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Mr Lester J Hendershot's magnetic generator.

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  • Hi Morpher,

    Great to see you here - you have so much Hendershot hands-on to share.

    I too have had an electrolytic blow up in my face - for I had been looking to see where the hissing sound was coming from at that very moment.
    The casing parted my hair and stuck in the workshop ceiling (mark still there though now a bedroom), I fell back off my high stool, was quite dazzled by the flash, and my face and hair were completely covered in damp dielectric paper which had been turned into expanded fluff. Darned Lucky !

    I'm still stuck for time at the moment, but there is another associated link here -

    Cheers ............ Graham.


    • [QUOTE=morpher44;219015]Look for large AC capacitors at some eletronic surplus store. Capacitors that are used with AC motors, such as air conditioning capacitors are good. You don't want super caps or electrolytic. The voltage rating should be high such as 400VAC. If its too low, these suckers can explode as you go over the voltage rating. You can certainly hear them bubbling first, so wear eye protection.

      Hendershot was rumored to have blown a hole in his garrage ceiling. I wonder how he did that. The Tesla levels for his fields must have been pretty strong. Flubber indeed.

      I concur that the book/video/build-kit that is being advertised of late looks like a nasty hoax, with all sorts of disinfo. I saw one last night that talks about how Hendershot was Charles Lindbergh's special inventor. Not true. Made up fantasy to hook people.
      Quoting Real Genius, "'Ick' Ikagami: Do you think it's getting weird around here? "


      Hello morpher44:


      took awhile but I did locate a source and quote for the 500uf and 1000uf ACv capacitors. distributed by UPE in Richfield, Ohio. the Quote is attached in thumbnail. !!! yeah !!!

      If a total of 25 members went in together the appro cost per individual would be appro 425.00. -------for the six caps that would be approx 71.00 per cap.

      not exactly a convienient setup. just thought I would pass it on to all of you since it is the only factual info Ive seen on the thread concerning procurement of these caps. LOL

      Last edited by clarence; 02-09-2013, 11:29 PM.


      • Originally posted by clarence View Post

        If a total of 25 members went in together the appro cost per individual would be appro 425.00. -------for the six caps that would be approx 71.00 per cap.
        That circuit is a HOAX.
        The Hendershot circuit does NOT use those values !

        Cheers .......... Graham.


        • every magnet is different...

          Originally posted by GSM View Post
          That circuit is a HOAX.
          The Hendershot circuit does NOT use those values !

          Cheers .......... Graham.
          The best "FREE" book I've been able to find on the Hendershot material is this one:
          Secrets Of Perpetual Power - Hendershot Mystery by Barry Hilton

          There are several alternate schematics with a discussion for each.
          Disinfo is FACT mixed with fiction.
          I am hoping that anyone who altered the schematic to make it wrong, altered it only slightly, leaving all the components and so forth present.

          I think with modern computers, it would be possible write a simulation of the Hendershot circuit. I would break this puzzle up into various subsystems.
          For example, the solenoid-magnet-bar device could be studied ALONE in terms of its properties. You could build just that (or model just that), pulse it with a pulse generator (or equiv), and study the effects as the solenoid is brought near and moved away from the magnet. The magnetic field around the magnet is a known thing, if you know the strength of your magnet. The equations for electro-magnets are known and are present in many first-year physics books or EM theory books or basic electronic books.
          If the magnets field is being used to create power (as the prime mover near stationary coils), it should be possible to have easily made dual pickup coils to see how much energy is there. With an oscilloscope probe on each of these two pick up coils, you could derive the flux-power at various locations NEAR the magnet as it is made to oscillate with the solenoid.
          I'm thinking doing this step to gain an understanding of what YOUR magnet and your stuff can do would be WISE to do BEFORE building the larger Hendershot device.
          Every magnet is different - with different strengths, different geometry, etc.

          Everyone will be buying different parts, and that is OK because diversity may give clues whereas standardizing too early w/o knowing how things works may cause everyone to get stuck the same way and slow progress.



          • Hi Morpher,

            I am new to Hendershot and this forum and have read as much as possible on all of Hendershot devices. I have watch all of your videos with interest to gain as much as possible. I have read this form and many others that seem to be dead so I decided to hang out here. I have decided to replicate, or at least attempt the Mk1 version. I am about ready to start winding coils but if you have any insight I would enjoy any thoughts on Mk1 or Mk2. I have always liked a good puzzle and when they start with a dream it's makes it even better. Thanks for any input.

