Hey G
I knew that would get you goin
Im not saying electrons or a subparticle of an electron doesnt orbit an atom, what Im saying is an atom is a particle with a magnetic and electric field as macro so is the micro.
Im sure electrons can be striped from an atom but we dont need to, the particles that feed the atom feed everthing, we live in a sea of them.
Bearden I think it was said it best we have never created an ounce of energy.
A magnetic field condenses space this creates a low pressure point the aether seeks harmony, balance so a magnetic field is a sink, look at the Z pinch effect.
We just have to stop the aether from reaching balance and siphon off the energy, we're getting close we have to shunt the primary.
just my thoughts
I knew that would get you goin

Im not saying electrons or a subparticle of an electron doesnt orbit an atom, what Im saying is an atom is a particle with a magnetic and electric field as macro so is the micro.
Im sure electrons can be striped from an atom but we dont need to, the particles that feed the atom feed everthing, we live in a sea of them.
Bearden I think it was said it best we have never created an ounce of energy.
A magnetic field condenses space this creates a low pressure point the aether seeks harmony, balance so a magnetic field is a sink, look at the Z pinch effect.
We just have to stop the aether from reaching balance and siphon off the energy, we're getting close we have to shunt the primary.
just my thoughts