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Mr Lester J Hendershot's magnetic generator.

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  • Originally posted by Qwestry View Post
    jimboot: I assume you're referring to this site in particular:

    The Hendershot Generator

    As it happens, I registered just to ask you guys about that. I confess to knowing nothing about these issues and my impression is that it is a hoax; when something seems too good to be true, it usually is.

    It is a hoax, right?

    The Art of Lying is to not tell lies, but to create 'truth' using half TRUTHs.
    So be careful whose 'truth's you BELIEVE, and figure out why you were told them !

    Good video, and first time I have seen it; however -
    Hendershot did not receive his $25k just before he died, he received it after he became 'injured', supposedly by electric ??shock??. More like a hypodermic!
    I have often wondered about the Truth as to why Lindeberg's son was 'kidnapped'.

    So many liars about !
    Heck we are ALL about to need Hendershot generators more than ever when this **** hits the fan and takes our economies right back to the decade when Lester developed his motor invention -
    My Blog

    Cheers .............. Graham.


    • Hi Qwestry,

      If that video is the one having plans which show basketweave coils without cores and big orange-red 1,000uF electrolytics, then yes it is a hoax, for it was 40/80uF capacitors which induced magnetic field spin waves within the 'tin can' cores and thus energy release.

      I forgot to write that, but when I went to add this, plus correct two minor grammar errors in the above post, I found that the forum software would not allow me !?

      Cheers ................ Graham.
      Last edited by GSM; 09-14-2013, 08:34 AM.


      • Originally posted by Dave45 View Post
        Hi Dave,

        Except for your big blue concentric arrows this is all wrong, and it illustrates the effects upon our intuition caused by the half truths we are given to digest from within our formal education.
        Those same half truths we are obliged to become brainwashed in for fear of not passing our exams and not getting a job !!!!!
        Fear - fear - fear - never the freedom to think - the freedom to develop - the freedom to innovate - for the good of our future.
        Any wonder humanity is DE-evolving right in front of our eyes !?

        Magnetism should be imagined as an electron orbit spin-axis alignment. This as per the little illustration I added above and which you actually show.

        Thus electron orbit spin alignment throughout the body of a permanent magnet is in the same direction throughout the length of material between its N and S pole ends.
        There is no change of electron orbit spin-axis direction half way between N and S pole ends, it is consistently coherent throughout the body of the magnet, and we can tell which pole we are looking at by determing the rotation of spin at its pole faces, there being equal but opposite rotational directions (clockwise/ anticlockwise) apparent from an external pole-end viewpoint.

        This is why there cannot be such a thing as a magnetic monople, because the direction of spin rotation is always in reverse when viewed from the other side of a magnet.

        Another point I need to make is that whilst all of those field lines we are instructed to imagine and learn at school might get us a gold star, they really are a load of tosh.
        (Wonder if that will get **** as did my sh** word when used within a normally acceptable colloquialism above. Language and words aught not be automatically censored out of context !!!!!)

        Dave, this is why I wrote that all your open field line drawings are wrong - because there are NO field lines.
        Same as there are NO field lines around a radio transmitting aerial.
        Same as there is NO light in a light beam.
        any of these are intercepted and indicated or transduced by other physical matter - ie. the electrons of atoms.

        The field lines marked out around a magnet by a tracing compass simply cannot illustrate the real-life field linkages which develop when other matter is brought close to the magnet.

        When a paramagnetic material, or conducting wire is brought close to a magnet an alignment of molecular electron spin-orbit axes occurs within both of the latter which alters field strengths in a 3-D manner, and this in a way that prior simplistic field strength compass plots cannot show.

        Think of a pair of parallel conductors - they attract when they both pass current in the same direction.
        Think of two electron spin orbits - they too will attract their related molecular bases when coincidentally aligned - hence magnetostriction !
        This is of course why unlike poles attract - because their electron spin orbit axes are is like SAME direction.
        As Ed Leedskalnin said - electrons-protons are as like little magnets - hence his writings about magnetic current.
        Going beyond this just a little, it is the electron spin AXES we need to think of as becoming aligned, and not just the spin direction, for this is why magnet pole faces crash together with optimum field alignment of physical domains and not with sideways offsets.

        Hence either a permanent magnet or a field coil is capable of aligning the molecular domain electron spin axes of previously neutral magnetic and paramagnetic materials.

        Back later, the Sun is out and I've jobs to do.

        Cheers ................. Graham.
        Last edited by GSM; 09-14-2013, 09:06 AM.


        • Originally posted by GSM View Post
          Ordinary dress maker's pins will do exactly the same.
          The steel is indeed becoming polarised, thus indicating just like a miniature field plotting compass. Thanks for the video.

          An essential comprehension of magnetism relates to having an understandable visualisation - whether this be within a permanent magnet or any paramagnetic material - and where magnetism relates to the alignment of electron orbit axes within molecular domains. See attachment.

