I think the field theory in this link is close to correct. I'm not too keen on gravitons but I liked most of what's here.
The Nature Of The Electron - Hypography Science Forums
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Mr Lester J Hendershot's magnetic generator.
Originally posted by john_g View PostThis stuff gets so difficult. I was reading Dewey Larson's writings last week and he was putting forward the evidence or the lack of it for electrons being part of an atom!
" If no electrons exist within the atom, as Larson suggests, I do not see how the photoelectric effect can be explained. From this I conclude that however stimulating Larson’s book might be as an intellectual exercise, it need not be taken seriously as anything more than that. "
— Dr Isaac Asimov, Chemical and Engineering News, July 29, 1963
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Originally posted by GSM View PostHi Cornboy and John.
I found that I could not copy/ save that McFreey article, and although interesting I did not feel it worthy of printing.
Mc Freey writes that it is the nucleii of atoms which precess under the influence of an alternating magnetic force, whereas I think that it is only the electron spin orbits which become altered.
Magneto-striction is a change in physical dimension due to magnetic alignment, so am I expected to believe that the nucleus of a atom will change its size or shape in response to a magnetic field ?
Sorry I cannot.
To me it is the alignment of electron orbits which cause *molecular domain* shape and dimension alteration.
Exactly the same as occurs with insulators and electrostriction, where there is not any magnetic field anyway.
I cannot believe that the structural alignment of every nucleus within every soft iron atom in say a magnetised bar reverses under the influence of an external field, though I can accept that atomic lattice alignments are fundamental in relation to the manner in which electron orbits become obliged to internally align within modern high power magnets like neos etc.
Ferrites can operate at frequencies up to 100MHz ? So if Mc Freey were correct, then how come the energy involved to alternate the 99.9% atomic nuclear matter alignments in a core with such speedy physical internal reversals does not cause them to explode ?
Electrons orbits of course could be reversed at these frequencies without problem, and are.
So I maintain that it is the gyroscopic electron orbits which are being precessed/ reversed, and not the atomic centers, though of course the ideas are similar.
Another way of looking at atoms is imagining as if they are like little solar systems.
If any interstellar field were to affect our solar system, would it not be the planetary orbits which would most significantly indicate its presence (outer valency electrons), and not the Sun's angle of rotation, nor the Sun's magnetic field, which regularly reverses internally anyway ?
Cheers .................... Graham.
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Induced decay products of Iron.
My Hendershot device studies and thoughts led to me writing about the gyroscopic electron spin of iron atom electrons causing separation off of the equivalent of a hydrogen atom per iron atom, and I still have no reason to back down from thinking of this.
It fits in with the findings of pinhole rust, where manganese 'rust' is near indistinguishable from iron rust, especislly if being formed at near particulate level in air.
I have just now come across this -
Isotopes of iron - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
and there we have a full table of possibilities of decay products about half way down the page, including electron capture (if that is a correct description, for maybe it could be electron impact) for Mn.
Cheers ............... Graham.
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The McFreey text - PDF.
Hi Cornboy and John.
I found that I could not copy/ save that McFreey article, and although interesting I did not feel it worthy of printing.
Mc Freey writes that it is the nucleii of atoms which precess under the influence of an alternating magnetic force, whereas I think that it is only the electron spin orbits which become altered.
Magneto-striction is a change in physical dimension due to magnetic alignment, so am I expected to believe that the nucleus of a atom will change its size or shape in response to a magnetic field ?
Sorry I cannot.
To me it is the alignment of electron orbits which cause *molecular domain* shape and dimension alteration.
Exactly the same as occurs with insulators and electrostriction, where there is not any magnetic field anyway.
I cannot believe that the structural alignment of every nucleus within every soft iron atom in say a magnetised bar reverses under the influence of an external field, though I can accept that atomic lattice alignments are fundamental in relation to the manner in which electron orbits become obliged to internally align within modern high power magnets like neos etc.
Ferrites can operate at frequencies up to 100MHz ? So if Mc Freey were correct, then how come the energy involved to alternate the 99.9% atomic nuclear matter alignments in a core with such speedy physical internal reversals does not cause them to explode ?
Electrons orbits of course could be reversed at these frequencies without problem, and are.
So I maintain that it is the gyroscopic electron orbits which are being precessed/ reversed, and not the atomic centers, though of course the ideas are similar.
