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Mr Lester J Hendershot's magnetic generator.

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  • GSM
    Hi ewizard.

    Sincere Thanks for your suggestions, however there is no longer any Internet Security - it does not exist unless via an original one-to-one codex.
    Heck, even the UK Census information of every UK resident went to US/ Israel !

    Also every MS operating system computer 'phones home' as part of the boot-up process *before* the 'security' software loads and the desktop becomes fully user operable, or later if unable to do so, this not being just for updates either. And every MS, Apple etc. device is accessible via 'security' forces 'for the good of' every user, or for hacking to download files of compromising information should those PTB who give themselves the rights to do so need reason to have any person arrested/ investigated.

    What once was good has either become compromised, or denied, or lost via the passage of time, and in view of my efforts here I wonder if I might be allowed to off-topic link this performance relating to where I feel we still are right now -
    Learning to Fly - Multicam - Pink Floyd 1994 Pulse & PPV (rare) - YouTube
    yes - we will !

    Cheers .............. Graham.
    Last edited by GSM; 09-25-2013, 08:07 AM. Reason: spelling

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  • ewizard
    Originally posted by GSM View Post
    Guys and Gals -

    I have been spied upon (computer + telephone), my computer interfered with, and I have been conspicuously followed by ****wits for many years since I first wrote about molecular dissociation by TPTB on YouTube in relation to 9-11.

    Why do I call them ****wits, because they stopped developing their own personal human spirit the moment that their watching of other people's positive lives and the truthful work became the main importance of their own secret belief of lie driven life-force corrupting activities.

    Today my last post took quite some time to load and I had time to make a copy/ paste in case it might disappear.

    Whilst I was waiting I thought that I would erase back letters in the address bar in order for my Windows browser to be redirected directly to the energetic forum home page, thereby bypassing the reply address still showing there, or so I thought.

    The energetic forum became unobtainable, even when I retried twice again directly from my separate desktop shortcut.

    Whilst trying to reconnect so that I might check my post I noticed that something of significance showed in the drop-down choices which appeared below the address bar. This was after I right clicked and then left clicked on the address bar in order to turn it blue plus erase back some of the energetic forum address letters; it is shown in the attachment.

    So BING has an automatically activated external keystroke reader as well as g'OO'gle, and had clearly been in control of my Window !
    Maybe I should tell them in their own address bar where to go. LOL.
    Of course it is turned off now, but - Do I trust these providers - No way.

    Cheers ........... Graham.
    warning - somewhat OFF TOPIC:

    May I suggest a few good solutions? is a private search engine that saves nothing at all. Also which is related to but actually uses the google search engine annonymously to return results to you and google knows nothing about who or where you are at. Also a couple good programs to have that will mask your IP address and encrypt everything you do on the Internet are available from Spotflux Free VPN (unlimited data free) and SecurityKISS - Free VPN Service (limited to 300 Mb per day free - paid gets you unlimited). Spotflux may slow downloads about 5%. I think security kiss may slow them a small amount also but for the most part it's unnoticeable if you have DSL or cable. If you want really industrial grade security I can tell you some more options but for most purposes these will help.

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  • ewizard
    double post
    Last edited by ewizard; 09-24-2013, 05:04 PM.

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  • GSM
    Originally posted by JVonD View Post
    Thanks GSM. "Ferrous sleeve" Got it thanks!

    I'll continue my search...
    Think we all are JVonD.

    Sheet iron sleeves - The self sustaining electric generator
    with plated surface domains.

    Pulsed iron rods - Hubbard Amplifying transformer
    contacting within tubes.

    Cheers ............... Graham.

