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Mr Lester J Hendershot's magnetic generator.

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  • response to mikec_ut

    Originally posted by mikec_ut View Post

    Most of the Induction Compasses back in the 30s - 40s use the air flow from the airplane to rotate a spinning magnet that induced the surrounding coil to indicate which was true north.

    By looking at the picture of the toy plane I could not tell if the coil towards the nose of the plane was a honey comb or basket weave (looked more basket weave). I could not tell if the two pickup coils L13 and L14 were on the inside or outside. Some of the Inductions Compasses design of that time had them in both positions. One of the statements made Barry Hilton's book indicated that these coils were inclusive, could this mean within L8 and not on the outside.

    You seem to be having more success that I am having but my time is limited at the moment and I still have more research on associated matters of the 30s and 40s in hopes that it will help me understand what knowledge Hendershot was trying to use.

    Coils L19, L22, L25 I believe are a resonant magnatic amplifer to boost the voltage to a usable level.

    You were speculating that the 3 inch coil did not have enough room behind the motor of the toy plane.

    Part of my research was taking the picture and its perspective and depth and flattening it out and measuring all of the inside components as well as the wheels, wings, etc. My base assumption was that the wood stand was 1/4 inch thick. This would make the wheels about 2 inches in diameter and the width of the plane could contain a coil not quite 3 inches in diameter but there would be no room for the 2 coils on the outside (L13, L14).

    I do like your idea about part of the circuit is the motor but not the one in Figure 2.3 that is way to big to fit in the space provided behind the propeller and cowling of the toy plane.

    The adventure continues.
    re: induction compass
    Actually most of them "didn't" have a spinning magnet.
    Rather, just a spinning coil. The Earth's magnetic field was
    used with the spinning coil to generate a small amount of power
    to move the needle. No magnet necessary ... its FREE ... the Earth's
    field. Hendershot was trying to use pre-magnetized cores --
    or little magnets -- to give a TRUE North reading ... and so he's
    one of the guys attempting to put magnets into this invention...yes.

    re: coil towards the nose of the plane
    No that coil is definitely wound lattice style .. and NOT
    basket weave. For basket weave, you would need vertical pegs
    around the cylinder to wind into.
    In the picture you can almost count the turns on the outer layer.
    I count 5 or so downward sloping wires along the LEFT side.
    Definitely "lattice" style. Interesting that the Barry Hilton
    material doesn't call out that these side-mounted solenoids
    are to be honeycomb. Hendershot's model looks pretty "neat".
    He may have just wound those that way too to make it pretty.
    They are a nice coil winding style -- less self capacitance.
    It has a small number of turns of thicker plastic covered wire,
    20AWG, maybe 12 turns or so. These likely have iron cores.
    These solenoids don't look like they are very big. My guess
    would be they are no bigger than 1/2 inch diameter spools,
    5/8 inch tall. I make the plane's wheels to be bigger than you.
    I'm thinking 3 1/2 inch diameter wheels. The NUT on the wheel
    is probably a standard 5/8 inch nut.
    The bobbin coils inside the structure of the plane look to me to be
    about the size of sewing bobbins: 1 1/8" diameter, 1 3/4" tall.

    re: Hendershot's Knowledge
    I have started to realize I shouldn't be thinking in terms of
    resonance and radio so much... and rather should be thinking
    in terms of magnetic fields, and solenoids, and currents....
    He probably experimented quite a bit with induced currents
    and the solenoid's magnetic field to current relationship is the
    important one to master. The number of turns would be
    completely dictated by things related to RPMs, field strength,
    current in wires, etc.

    re: Coils L19, L22, L25
    Good idea about this being an amplifier. I had that thought too.
    He seems to have this pattern replicated over and over again almost
    FRACTALy. Coil spinning one way ... some other coil in center oriented
    a different way ... coil spinning the other way. His technology here
    is to use this STRUCTURE to amplify the effect. Yes.
    This is a MAGNETOMETER structure ... and induces current when
    the fields in this structure are "imbalanced". Notice how one coil
    is CLOSE and touching the central bobbin coil and the other is not.
    There is an intentional imbalance here -- no symmetry.
    That works!! I tried it... You can induce power this way ... if you
    have a steady pulsing waveform to bring your cores almost saturated
    and back again. Remember this predates transistors, so we want
    to use the BH curve here for amplification ... similar to transistor.

