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Mechanical Devices with Energy Gain

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  • #16
    Hello Peter,
    I am not sure if this fits the bill, however a three stage steam piston engine appears to fit the bill. The steam exhaust of the first cylinder enters a cylinder of twice the diameter which then exhausts to a cylinder three times the size of the first. Each cylinder provides the same power, thereby the shaft is receiving three times more collective power for the same steam volume input.

    Cheers Peter


    • #17
      V.1 operation

      The operating principle of v.1 is similar to the way an automobile engine works. Two large wheels, are attached to a common shaft, the input shaft from a motor. As the wheels turn clockwise they engage an arm by means of a roller bearing. As the wheels turn, they lift an arm along a radial path to their apex. They engage the arm at 9'o clock position and disengage at the 12'Oclock position. The arms are attached to a fulcrum by a roller bearing, and are just long enough to house a roller bearing in the end of the arm. The connecting rods are attached to the end of the arms, and small wheels that have a common shaft on the other end. The length of the arms on the fulcrum are much longer on the large wheel side and short on the connecting rod sides. The length of the arms from fulcrum to connecting rods are the same length as the offset bearings on the smaller wheels. As one arm is lifted by a rotating wheel, it moves the arm on the connecting rod of the fulcrum a shorter distance, which in turn moves the wheels on the output shaft 180 degrees. When the other large wheel engages its arm, it moves the other wheel on the output shaft another180 degrees, where the cycle starts over. The leverage is variable depending on several factors, and is only limited by size and space. My prototype produced 8-1 ratio, while maintaining the same RPM's. Good Luck. stealth
      Last edited by Stealth; 09-28-2012, 11:29 PM.


      • #18
        Vrand, thanks for the interest in my torque converter. I have only built a prototype to prove that it works as designed. I haven't as of yet, built one myself for my own use. The latter designs, especially, are more than capable of producing enough torque to run a house on. With v.2 the design is even more of a mechanical gain device. V.3, which has not been prototyped as of yet, is radically different and theoretically should compete satisfactorily with v.2, except for the RPM increase, using only 4 moving parts. As much as I like the torque conversion methods, I have other designs that I desperately need to prototype. A radical engine, that uses any fuel, gas or liquid, and increases efficiency far exceeding the internal commbustion engine. Also a mechanical gravity device that will run many years after starting, until the bearings wear out, not perpetual, but close. I am considering building all of these devices for myself, but have had no thought of selling any. Good Luck. stealth
        Last edited by Stealth; 09-29-2012, 09:10 PM.


        • #19
          UCROS pivot

          Here is the updated version, you can easily see this will have a asymmetric velocity profile. Regards Arto


          • #20
            Originally posted by Stealth View Post
            Vrand, thanks for the interest in my torque converter. I have only built a prototype to prove that it works as designed. I haven't as of yet, built one myself for my own use. The latter designs, especially, are more than capable of producing enough torque to run a house on. With v.2 the design is even more of a mechanical gain device. V.3, which has not been prototyped as of yet, is radically different and theoretically should compete satisfactorily with v.2, except for the RPM increase, using only 4 moving parts. As much as I like the torque conversion methods, I have other designs that I desperately need to prototype. A radical engine, that uses any fuel, gas or liquid, and increases efficiency far exceeding the internal commbustion engine. Also a mechanical gravity device that will run many years after starting, until the bearings wear out, not perpetual, but close. I am considering building all of these devices for myself, but have had no thought of selling any. Also, I have considered writing a book, detailing some of my most important achievements, but as for now, I am extremely busy, working on my house and landscaping. I am using one of my designs now, a heat converter, to heat the fuel in my ICE. Works great! Good Luck. stealth
            Thank you for the update. Your design looks interesting, when you have more time please continue your research and model builds, as there is a huge market for high efficient energy devices to save on fossil fuels.


            • #21
              Hi Artoj,
              I first ask you to forgive me for my mechanical ignorance if the following idea is deemed stupid. I wondered if adding an inertial mass supported with a semi-rigid rod to the lever of the UCROS mechanism would increase the output power of the device? Is this principle taken from the Peruvian device applicable to the UCROS machine? Does gravity or the inertia will assist with the rotation?
              Attached Files


              • #22
                I think Ucros' and Fernando's machine are in some sense equivalent and that the working principle is the transfer of inertia back and forth.
                I think it does not matter where the mass is locatedm whether in the wheels or on the top of the connecting arm. Just the sum of all inertias is what matters. But I could be wrong.

                I think the same effect could be achieved by using 2 flywheels
                and some elliptical gears like these:
                Cunningham Industries, Inc.
                since the output speed of the second gear is variable.
                What do you think, could the same velocity curve of counterrotating wheels linked by an arm be achieved with the right gears ?
                Would the gears endure the constant material stress? (dynamic load).

                It would be interesting to build a small prototype and seem how it works.
                Are good CNC shops able to make those elliptical gears?

                Originally posted by aaron5120 View Post
                Hi Artoj,
                I first ask you to forgive me for my mechanical ignorance if the following idea is deemed stupid. I wondered if adding an inertial mass supported with a semi-rigid rod to the lever of the UCROS mechanism would increase the output power of the device? Is this principle taken from the Peruvian device applicable to the UCROS machine? Does gravity or the inertia will assist with the rotation?