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  • JVonD
    Originally posted by GSM View Post
    What can I say ?
    Cheers .................. Graham.
    Thanks GSM. "Ferrous sleeve" Got it thanks!
    Please forgive my arrogance. I have read "Secrets Of Perpetual Power" and thought that maybe you guys might have tested the different circuits and figured out the best setup.
    The only reason I mention that about Morpher is cause I have watched a lot of his videos and have a lot of respect for him but he doesn't really explain things in layman's terms and "I don't understand them" or what he is trying to do have the time. Yes I'm a dumbass in this area.
    I was hoping to find somebody to summarize the thread because I don't have a lot of time to read a ton of technical jargon that I don't understand and I figured you geniuses have tested things and could give me a little guidance.
    I'll continue my search... Thanks! ~J Cheers!
    (Hope my next tutorial video on youtube will be a Hendershot.)

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  • GSM
    Oh dear, this post is long again.

    In post 371, I was trying to render imagineable a concept of electric current flow as based upon a field effect -
    not a voltage field effect, but an electron spin-orbit-induced magnetic field effect -
    a *transverse* like wave of induced electron spin magnetic axis re-alignments through a conductor at near light speed -
    ie. an induced 3-D *angular* wave of electron orbits about the nucleii of metal atoms.

    Yet when we attempt to induce a magnetic wave to 'flow' through a rod of iron (Tesla's Pierce Arrow?) -
    the magnetic spin axes of electrons about those iron atoms do not (cannot except for some at the surface) change angle at near light speed,
    nor indeed typically faster than even a uS unless the iron domains have been granulated, or ferrited, or alloyed, or plated,
    this because the atomic electrons are more closely related to their remanent domain neighbours than they are to the external induction field.

    Via external field induction we venture into electron *spin orbit dynamics* whereupon the magnetic field induced force experienced by an electron in isolation cannot any longer be atomic nucleus centric, and thus the externally influenced moment of angular force which the electron spin precession axis experiences effectively becomes separated from the nucleus, as like in the Laithwaite video I have linked.

    Could this be the Omega from here;-
    this being like when outer Solar System planetary orbits become disturbed by externally located Interstellar forces, with the result that for the time in which forces act upon the planet its motion is no longer purely orbital wrt to the Sun.
    The resultant radian motion is no longer related to the Sun, hence wrt the Solar System its orbit becomes quite distorted, with not only a risk of collision with other less affected and more closely orbiting planets, but upon release from the external influence, if considerable, there is additionally the possiblity for eventual Sun-diving, or for eventual capture into the orbit of another star.

    I am attempting to emphasise here the quite different electron orbit relationships possible via coincidental electric current flow and external magnetic field inducement within and at the surface of a metal (iron) core, or even between inhomgegeous domains, and how via
    the Alpha from here;-
    this can then lead to the controlled low level splitting of non-radioactive atoms.
    This of course then being the release of energy from matter (or energy from the Aether where there is the concept that matter is of Aether) for it is the matter itself which is the fuel !

    Now what do we see in the Hendershot device -

    a steel (iron) sleeve core, this simultaneously being - a short circuit single turn,
    which when energised and electromagnetically tuned via a medium value hand made capacitor coupled fourth winding develops highly remanent alternating current flow alignment of iron domain related electron spin orbit axes.

    there are also three impulse energised windings,
    the outer two in phase opposition
    the middle phased by a capacitor to resonate field motion within the core at the low frequency of mechanical buzzer oscillation = desired output frequency.

    also these three windings are impulse energised by the 'currents' generated by field reversals due to armature position wrt the buzzer magnet -
    this is a step function capable of initiating resonances through a broad bandwith, and higher in frequency than the sleeve core current controlled domains can react to,
    the fields thus generated within the sleeve core thus impulse energise highly energetic electron spin axis rotations over already current induced+aligned remanent magnetic domains, also within surface domains with respect to inner domains
    as illustrated in post 352 above,
    the outer iron domains of the sleeve cores within Hendershot's original construction were additionally tin plated.

    The impulse energised vortexes arising at outer domain discontinuities could induce spin axis rotations between domains and (as with adjacently passing planetary systems) differentially gyrate electron orbit axes beyond those centric with individually based nucleus related spin orbits, thus occasionally inducing electron motion courses into the nucleii themselves.
    Possible 'electron capture', though to me this explanation is not entirely correct.