          Here is a video in return.

          Wesley Gary Neutral Zone - Video Dailymotion

          The rod is a standard AM radio ferrite rod, and this illustrates the Wesley Gary 'neutral zone' about which fractional magnet movement (vibration) can induce a sudden field reversal through a ferric bar/ rod. There is a Barkhausen avalanche of electron spin-axis orbit (magnetic) reversal within the molecular domains along the bar.

          Of course our Morpher tried this before me - though in Hendershot's arrangements it is the reflected energy from phase changes within his circuit arrangements which maintain his magnetic buzzer oscillation and output.

          "Hendershot Fuelless Generator" - Wesley W. Gary's Neutral Zone - YouTube

          Wesley Gary's self powered magnetic motor - from 135 years ago -

          Gary Magnetic Motor
          Wesley Gary's Magnetic Motor

          Cheers .................... Graham.

          Thank for the video link also!

          Just an offbeat though that occurred to me a while ago, after trying the thin steel against the magnet face. Was the special condenser formed using a thin sheet with low retentively combined with the capacitor ‘plate’ in order to create a flow of ions, moved by the energising of the outer coils, thus temporally charging the capacitor in some respect?




          • Hey Graham good to see you back.
            Half of the Answer is knowing the right Question


            • Originally posted by john_g View Post

              Thank for the video link also!

              Just an offbeat thought.......... Was the special condenser formed using a thin sheet with low retentively combined with the capacitor ‘plate’ in order to create a flow of ions, moved by the energising of the outer coils, thus temporally charging the capacitor in some respect?


              Hi John.

              Good question. The capacitors are a puzzle, and quite possibly a deliberately complex arrangement in order to make copying difficult. Equipment designers do do this as a way of protecting ideas and making unauthorised copying difficult.

              The spiral wound capacitor was illustrated as not being anything special, and was used for resonant tuning through squeezing either by hand or small adjustable clamp.

              Cheers ............ Graham.


              • John,

                Another thought in relation to your question.

                There are three windings directly over the spiral wound capacitor, two out of phase plus another running with capacitor induced phase shift with respect to both others. Thus any magnetic influence upon the dielectric would be most indeterminate and variable. The plates themselves do not short the induced field, and thus genuinely tune a fourth overwind.

                The only aspect I have wondered about is whether the foil plates are transducing nuclear emanations from the tin can core with a positive feedback phase/ tuned re-energisation; this in the form of induced radioactivity of a non-radioactive core element, iron, and thus a form of safe cold fusion !
                However this form of spiral capacitance is not apparent in other similarly functioning devices fabricated by Hubbard, Kapanadze etc.

                Hendershot's Mk1 and Mk3 devices were quite different, and also had quite different modus operandii.

                For interest -
                SYNTHETIC RADIOACTIVITY made by cavitation of iron - YouTube

                (There is more than one way to emulate the 'cavitation of iron' as discussed in this video!)

                Cheers ............. Graham.
                Last edited by GSM; 09-14-2013, 10:16 PM.


                • Originally posted by Dave45 View Post
                  Hi Dave.

                  Yes - good to be sharing the mix again, though not in any other threads this time.

                  Thanks for the link. Unfortunately the very first line of its text -
                  >>> An electric charge has been defined as a "stress on the aether", <<<
                  caused my senses to scream "oh no!".

                  There is no such thing as an aether, unless those people who deem it does exist visualise it to be something I understand from a different viewpoint.

                  However, I gave the text a chance and started scanning, whereupon I find -
                  >>> An electron "plows" through the "aether", <<<
                  >>> Since the perturbing electron is most likely going to be part of a steady CURRENT of electrons travelling down a wire, <<<
                  yet again my senses scream "oh no!"

                  Electrons don't travel down a wire, it is the current which passes down a wire via a 'bucket brigade' of conduction electrons.

                  If I may refer to illustration number 3, and where the blue arrow purports to show electron motion - if that were to be considered as being current flow - then those little circles may be considered as if the conducting electron orbits, with their spin axis alignments constituting a magnetic alignment capable of inducing similar spin axis alignments of other nearby electron orbits in matter.

                  I too was taught to believe in an aether. It was a fundamental part of the *classic* explanation for electromagnetic 'wave' propagation. However electromagnetic energy does not propagate like waves through any medium, even though its energisation of remote electrons is at a distinct frequency related to that of the original radiation, and has a resultant amplitude which may be imagined as being a wave propagating in time.

                  One need only think about the way in which modern telescopes form images from separately detected and individually quantised/ coloured light photons. Here there is no wave, though each photon retains frequency, phase and polarisation qualities relating to distance travelled in time between radiation and transduction/ reception. The perception of a wave is realised only when the received photons become a continuous stream, and if there were any Aether along that path, how come the photonic quantae do not become dissipated ?

                  Cheers .............. Graham.


