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Mechanical Devices with Energy Gain

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  • Know how you feel

    Hey Ron,
    Merry xmas and new year!
    I am also wondering how there could be so much hub-ub about The ramos device and now,..nothing. With all the fantastic minds and builders on these forums, you would figure that this would at least be totally disproved.
    Sometimes I wonder if we are all just being jerked off and fooled with misinfo.
    while I am thinking the same thing as you, look at the alternative;
    Fossil fuel consumption is destroying our world in many ways, with no end in sight. If nothing else it is ramping up, with fracking, chemical farm runoff,etc,(Nuclear is quite scary also) getting ready to destroy most of the water and land we depend on were I live.
    Some days I just want to give up.
    But I can't.
    For 2013, I will be;
    A) Working on an concentrated solar/thermal energy storage project
    B) Contributing as much as I can to pauls "mikhail project"
    c)a new two stage mechanical oscillator project- Maybe the tsmo isn't ou, but I have figured out a way to build a wind up system that is not susceptible to fuel prices, emp, weather related problems, etc. I also have most of the materials I need to get this going.
    d)and most important--I will be trying to recruit people to help me and to inspire others, just as you(and many others) have inspired me.
    I am looking forward to a good 2013


    • One other thing Ron

      I have been trying to replicate my own device- Swing 5 Project- , with absolutely no positive results. I can't figure out what I did right the first time! I actually built the first model very easily, and yet with what i thought were improvements, I have not been able to get the same results, let alone any better. I have built a new one that I thought for sure would work better, but.. no luck. I have even watched my own videos and still can't figure out why that model worked so well.
      I will try to rebuild the same model and see what the hell I am missing. It sucks that replicating is such a tuff business.


      • bin dare, dun dat

        Originally posted by Gdez View Post
        I have been trying to replicate my own device- Swing 5 Project- , with absolutely no positive results. I can't figure out what I did right the first time! I actually built the first model very easily, and yet with what i thought were improvements, I have not been able to get the same results, let alone any better. I have built a new one that I thought for sure would work better, but.. no luck. I have even watched my own videos and still can't figure out why that model worked so well.
        I will try to rebuild the same model and see what the hell I am missing. It sucks that replicating is such a tuff business.

        LOL, it certainly helps to have a well developed sense of humour in this game, right?

        sent from my 'new' Ubunto Mint box



        • Leave Working Models Intact

          Originally posted by Gdez View Post
          I have been trying to replicate my own device- Swing 5 Project- , with absolutely no positive results. I can't figure out what I did right the first time! I actually built the first model very easily, and yet with what i thought were improvements, I have not been able to get the same results, let alone any better. I have built a new one that I thought for sure would work better, but.. no luck. I have even watched my own videos and still can't figure out why that model worked so well.
          I will try to rebuild the same model and see what the hell I am missing. It sucks that replicating is such a tuff business.

          I know how you feel. But this is the lesson we all have to learn. After you get something running, leave it alone.


          John Bedini learned this long ago, and has a huge museum of working models that have been built over the years. At his shop, you can walk up to a model built 25 years ago, and run it today. This is the cost of progress! It is the only way to explore a new phenomenon that we really don't understand.

          My suggestion to you is to "re-assemble" the original model from the original parts and get it working again. Even an attempt to "rebuild it" may not be good enough to re-capture the event.

          Just my 2 cents....... and, good luck!

          Last edited by Peter Lindemann; 01-01-2013, 05:38 PM.
          Peter Lindemann, D.Sc.

          Open System Thermodynamics Perpetual Motion Reality Electric Motor Secrets
          Battery Secrets Magnet Secrets Tesla's Radiant Energy Real Rain Making
          Bedini SG: The Complete Handbook Series Magnetic Energy Secrets


          • fernando's force amplifier

            just joined as a member, been involved in replications of different mechanical devices, and made a small model trying to find the secret to Fernando Sixto's force multiplier, with building the model I discovered the flywheels are forced to speed up and slow down with each revolution,with my understanding based on previous experiments the powergeneration is a result of accelleration and deccelleration in the flywheels at each turn,the interesting thing is ,the accelleration is at a faster speed around one third of a half revolution and deccelleration 2 thirds of a half revolution.

            My conclusion; ,that since the accelleration captures some enertia forces from the ether,and the slower rate of the decelleration does not balance out the energy gain from the accelleration,resulting in a net gain of surplus energy.