Another way of looking at atoms is imagining as if they are like little solar systems.
If any interstellar field were to affect our solar system, would it not be the planetary orbits which would most significantly indicate its presence (outer valency electrons), and not the Sun's angle of rotation, nor the Sun's magnetic field, which regularly reverses internally anyway ?
Cheers .................... Graham.
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So which came first - the chicken or the egg ?
likewise - the magnet or the electricity ?
Hi Cornboy. Thanks - Yourself likewise.
Of course the answer is neither, because both are manifestations of the same thing - that of electron alignments and activity within the molecules of matter; including the matter of insulating materials.
Neither are just 'N' or 'S', or '+' or '-' as we are simplistically taught via two dimensional text books and black or white boards.
During alternation our measuring instruments might indicate a pass through zero, but induced electron motion passes through 'E' and 'W', and mathematically imaginary (east-west) electrical quadrants too.
Hence there are special relationships at resonance where energy couplings become phase shifted, but there is always a simultaneous preservation of energy even if seeminly disconnected/ isolated.
Thus resonance can be used as an energy 'pump', but there is never anything for free without some kind of fuelled supply, and if you use any energy from an E-W transformation it must be replaced by N-S drive.
I still don't understand how Hendershot managed this with his own electric motor, for I had been concentrating on his iron sleeve cored generator which itself is more than capable of empowering a motor, and likely even better at that than heating a lamp filament due to the back-EMF (E-W) reflection always associated with AC motor action.
Cheers ........... Graham.
Apologies if my language is not academically technical enough -
they never got me 'in the box' via 'education' - and I so do not regret that !Last edited by GSM; 09-19-2013, 10:42 AM.
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Thanks Grahame, understand about World Events, i am trying to build a vehicle traction motor, that will close to self charge, anything you can do to set me on the path, would be greatly appreciated.
You are a loving, warm human, thanks.
Warmest regards Cornboy.
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Originally posted by soundiceuk View Post
Hi GSM, I have been studying Prof Laithwaite's work. In particular that demonstration.......
Think of Tesla's mechanical resonator that was supposed to amplify mechanical energy.
Aren't these devices just doing the same but electrically. Like a feedback loop. Microphone and speaker.
Just a few thoughts.
Best regards,
Very good to hear from a fellow energy worker again.
Okay, think of audio feedback. Is is only a resonantly tuned situation - the energy for same comes from the amplifier's power source - not from any energy released by the resonance itself. That is all resonance is, even if energetically driven to the point of physical destruction !
Same with magnetic amplifiers as well, their amplified output, even when resonant, comes from an external source of electrical energy which is then magnetically controlled.
From basic magnetic field alternation to electromagnetically induced resonance, electron orbits, = magnetic domains, can be induced to *physically* precess.
Beyond this however, and via electromagnetic/ magnetic field alignment plus electromagnetic/ magnetic excitation, those invisible electromagnetic/ magnetic disturbances can energise electrons to levels and motions beyond those we know in our humble Earthly environment.
Such excitation can lead to the breakdown of simple electron bonds linking elemental atoms together as molecules and compounds (cold dissociation), or, via the dynamics of gyroscopically energised resonant extremis, can even split the atomic centres themselves (energy release).
(See the former molecularly bonded atoms of carbon, sulphur etc. within the original iron escaping after their electron bonds with the iron had been broken, such that they then reformed as an escaping molecular gas.
No fire; only gaseous fumes rising; though in extremis this would indeed look like smoke from a fire.
Also in extremis, John could have turned that iron into a settling cloud of molecular Fe dust, not just separating and falling flakes!)
Hi Cornboy555 and John.
I knew that McFreey is also a an energy investigator, and with the lack of comments to my posts it suddenly occurred to me that I should search to see if he had published any recent articles.
I noted that his new text was related and so added the link, but I have still not even download/saved it for myself yet.
I need a clear head to study this more, especially after again waking today with thoughts and knowledge of the slow torture imparted upon every nerve fibre and every tissue fibre of every one of innocent people who were so cold bloodedly killed by our so called Western leaders and their bastardisation of democracy and media through the 9-11 mass dissociation event.
Innocent non-combants plain murdered in a non-war scenario, for no other reason than to show all 'governments' of the World that they too should toe the line because 'we' have a weapon to make you.
