "sink," or "cold hole," as we might say, in the medium, would be equivalent to producing in the lake a space either empty or filled with something much lighter than water. This we could do by placing in the lake a tank, and pumping all the water out of the latter. We know, then, that the water, if allowed to flow back into the tank, would, theoretically, be able to perform exactly the same amount of work which was used in pumping it out, but not a bit more. Consequently nothing could be gained in this double operation of first raising the water and then letting it fall down. This would mean that it is impossible to create such a sink in the medium. But let us reflect a moment. Heat, though following certain general laws of mechanics, like a fluid, is not such; it is energy which may be converted into other forms of energy as it passes from a high to a low level. To make our mechanical analogy complete and true, we must, therefore, assume that the water, in its passage into the tank, is converted into something else, which may be taken out of it without using any, or by using very little, power. For example, if heat be represented in this analogue by the water of the lake, the oxygen and hydrogen composing the water may illustrate other forms of energy into which the heat is transformed in passing from hot to cold. If the process of heat transformation were absolutely perfect, no heat at all would arrive at the low level, since all of it would be converted into other forms of energy. Corresponding to this ideal case, all the water flowing into the tank would be decomposed into oxygen and hydrogen before reaching the bottom, and the result would be that water would continually flow in, and yet the tank would remain entirely empty, the gases formed escaping. We would thus produce, by expending initially a certain amount of work to create a sink for the heat or, respectively, the water to flow in, a condition enabling us to get any amount of energy without further effort. This would be an ideal way of obtaining motive power. We do not know of any such absolutely perfect process of heat-conversion, and consequently some heat will generally reach the low level, which means to say, in our mechanical analogue, that some water will arrive at the bottom of the tank, and a gradual and slow filling of the latter will take place, necessitating continuous pumping out. But evidently there will be less to pump out than flows in, or, in other words, less energy will be needed to maintain the initial condition than is developed by the fall, and this is to say that some energy will be gained from the medium. What is not converted in flowing down can just be raised up with its own energy, and what is converted is clear gain. Thus the virtue of the principle I have discovered resides wholly in the conversion of the energy on the downward flow.

    "Knowledge is cosmic. It does not evolve or unfold in man. Man unfolds to an awareness of it. He gradually discovers it." - Walter Russell

    "Once men died for Truth, but now Truth dies at the hands of men." - Manly P. Hall


    • #3

      Having recognized this truth, I began to devise means for carrying out my idea, and, after long thought, I finally conceived a combination of apparatus which should make possible the obtaining of power from the medium by a process of continuous cooling of atmospheric air. This apparatus, by continually transforming heat into mechanical work, tended to become colder and colder, and if it only were practicable to reach a very low temperature in this manner, then a sink for the heat could be produced, and energy could be derived from the medium. This seemed to be contrary to the statements of Carnot and Lord Kelvin before referred to, but I concluded from the theory of the process that such a result could be attained...

      ... A closer investigation of the principles involved, and calculation, now showed that the result I aimed at could not be reached in a practical manner by ordinary machinery, as I had in the beginning expected. This led me, as a next step, to the study of a type of engine generally designated as "turbine," which at first seemed to offer better chances for a realization of the idea. Soon I found, however, that the turbine, too, was unsuitable. But my conclusions showed that if an engine of a peculiar kind could be brought to a high degree of perfection, the plan I had conceived was realizable, and I resolved to proceed with the development of such an engine, the primary object of which was to secure the greatest economy of transformation of heat into mechanical energy. A characteristic feature of the engine was that the work-performing piston was not connected with anything else, but was perfectly free to vibrate at an enormous rate. The mechanical difficulties encountered in the construction of this engine were greater than I had anticipated, and I made slow progress. This work was continued until early in 1892, when I went to London, where I saw Professor Dewar's admirable experiments with liquefied gases. Others had liquefied gases before, and notably Ozlewski and Pictet had performed creditable early experiments in this line, but there was such a vigor about the work of Dewar that even the old appeared new. His experiments showed, though in a way different from that I had imagined, that it was possible to reach a very low temperature by transforming heat into mechanical work, and I returned, deeply impressed with what I had seen, and more than ever convinced that my plan was practicable. The work temporarily interrupted was taken up anew, and soon I had in a fair state of perfection the engine which I have named "the mechanical oscillator." In this machine I succeeded in doing away with all packings, valves, and lubrication, and in producing so rapid a vibration of the piston that shafts of tough steel, fastened to the same and vibrated longitudinally, were torn asunder. By combining this engine with a dynamo of special design I produced a highly efficient electrical generator, invaluable in measurements and determinations of physical quantities on account of the unvarying rate of oscillation obtainable by its means. I exhibited several types of this machine, named "mechanical and electrical oscillator," before the Electrical Congress at the World's Fair in Chicago during the summer of 1893, in a lecture which, on account of other pressing work, I was unable to prepare for publication. On that occasion I exposed the principles of the mechanical oscillator, but the original purpose of this machine is explained here for the first time.