    re: honeycomb coil.
    Well, I see your point about it possibly NOT fitting in the pully coil
    in the motor. That steel pully might be a 3in diameter, which FITS
    the dimensions. You could wrap a coil around it in the honeycomb style.
    I'm not sure how he would do it. Perhaps by attaching wodden dowels
    as spokes around both flat surfaces, wiring up the coil, gluing it,
    then removing the dowels.
    This coil could be THE working coil to drive the motor... since
    there is no other except the one on the pully. Interesting that
    this honeycomb coil has TWO layers ... one going CW ... another
    (I speculate) going CCW. They "buck" in other words ... with the
    magnet-in-coil wired BETWEEN them.
    I like this idea ... although another possibility is that the honey comb
    coil is UNDER the motor .. UNDER the cock-pit and between
    the left and right solenoids that we see in the front side there.

    I remember toys of that time period would be connected
    to CORDS. The child would stand in the center and by pulling
    or releasing the 2 cords, they could control the plane to make
    it go up and down as it spun in a circle. I wonder if this model
    was intended to be used this way ... or if it was just a thing
    the boy could push around on the ground with a spinning prop.
    It seems that 1800RPM would be a little child "unsafe" w/o
    parental supervision.

    I can't see this producing very much power unless there is
    high-velocity SPIN of that motor. 1800RPM is 30Hz. We need
    to be creating waveforms at around that speed (or faster).

    Also, it amazes me there are no capacitors. Barry Hilton
    does mention there may be other parts of the circuit we don't
    have the "page" for. There MUST have been capacitors too --
    I'm speculating.
    Last edited by morpher44; 02-21-2013, 01:02 AM.


    • MK1 Discussion

      When looking at the toy plane it is really hard to determine what is behind the propeller, cowling, up to the opening that we see one end of coil L8. Your perspective gives new light.

      Your idea about using guide wires to fly the plane is a circle is good, I had one of those but it used a small gas engine. Remember that the first model could only work in one/two directions with the pickup coils facing North/South or East/West. It stopped working if the direction changed. This was truly a toy and I can not imagine that the motor had much torque to give it to his son. I have had a prop hit my finger a few times but I was older than the pictures show Hendershot's son, it strung bad. I would think that his son just held it and walk around playing until the plane became the focus of attention. It was then mounted and left on the table to show visitors.

      The second version of the MK1 that was a redesign of the pickup coils system could face any direction using coil L29 replacing L6. This version brings up a whole different group of ideas and guesses. But this second version is the one that was replicated at the air field in a bigger size. IMHO it could be made in any size, so the coil sizes do not matter that much but they need to be is some kind of symbiosis type of relationship.

      I going to stick with the first version for awhile to see if Hendershot's first toy plane version (oriented in one direction only) can be understood. I made coil L8 in only the CW direction but with your gentle reminder I should have tried both methods and others. Back to winding another set of coils. Thanks for the insight.

      I also like your idea about the motor could possible be part of coil L8 or something like that. It exposes other paths to wander. Just keep the good ideas coming.


      • MK1: withdrawl of "magnet in motor" idea.

        I would like to withdrawl my idea that the "magnet is in the motor".

        Certainly a spinning magnet IN a motor would have a little bit
        better chance of helping with power generation.
        But, here are some statements from the "patent" application
        that I think defend the notion that the magnet is just sitting
        there in a honeycomb coil OUTSIDE the motor.
        These from "From the Archives of Lester J. Hendershot",
        compiled & Published by Mark M. Hendershot:

        "I use a small collector 1, preferably a small metallic plate horizontally
        disposed and having a downwardly extending flexible strip 2 of
        magnetic material terminating opposite a core 3 of a first
        coil to be attached therby. The strip 2 has soldered to it one end of
        a copper wire 5, which may or may not extend to the collector proper 8,
        whose other end is soldered to the middle of the inner winding or layer
        of a second coil 6. This coil is composed of ??? turns of no. ???
        insulated copper wire, & is provided with a permantently magnetic
        core 7, and is preferably parallel to the first coil."