Not all 'natural disasters' against populations are natural.
Thought;- don't be linking John Hutchison with that weaponisation, his utilisations are for good only !!!!!
We should treasure all life, and, as in the ancient Didache text, show care and consideration to all people.
Cheers .............. Graham.
Those lost Souls,
and everyone murdered by deluded secret organisation-society memberships in order to suppress revelations,
must never be forgotten.Attached FilesLast edited by GSM; 09-19-2013, 09:55 AM.
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Wow Grahame, that last link contains some very interesting stuff, i will try to get the time to digest it, and respond.
Thanks Cornboy.
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Hi GSM, I have been studying Prof Laithwaite's work. In particular that demonstration.
I came across this video tonight.
Wheel momentum Walter Lewin.wmv - YouTube
Something interesting going in these mechanical behaviours.
After all Tesla was a mechanical engineer.
I keep meaning to study Tesla's earth and moon equations and text highlighted by Jim Murray in his recent video.
Tesla's Hidden Discoveries - Aug 22, 2013 Jim Murray Interviewed by Peter Lindemann - YouTube
Does all this mechanical motion have some bearing on what electricity might be doing perhaps and how to harness it in a better way?
Definitely something in common with a lot of these electrical devices.
Think of Tesla's mechanical resonator that was supposed to amplify mechanical energy.
Aren't these devices just doing the same but electrically. Like a feedback loop. Microphone and speaker.
Just a few thoughts.
Best regards,
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??? No Comments ???
? Not even any questions or challenges ?
Well I suppose that I can be thankful for the obvious good manners of members here for not calling me all the idiot names of the day, which I have had to put up with after writing up three of my fully working imagineering projects from the past.
The other reason I left this thread at the end of last year was because every one of the links I have just RE-highlighted were already here, except possibly the electron capture one, which I cannot be sure is correct for this application anyway, but it is a mainstream opinion of occurrence which could be deemed explanatory.
It had literally taken me 3 years to unravel as I have just written above regarding electrons and Hendershot, and whilst I was away from this forum I came to realise that the same modus operandi applied for all other of the 'free energy devices'. Is this not something which should be discussed ?
Before yesterday I had not been aware that Prof Laithwaite had made a presentation about - 3rd axis non-reactionary propulsion force via gyroscopic axis rotation - for the Annual Royal Institution gathering, and I find it most significant that it turned out to be the only one in 200 years to NOT be documented and recorded. Wow !
So I wonder if he also discussed the possibility of magnets (electron axes) being physically rotated in exactly the same way as he demonstrated with his gyroscope, or magnetic fields, thus the possibility for splitting non-radioactive atoms in order to release nuclear energy, for surely the already known actions of gyroscopes could not have been so radical to 'classical' scientists, they being on University curriculums for years before his presentation ? Are flywheels/ gyroscope part of University courses in the manner Eric demonstrated I wonder ?
I have heard some recent authoritative opinions stating that these 'free energy' equipments operate via a piezo vibration, or photonically, or via NMR; NO - it is via electromagnetically rotating electron spin axes (molecular magnetic domains) which have priorly been aligned at 90 degrees wrt to the generated and arriving spin wave. All three of those other listed inducements refer to electron orbit level change only, not to atomic separation and the induction of energy release from nucleii.
The Whole Truth is oh so simple; though its implementation not.
The like poles of impulse induction fields must collide, whether this be via oppositely connected coils wound in the same sense, or via series connected but oppositely wound coils, and whether through air or a ferrous core. The fuel may be a short circuit turn of core metal; ie. a tin can or stainless sleeve by Hendershot; a brass ring by Kapanadze; an iron pipe by Mace-Meyer; or the fuel might also conceivably be the copper within an excited coil winding - Don Smith, Akula ?
It is possible that Hendershot's home made aluminium sleeve capacitor converted Beta particle radiation from the tin core, but after seeing it connected in several different ways I am not so sure. Such conversion is not an automatic pre-requisite because a copper wire coil(s) could do the same. Time will tell.
Regarding Kapanadze's long coil induction core. This comprises many ferrite rings aligned side-by-side. It is my feeling that the field will be less efficiently continuous as it waves through each ring face join, and that maybe between a dozen and twenty 4" rods mounted around the circumference of a plastic water pipe would be more functional, as well as more readily available.