      In the process, as I had primarily conceived it, for the utilization of the energy of the ambient medium, there were five essential elements in combination, and each of these had to be newly designed and perfected, as no such machines existed. The mechanical oscillator was the first element of this combination, and having perfected this, I turned to the next, which was an air-compressor of a design in certain respects resembling that of the mechanical oscillator. Similar difficulties in the construction were again encountered, but the work was pushed vigorously, and at the close of 1894 I had completed these two elements of the combination, and thus produced an apparatus for compressing air, virtually to any desired pressure, incomparably simpler, smaller, and more efficient than the ordinary. I was just beginning work on the third element, which together with the first two would give a refrigerating machine of exceptional efficiency and simplicity, when a misfortune befell me in the burning of my laboratory, which crippled my labors and delayed me. Shortly afterward Dr. Carl Linde announced the liquefaction of air by a self-cooling process, demonstrating that it was practicable to proceed with the cooling until liquefaction of the air took place. This was the only experimental proof which I was still wanting that energy was obtainable from the medium in the manner contemplated by me...

      ... By the use of such machinery as I am perfecting, its cost will probably be greatly lessened, but even then its commercial success will be questionable. When, used as a refrigerant it is uneconomical, as its temperature is unnecessarily low. It is as expensive to maintain a body at a very low temperature as it is to keep it very hot; it takes coal to keep air cold. In oxygen manufacture it cannot yet compete with the electrolytic method. For use as an explosive it is unsuitable, because its low temperature again condemns it to a small efficiency, and for motive-power purposes its cost is still by far too high. It is of interest to note, however, that in driving an engine by liquid air a certain amount of energy may be gained from the engine, or, stated otherwise, from the ambient medium which keeps the engine warm, each two hundred pounds of iron-casting of the latter contributing energy at the rate of about one effective horsepower during one hour. But this gain of the consumer is offset by an equal loss of the producer.

      Much of this task on which I have labored so long remains to be done. A number of mechanical details are still to be perfected and some difficulties of a different nature to be mastered, and I cannot hope to produce a self-acting machine deriving energy from the ambient medium for a long time yet, even if all my expectations should materialize. Many circumstances have occurred which have retarded my work of late, but for several reasons the delay was beneficial.

      One of these reasons was that I had ample time to consider what the ultimate possibilities of this development might be. I worked for a long time fully convinced that the practical realization of this method of obtaining energy from the sun would be of incalculable industrial value, but the continued study of the subject revealed the fact that while it will be commercially profitable if my expectations are well founded, it will not be so to an extraordinary degree.
      In Tesla's own words, he is not aware of any mystery energy source that the conspiracy weavers insist that he was using:

      In recent experiments I have discovered two novel facts of importance in this connection. One of these facts is that an electric current is generated in a wire extending from the ground to a great height by the axial, and probably also by the translatory, movement of the earth. No appreciable current, however, will flow continuously in the wire unless the electricity is allowed to leak out into the air. Its escape is greatly facilitated by providing at the elevated end of the wire a conducting terminal of great surface, with many sharp edges or points. We are thus enabled to get a continuous supply of electrical energy by merely supporting a wire at a height, but, unfortunately, the amount of electricity which can be so obtained is small.

      The second fact which I have ascertained is that the upper air strata are permanently charged with electricity opposite to that of the earth. So, at least, I have interpreted my observations, from which it appears that the earth, with its adjacent insulating and outer conducting envelope, constitutes a highly charged electrical condenser containing, in all probability, a great amount of electrical energy which might be turned to the uses of man, if it were possible to reach with a wire to great altitudes.