                • #23
                  Good work

                  Originally posted by artoj View Post
                  Here is the updated version, you can easily see this will have a asymmetric velocity profile. Regards Arto
                  Thanks Arto, that looks good. Sort of in answer to Aaron's question, Ucros does show a model with counter weights on the beam.

                  Incidentally Ramos is selling a high powered version for $75,000. Ucross will sell the 3Kw model for $7,000. He states that there is a hidden key that is only revealed with the purchase of a kit.



                  • #24
                    George Constantinesco

                    Hi members, I thought I would include a sheet that might help those who need to understand the simplicity of concepts that George Constantinesco has imparted to engineering history. This is just one of many conceptualizations and actual machines he did over his lifetime.. He helped develop the sprag clutch bearing which I included in the picture as part of the one-way mechanism that is essential to the workings of his torque converter. His initial design drawings were a gear and double pawl mechanism that transferred the linear motion to rotary motion. Regards Arto
                    Attached Files


                    • #25
                      Interesting thread! Thanks Peter and all contributors.

                      Originally posted by i_ron View Post
                      Incidentally Ramos is selling a high powered version for $75,000. Ucross will sell the 3Kw model for $7,000. He states that there is a hidden key that is only revealed with the purchase of a kit.

                      Ron, are you in contact with these guys? Are Ramos (Peru?) and Ucross (Mexico?) in collaboration?

                      I looked at vids showing Ramos and his device - awesome!
                      Fernando Ramos of Peru wins bronze prize at a competition in Geneva for his invention:
                      Un invidente peruano espera llevar la luz al mundo - YouTube
                      Further progress and development:
                      Invidente peruano gana premio internacional por invento - YouTube

                      I would be interested in a device around $3K to $7K even -- IF I could have a money-back guarantee if it was not in fact more-energy-out-than-in (ou). And I could line up a neighbor who is following my work (Davey with electrolysis and joule-thief systems mostly) and who would (I am SURE) also buy a kit in this price range. Two kits, then...

                      And that applies to you, too, Stealth -- not that I follow everything that you're saying, but I'm very interested in your research and work. And prototypes... More power to you!

                      --Steven Jones
                      PS -- I'm doing electrolysis work which builds on my cold-fusion work from years ago, with ideas from Peter Davey added! Here's my web-page FYI:
                      Dr. Steven E. Jones


                      • #26
                        Ramos device


               • Ver Tema - mentira o verdad sobre el sistema multiplicador de fuerza de un inventor peruano

                        Iam online with you of Ramos device



                        • #28
                          The problem I have right now is, that I designed and protoyped this 10 years ago or so. The prototype was only built to prove that the principle works. Once I tested the principle, I cannibalized the prototype. I am not sure if any of it exists today or not. If I can find any remnant of it, I can revive it. If not, then I will have to build another, but not of V.1, I would build either V.2 or V.3. V.2 is only a more advanced version of V.1, I know that it would work as well. V.3 has not been prototyped or tested. I would have to build it to test its parameters. Although the theories are sound, sometimes in a real world situation, things don't always adhere to a projected theory. After years of doing R&R, I have found that many times things don't work out like they were designed. Many inventors and experiments have either given up or lost interest and drive after having many dissapointing failures. When you are encountering new and uncharted areas of exploration, you have neither a guide or direction, other than possibly intuition and inspiration. Edison tried hundred of times to invent the simple light bulb. I am unprepared to build one at the moment. Hopefully, soon I will be prepared to start a build. Good Luck. Stealth


                          • #29
                            Originally posted by PhysicsProf View Post
                            Interesting thread! Thanks Peter and all contributors.

                            Ron, are you in contact with these guys? Are Ramos (Peru?) and Ucross (Mexico?) in collaboration?
                            Here's my web-page FYI:
                            Dr. Steven E. Jones
                            Hi Steven,

                            No, not Ramos, close but then it fell through, With Carlos Ucros, just a few emails, nothing revealed.
                            Ucros is aware of Ramos, that is all as far as I understand.



                            • #30
                              Thanks much for replies, Stealth and Ron.
                              Stealth: "Once I tested the principle, I cannibalized the prototype. I am not sure if any of it exists today or not. If I can find any remnant of it, I can revive it. " There is a lesson here! I've done the same thing in the past, but now try to keep my "best" circuit (or prototype) working and build a new one fresh.

                              Originally posted by Antonio90 View Post
                              Thank you, Antonio. I am interested. I went to your link, and found this comment -- is it from you?

                              ultima noticias la empresa don sixto ramos ya los esta vendiendo pero a precios muy elevados por un multiplicador de fuerza que usa 5 hp y tiene una salida de 100 hp piden 75.000 dolares.

                              estan en este momento negociando con unas empresas de brasil para los derechos de fabricacion y produccion del mismo.

                              English: latest company news and Don Sixto Ramos is selling at very high prices but by a force multiplier that uses 5 hp and has an output of 100 hp asking $ 75,000.

                              are currently negotiating with some companies in Brazil for manufacturing and production rights thereof.
                              This is a remarkable claim! Is there a smaller machine that one could purchase, that costs less than about $7,000?
                              Esta es una afirmación extraordinaria! ¿Hay una máquina más pequeña que se podía comprar, que cuesta menos de unos 7.000 dólares?

                              Thanks again.
                              Last edited by PhysicsProf; 10-02-2012, 07:29 PM.