    Kapanadze uses brass for his separately energised short circuit current electron spin orbit alignment loop, plus spark impluse driven series connected CW+CCW windings to induce the domain vortexes therein.

    Must go - other things to do

    Cheers ............. Graham.
    Last edited by GSM; 09-24-2013, 03:09 PM. Reason: spelling

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  • Bob Smith
    Same screen appeared to me as well. Thought I had been booted from the club until I tried pulling up the umbrella EF site on another computer, and got the same screen again. I surmise it's probably just a server problem.
    Hope the painting's going well.

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  • GSM
    Originally posted by Bob Smith View Post
    Well-spoken, GSM.

    What I understand from this thread now is that electricity, magnetism and gravity are all interlinked (or perhaps “unified” is a better term) via atomic axial alignment and gyroscopic electron spin. And this must have something to do with the earth’s own magnetic fields, which would pervade all substances on this planet, giving rise to gravity.

    Thanks for your comment Bob.

    I am not a scientist, so I cannot state that that is the case, but those are my thoughts as well.

    This appeared on me today, and I found myself unable to access this forum for several hours, not even via my wife's laptop. I wonder why ?

    Hope to be back tomorrow.

    Cheers ............... Graham.
    Attached Files

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  • Bob Smith
    Well-spoken, GSM.
    Indeed, in our search for truth, we are all bound by time and culturally-conditioned parameters which inform the language and concepts by which we converse about reality. The trick is to use wisely our powers of reason to apprehend truth, whether it be expressed by intuitives such as Hendershot, or by those employing the more formalized language of contemporary physics and EM theory. One must use a kind of intellectual discernment to identify where theories and language not only fall short, but sometimes obfuscate reality. As you note, this is endemic in the West, whose reality is constructed on an oxymoronic notion of economy, which poorly reflects the notion ‘householding’ that it is meant to convey.

    Somehow, then, our concepts need to approximate or ‘resonate’ with the truth that pervades the universe, reflecting its order and structure. Yes, a big part of the problem is that our understanding of reality is truncated, separated into purportedly mutually exclusive parts. Perhaps conventional EM theory’s separate treatment of electricity and magnetism is consistent with the allopathic medicine’s polarization from nutrition, economic theory from the common good, legal process from justice...

    What I understand from this thread now is that electricity, magnetism and gravity are all interlinked (or perhaps “unified” is a better term) via atomic axial alignment and gyroscopic electron spin. And this must have something to do with the earth’s own magnetic fields, which would pervade all substances on this planet, giving rise to gravity.

    Perhaps this doesn’t go far enough without taking into account an underlying factor which gives rise to this pervasive force. Could it be radiant energy from the sun? And is this more primordial energy readily accessible in useable quantities in ways that persons like Hendershot were able to identify? For example, following a disruptive discharge from a condenser/capacitor – such as Hendershot might have obtained thru the use of caps in his system)?


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  • GSM
    Oops –
    This post has become the longest I have written on this Forum.
    Hopefully it has been worthwhile.

    Electric current is often viewed as if a bucket brigade of electron activity between atom/ molecular domains,
    like a line of buckets across a floor
    with one drip syphoning to the next
    all at the same time
    such that the moment a drip/ electron enters the first bucket, a drip/ electron exits from the last one at near light speed.

    For this to happen, the source would lose not only electrons,
    but it would also lose a measurable weight of matter too,
    the load would become heavier !

    So what then are the buckets,
    and what is it that passes between them through time in order to transfer energy,
    is the transfer of energy via electricity really a movement of physical matter related to electron flow ?

    By the above reasoning related to the movement of matter, don’t we already know that electric current CANNOT be a movement of electrons through a wire !?
    And if this is not so,
    then what about our concept of resistance ?????