      It is possible, and even probable, that there will be, in time, other resources of energy opened up, of which we have no knowledge now.
      "The Problem of Increasing Human Energy" by Nikola Tesla

      "Knowledge is cosmic. It does not evolve or unfold in man. Man unfolds to an awareness of it. He gradually discovers it." - Walter Russell

      "Once men died for Truth, but now Truth dies at the hands of men." - Manly P. Hall


      • #4
        3) Radiant Energy

        SPECIFICATION forming part of Letters Patent No. 685,957 dated November 5, 1901

        To all whom it may concern:

        Be it known that I, NIKOLA TESLA, a citizen of the United States, residing at the borough of Manhattan, in the city, county, and State of New York, have invented certain new and useful Improvements in Apparatus for the Utilization of Radiant Energy, of which the following is a specification, reference being had to the drawings accompanying and forming a part of the same.

        It is well known that certain radiations—such as those of ultra-violet light, cathodic, Roentgen rays, or the like—possess the property of charging and discharging conductors of electricity, the discharge being particularly noticeable when the conductor upon which the rays impinge is negatively electrified. These radiations are generally considered to be ether vibrations of extremely small wave lengths, and in explanation of the phenomena noted it has been assumed by some authorities that they ionize or render conducting the atmosphere through which they are propagated. My own experiments and observations, however, lead me to conclusions more in accord with the theory heretofore advanced by me that sources of such radiant energy throw off with great velocity minute particles of matter which are strongly electrified, and therefore capable of charging an electrical conductor, or, even if not so, may at any rate discharge an electrified conductor either by carrying off bodily its charge or otherwise.

        My present application is based upon a discovery which I have made that when rays or radiations of the above kind are permitted to fall upon an insulated conducting-body connected to one of the terminals of a condenser while the other terminal of the same is made by independent means to receive or to carry away electricity a current flows into the condenser so long as the insulated body is exposed to the rays, and under the conditions hereinafter specified an indefinite accumulation of electrical energy in the condenser takes place. This energy after a suitable time interval, during which the rays are allowed to act, may manifest itself in a powerful discharge, which may be utilized for the operation or control of mechanical or electrical devices or rendered useful in many other ways.

        In applying my discovery I provide a condenser, preferably of considerable electrostatic capacity, and connect one of its terminals to an insulated metal plate or other conducting-body exposed to the rays or streams of radiant matter. It is very important, particularly in view of the fact that electrical energy is generally supplied at a very slow rate to the condenser, to construct the same with the greatest care. I use, by preference, the best quality of mica as dielectric, taking every possible precaution in insulating the armatures, so that the instrument may withstand great electrical pressures without leaking and may leave no perceptible electrification when discharging instantaneously. In practice I have found that the best results are obtained with condensers treated in the manner described in a patent granted to me February 23, 1897, No. 577,671. Obviously the above precautions should be the more rigorously observed the slower the rate of charging and the smaller the time interval during which the energy is allowed to accumulate in the condenser. The insulated plate or conducting-body should present as large a surface as practicable to the rays or streams of matter, I having ascertained that the amount of energy conveyed to it per unit of time is under otherwise identical conditions proportionate to the area exposed, or nearly so. Furthermore, the surface should be clean and preferably highly polished or amalgamated. The second terminal or armature of the condenser may be connected to one of the poles of a battery or other source of electricity or to any conducting body or object whatever of such properties or so conditioned that by its means electricity of the required sign will be supplied to the terminal. A simple way of supplying positive or negative electricity to the terminal is to connect the same either to an insulated conductor supported at some height in the atmosphere or to a grounded conductor, the former, as is well known, furnishing positive and the latter negative electricity. As the rays or supposed streams of matter generally convey a positive charge to the first condenser-terminal, which is connected to the plate or conductor above mentioned, I usually connect the second terminal of the condenser to the ground, this being the most convenient way of obtaining negative electricity, dispensing with the necessity of providing an artificial source. In order to utilize for any useful purpose the energy accumulated in the condenser, I furthermore connect to the terminals of the same a circuit including an instrument or apparatus which it is desired to operate and another instrument or device for alternately closing and opening the circuit. This latter may be any form of circuit-controller, with fixed or movable parts or electrodes, which may be actuated either by the stored energy or by independent means.

