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Mikhail Dmitriyev - Input 1000 W, Output near 3000 W.

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  • Prototype

    Why not take up a collection say 5 bucks a bike tyre x 32 what 160 bucks at 5 per person 32 people .and give it to who you trust with the time and equipment to build a replication ? Small change to find out a lot of answers . the plywood and two by fours and three inch drywall screws doesn't add up to much and if it fly's well they got a free energy device on the cheep and every one else gets the information .with vids and pic and a pony break test .what you think start a go fund me ?


    • Ratchet

      The part you need is called the...... freewheel .... I think I'm not used to bike terms .but on eBay I found them for 2.00 us this is just the ratchet part only from China which is all you need. so now your at 64 dollars .so two bucks each now .this a racing freewheel with 16 teeth. Its getting cheap enough for even me now .what you say we run this thing with a bedini eight coil school girl motor ...john had one with a big fan on it ...but try and use both ends of the coil for mechanical power .you get to charge your battery's free . and maybe jack up the effectiveness too !...hay it took a look over on wickapedia ? Under freewheel and there's a 1800 ratchet that could be made on a 3d printer way cheaper .just to prove concept.


      • Hi guys! I've been tied up with Radiant Energy research and it has helped me reach an interesting set of ideas.

        To obtain energy from the sun, cosmic rays, ultra violet it must go through a specially constructed high frequency diode and radio type circuitry which converts it to something useful, electromagnetic electricity.

        In order for Mikhail's device to work it must be capturing a frequency from the sun / cosmos.

        Strangely enough I found out that 33hz is a Schumann Resonant frequency so Mikhail was very close with 32hz.

        I've also found evidence from Tesla himself saying that although unlikely it is not impossible for a gravity or magnetic wheel to exist.

        He even stated it would need some type of mechanical diode (in our case one way clutch bearings).

        My own experiments with 2 pendulums have shown me pretty much exactly what is needed to make this wheel run.

        It needs 8 pendulums that are almost touching each other.

        This would make it an 8hz mechanical oscillator.

        Now the bit I don't know.

        Does one of the weights need to be 83% bigger or smaller to achieve 7.83hz?

        It's the off beat of the 7.83hz that is the 1st kick of the Schumann resonances

        7.83hz, 14hz, 20hz, 26hz, 33hz, 40hz, 46hz, 60hz


        • What I've been building due to cost of prototyping is 2hz mechanical oscillators.

          Time to build 7.83hz mechanical oscillators guys!

          Let's see who can build the most powerful one!!

          Last edited by soundiceuk; 01-08-2018, 05:21 PM.


          • This 2hz mechanical oscillator would run off tiny touches, grams of force with my little finger.

            Last edited by soundiceuk; 01-08-2018, 05:19 PM.


            • "It is possible, and even probable, that there will be, in time, other resources of energy opened up, of which we have no knowledge now. We may even find ways of applying forces such as magnetism or gravity for driving machinery without using any other means. Such realizations, though highly improbable, are not impossible. An example will best convey an idea of what we can hope to attain and what we can never attain. Imagine a disk of some homogeneous material turned perfectly true and arranged to turn in frictionless bearings on a horizontal shaft above the ground. This disk, being under the above conditions perfectly balanced, would rest in any position. Now, it is possible that we may learn how to make such a disk rotate continuously and perform work by the force of gravity without any further effort on our part; but it is perfectly impossible for the disk to turn and to do work without any force from the outside. If it could do so, it would be what is designated scientifically as a "perpetuum mobile," a machine creating its own motive power. To make the disk rotate by the force of gravity we have only to invent a screen against this force. By such a screen we could prevent this force from acting on one half of the disk, and the rotation of the latter would follow. At least, we cannot deny such a possibility until we know exactly the nature of the force of gravity. Suppose that this force were due to a movement comparable to that of a stream of air passing from above toward the center of the earth. The effect of such a stream upon both halves of the disk would be equal, and the latter would not rotate ordinarily; but if one half should be guarded by a plate arresting the movement, then it would turn."

              Nikola Tesla - The Problem With Increasing Human Energy


              • The mathematician Jean Bernoulli wrote:

                ""...any motion which exists in nature can be used to support a perpetual motion. In these instances such machines cannot be regarded as purely artificial perpetual motion, but rather as a combined perpetual motion because their motion is assisted by nature. I am convinced that Bessler's Wheel is of this type."

                "The internal structure of the machine is of a nature according to the laws of mechanical perpetual motion, so arranged that certain disposed weights, once in rotation, gain force from their own swinging, and must continue this movement as long as their structure does not lose its position and arrangement."
                - Johann E. E. Bessler, 1717"

                "The impossibility of energy for free is enshrined in one of the most fundamental and important laws of physics: the First Law of Thermodynamics or the Law of Conservation of Energy, which states that energy can neither be created nor destroyed, but can only change its form.
                In 1847, a 26-year-old German medical doctor, Hermann Helmholtz, gave a presentation to the Physical Society of Berlin that would change the course of history. He presented the original formulation of what is now known as the First Law of Thermodynamics, beginning with the axiomatic statement that a Perpetual Motion Machine is impossible.

                Axiom - A statement or proposition that is accepted as true without proof.