    Suppose we think of the rims of those buckets differently, and more as if their rims are related to electron orbits,
    Then at the centre of each bucket would there not be an undeniable magnetic moment longitudinally along their centre axis generated by the permanently rotating electron charge, and this related directly to the nature of any particular atomic element centre and its electron orbitals, whether conductor, insulator, magnetic etc.

    Would it not be much better for us to imagine current flow as being the mutually induced angular change of the axial magnetic field alignments between spinning electrons which transfers energy between neighbouring atoms/ molecules
    and thus there be not anything physical passing from one bucket rim to the next other than the magnetic energy necessary to induce an axial or precessional realignment of electron spin obits; that is as if causing the buckets to gyroscopically precess in 3-D instead of simplistically pass energy in 2-D.

    Maybe THE ‘oxymoron’ has always been our view of electrical conduction, and that electric current really is not the simplistic transfer of charge, but a mutual magnetic coupling via the axes of gyroscopic electron spin orbit alignments in the form of gyroscopic electron axis ‘spin wave’ through matter; ie. the tiny magnets Leedskalnin implored us to imagine as with his components of his ‘magnetic current’.

    And there we have it -
    both electricity and magnetism become interpretable via precessional changes in the axes of adjacent electron orbit alignments.
    and not only this
    but many other magnetically related realities quite literally become realisable, whereas before this understanding they were quite literally IMPOSSIBLE to either comprehend or imagine.

    The spin axes of those atom related electron gyroscopes within molecular magnetic domains may be aligned not only by a coincidental magnetic field, but by conduction of an AC or DC electric current through their own matter, or, via the external magnetic field induction of an external AC or DC electrical field coil.

    So how might these electron gyroscopes become physically aligned throughout the body of conducting matter we use as a length of electrical connecting wire ?
    Well, whilst we could still think of the rims of a line buckets, as like the rims of a row of buckets longitudinally down the wire,
    we really need to think of alignments of the central magnetic gyroscope spin axes and the motion of the electrons where it is their mutual coupling alignments at 90 degrees to the plane of the electron, also the precessional linkages of their axes.

    Electricity is the conduction energised re-alignment of the magnetic spin-axes through a material, and being magnetic in origin, the energised magnetic moments of axes throughout the conductor become naturally self organised in such way that induced magnetic moments could not fail to retain activity within the surface of the conductor edge; ie. not having magnetic moments outwardly open circuited and normal to the surface of the wire in the same way that a resultant 90 degree related electric field becomes measurable.

    Hence electric current is more like a conduction initiated precession wave of mutual magnetic electron spin axis alignments, where the magnetic spin axes tend to align sequentially, and the electron orbits toroidally or spirally within the wire circumference (skin effect), as is externally determinable and expressed via a concentric magnetic induction field, also explained by our right-hand rule.

    It is my feeling that we are rendered incapable of adequately considering concepts related to the Hendershot, Mace-Meyer and Kapanadze’s iron core energised electric generators, and even more so of fathoming the other seemingly coreless generators, where the copper wire electrons become actively aligned so as to function as if a magnetic core, as with Don Smith, Zilano, Akula etc., without breaking out from our ‘education’ closed thinking boxes.

    Some years ago I used to imagine that free energy required the other form of right angle radiation via Tesla’s longitudinal electromagnetic radiation, but the functionality of the already demonstrated generators mentioned can be seen to have already been a much better practical application via the above thinking process.

    No one calling me a ‘dough ball’ yet – amazing - or am I just a little premature ?
    Back shortly.

    Cheers ……….. Graham.

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  • GSM
    Originally posted by Bob Smith View Post

    I'm struggling to understand what electricity is in light of this -

    I'm open to an explanation as to how electricity and magnetic current are more fundamentally related than current textbook explanations express.

    I also can't help but think of Dave 45's quest to separate the electric field from the magnetic in order to tap into a rich supply of electricity.