        So this does it for me. The magnet is in a coil, and then situated
        WITHIN the honeycomb coils. I don't think he would have worded
        it this way if the magnet coil was INSIDE the motor.
        YET, there is the mystery if this MK1 even needs a motor modification
        or not. It may not. Perhaps the motor modification was something
        ELSE he was tinkering with -- totally unrelated to his plane.
        If that is so, his plane may have just a regular DC (or AC motor).
        I would tend to think it would be just a DC motor. Further, if you
        look at these tiny motors, they would be NEAR impossible to CRACK
        open and re-wire or modify. This is pretty "small" stuff. You would
        have to be one of those guys who can pull SHIPS together in a bottle
        to do it. So tend to think perhaps his plane motor is off-the-shelf,
        and this weird MK1 circuit is the power unit.

        Another thing to pay attention to in the above quote is that
        the little strip that hangs down is ALSO magnetic material.
        I take this to mean that the strip was PRE-MAGNETIZED, perhaps
        by rubbing the metal strip with a magnet -- ala Leedskalnin --
        to make it magnetic.

        So this little strip hangs down. I can't quite visualize what this
        would look like. First thing of note ... the so called METAL PLATE
        its attached to is a sort of antenna. It is not a magnetic antenna.
        And the fact its a plate, and not a pole antenna or simple wire
        antenna, seems to indicate its picking up energy with capacitance.

        The ugly "pencil" drawing is hard to make heads or tails out of
        when looking at the honeycomb coil. The little wire dangling down,
        from that strip appears to me to be entering the center of a ring
        magnet that is oriented with its faces oriented the same as the solenoid
        above... and positioned NOT in the center of the honeycomb
        coil but off to the LEFT side with this view. In other words,
        if you were to FACE the front of the plane, and see into it,
        one of the magnets faces (be it north or south) would be facing
        back @ you.

        There are TWO obvious ways to wrap a coil around such a ring
        magnet. One way would be the traditional way to wrap a toroid,
        and the other way would be to go 90 degrees and wrap the coil
        around the diameter. I would Guess the coil is the latter,
        so that the power going thru the coil can ADD Flux or SUBTRACT
        Flux from the magnet inside. My guess.

        One thought I had last night in terms of Hendershot being a
        hoaxer is that IF you put "pen" batteries INSIDE the two solenoids
        on either side of the honeycomb coil, and if this strip-solenoid
        thing was a relay-buzzer, then you could convert the battery
        DC into AC in this way, and pulse the coils, and have power.
        YET, it seems unlikely that Hendershot could FOOL the army with
        this hoax ... so I have to think he wasn't a hoaxer.

        The solenoid above the magnet should see almost NO power
        according to what I know ... especially with that megohm resistor
        in-circuit with it. You would need a lot of energy pouring down
        that magnetic strip and entering into the coil structure below
        for it to light up.

        I made such a honeycomb coil last weekend and it does
        self oscillate, but the voltage is down in the millivolts to microvolts.
        It doesn't respond very much to magnets because its an air coil,
        so a magnet being inside would only add just a tiny bit of flux
        if it were brought into oscillation.
        Also, in his drawing the honeycomb coil doesn't appear to be TIGHT
        around the magnet ... There appears to be lots of space here,
        to put little toy men sitting around in a circle like its a hot tub,
        holding army gear.

        In the Barry Hilton material, the magnet is lying FLAT, but
        raised up to the middle of the honeycomb coil.
        Both orientations should be experimented with I suppose.
        The "flat" orientation" would be sending its field UP and DOWN
        within the plane.
        Vertical axis instead of Longitudinal axis.
        I would think the "latter" is correct and the patent wording
        mentioned longitudinal axis.
        Barry Hilton also speculates the honeycomb is no more than 3 inch.
        I started to do a 4 inch coil and found this to be pretty SMALL to deal
        with. I went to 5 inch, which was more comfortable.
        With 3 inch to work with, you would need real fine wire, lots of turns,
        and steady hands and good eyesight -- or get a machine to wind it.

        So my thinking of late is that we need to just experiment
        with the magnet-in-coil, and the honeycomb and see what
        sort of energy input will stimulate that structure.
        If the magnet-in-coil is the so called "tuner", I have to imagine
        this is NOT radio we are tuning, but magnetic wave reception.