            I will be posting my progress here. Just keep chatting I am enjoying all of it.

            I have an original hand sketched schematic diagram of the Mk3 by Ed Skilling with some of his hand written notes. The circuit that you have shown is not one that has been built, tested and confirmed to work by Hendershot. Hendershot Mk3 circuit is the only one that I have found that anyone has ever said that worked, correct me if I am wrong. All the others are just someones hope and dream of making a functional duplicate. (I will keep researching)


            • Originally posted by GSM View Post
              That circuit is a HOAX.
              The Hendershot circuit does NOT use those values !

              Cheers .......... Graham.
              Hello GSM,


              I was not advocateing ANY particular circuit AT ALL. all I did was post some complete accurate non disinfo about some capacitors and sources for same that had been asked for a short while ago by some members on this thread!!!!!!!!!!!!!

              I did try to display that info in a manner to show that persueing those capacitors was just not very advantageous. Regardless of what they wanted to use them for!!!!thats their business not yours or mine!!!

              please do try to stay in focus sir.

              To all,
              I am quite aware of I would say the majority of all the Hendershot circuits AND I have not treated them lightly. I have read them and reread them for hours!, includeing the one that is condemned as a hoax. my opinion is still out on that one but I lean towards a positive direction. however, KNOW this, my end opinion will be justified or unjustified by haveing replicated it thoroughly and experimenting with that replication as necesscary to reach a justified conclusion!!! however I am not going to persue this replication immediately as I am presently still occupied in another type. one at a time-one at a time, but I will keep up with all the valuable posting that becomes available on this thread.

              To me, the MOST intrigueing thing about any form of the Hendershot generator systems is the fact that there is no apparent battry involved in the systems at all. thats like throwing a bone in front of a hungry dog.

              respectfuly to all,


              • coil thoughts...

                Originally posted by mikec_ut View Post
                I am new to Hendershot and this forum and have read as much as possible on all of Hendershot devices.
                Hi mikec_ut

                Re: the coils.
                I did make a video where I present why I think Hendershot used exactly 57 pegs. The math involves PHI and is quite easy and logical. He may have just wanted a certain spacing between pegs so that the wires cross each other at a nice angle, not too steep, not too perpendicular. Just right. This might be useful to know in case you want to make the coils a different size than Hendershot and wanted to maintain that same wire-crossing angle.
                Basketweave coils are pretty amazing in that they are real easy to wire up. You don't have the back strain and anxiety of winding just a cylinder straight, with each wire touching. A basket weave is a much more natural winding that even a kid could do w/o being overly bored. You can watch TV while your doing it and you won't mess up. It doesn't require your full attention.

                The Wire diameter (gauge) and wire types are a mystery. Certainly larger gauge wire would offer less resistance, which is good. I would put each cord on its on 1/2 inch board and put a spool of wire on a large dowel nearby.

                I would NOT put the thing in WAX until you've managed to get something working and "tuned". I doubt the WAX-PARAFIN is required to make it work. I could be wrong, but in terms of building and testing electronic equipment, like radios, usually you would only WAX things at the end to hold things in place in a stable way. WAX does have some interesting properties, however.

                You might need to invest in a meter that can read inductance. This can be expensive. If you don't have that, you might be able to make a simple LRC circuit, and attempt to measure the time constant by pulsing it periodically. You would then need to do math and derive the inductance L knowing R and C. Or get some old wheatstone bridge thingy for measuring inductance -- really old school.
                It probably true that you want your two coils to MATCH, inductance-wise, for each of the L1, L2, L3, L4 coils -- adding and/or subtracting wire until that is so. I bought a little kit that measures inductance, but its kinda crude.

                Another thing that I ran into was I was using all sorts of clip leads, wired this way and that like the set of some Beatles stage. Not cool in this case. You want all your interconnecting wiring to be NEAT and away from the coils and with adequate spacing, etc. The skin effect and mutual inductive coupling where you don't want it to happen can really mess you up. Just bring an oscilloscope probe over into high-voltage AC circuits can be a bit tricky.