        "Knowledge is cosmic. It does not evolve or unfold in man. Man unfolds to an awareness of it. He gradually discovers it." - Walter Russell

        "Once men died for Truth, but now Truth dies at the hands of men." - Manly P. Hall


        • #5
          My discovery will be more fully understood from the following description and annexed drawings, to which reference is now made, and in which—

          Figure 1 is a diagram showing the general arrangement of apparatus a usually employed. Fig. 2 is a similar diagram illustrating more in detail typical forms of the devices or elements used in practice, and Figs. 3 and 4 are diagrammatical representations of modified arrangements suitable for special purposes.

          As illustrative of the manner in which the several parts or elements of the apparatus in one of its simplest forms are to be arranged and connected for useful operation, reference is made to Fig. 1, in which C is the condenser, P the insulated plate or conducting-body which is exposed to the rays, and P' another plate or conductor which is grounded, all being joined in series, as shown. The terminals T T' of the condenser are also connected to a circuit which includes a device R to be operated and a circuit-controlling device d of the character above referred to.

          The apparatus being arranged as shown, it will be found that when the radiations of the sun or of any other source capable of producing the effects before described fall upon the plate P an accumulation of electrical energy in the condenser C will result. This phenomenon, I believe, is best explained as follows: The sun, as well as other sources of radiant energy, throws off minute particles of matter positively electrified, which, impinging upon the plate P, communicate continuously an electrical charge to the same. The opposite terminal of the condenser being connected to the ground, which may be considered as a vast reservoir of negative electricity, a feeble current flows continuously into the condenser, and inasmuch as these supposed particles are of an inconceivably small radius or curvature, and consequently charged to a relatively very high potential, this charging of the condenser may continue, as I have actually observed, almost indefinitely, even to the point of rupturing the dielectric. If the device d be of such character that it will operate to close the circuit in which it is included when the potential in the condenser has reached a certain magnitude, the accumulated charge will pass through the circuit, which also includes the receiver R, and operate the latter.

          In illustration of a particular form of apparatus which may be used in carrying out my discovery I now refer to Fig. 2. In this figure, which in the general arrangement of the elements is identical to Fig. 1, the device d is shown as composed of two very thin conducting-plates t t', placed in close proximity and very mobile, either by reason of extreme flexibility or owing to the character of their support. To improve their action, they should be enclosed in a receptacle, from which the air may be exhausted. The plates t t' are connected in series with a working circuit, including a suitable receiver, which in this case is shown as consisting of an electromagnet M, a movable armature a, a retractile spring b, and a ratchet-wheel w, provided with a spring-pawl r, which is pivoted to armature a, as illustrated. When the radiations of the sun or other radiant source fall upon plate P, a current flows into the condenser, as above explained, until the potential therein rises sufficiently to attract and bring into contact the two plates t t', and thereby close the circuit connected to the two condenser-terminals. This permits a flow of current which energizes the magnet M, causing it to draw down the armature a and impart a partial rotation to the ratchet-wheel w. As the current ceases the armature is retracted by the spring b, without, however, moving the wheel w. With the stoppage of the current the plates t t' cease to be attracted and separate, thus restoring the circuit to its original condition.

          Fig. 3 shows a modified form of apparatus used in connection with an artificial source of radiant energy, which in this instance may be an arc emitting copiously ultra-violet rays. A suitable reflector may be provided for concentrating and directing the radiations. A magnet R and circuit-controller d are arranged as in the previous figures; but in the present case the former instead of performing itself the whole work only serves the purpose of alternately opening and closing a local circuit, containing a source of current B and a receiving or translating device D. The controller d, if desired, may consist of two fixed electrodes separated by a minute air-gap or weak dielectric film, which breaks down more or less suddenly when a definite difference of potential is reached at the terminals of the condenser and returns to its original state upon the passage of the discharge.

