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Mechanical Devices with Energy Gain

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  • Hi All Friend's
    I have 4 bearings P 204, Inside diameter d= 19= mm, 2 X shafts diameter d= 19 mm length 500mm & 2 bearings 6307 Inside diameter d=35mm. it's very eccentricity. Length between shafts from centers is 304 mm. Look the images. Why would not full spin in the opposite direction to each other ?. Please help me.IMG_20140610_200635.jpgmechanical-devices-energy-gain-img_20140610_200635.jpg


    • Centers

      Hi Ralyn, make sure both eccentrics are the same as the centers, that is 304mm apart. If they are not the same they will lock against each other. I even had the centers of the eccentrics as far as 50mm on a similar unit. Regards Arto.


      • Originally posted by ralyn View Post
        @netica & All Friend's. I have 4 bearings P 204, Inside diameter d= 19= mm, 2 X shafts diameter d= 19 mm length 500mm & 2 bearings 6307 Inside diameter d=35mm. it's very eccentricity. Length between shafts from centers is 304 mm. Look the images. Why would not full spin in the opposite direction to each other ?. Please help me. [ATTACH]14485[/ATTACH]
        Hello ralyn,

        Looking at your pic it appears that you may have tried to weld the shaft and bearing. If you have the shaft will most likely have bent a little which would cause the problems. This is why I only used certain glue and polymer steel, I tried many before I was happy with the ones I used. I also used v blocks to make sure everything was square.

        The set up for this has to be perfect. You really have only the play in the tolerances of the bearings themselves to play with which isn't much.
        Last edited by Netica; 06-15-2014, 07:40 AM.


        • I've done it. I replaced 4 times already. I'm sure both are eccentric. But I was the first successful experiments using P204 bearings d = 19 mm & P206 eccentric bearings d = 30mm, the distance between the shafts 304 mm. Why the P204 bearings alloy d = 19mm and eccentric bearings 6307 d = 35 mm, 304 mm distance between the shafts can not?
          Thank's Artoj


          • Yes, I had to weld the shaft and bearings. but I also have been using v-block to ensure that its axis is not bent. I've replaced it 4 times. Is there any influence of the distance between the two shafts?


            • Have you got it working yet?
              I don't think you have to worry about the distance to much, I tried to get it close, relatively to what I saw on video of Fernando's machine.


              • Originally posted by Netica View Post
                Have you got it working yet?
                I don't think you have to worry about the distance to much, I tried to get it close, relatively to what I saw on video of Fernando's machine.
                thanks, I've managed to make it., second wind wheel spinning in opposite directions fully. Now a new problem arises why my generator 1 kva 220v is not able to loop electric current electromotor to my 1/2 hp 2980 rpm 220v?. how sixto ramos make it loop? which occurs more slowly and stop rotation.


                • Originally posted by artoj View Post
                  Hi Ralyn, make sure both eccentrics are the same as the centers, that is 304mm apart. If they are not the same they will lock against each other. I even had the centers of the eccentrics as far as 50mm on a similar unit. Regards Arto.
                  thanks, I've managed to make it., second wind wheel spinning in opposite directions fully. Now a new problem arises why my generator 1 kva 220v is not able to loop electric current electromotor to my 1/2 hp 2980 rpm 220v?. how sixto ramos make it loop? which occurs more slowly and stop rotation.


                  • Originally posted by ralyn View Post
                    thanks, I've managed to make it., second wind wheel spinning in opposite directions fully. Now a new problem arises why my generator 1 kva 220v is not able to loop electric current electromotor to my 1/2 hp 2980 rpm 220v?. how sixto ramos make it loop? which occurs more slowly and stop rotation.
                    Hi ralyn,

                    Good to hear that you have it up and running.
                    As far as I know I haven't seen this machine looped with it being able to self run.
                    With all the work I have done with it I haven't been able to see more power out than in, as I have shown in the videos I have done.


                    • Belts

                      If you notice, the Ramos machine runs slack belts. Chas Campbell runs slack belts. Here is a big Russian machine that is solidly built,,, something like 40hp. Everything is connected by shafts. BUT, his final drive is a belt.
                      СпоÑоб Ð¿Ð¾Ð»ÑƒÑ‡ÐµÐ½Ð¸Ñ ÑлектричеÑкой Ñнергии - патент РФ 2339844 - Скибицкий Иван Григорьевич
                      From discussion on the Skinner thread, it seems that a smooth running device does not allow oscillations in rotation. Apparently, outside energy does not enter without oscillations. The Terawatt machine has an oscillator integral to the main shaft.