Tonight - I have literally just come across this text, and I do not know what it contains.
It is linked here so that we can all read it together.
Cheers .................... GrahamLast edited by GSM; 09-18-2013, 09:57 PM.
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Regarding Prof Laithwaite as linked above, and his Patent 5,860,317.
Patent US5860317 - Propulsion system - Google Patents
I did not know he had been granted a Patent, whereby I can see from his drawing that my own sketch and self disintegrating test was a full 30 years before his.
I should however like to point out that his page 23 figure 28 construction will not provde linear motion because in free space the plate F will pitch or roll as if capsizing over on the plane of the page.
Should anyone wish to try constructing this anti-grav mechanism, a minimum of four gyros with opposing spin motions should be placed one each at all four corners of a common square mounting platform. (Or in multiples of four with circular arrangement - Sweet 16!)
Please do not doubt that exactly the same motions and forces can be brought to bear upon magnetic field aligned electron spin axes in order to resonantly and non-reactively displace domain electrons with respect to their base molecular/ atomic arrangements; as indeed has already been done for the precision dissociation of matter via tooling (Egyption granite statues), and so sadly by madmen in a remote beam weaponised form (9-11). Maybe this technology was in Tesla's notes from so long ago ?
Cheers ............. Graham.Last edited by GSM; 09-18-2013, 08:25 AM.
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Originally posted by wings View Post..... The real interesting thing is that the phase of the coil reverses at the centre. So you wind 610 turns, cross the centre partition and then wind 610 in the opposite direction."
Coupling between Current and Dynamic Magnetization from Domain Walls to Spin Waves ?:
we need a scientist
Spin-motive force due to a gyrating magnetic vortex — Kyoto University
6-1 Magnetic Flow Turns Electronics into Spintronics
I wonder if you are still with us.
Of course those were excellent links you provided almost a year ago, and I am not aware that any scientist did join in with investigations.
Would everyone please check out these links, especially the Lucassen PDF.
From the video reference in my last post, it is clear that angularly rotating the axis of a spinning mass induces either a powerful force or a motion along the third previously unenergised axial direction when compared to either the spin motion or its axial rotation.
So, can this be made to occur with an electron ? The reactionless drive of an electron orbit wrt to its atom ?
The Hendershot, Kapanadze, Don Smith and Zilano coil arrangements all have windings energised in field opposition.
The fields drive together as would the like poles of two magnets being forced together, only with the impacting fields in a ferrite core or copper wire the the boundary is that of imperfect molecular magnetic (electron axis alignment) domains.
Another aspect of all of these devices is that there is a separate field coil resonance, such that short circuit core currents within both Hendershot and Kapanadze, or additional winding (electron alignment) currents within Akula, Smith and Zilano become phase shifted with respect to the induced magnetic boundary inducement.
This results in a powerful magnetic boundary vortex spinning the electron axes in the core and/or a winding, and driving electrons either out of orbit or into an atomic nucleus. See the attached drawing from page 10 of the Lucassen paper linked by fellow contributor wings.
Could this have something to do with the need for a ground wire to all but the Hendershot, where Lester had two coils working in push-pull one against the other ?
Please watch this video -
Electron Capture - YouTube
similarly Fe to Mn, or Cu to Ni, or Hg to Au !
Any wonder Hg is suddenly being completely banned for 'health' reasons !?
Now some scientific experts say that electron capture causes gamma ray emission, others say X-rays. No matter what, there is an additional energy release from nuclear devolution capable of either powerfully energising additional electrons already within a coil winding, or of increasing their motility.
By eye-sight Mn 'rust' is indistinguishable from Fe rust.
Remember - Hendershot had problems with his generators suddenly failing to run, and upon dismantling he found rust holes in his Fe based sleeve cores. This likely occured at the discontinuous molecular domains where field spins had been induced. Hendershot thought it was due to moisture from his hand made capacitors, however, when matter becomes either molecularly or atomically changed due to electron excitation or acceleration, any new molecules formed will relate to the types of atoms directly available.
[(Anyone ever see the supposedly molten metal being scooped up by a digger at ground zero after 9-11 ? Ever been near molten iron/ steel ? Well actually you can't be !!! The hydraulic lines of the digger would have melted if it had been scooping molten metal.