          Still another modification is shown in Fig. 4, in which the source S of radiant energy is a special form of Roentgen tube devised by me, having one terminal k, generally of aluminum, in the form of half a sphere, with a plain polished surface on the front side, from which the streams are thrown off. It may be excited by attaching it to one of the terminals of any generator of sufficiently high electromotive force; but whatever apparatus be used it is important that the tube be exhausted to a high degree, as otherwise it might prove entirely ineffective. The working or discharge circuit connected to the terminals T T' of the condenser includes in this case the primary p of a transformer and a circuit-controller comprising a fixed terminal or brush t and a movable terminal t' in the shape of a wheel, with conducting and insulating segments, which may be rotated at an arbitrary speed by any suitable means. In inductive relation to the primary wire or coil p is a secondary s, usually of a much greater number of turns, to the ends of which is connected a receiver R. The terminals of the condenser being connected, as indicated, one to an insulated plate P and the other to a grounded plate P', when the tube S is excited rays or streams of matter are emitted from the same, which convey a positive charge to the plate P and condenser-terminal T, while terminal T' is continuously receiving negative electricity from the plate P'. This, as before explained, results in an accumulation of electrical energy in the condenser, which goes on as long as the circuit including the primary p is interrupted. Whenever the circuit is closed owing to the rotation of the terminal t', the stored energy is discharged through the primary p, this giving rise in the secondary s to induced currents, which operate the receiver R.

          It is clear from what has been stated above that if the terminal T' is connected to a plate supplying positive instead of negative electricity the rays should convey negative electricity to plate P. The source S may be any form of Roentgen or Lenard tube; but it is obvious from the theory of action that in order to be very effective the electrical impulses exciting it should be wholly or at least preponderatingly of one sign. If ordinary symmetrical alternating currents are employed, provision should be made for allowing the rays to fall upon the plate P only during those periods when they are productive of the desired result. Evidently if the radiations of the source be stopped or intercepted or their intensity varied in any manner, as by periodically interrupting or rhythmically varying the current exciting the source, there will be corresponding changes in the action upon the receiver R, and thus signals may be transmitted and many other useful effects produced. Furthermore, it will be understood that any form of circuit-closer which will respond to or be set in operation when a predetermined amount of energy is stored in the condenser may be used in lieu of the device specifically described with reference to Fig. 2 and also that the special details of construction and arrangement of the several parts of the apparatus may be very greatly varied without departure from the invention.

          Having described my invention, what I claim is—

          1. An apparatus for utilizing radiant energy, comprising in combination a condenser, one armature of which is subjected to the action of rays or radiations, independent means for charging the other armature, a circuit and apparatus therein adapted to be operated or controlled by the discharge of the condenser, as set forth.

          2. An apparatus for utilizing radiant energy, comprising in combination, a condenser, one armature of which is subjected to the action of rays or radiations, independent means for charging the other armature, a local circuit connected with the condenser-terminals, a circuit-controller therein and means adapted to be operated or controlled by the discharge of the condenser when the local circuit is closed, as set forth.

          3. An apparatus for utilizing radiant energy, comprising in combination, a condenser, one terminal of which is subjected to the action of rays or radiations, independent means for charging the other armature, a local circuit connected with the condenser-terminals, a circuit-controller therein dependent for operation on a given rise of potential in the condenser, and devices operated by the discharge of the condenser when the local circuit is closed, as set forth.

          4. An apparatus for utilizing radiant energy, comprising in combination, a condenser, one terminal of which is subjected to the action of rays or radiations, and the other of which is connected with the ground, a circuit and apparatus therein adapted to be operated by the discharge of the accumulated energy in the condenser, as set forth.

          5. An apparatus for utilizing radiant energy, comprising in combination, a condenser, one terminal of which is subjected to the action of rays or radiations and the other of which is connected with the ground, a local circuit connected with the condenser-terminals, a circuit-controller therein and means adapted to be operated by the discharge of the condenser when the local circuit is closed, as set forth.

          6. An apparatus for utilizing radiant energy, comprising in combination, a condenser, one terminal of which is subjected to the action of rays or radiations and the other of which is connected with the ground, a local circuit connected with the condenser-terminals, a circuit-controller therein adapted to be operated by a given rise of potential in the condenser, and devices operated by the discharge of the condenser when the local circuit is closed, as set forth.