            As an example ,when a car is accellerated at a fast rate,and you remove your foot from the gas pedal suddenly, keep you eye on the speedometer and you will continue a accellerate for a bit more,that is free energy thats lost again when you slow down at the same rate.

            but it is also known,to accellerate your car up to 60 miles an hour ,then let it coast to 0 and keep doing it can give you twice the gas milage,taking advantage of the free energy that comes with the accelleration of mass.

            So the missing KEY not published by Fernando 's force multiplier could simply be a spring loaded pushrod between the two higher stroke crankshafts, with a flexable mechanism the keep the two sets of flywheels timed and turning at the same speed,to avoid the jerkiness ,but yet with some flexability to not interfere with its operation.

            I can't see why it would then not self accellerate and run with out a power source once it is up to speed,selfrunning ,complements of mother nature and its laws.

            I may just built a working model for fun,maybe in a few month , replications just cost me time and money,I am focusing on the real world with a good living and money in the bank.

            Free energy devices are not ready to be accepted on store shelves anytime soon,those in control will not have it. So starting to built them and sell them is too risky,just not in the mood to be harrassed ,I learned the hard way,but for most of you, you may want to just power your own stuff, to be independant from high energy costs, but still my advice to you is,keep it to yourself otherwise you will be singled out as a nutcase,because everybody KNOWS you can't get something for free,and they will tell you it is impossible.
            The whole universe runs on free energy, what is wrong with our education,
            Einstein once said,the biggest obstacle to his understanding was his education.
            peace and success to all.


            • vortexland, Good points there in your last paragraph. I would add though that if you find a truly good free energy system that there are ways to release it that are safe. Open source it anonymously with all details needed to replicate. To be really safe in doing so use a remote Wifi on an open Wifi system somewhere away from your home.
              There is no important work, there are only a series of moments to demonstrate your mastery and impeccability. Quote from Almine


              • thanks Ewizard for welcoming me, Replicating is a hobby of mine,I am presently working on three different concepts of selfrunning devices now ,when time allows I will continue to built ,one of them is past the drawing board stage,based on Veliko Milkovic's serbian patent ,using 2 counterrotating out of balance timed flywheels creating a linear motion to drive 2 double acting hydraulic cylinders operating with high flow check valves,building up 2500 psi on the primary before going to the pressure relieve valve, driving a hydraulic motor from the pressure of the primary to run the flywheels,with power left over to run a generator or other loads, utilizing a low pressure pressurized hydraulic tank to speed up the flow to the intake check valves and a seperate high pressure air over hydraulic tank with a big enough storage volume to start hydraulic motor for fly wheels.
                The math is very favorable on this unit, picked the hydraulic cylinders,have the hydraulic motor, but then I found out about fernandos force multiplier, which I believe can be built to be selfrunning as well with initial starter motor ,but once it is accellerating up to operating rpm ,it needs some kind of speed control so it won't ripp itself apart from ficticous forces.

                My time is limited ,i am a contractor and took on some big jobs that needs to get done first.
                built my first overunity device 3 years ago,to heat water at 1.35 over unity,and takes less than an hour to built with guaranteed results every time,spent days to do calorymetric testing with consistant results ,was trying to replicate peter daveys heater with out success,but as a result stumbled upon some kind of capacitative effect . I will provide more information if requested.

                Everything I gain in understanding I will share with all,it is everybodies birthright to know how to to built free energy devices.
                piece to all , jacob


                • Hello! I have been working on a replica of the multiplier system of Fernando Sixto Ramos.

                  Here you can see some test with my system:

                  Replica Fernando Sixto Ramos:
                  Replica Fernando Sixto Ramos - YouTube

                  Sixto Ramos Replica - Load Test (fail)
                  Sixto Ramos Replica - Load Test (fail) - YouTube

                  Sixto Ramos Replica - technical details
                  Sixto Ramos Replica - technical details - YouTube

                  Thank you


                  • Fernando

                    Originally posted by nunocamelias View Post
                    Hello! I have been working on a replica of the multiplier system of Fernando Sixto Ramos.

                    Here you can see some test with my system:

                    Replica Fernando Sixto Ramos:
                    Replica Fernando Sixto Ramos - YouTube

                    Sixto Ramos Replica - Load Test (fail)
                    Sixto Ramos Replica - Load Test (fail) - YouTube

                    Sixto Ramos Replica - technical details
                    Sixto Ramos Replica - technical details - YouTube

                    Thank you
                    Please post a replication of his actual machine with the vertical weight.
                    Aaron Murakami

                    Books & Videos
                    RPX & MWO


                    • Originally posted by Aaron View Post
                      Please post a replication of his actual machine with the vertical weight.