        The Earth's field is 50uT or so, yes, but the oscillations occuring
        are down in the nano-Tesla range. YET, there is a BIG effect
        from the 50uT that should be considered. All the incoming energy
        to the planet, be they electrons or protons, will SPIN due to this
        50uT influence. The frequency of this spin, if electrons, works out
        to be 1400Khz. You can pick up this signal on radio as NOISE.
        But, you can also pick up this signal "magnetically" with a
        loop-of-wire style antenna. The advantage to the "magnetic"
        reception is that the signal is probably MORE current ... more gain.
        So instead of a quarter-wave radio antenna == dipole ==
        that is really long for 1400Khz, you need instead a loop of wire
        that can be designed to pick it up. If that coil was an air coil,
        the LOOP would still be HUGE. But, if you could CHEAT a bit
        and receive that frequency from a "sympathetic" magnetic
        object, then the "gain" might be there for a bit of power reception.

        Let us suppose, therefore, that we want to tune our honeycomb
        coil(s) for 1400Khz -- in terms of there self-resonance.
        I don't have the formulas for this style coil. Some searching
        around for that would be in order.
        If it was a solenoid-style coil, with say 100pF of self-capacitance,
        you would need a coil of about 129.24uH or so.
        On a 3inch diameter structure, with say 1 inch width of winding area,
        you would need ONLY 24 turns to get an inductance about that
        big. For honeycomb, you would probably need MORE turns because
        honeycomb does use MORE wire, zigging up, and then down again...
        but you get the idea... about this much wire. Not much.

        Why the STRIP of magnetic material hovering near a solenoid above?
        I think for this we would need to build it and mess around and see
        whats up.
        Last edited by morpher44; 02-23-2013, 05:27 AM.


        • magnetic amplification...

          Well as I describe to you some of the thoughts I've been having this week
          about the MK1, and putting them into written words, I am flooded
          with more thoughts.

          Suppose the magnetic STRIP hanging down is the
          FIRST "simpathetic" receiver of the 1400Khz signal.
          It is a very "weak" magnetic strip that is dangling physically
          on a "spring mounting block". Think of this as similar to
          a "guitar" pick up or musical instrument pick up device ...
          allowed to vibrate mechanically as it is affected by subtle
          magnetic influences. A little thing like this:

          often shown to students when discussing the Earth's field.
          This little pre-magnetized strip will orient itself relative
          to the Earth's field and will also vibrate with incoming
          reception of magnetic waves.
          Next to this you place a BETTER pickup coil. That pick up
          coil, almost like a microphone, is a MAGNET with a coil
          wrapped around it -- the same way a SPEAKER is wired,
          w/o its diaphragm. This "magnet-in-coil" pick-up will HEAR
          the oscillations in the tiny strip and induce current.
          That current can then be sent to two counter opposing
          honeycomb coils, that will BUCK, and increase the effect ...
          amplify it. Positive FEEDBACK!

          How about this idea?
          Last edited by morpher44; 02-23-2013, 05:54 AM.


          • MK1 continue

            I didn't dismiss what you were thinking. I believe the magnet inside coil L6 is in coil L8 but the notion of a magnet in the motor to boost the power and keep the process going is not out a though that should not be looked at.

            I have had many patents processed and the patent lawyer takes a good stab at what he thinks is going on and then waits for corrections from the engineer. If the engineer, in the case of Hendershot does not answer then we don't really know if the information we have is very accurate. I have had thoughts that the meg ohm resistor might have been a capacitor instead, but the circuit does not make sense if it was. So to me all things are open for thought.

            I had not considered the original motor to be just an off-the-shelf miniature motor. If it was (it would make more sense) it could explain why it only took him 2 week to complete the toy plane modification. which means build all of the coils adjusting them to his unknown magic, fitting them in the space required, modifying the toy plane, etc., etc.

            I think the circuit and diagrams we have are just as you have stated, a power unit that drives the motor. Now whether the motor was special or not that I believe is a different issue. I like you have read as much as possible and I decided to replicate what I though was the results of my reading with a few minor changes. I have tried both basket weave and honey comb for coil L8 with a few variations along the way. I posted 2 very blurry pictures of my build with L8 using interleaved basket weave. Of course none of my test resulted in any success.

            Not knowing what the collector was for I made mine 2 inch by 3 inch plate of aluminum, attached a flexible strip with a magnetic end piece that hung down to the core of coil L4. I am thinking that the collector which is over the top of coil L4 when energized will draw in the magnetic strip to the core and it then would send this energy or signal or produce something that would go down wire 5 to coil L6 and neutralize the magnet that is the core of L6. Coil L4 would oscillate and release the magnet strip L2 which in turn would break the connection for wire L5 and the bemf of coil L6 would continue the oscillation process. Something like that.