          7. An apparatus for utilizing radiant energy, comprising a condenser, having one terminal connected to earth and the other to an elevated conducting-plate, which is adapted to receive the rays from a distant source of radiant energy, a local circuit connected with the condenser-terminals, a receiver therein, and a circuit-controller therefore which is adapted to be operated by a given rise of potential in the condenser, as set forth.

          NIKOLA TESLA.

          Patent US685957 - NIKOLA TESLA - Google Patents
          Last edited by dR-Green; 09-20-2012, 03:08 AM.

          "Knowledge is cosmic. It does not evolve or unfold in man. Man unfolds to an awareness of it. He gradually discovers it." - Walter Russell

          "Once men died for Truth, but now Truth dies at the hands of men." - Manly P. Hall


          • #6
            By the description given in 2), it can be seen and proven that even your car is in fact a "free energy" machine. That is, by considering the system as a whole, as it exists in reality and in relation to its environment, rather than a fuel tank and an engine, a greater total amount of energy may be dissipated at the end of a journey than the user input to the system to begin with. This is due to the fact that when the car moves through the air, the air charges the car. Since the energy of the static discharge may be calculated, and the total amount of energy input by the user known, then the total amount of energy dissipated may be calculated, resulting in more "out" than "in", relative to the user.

            From wikipedia:

            The energy released in a static electricity discharge may vary over a wide range. The energy in joules can be calculated from the capacitance (C) of the object and the static potential V in volts (V) by the formula E = ½CV^2
            Thus can be seen that what Tesla speaks of is not a matter of sprouting energy out of thin air or any mystical secret technologies, but simply putting to use the energy that the existing systems are absolutely wasting in all conceivable forms.

            "Knowledge is cosmic. It does not evolve or unfold in man. Man unfolds to an awareness of it. He gradually discovers it." - Walter Russell

            "Once men died for Truth, but now Truth dies at the hands of men." - Manly P. Hall


            • #7
              so? are you saying everyone testing this idea is will get no where? and need a generator or input mains to make something usable?


              • #8
                Originally posted by Gav View Post
                so? are you saying everyone testing this idea is will get no where? and need a generator or input mains to make something usable?
                Which idea are you referring to? There are three different ones.

                John Bedini's SSG would most likely fall into 2) as another example. It requires a power source, but tries to make use of wastage. At least theoretically if you wanted a motor and did some battery charging on the side, then you do your regular work and collect the waste for "free". The power supply can be whatever you like, free (solar etc) or paid for. This is in relation to the machine itself, what it does with the supplied energy and what happens to the waste. Namely, efficiency, via the assistance of the environment. Intelligently designing your machine. It's not a quest for a mystical energy source.