                Oh yeah, if you have a nice SCOPE, be careful. You don't want to damage your scope with a high-voltage SPIKE it can't handle. You might keep probes nearby but not attached or make little pick-up coils for your probes to read the AC via the fields -- being careful with inverse-square-law considerations. I would hate to see someone DESTROY their oscilloscope on Christmas or something.
                NEVER have your laptop or computer near this stuff ... or mobile smart-phone, or tablet. Not a good idea. Consumer devices are NOT going to like pulsed, glitchy, high-voltage, electronics near them.

                Rubber gloves. Yup. Bare foot. Nope. Touch hot wires with only one hand and use the back of your hand first, don't grab. Never both hands.
                Keep little kids and kittens away.

                If you do power it up with some power source, I recommend using 12V gel batteries (or smaller batteries) and not your house main. You are less
                likely to kill yourself.

                Little cheap NEON bulbs are a good FIRST load to shoot for, not a 60Hz, 60Watt incandescent. NEON is actually quite sensitive and easy to light up -- even using a 1.5v AA battery and some oscillator to get the voltage high enough.

                Last edited by morpher44; 12-19-2012, 03:09 AM.


                • 6.3 degrees


                  I did read your info on the 57 peg Phi related coil winding. I used the same and have wound a 3" basket weave coil as my first coil in a series of 8 coils for the Mk1 device. That was great information, thanks.

                  I will keep your other comments in mind as I continue. I am not sure what to expect yet.

                  The other 7 coils yet to be wound will take a little more thought. (wire size and length, turns, resistance, interaction, etc.)

                  Thanks again for your comments.

                  Sorry Clarence, you were right. You did a good job of researching those capacitors whether they are used or not. Keep posting your ideas, all information is important they are like a well that might spring forth new thoughts.


                  • blessings

                    Originally posted by mikec_ut View Post

                    I did read your info on the 57 peg Phi related coil winding. I used the same and have wound a 3" basket weave coil as my first coil in a series of 8 coils for the Mk1 device. That was great information, thanks.

                    I will keep your other comments in mind as I continue. I am not sure what to expect yet.

                    The other 7 coils yet to be wound will take a little more thought. (wire size and length, turns, resistance, interaction, etc.)

                    Thanks again for your comments.

                    Sorry Clarence, you were right. You did a good job of researching those capacitors whether they are used or not. Keep posting your ideas, all information is important they are like a well that might spring forth new thoughts.
                    Hello mikec_ut,

                    I sincerely respect your gracious efforts in your posting sir. I have had to learn to be focused on purpose of the threads on all venues of threads. I hope to have learned to receive the good honest valuable information that each poster gives. whether it is just a small tidbit or a high knowledge content I believe all are given not in self interest but in the interest of all of us members. that is the value of monitoring the daily posts given as they become available. again I thank you for your consideration sir.

                    mike, onward!


                    • Originally posted by morpher44 View Post

                      I do agree with the conclusions of others that it is very unlikely that Lester used radio active materials.......

                      Here are some conclusions I have come to, which may or may not be correct, but I try.......
                      Hi Morpher,

                      I should like to discuss via sharing opinions upon your analysis.

                      There was nothing galvanic in the Hendershot Mk3.

                      The original Hendershot generators were indeed related to Lester's use of Iron (Fe) in TIN cans, these as shorted turn sleeve core inductors = high current reaction to buzzer transient impulse = induced electron orbit spin, thus electron spin within spin, resulting in force upon electron normal to both spin axes and electron impact/ capture by Fe nucleii. Tin additionally emanates when photon excited.
                      (Check out Meyer-Mace.)

                      Kapanadze uses a shorted metal turn inside his long coil overwind, where the field from the load current increases the atomicly induced photonic emanations transduced by his multilayer coil overwind, whereas Lester used aluminium foil for core emanation transduction which he fed back to the core.

                      I worked hands-on with magnetic amplifiers; they do not generate energy, merely control already existing supply via low power core saturation control circuitry.

                      See photo of the Hendershot Generator board showing operation with the illuminated lamp and clamp tuning adjustment; there the buzzer was nowhere near the core-caps, though these were clearly close together in a field coupled relationship.