                No one had ever succeeded, he wrote, in building a Perpetual Motion Machine that worked. Therefore, such machines must be impossible. If they are impossible it must be because of some natural law preventing their construction. This law, he said, could only be the Conservation of Energy.

                But a profound reversal of reasoning has occurred in the last century. Helmholtz originally said "Because a Perpetual Motion Machine is impossible, therefore the First Law of Thermodynamics;" while in any physics text book today one will find the statement that "Because of the First Law of Thermodynamics, a Perpetual Motion Machine is impossible."

                "Skeptics are quick to cite the Laws of Thermodynamics to disprove Bessler's claims. In fact, the argument is circular. The Laws of Thermodynamics do not prove that Bessler's machine is impossible. On the contrary, they are deduced from the "leap of faith" of first presuming it is impossible."


                • Hi Paul (soundiceuk),
                  At the start of this thread, you were looking for "advice".
                  The best advice I can give you is to check out Kevin Hay (Canada) on Facebook.
                  To make sure you get the right guy, he owns and operates 'Vancouver Island Ormus'.
                  Kevin has is all worked out, to the find point.
                  No ifs, no buts.

                  Just to give you a 'taste', I paste his first email to me a couple of weeks ago:

                  Hello Les,

                  Yes, our first model was sustained at over 400 COP.
                  It took less than 0.1 amp at 12 volt to sustain 1.9636 HP.

                  I am currently working in medical agricultural production areas however I am also engineering some of my more modern methods with a Japanese company that I am partnering with.
                  My engineering partner works in large scale rice agriculture and drone technology so this will allow me to incorporate my work into several areas, and allow me to provide these dynamos for people working in agriculture before any other field becomes involved.

                  All electricity is gravitational inertia based torsion induced compression.
                  All of it.

                  This is braking planetary inertia and this is not complicated.

                  I have over 170 designs of workable systems just in the mechanical area alone. My basic show and share designs are based on children's ability to understand this, apply this and use it effectively.
                  My work is in plasma initiation.
                  I have several dozen easier methods to generate high voltage current Les.
                  If you want electricity, do what Tesla did. Tap the planet.

                  My systems are being applied to electro-gravitational propulsion dynamics, as some of the complex algorithms for attaining inductive inversion of gravitation are not so complicated.

                  If you can understand that it is gravity that moves water, then you can understand that it is also gravity that is being compressed allowing for this reaction, called phase conjugation, to induce an electrostatic inversion of gravitation.
                  Restricting this induces electricity.
                  Not restricting this allows for inductive electro-gravitational potential.

                  I have simple leveraged systems that can make whatever electricity you want....just put the dynamo under it and line up the crank, and place whatever mass inversion is necessary onto the oscillator.
                  Any size dynamo, mega watt and larger can be please understand that this is what Tesla reverse.
                  I am showing how to build an electromotive generator.
                  Tesla showed how to tap the planets movement and electrify it.
                  I am showing how to tap the planets movement, by not electrifying it and using the inertia as a torsion based electromotive reaction.
                  It is easier making the river any size that you need, than tailoring a new system.
                  All that is really required is that you correct the inversions in the schematic and allow the existing model not to fight itself.

                  My first electromagnetic transformer induced 100V AC on 0.000 volt.
                  My second one went 23 feet into the air with a 9 volt battery.
                  My third one induced 268V with an induction sealer and self resonated a secondary circuit with 9.6amp at 120volt AC.

                  By the way, I have shared all of this on Facebook and you can resource this information in the PJK Free Energy Book.
                  Everything that Tesla did can be accomplished much much easier by understanding torsion tensors and inertia. We can create our own electromagnetic self induced oscillator, we do not even need to tap the planet any longer.


                  If you wish to email me, here is my email address: lbanki at bigpond dot com (fix the address!)

                  Les Banki


                  • Sounds very interesting!

                    Eager to know more.

                    However I think Joe Bloggs general public and in particular mechanical engineers are much more likely to understand a mechanical oscillator.


                    • I've pulled the trigger on a build...

                      16 x one way bearings arrived today.

                      I've commissioned a local engineering company to CNC the parts.

                      Stand by for a conclusion!


                      • [VIDEO][/VIDEO]

                        I believe I am creating a 7.83hz mechanical oscillator (tuning fork).


                        • [VIDEO][/VIDEO]

                          Think about how loud lightning is when it is close... the sub bass that is given off is huge!!

                          It's not your local radio station in your car but the global earth ring, its amplitude is like the waves of the ocean.

                          I see the one way bearings as mechanical diodes to the earths vibration!


                          • SCHUMANN RESONATORS

                            Sounds better than going to bed next to a wifi signal!


                            • Guys if this works! Build them and give them to local schools!

                              Let's ensure it never gets buried!


                              • "To make the disk rotate by the force of gravity we have only to invent a screen against this force. By such a screen we could prevent this force from acting on one half of the disk, and the rotation of the latter would follow. At least, we cannot deny such a possibility until we know exactly the nature of the force of gravity. Suppose that this force were due to a movement comparable to that of a stream of air passing from above toward the center of the earth. The effect of such a stream upon both halves of the disk would be equal, and the latter would not rotate ordinarily; but if one half should be guarded by a plate arresting the movement, then it would turn."

                                Nikola Tesla - The Problem With Increasing Human Energy

                                Cheers INA for making some very high quality one way mechanical diodes to Tesla's exact description!