                As regards heat, we are at a high level, which may be represented by the surface of a mountain lake considerably above the sea, the level of which may mark the absolute zero of temperature existing in the interstellar space. Heat, like water, flows from high to low level, and, consequently, just as we can let the water of the lake run down to the sea, so we are able to let heat from the earth's surface travel up into the cold region above. Heat, like water, can perform work in flowing down, and if we had any doubt as to whether we could derive energy from the medium by means of a thermopile, as before described, it would be dispelled by this analogue. But can we produce cold in a given portion of the space and cause the heat to flow in continually? To create such a "sink," or "cold hole," as we might say, in the medium, would be equivalent to producing in the lake a space either empty or filled with something much lighter than water. This we could do by placing in the lake a tank, and pumping all the water out of the latter. We know, then, that the water, if allowed to flow back into the tank, would, theoretically, be able to perform exactly the same amount of work which was used in pumping it out, but not a bit more. Consequently nothing could be gained in this double operation of first raising the water and then letting it fall down. This would mean that it is impossible to create such a sink in the medium. But let us reflect a moment. Heat, though following certain general laws of mechanics, like a fluid, is not such; it is energy which may be converted into other forms of energy as it passes from a high to a low level. To make our mechanical analogy complete and true, we must, therefore, assume that the water, in its passage into the tank, is converted into something else, which may be taken out of it without using any, or by using very little, power. For example, if heat be represented in this analogue by the water of the lake, the oxygen and hydrogen composing the water may illustrate other forms of energy into which the heat is transformed in passing from hot to cold. If the process of heat transformation were absolutely perfect, no heat at all would arrive at the low level, since all of it would be converted into other forms of energy. Corresponding to this ideal case, all the water flowing into the tank would be decomposed into oxygen and hydrogen before reaching the bottom, and the result would be that water would continually flow in, and yet the tank would remain entirely empty, the gases formed escaping. We would thus produce, by expending initially a certain amount of work to create a sink for the heat or, respectively, the water to flow in, a condition enabling us to get any amount of energy without further effort. This would be an ideal way of obtaining motive power. We do not know of any such absolutely perfect process of heat-conversion, and consequently some heat will generally reach the low level, which means to say, in our mechanical analogue, that some water will arrive at the bottom of the tank, and a gradual and slow filling of the latter will take place, necessitating continuous pumping out. But evidently there will be less to pump out than flows in, or, in other words, less energy will be needed to maintain the initial condition than is developed by the fall, and this is to say that some energy will be gained from the medium. What is not converted in flowing down can just be raised up with its own energy, and what is converted is clear gain. Thus the virtue of the principle I have discovered resides wholly in the conversion of the energy on the downward flow.
                As for the radiant energy, that's worthy of study. But just earlier I was sent a video to watch, in the video Tesla's patent was shown. Do you think the circuit used was the same as what was shown in the patent seconds later? No. So apparently people are unable to leave it alone, they go off and do other things before they even successfully replicated it as it is in the patent. So overall I expect people will get nowhere with that, as they have already gotten nowhere so far, because they're not doing what they claim to be doing and haven't noticed. Herein lies the problem of thinking that youtube knows better than Tesla and then copying other people's youtube postings etc.
                Last edited by dR-Green; 09-20-2012, 07:44 AM.

                "Knowledge is cosmic. It does not evolve or unfold in man. Man unfolds to an awareness of it. He gradually discovers it." - Walter Russell

                "Once men died for Truth, but now Truth dies at the hands of men." - Manly P. Hall


                • #9
                  (quote) Intelligently designing your machine. It's not a quest for a mystical energy source...

                  haha exactly correct, although sometimes it does "seem like magic"

                  im more thinking of teslas basic device, using the ground and antenna to gain energy.
                  also, can i ask what you are working on at the moment? you said its a tesla device?


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Gav View Post
                    (quote) Intelligently designing your machine. It's not a quest for a mystical energy source...

                    haha exactly correct, although sometimes it does "seem like magic"

                    im more thinking of teslas basic device, using the ground and antenna to gain energy.
                    also, can i ask what you are working on at the moment? you said its a tesla device?
                    This is in "The Problem Of Increasing Human Energy"

                    Electricity produced by natural causes is another source of energy which might be rendered available. Lightning discharges involve great amounts of electrical energy, which we could utilize by transforming and storing it. Some years ago I made known a method of electrical transformation which renders the first part of this task easy, but the storing of the energy of lightning discharges will be difficult to accomplish. It is well known, furthermore, that electric currents circulate constantly through the earth, and that there exists between the earth and any air stratum a difference of electrical pressure, which varies in proportion to the height.

                    In recent experiments I have discovered two novel facts of importance in this connection. One of these facts is that an electric current is generated in a wire extending from the ground to a great height by the axial, and probably also by the translatory, movement of the earth. No appreciable current, however, will flow continuously in the wire unless the electricity is allowed to leak out into the air. Its escape is greatly facilitated by providing at the elevated end of the wire a conducting terminal of great surface, with many sharp edges or points. We are thus enabled to get a continuous supply of electrical energy by merely supporting a wire at a height, but, unfortunately, the amount of electricity which can be so obtained is small.

                    The second fact which I have ascertained is that the upper air strata are permanently charged with electricity opposite to that of the earth. So, at least, I have interpreted my observations, from which it appears that the earth, with its adjacent insulating and outer conducting envelope, constitutes a highly charged electrical condenser containing, in all probability, a great amount of electrical energy which might be turned to the uses of man, if it were possible to reach with a wire to great altitudes.