    How exactly do you see these two (electricity & mag current) relating in terms of electron spin, axial alignment, attraction, etc.,?

    Hi Bob,

    You asked how I see electricity and magnetic current, and you asked if Ed Leedskalnin's notion of 'magnetic current' was an oxymoron ?

    Well maybe I could ask this –
    Is it not our notion of electric 'current' which really is THE ‘oxymoron’, because charge flow or lack same, results from the magnetic alignment of electron spin orbits in either conductors or insulators ?

    You know it really does not matter as long as the concepts work correctly for any given application, for there are so many ways of describing fundamental activity. And yet we are all taught to accept but one classic 'scientific' interpretation, in the same way as we are told that we need to live democratically within a single bank debt financed monetary system.

    Looking back it is we who must not only interpret the individual languages of the Pioneers, same as ancient Egyptian hieroglyphs were a form of communication and today completely different computer softwares do exactly the same thing, but we must also read cognitively instead of literally in order to ‘see’ from our own individual viewpoints what the intentions and informations were behind their writings.

    By the very nature of the way in which originators processed information and imagineered, their intuition was born of individually inate process near impossible to express in any conventional language. Was Leedskalnin an ‘oxymoron’, or Tesla, or Hendershot, or is Kapanadze a living example ? Is that anyone’s right to judge ?


    And anyone who would do so based upon the modern education of today could make of themselves one of many oxymorons when our peoples look back from the future.

    How-come ?

    Does not our 'education' make us think of little ‘e’ electrons running down a wire, or possibly ‘I >’ or ‘< I’ flow ?

    [The only person I know who 'witnessed' electron flow within an electric conductor was a student of electronic engineering many years ago, but then he was able to do this because he used a very special detector - LSD.
    No not me – I’ve always been a beer or brandy man.]

    Also aren’t we taught about electricity and magnetism separately because they are so different ?

    And yet are electricity and magnetism not but differently phased observations of the same electron based reality; these quite literally bearing a 90 degree relationship because they are observations of the SAME thing but merely observed from different viewpoints, and then written about in completely different languages.

    We constantly read these different languages, engendering concepts so totally foreign that we cannot interpret their commonality, and this because we are not also taught about the gyroscopic spin of the electron around an atom, or around atoms grouped within molecules, and how it is this spin which is the phase translator for the fundamental relationships within and without all matter, and thus THE explanation for the (separate?) spatial field relationships we observe.

    Going to brew another cuppa, back in a mo ………

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  • GSM
    Corrections ?

    I'm getting real fed up with the situation here.
    Sometimes I am able to error correct a post, sometimes not.

    With the last one above as I write this, yet again I'm reduced to copy-paste into desktop wordpad, correct it, and then again copy-paste to repost on the forum.
    As below for Sunday 22nd Sept, when completed.

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  • GSM
    Hi Bob,

    The questions are getting deeper - hence my dives take longer before I'm back to the surface.

    Good one from you.
    But I also hope you too have an answer and have your own ideas interpreted in order to bounce against mine.

    However today the weather is dry and there is a pot of outdoor wall paint waiting for me, so back soon.

    Cheers ............... Graham.

    All 'free energy' devices work via the same fundamentals, and there is so much work being done by members of this forum that other's here must understand the ideas they are chasing. No other comments or input ?????

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  • Bob Smith
    You reference the magnetic current in Leedskalnin's keeper as:
    serially plus axilally aligned orbits of continuously circling and axially attracting atomic electrons
    You also mention:
    Our problem is that we are educated in electricity and magnetism separately, these being linked by fields, and not taught about the fundamental self sustaining gyroscopic auto-magnetic nature of atomic electrons, as Leedskalnin did try to open our minds to.
    I'm struggling to understand what electricity is in light of this - would like to say more but I'm at work and someone just walked in - lunch over