                      Basketweave was of its day and a finished varnished/ waxed assembly could be cut from its construction board to be moved about for mutual alignment coupling. Also 'Phi' could not be related to the relatively low frequencies at work here. You had me puzzling over this for quite some time after I first saw your YT videos Morpher !

                      Spice will not work. Spice relates only to 'scientifically' known phenomenon, not unknown shorted sleeve core molecular domain characteristics, phonon relationships related to core length, and possibly internal magnons too.

                      Regarding the buzzer keeper alignment.
                      Obviously the keeper must be on the magnet when not in use, though it must be oscillated in the buzzer assembly *neutral zone* as priorly described by Wesley Gary, and as subsequently re-described by Mark Hendershot, with need for fine screw thread optimum positional adjustment wrt magnet.

                      Could the continuous output have come from the fine single magnet buzzer wires alone, where 60W equates to ~1/10th horsepower, and the Hendershot drawing planned for a 500W device ?

                      Cheers ,,,,,,,,, Graham,
                      Last edited by GSM; 12-19-2012, 09:01 AM.


                      • Response to Graham

                        Originally posted by GSM View Post
                        Hi Morpher,
                        I should like to discuss via sharing opinions upon your analysis.
                        Hi Graham,

                        I would have to agree with you that it probably is not a galvanic reaction in the Hendershot device. I just put it out there as something to look at. If it was Galvanic, and if you could make the thing self-run, chances are you would see signs of Galvanic reactions on the metal.

                        I have to also agree that the cylinder was probably ferromagnetic (and NOT diamagnetic). However, it also occurred to me that his hand-made capacitor IS diamagnetic. The Aho material his "measurements" of the inductances. I think if I remember correctly, they are measurements w/o the cylinder in place. Certainly when adding the ferromagnetic material, the tunning would DROP from 500Khz down to something LOWER in frequency. This would be like the ferrite-rod that you can pull in and out of a coil to "tune", as you change the inductance that way. With the diamagnetic capacitor in there as well, you have an even more complex effect on the inductance. The spinning field in the currents in the coils would be inducting crazy Lenz law stuff in the capacitor -- applying PRESSURE to it, and altering its capacitance. With everything so WIGGLY here, it would be difficult to measure anything ... and maybe that is the key. You actually want to create highly unstable, highly glitchy, circuit, with all sorts of spikes making the physical vibrations increase and the glitchyness increase, etc. So you would actually want to build the thing as SLOPPY as possible to increase glitchiness. Just a thought.

                        Re: Magnetic Amplifiers
                        I only mentioned them as something that people might want to read up on, since there are circuits that are PURE coil, with magnetic controls, magnetic tuning, histerisis, etc. The concepts are useful when discussing the Hendershot device. I admit I need an education on these. I've studied a little book on them, and find them completely perplexing. I have to study circuit analysis, impedance, KVL, KVC, watch some MIT lectures, etc.
                        I had speculated that Hendershots crazy magnet-solenoid thing was just some sort of "control" to lower or increase power and bring it to that subtle feedback balance point -- resonance. Certainly there is some sort of crazy positive-feedback thing happening -- so studying oscillators that do positive feedback might be useful too.

                        >Also 'Phi' could not be related to the relatively low frequencies at
                        >work here. You had me puzzling over this for quite some time after
                        >I first saw your YT videos Morpher !

                        I got onto the idea of PHI because of things I've read about the
                        Hubbard coil. Hubbard had always claimed that Hendershot had
                        stolen aspects of his design (idea). Hubbard had used PHI for some
                        reason. I figured out, partially, why Hubbard used PHI. It was quite
                        obvious really. It had to do with how many cores he used. He
                        selected 8 smaller outer cores, and one larger central core.
                        With circles drawn on paper like that, you get the PHI relationship.
                        Hubbard was inspired by the Flower-of-Life, and may have
                        selected his coil design just from that idea.
                        Had he used 6 outer cores, I think the central area would fit a core
                        exactly the same size as each of the 6 -- if I remember that correctly.
                        Now, on to Hendershot.
                        I puzzled over 57 pegs and found, to my amazement, that there is a PHY
                        relationship there as well.
                        What I don't know, is WHY and whether or not there is a coincidence here
                        or something meaningful.
                        But as Richard Hoagland used to say, "the math does't lie".
                        Hubbard later went on to be a proponent of ACID, so that guy was out there a bit. There really is a story here for an interesting movie.

