Originally posted by velacreations
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Like was pointed out later, it's time to get creative, and as Farmhand says improving efficiency. Where are the holes in your bucket, and what method can you devise for capturing what's leaking out. For instance, thermocouples/thermopiles on heat sources, turbines on high to low pressure channels of fluid or air, if your machine is very noisy, the principle of a microphone may be employed, sources of vibration can be converted, whatever you can think of. A car engine is used purely for motive power, when there is all kinds of wastage going on. All the waste is another form of energy that may be converted to do more work at no additional cost, because for example the environment transfers heat to cold by itself, you don't need to do anything more, except capture and make use of that flow. It's not only limited to electrical devices, it's about utilising "the medium", or nature, taking advantage of everything that happens anyway, thus reducing our energy needs and impact on the planet. If you're going to burn that oil, then at least get some proper use out of it instead of throwing most of it away through losses and inefficiencies.
"What you pay attention to, you become conscious of." - Ian Lungold