                      • Ucros quote

                        For those who read Spanish, I found a great quote from Ucros about what to do if you make a revolutionary discovery.
                        "Algunos de los errores cometidos por los inventores fueron los siguientes:

                        Patentar el invento revolucionario y pretender poseer los derechos-> error
                        Ofrecer el invento a una empresa que lo financie -> error
                        Aparecer en televisión y prensa proclamando su invento -> error
                        Intentar convencer a un político de su invento revolucionario -> error
                        Donar el invento a un Estado o Gobierno para el bien común -> error
                        Guardar celosamente sus conocimientos, documentos y planos de sus inventos para ellos mismos y llevárselos a la tumba cuando son asesinados-> EL MAYOR ERROR

                        Esperamos que estos puntos enunciados sirvan de reflexión para actuales y futuros inventores que despierten a la realidad, sean más listos y no caigan en la misma trampa mortal.

                        “Cuándo tengas un invento revolucionario, antes de mirar a quién beneficia, permanece atento al poder que tiene aquel al que perjudica”


                        • So what approach to intellectual property will really work?

                          There may be more than one that works, but you have to think carefully and beware of the many errors. Develop your solution, share with very few, patent only non-controversial side issues. Make lots of money, hire good people, out-smart the big money controllers, Keep your own council. Stay away from the media and untrustworthy people. Control information. Protect yourself, Create an education program, Deliver practical results to the common simple human being. When you have done all that, come here to energetic forum and tell the world what you have.
                          There is a reason why science has been successful and technology is widespread. Don't be afraid to do the math and apply the laws of physics.


                          • sectors, discs and inertia

                            Like everyone else, I'm looking for some commonality in the various mechanical devices with energy gain. I found an interesting idea.
                            "In the case of rotation about axis the energy of mass rotation depends on a rotation orbital radius and the speed of rotation. It can be defined by a term angular momentum which characterizes the quantity of rotational movement.

                            This leads to the striking conclusion:

                            Nothing (meaning course of nature) prohibits to build such a device, in which mass from one side of the axis rotates on one orbit (with a small radius), and from another side on the other orbit (with a larger radius) and receive constantly unbalanced state of the system and, as a result, constant rotation about axis."
                            Gravitational engine

                            There is a lot of interesting discussion going on in the "Skinner" thread. There is a lot of discussion of the nature and attributes of aether. De Palma said that inertia is a property of space and NOT a property of mass. Space confers inertia on mass when there is movement. Obviously, the Aspden Effect comes into play here.
                            In the Ucros device, inertia seems to favor sectors over full circles. Milkovic has a sector that oscillates rather than rotates. Chalkalis started out with a pendulum that rotated. He moved on to a non-geometric rotating device.

                            Purely Primitives is rotating sectors.
                            The Aspden Effect makes an argument for motion conditioning the aether. Milkovic states that the motion/inertia of a rotor dies out faster than the motion of a pendulum. Does a sector condition the aether better than a disc? If you look at the work of Chalkalis, he has leading and trailing weights.

                            Captain Blood has a really strange device;
                            Then, there is OBM.
                            This guy runs multiple sectors.
                            Does space/aether confer more inertia on a sector than a disc? If it does, is this related to mass? It is interesting that Chalkalis makes his weights aerodynamic. If the Aether interacts with mass, does it interact differently with an aerodynamic shape. Does aether confer more inertia proportional to higher speed? ,,, non proportional?
                            It would be interesting if Purely Primitives were to duplicate his rotor with the same weight but, in an aerodynamic steel construction. At the end of this vid, this guy says that he can produce electricity for 1/2 the going price. he has a REALLY big pendulum.




                              • Hi all,

                                I am new here and I found your blog very helpful.
                                I wanted to ask how can I determine the distance between the 2 shafts?

                                I have a big problem to set the shafts working correctly. There is a big noise when working on some rpm (video in the my previous post). Can someone help me?

                                Thank you in advance,