                        re: Spice
                        I've never used that ... so I was just guessing it could handle it.
                        Perhaps a better way of stating what I was suggesting is that a computer model of some sort, perhaps written with your own hand-written code, could be used to model the Hendershot device. I would love some way of visualizing the magnetic fields -- using proper Quaternion physics ALA Maxwell's equations. Video game programmers know now to use Quaternion math for FAST calculations of complex rotations in their physics models. Go Programmers!!! Stupid Heaviside simplification. Gimbal lock! Doh!
                        The phonon stuff you describe is over my head. We do need some physicists to chime in here and tell us we're all wet. :-)

                        re: Wesley Gary
                        Yeah when I was making my videos, someone turned me on to Wesley's stuff. I made a video or two trying to do something like this -- with no success. Of course mechanically, I'm quite challenged. So I gave up on that idea.
                        I'm thinking that like tuning for resonance with a very narrow band, the so called neutral zone is probably almost "impossible" to find unless you've really machined the thing nicely.
                        I also like the Leedskalnin, perpetual clapper idea, which I've proven to myself would indeed create a very LARGE, high voltage, narrow pulse, IF and only IF, you could pull the keeper off the electromagnet. Doing so would take quite a bit of force -- and again a major mechanical challenge. In looking at the pictures of Hendershot's device, I don't think he had anything that clever. I think he was instead just gently pushing the solenoid toward the keeper-magnet to "tune" the feedback. My impression. If I'm wrong this device is going to need EAR protection for its user's, and really piss off the wife.

                        >Could the continuous output have come from the fine single magnet
                        >buzzer wires alone

                        I would guess no. I think the entire system he has is this strange positive feedback machine that requires just a little bit of power input (possibly arriving into the capacitors as electrical disturbances happen around the planet), and then that gets the mechanical stuff vibrating, which induces more current, which builds fields larger, which induces more current, and so forth until you have to BACK-OFF the solenoid and find some balance point. Some of the material describes Hendershot using a "starter battery", just to get it going, and then he would disconnect it. Certainly big caps will hold a charge for a while, and if you have the TESLA-SWITCH idea going on where currents are just flowing back and forth and a LOW-RESISTANCE-LOAD (like a bulb), is just your way of seeing the currents go back and forth ... then you can not really think about it as a load. Its just a small value of R so that your time constant is LONGER. If your machine gets another PING, it can ring again, another PING ... ring again. Keep those incoming pings going and you might sustain -- like a rock guitarist holding his guitar against his AMP.



                        • magnetic amp experiments

                          Here is a cute little magnetic amp experiment:

                          Homemade Magnetic Amplifiers.

                          Also, here is a very basic diagram of something Hendershot might have been exposed to, while he taught himself electronics:




                          • Magnetic Amplifiers - 1951

                            I purchased this little booklet, and now I find it today for FREE on the web.




                            • fun stuff...

                              Spintronic oscillator based on magnetic field feedback | Browse - Applied Physics Letters

                              See "Model T" high-voltage ignition coil:

                              MAGNETIC MULTIVIBRATOR CIRCUIT - Hitachi, Ltd.

                              Frequency control circuit for magnetic multivibrator

                              So I have a puzzle for you guys to ponder.
                              Given all the Hendershot components, do you think it would be possible to make a magnetic multivibrator circuit (ignoring the circuit diagrams from the Hendershot material ... and instead attempt to wire things up in multivibrator fasion)?

                              The Hendershot coil has "tickler" coils and there are types of oscillators (amplifiers), Armstrong comes to mind, that have tickler coils.
                              The solenoid-magnet-bar could be the amplification control for the oscillator.

                              I think rather than being influenced by the Hendershot material, if you were just given these parts, could you make a multi-vibrator from them?
                              That is my question? Using a battery to power it is OK. We will worry about how to power it some other way later.

                              It might be possible to find such a circuit on the web.
                              More inspiration for you guys.
                              Last edited by morpher44; 12-20-2012, 09:09 AM.


                              • Tesla again...

                                This article is quite interesting....
                                Tesla using feedback and deceptively simple circuit...