    Edit: Back home now. Okay, I understand that there is magnetic current, and recognize that there is a thing called electricity. In the mag current, is there in fact something moving or racing around (e.g., in the Leedskalnin keeper) as the name "current" suggests, within this "serially plus axially aligned orbits of continuously circling and axially attracting atomic electrons"? When I view SM's TPU videos and see and how he starts it up with a magnet, it suggests to me that he's doing this to get the magnetic current racing around the toroid so that his pickup coils can tap into its passing (perhaps similarly in Don Smith's metglass MEG) to harvest electricity. Is the notion of "current" in this case actually an oxymoron? Might it just be simply dynamic in terms of axial alignment and electron spin and atomic attraction, but not actually racing around? Is current just a crude, but misguided label for this phenomenon?

    I'm open to an explanation as to how electricity and magnetic current are more fundamentally related than current textbook explanations express. I also can't help but think of Dave 45's quest to separate the electric field from the magnetic in order to tap into a rich supply of electricity. How exactly do you see these two (electricity & mag current) relating in terms of electron spin, axial alignment, attraction, etc.,?
    Last edited by Bob Smith; 09-21-2013, 03:18 AM. Reason: Completing interrupted post

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  • GSM
    Originally posted by Ruphus View Post
    I think the field theory in this link is close to correct. I'm not too keen on gravitons but I liked most of what's here.

    The Nature Of The Electron - Hypography Science Forums
    Thanks for the good link Rufus.
    Scientists come up with the most mindboggling ideas (deliberately?), but Nature is simple, and not simple = stupid, nor mathematically complex.

    From your link dated 25th May 2011.

    ( -- Scientists at Imperial College London have made the most accurate measurement yet of the shape of the humble electron, finding that it is almost a perfect sphere, in a study published in the journal Nature today.
    Using a very precise laser, they made careful measurements of the motion of these electrons. If the electrons were not perfectly round then, like an unbalanced spinning-top, their motion would exhibit a distinctive wobble, distorting the overall shape of the molecule. The researchers saw no sign of such a wobble.


    The model of the electron has been repeatedly refined and proven for over 100 years,
    it being a point of negatively charged matter circling an atomic nucleus.
    The circling matter of an electron(s) behaves like a gyroscope.
    A circling charge is like a magnet, like current in a super-conducting ring.
    Thus polarising the magnetic field around an atom, or the molecule the atom is part of, cannot fail to make electron orbits align with that field.
    Thus alternating a magnetic field around an atom/ molecule cannot fail but to make associated electron orbits precess.

    Ed Leedskalnin's 'magnetic current' in his keeper closed soft iron permanent magnetic holder is the alignment of electron orbits of iron molecules into a closed permanent magnetic loop.
    That magnetic circuit itself becomes permanent because it is sustained by serially plus axilally aligned orbits of continuously circling and axially attracting atomic electrons until either the magnetic or physical (electron spin-axis alignment or proximity) circuit is broken !!!

    The storage of potential energy in Ed's magnetic holder of gyroscopic electrons is much like having an axial row of the "Wheel-works of Nature" demonstrated in Paul's link - -

    Originally posted by soundiceuk View Post
    Hi GSM, I have been studying Prof Laithwaite's work. In particular that demonstration.

    I came across this video tonight.

    Wheel momentum Walter Lewin.wmv - YouTube

    Something interesting going in these mechanical behaviours.
    After all Tesla was a mechanical engineer.

    Does all this mechanical motion have some bearing on what electricity might be doing perhaps and how to harness it in a better way?
    Definitely something in common with a lot of these electrical devices.
    Think of Tesla's mechanical resonator that was supposed to amplify mechanical energy.
    Just a few thoughts.
    Best regards,

    Our problem is that we are educated in electricity and magnetism separately, these being linked by fields, and not taught about the fundamental self sustaining gyroscopic auto-magnetic nature of atomic electrons, as Leedskalnin did try to open our minds to.

    Cheers ................. Graham.
    Last edited by GSM; 09-20-2013, 08:57 AM.

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