                      But Aaron, you can see here where Nuno has used the extended weights out to each side as is shown in Ramos' later builds.

                      The vertical weight did nothing in my build, except to destroy itself.

                      Maybe you could post some pictures of your build?



                      • Fernando's vertical pendulum

                        Originally posted by i_ron View Post
                        But Aaron, you can see here where Nuno has used the extended weights out to each side as is shown in Ramos' later builds.

                        The vertical weight did nothing in my build, except to destroy itself.

                        Maybe you could post some pictures of your build?


                        A replication is a replication. I understand the idea of the horizontal weights are to dampen the vibrations. However, dynamics of how gravitational potential enter the system in relation to the vertical pendulum, center of gravity and it's relation to the cross bar are magically deleted from the equation when going the other route. It is no longer what Fernando showed and made claims for.

                        Where are Fernando's claims at this point in regards to using a horizontal bar instead of the vertical weight?

                        Fernando's bigger ones and some other builds online that use the pendulum do have quite a bit of shaking, but they are build strong enough to withstand it long enough to prove the point.

                        I'm working on two projects right now that are unrelated to Fernando's machine, but that doesn't change the fact that not using the pendulum takes out several gravitational input advantages that are very obvious. The same principles apply to all machines.

                        There are advantages to having a weight with high center of gravity. You can control a heavier weight with less input at small angles from being completely upright.
                        Last edited by Aaron; 02-14-2013, 01:14 AM.
                        Aaron Murakami

                        Books & Videos
                        RPX & MWO


                        • Originally posted by i_ron View Post
                          But Aaron, you can see here where Nuno has used the extended weights out to each side as is shown in Ramos' later builds.

                          The vertical weight did nothing in my build, except to destroy itself.

                          Maybe you could post some pictures of your build?

                          Ok Ron, as I will have to replace the eccentric, I'll make a video to show more details of my replica. but I hope do that during the next week.
                          Ron you used a flexible pendulum or rigid?


                          • Originally posted by Aaron View Post
                            Please post a replication of his actual machine with the vertical weight.
                            Yes, I'll do that in the near future.


                            • Pendulum

                              Originally posted by nunocamelias View Post
                              Ok Ron, as I will have to replace the eccentric, I'll make a video to show more details of my replica. but I hope do that during the next week.
                              Ron you used a flexible pendulum or rigid?
                              Nuno, I attempted to copy the Ramos' dimensions as best I could which does make for a fairly flexible pendulum. It is not braced at all in the vids. Try it, mine lasted 20 minutes?



                              • Originally posted by vortexland View Post
                                thanks Ewizard for welcoming me, Replicating is a hobby of mine,I am presently working on three different concepts of selfrunning devices now ,when time allows I will continue to built ,one of them is past the drawing board stage,based on Veliko Milkovic's serbian patent ,using 2 counterrotating out of balance timed flywheels creating a linear motion to drive 2 double acting hydraulic cylinders operating with high flow check valves,building up 2500 psi on the primary before going to the pressure relieve valve, driving a hydraulic motor from the pressure of the primary to run the flywheels,with power left over to run a generator or other loads, utilizing a low pressure pressurized hydraulic tank to speed up the flow to the intake check valves and a seperate high pressure air over hydraulic tank with a big enough storage volume to start hydraulic motor for fly wheels.
                                The math is very favorable on this unit, picked the hydraulic cylinders,have the hydraulic motor, but then I found out about fernandos force multiplier, which I believe can be built to be selfrunning as well with initial starter motor ,but once it is accellerating up to operating rpm ,it needs some kind of speed control so it won't ripp itself apart from ficticous forces.

                                My time is limited ,i am a contractor and took on some big jobs that needs to get done first.
                                built my first overunity device 3 years ago,to heat water at 1.35 over unity,and takes less than an hour to built with guaranteed results every time,spent days to do calorymetric testing with consistant results ,was trying to replicate peter daveys heater with out success,but as a result stumbled upon some kind of capacitative effect . I will provide more information if requested.

                                Everything I gain in understanding I will share with all,it is everybodies birthright to know how to to built free energy devices.
                                piece to all , jacob
                                Sounds great. Not sure if others here missed your message above but I'm sure everyone here would be interested in any more details of anything to heat water that is OU and especially if it's something that can be built in an hour (or even a day for that matter). If it's considerably different than the primarily mechanical device being discussed here you could create a new topic for it. I look forward to hearing more
                                There is no important work, there are only a series of moments to demonstrate your mastery and impeccability. Quote from Almine