What it had really been scooping up was an Fe3 salt of iron, which would have been generated within the prior extreme electromagnetic enviroment. Fe3 compounds are bright yellow and do not otherwise exist on earth unless created in a laboratory!)]
After dismantling his Kapanadze type generator Akula found that his copper wire could be attracted by a magnet - yet copper is so NOT magnetic, though nickel can be attracted by a magnet !!!
Please listen to this translation by Wesley -
Can copper wire become magnetic? - YouTube
Time to get the thinking caps on Hey ?
Cheers .............. Graham.Last edited by GSM; 09-17-2013, 10:29 PM.
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Thanks Carroll.
I did once rescue the data from a failed Windows laptop using a basic Linux program from a USB key; this without destroying any more data on its hard-drive via the usual MS ROM Disc recovery methods.
The Windows would not boot due to mechanical hard drive damage and missing data (sounded like bearing failure - something vibrating/ rubbing), yet all of the user files were made fully amenable on that that same laptop.
Linux-1 : MS-0.
Unfortunately I'm far too busy with many of life's other little jobs at the moment for me to be doing more computer work, or even any more hands-on Hendershot investigations at the moment.
Hi Everyone !
I have linked this video here 3 times already, yet no-one has commented. Again -
Professor Eric Laithwaite gives a demonstration of a large gyro wheel - YouTube
Has anyone ever considered that this might actually be the mechanical corollary for Tesla's connection to his "Wheelwork of Nature" ?
I'm sure that Tesla must have done this in his day, though he did appear to concentrate on high voltage circuits and impulse technologies.
I did this myself *hands-on* in the late 60's, and I can assure you that the 3rd dimensional force transfer is phenomenal. No doubt any MotoGP bike rider would agree too, and if you had seen the deep gouges in my bedroom wardrobe back then when a small multi-flywheel construction flew apart you would know that I am writing from experience.
Of course I was thinking about 'anti-grav', but I quickly realised that I had neither the means nor capabilities of investigating further. I also realised that using energy to lift heavy weights did not make sense, and that the something else which could be spin-axis rotated was *electrons*, but there too I deemed this the realm of science labs and beyond my scope.
More recently I came to realise that magnetism is the bulk alignment of electron orbits, and I often wondered what might happen if their spin-axes were rotated normally ? Though in this regard I also believed that whatever forces might arise, then energy conservation would still rule.
I read up on Hendershot, and thought that he had sneaked a mixture of radium based powder into the wax he put around the windings to hold them in place. Then I realised that if this had been the case, the radium would still have needed to be photonically energised. Also, enough of the radium element necessary to illuminate a 100W incandescent lamp for days at a time would have been seriously injurious to Lester's own children, and there is absolutely no way he would have done that.
Next I read Gustav LeBon, the Evolution of Matter, as mentioned by TH Moray - and - it all clicked together - this really is all about the controlled DE-evolution of matter, plus a release of e=mc^2 elemental atomic bonding energies: That is, the controlled devolution of non-radioactive elements, and these being actively induced to split down by one atomic number, with the release of the equivalent of a hydrogen atom (or a hydrogen related compound occuring within the material involved) - where - that very same element - hydrogen - is also the final devolution product of radiation acting upon all matter within the Cosmos.
Whereafter, this hydrogen, the base element that exists between all other matter in the Universe, when acted upon by gravity of other clumps of matter to once again become starlight via nuclear transformation into the heavier helium, thereafter with the formation of heavier elements possessing increased bonding energies, until exploded back out into space in order to release that energy yet again through time and via many more repeated levels of atomic devolution; ad infinitum !
Anyone yet see the direct link between Eric's gyroscope and the magnetic (electron spin axes) field within the thin ferrous sleeve core within each of Lester Hendershots generator coils ?
Even though it does look quite different, that modus operandi is exactly the same within Kapanadze's device !!!!!
Hendershot's buzzer arrangement (via an electron spin wave avalanche) is the safe and non radiation pulsing equivalent of Kapanadze's much more simple spark gap.
Cheers ............... Graham.
PS. Eric Laithwate showed these gyroscope effects in a series of BBC Christmas lectures, yet shortly afterwards was banned from any further public demonstrations. Hence he made this video for posterity after he retired.
Eric was a leader in electromagnetic technologies too - The Incredible Genius Of Eric Laithwaite
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