                    It is possible, and even probable, that there will be, in time, other resources of energy opened up, of which we have no knowledge now. We may even find ways of applying forces such as magnetism or gravity for driving machinery without using any other means. Such realizations, though highly improbable, are not impossible.
                    According to an unreliable source (not Tesla), by "small amount of electricity" Tesla means enough to power a small town. But I haven't found a reliable source to confirm this.

                    At the moment I'm working on the Magnifying Transmitter/Eric Dollard coil. And probably will be for a long time yet But I'm approaching the end of the testing on this "test coil" so then I can finally start work on the reason for Eric's design in the first place, the Crystal Radio Initiative, for receiving an AM radio transmission via the earth. I just need to know what to build before I start building it

                    "Knowledge is cosmic. It does not evolve or unfold in man. Man unfolds to an awareness of it. He gradually discovers it." - Walter Russell

                    "Once men died for Truth, but now Truth dies at the hands of men." - Manly P. Hall


                    • #11
                      im a beliver it is possible to generate enough power to keep a good size battery bank charged, and be able to run a generator off it and power 1 house from 1 device. i have no education in any feild of science but over the last few months ive been lazyly experimening with this way of generating electricity, ive looked up all the info on how the magnetic feilds work, from the earth to the perminant magnet, and alot on what tesla did.
                      so far my best design has given me 18.5dcv, that is instant, as soon as i connect it, i havnt finnished it yet and im sure i can easily double that reading, all im doing is experimenting with different coils and electromagnetic forces.


                      • #12
                        please translate Energías renovables -


                        • #14
                          Originally posted by boguslaw View Post
                          That isn't directly Tesla's work, but thanks for posting. This is a quote from it:

                          He did not appear in any search of any machine that would break any of the laws of thermodynamics
                          And I would propose that THAT IS EXACTLY THE POINT. No "laws of science" are broken anywhere on this page, yet the whole thing speaks of "free energy". Hence there is no magical or mystery energy source involved, this is all still established science. Tesla's self-acting machine concept is a matter of engineering it into practical use.

                          That is to say, no work is being done on Tesla's "free energy" concept as he intended, because people are searching for magic where there is none. It's the perfect diversion.

                          I followed the references in the Robert U. Johnson letter back to the source, which is "The Problem Of Increasing Human Energy". The parts referred to in the letter are posted above as 2) "The Medium", and the "novel facts" quoted in a reply to Gav.
                          Last edited by dR-Green; 09-21-2012, 01:49 AM.

                          "Knowledge is cosmic. It does not evolve or unfold in man. Man unfolds to an awareness of it. He gradually discovers it." - Walter Russell

                          "Once men died for Truth, but now Truth dies at the hands of men." - Manly P. Hall


                          • #15
                            Dr Green...

                            So according to this Thread...

                            You are trying to "conclude" there was not anything "Mystical" should we say about Nikola Tesla?...
                            Radiant Energy was not there either?

                            It seems you are driving the "Main Subject" here to take off our Minds there were nothing of Conspiracy...Hidden Patents...seized work...just BECAUSE there was "Nothing Out of This World"...when we all say just "Nikola Tesla's Work"?

                            Am I right so far?

                            If I am right...then could You explain why...Being the Image He was for Electric Engineering World Wide...How come NONE of His great Research, theories and Main Work in NOT taught in ANY University in Our Beautiful Planet?

                            How come the MAIN Developer of A/C Who WAS Him (Nikola Tesla) and George Westinghouse WHO ILLUMINATED the United States FIRST Power Plant (Chicago Fair 1896/Based on Niagara Falls Power Plant)...when before that... there was only the ridiculous DC Electrical Supply provided on Post to Post every two meters from Thomas Alva Edison joint venture to J.P Morgan Funding Both the Greatest Reap Off in Electrical History...known as General Electric.?

                            In reality should have been called "GENERAL OIL"...never electrical...never was up to now...Oil based deal there..

                            But, sorry, deviated the main issue...

                            ...Now tell me about... why Nikola Tesla is not taught in EE UNIVERSITIES in the entire Globe?

                            No Conspiracy Uh?

                            Sure Man...


                            Principles for the Development of a Complete Mind: Study the science of art. Study the art of science. Develop your senses- especially learn how to see. Realize that everything connects to everything else.― Leonardo da Vinci