            Having the collector plate as a capacitance does make some sense.

            The ugly "pencil" drawing is NOT the coil L6 with the magnet as the core but is the combination of L30, L31, L28, etc. This combination of ring magnet, plates and flipper is what made the second version of the toy plane omnidirectional. The patent stated that the only difference between MK1 version 1 and MK1 version 2 was the coils and magnets with coil L8. I was thinking that this second version with the ring magnet has a coil internal to it not external, I could be wrong I will have to look at it again. I thought that in Hilton's book he tries to show different configuration of this part of the device. Too confusing for me at the moment but this version is the ultimate goal. The build I did was the first version that only works in one direction.

            I believe your statement "this is NOT radio we are tuning, but magnetic wave reception" is spot on. I don't understand it yet but I think like you that we must just experiment with each section until we find something good happening.

            As I stated above that my collector was much larger but maybe the collector/antenna is really the size to receive a signal at 1400Khz.

            Lots of questions and not many answers but if we break it down and try to isolate each section we might find something of use.

            I do believe that the Magnetic Amplification you are talking about in post #304 is the most likely thing that is happening. I think this group of parts, either version 1 or version 2 is the oscillator and starting point that will make all of this work. The other coils and core are a booster of a magnetic amplifier to get the signal up to operational voltage. I have not found out how the part work together yet but I think this is where some serious experimentation needs to be done.

            The adventure continues.


            • Magnetic amplification...

              I have been studying Induction Compasses lately to see how much power is used and have found that all of them must boost the earth 50uT to get any useful signal out of them. For our understanding on Hendershots devices we don't have external power, tubes or transistors, no capacitors, etc. I believe we can agree that the process starts with the earths magnet field and goes from there. With the experiments on the honey comb coil and its micro-Tesla oscillations there must be a way to boost the signal using magnetic amplification. So your thoughts on the coil L8 and the internal coils L6 or L30 and the external coils L13 and L14 and L4, Collector/Antenna, hanging strip is the starting point to this device. We just need to get an understanding and then use modern parts and methods to make it work. But i f the old methods are better I am in favor of lost technology and methods.

              Magnetic amplifiers have no moving parts and nothing to wear out, unlike our modern technology. I am a complete newbie to that forgotten amplification method. Whatever the combination of mutual inductance, resonance, etc. that is taking place must be experimented with.

              IMHO: The magnetic strip that hangs down is like the horse shoe magnet and buzzer coils on the MKIII device. It is the only moving part (besides the motor) in the device it has a key roll to play!

              The adventure continues.


              • not mag-amp, necessarily, but magnetometer - YES!

                I wanted to pass along some more thoughts I was having this weekend.
                First ... the 1400khz I mentioned was just an example.
                What I was actually imagining is the signal from the Earth's NMR,
                which will vary around the globe and depend upon your location.
                To find YOUR frequency, go here:
                Magnetic Declination, Models, Data and Services |
                and click on "Magnetic Field" calculator and enter your
                GPS coordinates, or zipcode.

                In my location, this frequency would be approx 1355khz.
                I also looked up Pittsburg, PA, which would be close the
                Hendershot's location and got around 1483Khz.
                This is what it would be this past weekend. Back when
                Hendershot was demonstrating his plane, that value would
                have been different since values change here.

                I have several coils in my house -- some loop style, some
                cylinders, etc. They all appear to get a nice strong signal
                at around this 1355khz value +/- 100khz.
                Now this could be a nearby radio station. But I'm starting
                to think NOT, because I get this signal nicely at nite
                too, and the nearby station @ this frequency turns off
                during the nite. Not being an expert in this area, I would
                assume that this is still a good frequency to tune for
                since there MUST be a signal from the Earth's NMR.

                So now the next problem. How do make a coil that exactly
                "tunes" for this frequency. The coil will have self-capacitance,
                but we don't know what that will be.
                I ran some calculations and saw that if self-capacitance was 10pf
                (probably impossible to get in reality), you would need 1.378mH.
                For 30pf, 459.632uH. For 60pf, 229.816uH. For 90pf, 153.2107uH...
                For 100pf, 137.89uH... and so on.
                The value from 100pf to 60pf might be doable. Certainly
                a honey comb or basket weave will minimize self capacitance,
                the trick here would be to build several coils and attempt
                to measure there self resonance... shooting for 1355khz.
                Using the formula for inductance, I see that on a 2 7/8"
                cylinder, this would be somewhere between 24 to 31 turns.
                More turns probably because honey comb requires more turns,
                and is zig-zagging around the cylinder. But, it is interesting
                that the number of turns is pretty small here.

