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Mechanical Devices with Energy Gain

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  • Hi artoj,

    Thank you for your help in trying to understand the workings of this machine.
    Where do you think the sprag clutch or clutches should go.
    From what I have read I believe you think they should go on the output side only. I would like to know the exact positioning on this shaft where you think they should be?



    • Hi Netica, The sprag clutches should be inside each output flywheel, it should lock with the same direction as the output rotation and freewheel in the opposite rotational direction. The output shaft should be part of the flywheel, which will be connected to the outer body of the clutch bearing the offset cranking output shaft should rotate inside the bearing, freely in the opposite direction and lock in the same direction as the output shaft. This arrangement will insure all impulses are transferred, and any retarding rotation will not brake the system but allow free movement. If this description is not clear, I will draw the arrangement if needed, if so, could you please give me some basic dimensions of your setup. Regards Arto


      • OK artoj, I understand what you are saying, and it may be of benefit to the working of the machine, but this isn't how Fernando has his set up.

        With the clutches in the flywheels you will only be able to have a useable flywheel on one side, (instead of both sides of the same shaft), with the sprag outer diameter connected to the flywheel and generator. It is a common thing that he has flywheels on both sides of the shafts in all the videos I have seen. I know having a flywheel only on one side of the output shaft shouldn't matter and I've done it myself, but it's just not what he has done.

        There is another possible method by having the clutch bearing on the output shaft, inside the offset bearing. (Bearing in a bearing). I cannot see that Fernando has done this either, and may not be possible because it probably won't fit.

        It sounds like it would be good to try using a sprag clutch to see the results, but why can't this be seen in Fernando's machines?

        Last edited by Netica; 04-09-2013, 06:29 AM.


        • Clarity

          No problems Netica, I understand everybody is looking for some magic engineering in the Ramos unit. I have watched many people TRYING to replicate, including a local engineering friend of mine, there is something they clearly do not understand about how the forces operate in a design like this.

          Here is my final offer of help on this unit, I have tried to convey what should be done about this unit, testing a failed combination 1000 times will still give the same results. Trying to accomplish an outcome with moderate success is all we can expect, what Ramos has on display is just what he wants you to see and know, as he is quoted as saying something like (from translation) "When I add/change one of the components in the production model it will create much more power"

          Please, I am only here to help, Regards Arto


          • Changes

            The 2 outer support bearings could also be on the inner part of the unit as well, much easier to add extra flywheels. I'll submit another pic shortly, regards Arto


            • 2nd type

              Here it the easier design, regards Arto


              • Artoj , why have you a flywheel on the left side without a coupling as it wont be doing anything. I don't see how it has an effect on the running of the machine. It will speed up and freewheel.


                • As per

                  As stated "it should lock with the same direction as the output rotation and freewheel in the opposite rotational direction." Driving the unit as a flywheel does, it cannot overun in the same direction. It will have traction in the same direction and free runs in the opposite direction This means all retarding forces are allowed to run without creating traction against the rotation.

                  I guess 30 years of supplying bearings to engineers and solving their problems will never help the english language to convey actuality of counter rotating masses and gyroscopic spins that help alleviate frictional torques.

                  Again I am sorry, I have tried to help, Regards Arto


                  • No need to be sorry, your help is appreciated and the drawings are great.


                    • I do know nothing about this mechanical device nor I can build any easily, but.... I think you should again investigate overlooked aspects to see the solution. I know that mechanical devices combing gravity and other force may work. Pure gravitational device is almost impossible...


                      • Gravity Minor

                        Ho Boguslaw, gravity plays a very minor role in the Ramos device, it is all about coupling inertial impulses via geometric advantage with harmonic vibrational parametric energy growth. I have witnessed machines self destruct when all these forces are in resonance, the Ramos device uses this destructive potential of resonance to create energy increase.
                        This unit can be tuned, just like my piano, the sounding box is the flywheel, where energy can accumulate over time in accordance the the law of growth, exponential increases will occur. were it not for losses in this rotational system it would continue until destruction. This device in my conception is similar to to loosely coupled Tesla coil, I cannot speak for Sixto.
                        As for free energy, this can only lead to idle speculation about trivial matters that can only distract our attention away from a unique mechanical assemblage. I keep saying I am sorry, not for me but for the english languages inability to have enough descriptive force so repetition is not necessary.
                        I have enough trouble explaining my electrical understanding to electronic engineers that have never witnessed 10000 experiments they never performed, as I have said before I am only an Artist and nature is a friend who relays its essence through Sounds, Visuals, Language and that knowledge and experience are but filters for this process.
                        I have come to this forum to give freely my insights and experience, I could build and make these things but my resources are meager and I can best serve humanity in my experiential offerings, agreement is not what I seek but weighted against a vacuum of understanding, I am sure can all see what I mean. Regards Arto


                        • Arto,
                          I can perceive wisdom in the words you wrote. Human language is not enough to describe all the wisdom within the Creation. This includes logically the Mechanics, which is a small part of the Universal wisdom shown in this planet.
                          You certainly is a wise man, my friend.



                          • Fine Tuning

                            Hi all, to understand that the weighted arm does not have to be on one end, it should be in the center when you start to tune your arm and weight, resonance is what you are looking for in this combination. RPM, Weight , length of arm, thickness of arm, materials modulus, air resistance, all these factors should be finely tuned long before you worry about any thing else. Moving the arm to different positions is part of the tuning process, small increments in all aspects of the combinations if you are doing this by trial and error, otherwise use a good dose of engineering equations to simplify your efforts. The old story of Tesla and Edison, where Tesla would work out the math and the problem is 95% solved and Edison would fiddle till the cows come home with 100 workers slogging with trial and error for weeks even months. There are times when there are no maths or equations, this is when you have great discoveries in Engineering and Science, the moment all the complexity gives way to a simple equation. Good luck to all those Edisons, looking for a Tesla to light our way, LOL Regards with a smile, Arto.


                            • How to make sixto ramos multiplier?

                              @netica & All Friend's. I have 4 bearings P 204, Inside diameter d= 19= mm, 2 X shafts diameter d= 19 mm length 500mm & 2 bearings 6307 Inside diameter d=35mm. it's very eccentricity. Length between shafts from centers is 304 mm. Look the images. Why would not full spin in the opposite direction to each other ?. Please help me. IMG_20140610_200635.jpg


                              • Originally posted by Netica View Post
                                No need to be sorry, your help is appreciated and the drawings are great.
                                @netica & All Friend's
                                I have 4 bearings P 204, Inside diameter d= 19= mm, 2 X shafts diameter d= 19 mm length 500mm & 2 bearings 6307 Inside diameter d=35mm. it's very eccentricity. Length between shafts from centers is 304 mm. Look the images. Why would not full spin in the opposite direction to each other ?. Please help me.IMG_20140610_200635.jpg