                If you could make a coil that hit this frequency, then the
                most power from the oscillation would be received.
                This will still be a small amount of power. Let say its 100mV p-p.
                This 100mV run thru another solenoid that is say 3ohms,
                could produce a current of 33.333 mA p-p. Not bad.
                If you had quite a few turns on that solenoid, the magnetic
                field from that solenoid could possible wiggle the field of a magnet.
                Once you have the field of a magnet wiggling, that
                possibly can positive-feed-back into your receiver.
                I also read that a simple LOOP antenna is great for magnetic
                reception of the FAR field, and also great at NOT picking up
                "human noise" in the NEAR field. Yet part of Hendershot's
                device may want to do the opposite ... i.e. to pick up
                all the noise in the NEAR field -- and use it.
                So one you want a magnetic LOOP coil-antenna that is
                NOT just a loop of wires.

                Next we have the magnetometer idea.
                It occurs to me that you can do the following.
                The two-solenoid approach will have opposite wound coils
                next to each other, one to produce North while the other produces
                South -- with fields canceling. In the presence of a magnetic
                field, one of these two solenoids will have slightly MORE
                flux and one slightly LESS, depending upon orientation.
                This will induce a voltage on a pickup coil around these,
                as the solenoids are pulsed with low-frequency sign-waves,
                square waves, or DC pulses.

                While walking the dog, it occurred that you can mix this up
                and do this instead. If the two solenoids were to be wired
                to produce NORTH poles on both poles, south on the back two,
                then as a horseshoe magnet approach, again you induce
                voltage because one solenoid has flux ADDED, and the other
                has flux SUBTRACTED. OR, if you had a BAR magnet,
                you could go back to the two-solenoid-poles opposite configuration
                and move the one pole of the BAR magnet to only ONE
                solenoid, leaving the other solenoid alone with respect to FLUX
                There is absolutely POWER from the magnetometer, but like
                the induction compass, not much power. You possibly can
                pulse with a 25% duty cycle, and get on the pickup coil
                a 50% duty cycle, 25% being your input energy, and 25% being
                a echo-pulse given via the magnetic field. The magnetometer
                coils would need to be many many turns around solenoids of
                a larger cross-sectional area, good ferromagnetic material,
                and a magnet to match.

                So could the little STRIP hanging down thing be
                "rocking" towards the ring-magnet-with-coil, and then
                away from it? Could it be touching the solenoid
                above the magnet, discharging onto that metal surface
                as a van de Graff generator would brush charges onto ONE
                surface that is the inside of a capacitor, leaving the outside
                to be at the ambient charge -- producing a voltage differential?

                So with the above, we have this theory of operation:

                1) small initial input energy received from local Earth's NMR frequency:
                in the range 1350 to 1450 khz, depending upon your location on the
                2) magnet wired with coil, attached to this honeycomb coil tuned
                to the Earth's NMR frequency, so as to cause movement in the field
                of the magnet -- affecting a nearby STRIP.
                3). Strip is metalic and attached to a PLATE surface that is carying
                charges. Strip, when set to move back and forth, can come
                within proximity of solenoid metalic core and brush charges
                on to its metal.
                4) Charges entering metal, will activate all coils attached to that metal
                structure, inducing high voltage spikes in them. These are wired,
                to two solenoids, and a blocking resistor. The energy cannot travel
                beyond the solenoids, so it expresses itself "magnetically" on
                either side of the honeycomb coil. That coil picks up the energy
                again because the two solenoids on either side are actually are
                LARGER signal than the Earth's NMR frequency.
                5) Magnet has more intense reaction, strip vibrates more chaotically,
                more charges are collected by plate, up to some equilibrium balance
                point .. depending upon the load on the other coils on the metalic

                This sounds possible, although very difficult to build.
                I think we might be able to prove some aspects of this if we
                break this up into subsystems.

                A) prove this magnetometer approach can generate some
                measurable amount of current..
                B) Determine if its possible to move a strip using a ring magnet
                and that small amount of current...
                C) Determine if its possible to impart charges on that strip and
                collect them like a van de Graff generator

                I was looking at magnetometer patents, and the original invention
                was exactly the YEAR Hendershot made his plane. Coincidence?


                • to derive your Earth's NMR frequency

                  Oops! I forgot to put the equation you need to
                  derive the Earth's NMR frequency from the Earth's field.
                  If Earth's field is X Teslas.

                  Frequency = X * 28E9

                  e.g. if X is 50uT, then
                  50E-6 * 28E9 = 1400 khz


                  • Thanks and a good idea

                    Thanks for the equation I was wondering how to find that frequency. I have looked up the magnetic field at my location many times and at my location it is 1456kHz +/-.

                    Your other thoughts as inline with mine. I have been thinking about Induction Compasses, Flux Gates, Magnetometers, etc. I wanted to understand at the time when Hendershot was building his devices his knowledge was based on some of these as well as other older technology.

                    I think we are coming around to the same conclusion that baby steps on trying to prove each part is better that trying to do the whole thing. I started with the whole thing knowing that it would fail. After studying the schematic and rewriting it many times and studying some of the above I broke down the sections to different operations. My thoughts were along the same lines as what you wrote, good thinking.

                    I have attached a picture of one of the many versions of flux gates available. This one or one like it resemble the pictures I posted of the build I made. It consists of coil L13, L14 inside of L8. You notice that the AC signal is similar to coil L4 attached to L13, L14 and resistor L17 (resistor not in flux gate picture), and the sense coil L8 is surrounding those coils and has an Amp meter attached. The reason I did it this way was from the statement "Placed in the structure made. This coil is parallel to coil L8.". Going through Hilton's book a statement made like this from the patent information was given. I took all of the little snippets of information for each part of the MK1 device and put them together. For coil L13 and L14 the curious statement of "Placed in the structure made." and the flux gate schematic of the 30's and the inability to see inside the toy plane lead me to try this method.

                    I do think that if we break down each segment of the MK1 device and see if it can be experimented with individually we might find some common ground to construct a useful device. From your comments I think the light is breaking on both of us but it is hard to express just what to do but the sense of what might make it work is coming clear.

                    Hendershot was a genius and not a hoax. He understood exactly what he was building. In my heart he sold his non-patented information for the mysterious $25K and allowed the same period of time as a patent to lapse before starting on his next version the MKIII. I want to replicate the MK1 version 1 because I think it will give us all the technology necessary to build and understand his other devices. After this build the big MKIII will be easy to understand and build.

                    I think you are right about the magnetometer, but I think this concept is what starts the unit as you described in your post. I think the coils L19, L22, L25 in combination (don't understand yet) with L8 is some kind of magnetic amplifier.

                    A new thought just came to me, maybe I am think backwards. By looking at the coils and the patent numbering process and the statements therein maybe I got it all wrong. You mentioned that the honey comb coil in combination with the collector and L2 hanging thing is hitting the core of L4 (That is how I built my model) is some how oscillating and neutralizing the permeate magnet being used with L6 and then the process continues. What if the magnetometer concept starts the operation gives some energy to L8 it is then feed into L25, L22, L19 amplified some how, which are in series and that energies L4. L4 core sucks in L2. I was thinking that the start process started with L13, L14 and L4 and then went to L19 then L22, L25 and back to L8. I might have it totally backwards and it goes in the opposite direction. I am going to do some new thinking.

                    The adventure continues.
                    Attached Files


                    • LMAO; can't you just buy the Hendershot Generator plans?



                      • not so fast

                        Originally posted by FreeHeatWanted View Post
                        LMAO; can't you just buy the Hendershot Generator plans?

                        Yes you can buy them ... but you also can get them for free.
                        Which is better?


                        • Free is much better but I didn't find any free ones yet. Of course, I don't expect it to be easy to build or even work for that matter. Just a project for a school science club so don't really matter much.


                          • Free Energy key to freedom

                            Hi i'm new to the whole Free energy effort & find it all amazing & logical. I know exactly why this technology is suppressed, it's people like yourselves that can help free humanity from this type of slavery I take my hat of to you people. I wish I could do what you do :-)

                            The more people know about this & get to use it the closer we will get to freedom.

                            Blessing to you all.


                            • Henderson schematics.

                              Is there any one out there that has a decent sized readable schematic of these designs or information on where I can find them? I'd like to try this thing out but have no real starting point.


                              • COMPRESSED ZERO SKY COIL & GENERATOR - YouTube