                  • Hi Dave,

                    I wrote about the magnetic 'field lines' we were taught at school -

                    Originally posted by GSM View Post

                    Dave, this is why I wrote that all your open field line drawings are wrong - because there are NO field lines.
                    Same as there are NO field lines around a radio transmitting aerial.
                    Same as there is NO light in a light beam.
                    any of these are intercepted and indicated or transduced by other physical matter - ie. the electrons of atoms.

                    Cheers ................. Graham.
                    and then -

                    Originally posted by GSM View Post

                    Hi Dave.
                    There is no such thing as an aether ......

                    I too was taught to believe in an aether. It was a fundamental part of the *classic* explanation for electromagnetic 'wave' propagation. However electromagnetic energy does not propagate like waves through any medium, ....

                    Cheers .............. Graham.
                    Allow me to take these quotes a little further.

                    I was additionally taught that there are both electrical and magnetic components to electromagnetic radiation (esp. radio waves), these being the fields which receiving antennas transduce, whether wire, folded or loop type antennas etc.

                    What a load of bollocks
                    and yet I was such a 'good' student that I too swallowed the whole ****ing lot - hook, line and sinker !!!!!
                    Just like most people who want to do well and succeed do !

                    That is why I also wrote this above -

                    The Art of Lying is to not tell Lies, but to create 'truth' using half TRUTHs.
                    So be careful whose 'truth's you BELIEVE, and figure out why you were told them !

                    I first wrote this in relation to False-Flag attacks, but it applies equally well to 'science'.

                    Apart from frequency/energy, radio waves are no different to the light detectable from a distant planet. They are quantised radiations of energy released by electromagnetically energised electrons within an antenna. They are generally a photonic stream which propagates through space and many forms of matter until these activate electrons within the metal of a receiving antenna.
                    There are NO waves through an aether between the transmitter and the receiver, and there are no electrical nor magnetic waves either, whether IMAGINED and illustrated via field strength lines or not !!!!!

                    What we are being taught is half 'truth's.
                    The reason ?
                    So that we will not know the whole TRUTH, and therefore be rendered incapable of progressing further,
                    !!!!! especially in relation to the using of abundant non-radioactive materials as fuel - anywhere !!!!!

                    Heck, qualified radio engineers even talk about magnetic field transducing antennas as if not being susceptible to the local electric field radiations of local interference. What a load of bollocks. Sadly I must here include examined+qualified radio hams/ services personnel/ members of IEEE/ university Professors etc., but would any of these dare formally challenge their peer group's stated 'truth' for fear of action or professional isolation?

                    It is just as Lloyd Pye of Starchild Skull investigation writes -
                    "Everything You Know is Wrong".
                    Do check out his YouTube videos and publications. Lloyd is presently *recovering naturally* from a very fast growing softball sized tummy cancer which US doctors could not (or would not?) treat without seriously damaging his health with surgery and chemotherapy.

                    It is the electrons within the metal wires we use for antennas which directly transduce the quantised stream of radio photons, and thereafter develop around that conductor length or coil the fields we subsequently measure.
                    There are NO propagating electric or magnetic *field*s at any point or place until we place there a detector to re-generate and measure it !!!!!
                    Static fields - yes of course they are there and related direct to their source, but not electromagnetically propagating ones until 'intercepted' by the electrons of matter, whether this be equipment, our bodies (cancers), plants, material objects etc.

                    So yes, a loop type antenna can be less susceptible to transducing the interference of a nearby *static field*, but that is -
                    a) because the loop form sensitivity pattern is fig-8 directional, and
                    b) it is a closed system acting in isolation from static voltage fields.

                    And do not be thinking that the ferrite rod within a transistor radio is its antenna either, because it does NOT couple with the 'magnetic radio wave field' of any distant station, because it is the electrons within the wire of the coil which transduce the photon stream, and these axially inducing a magnetic field within the ferrite which the tuning capacitor then brings to a precessional resonance.
                    Induction relates to electron spin axis alignment, whether resonated (precessing together) or not, as does the transduction of propagating electromagnetic radiation and its re-radiation in the form of a static field.

                    Thus, only when we realise that our circuits, whether conducting, magnetic (including Ed Leedskalnin's magnetic current) or insulating, rely upon the axial alignments of spinning electrons, and possibilities related to the 'man'ipulation of those orbits, will we become able to develop beyond *classic* schoolboy physics and chemistry !

                    Of course the Great man Tesla himself knew all of this, and that is why, way back in 1919, he wrote;-

                    "The Hertz wave theory of wireless transmission may be kept up for some while, but I do not hesitate to say that in a short time it will be recognised as one of the most remarkable and inexplicable aberrations of the scientific mind which has ever been recorded in history."

                    Some short time Hey !!!!!

                    Cheers ............ Graham.
                    Last edited by GSM; 09-15-2013, 09:18 AM.


                    • Hello GSM, i feel that within what you speak of here, there is a beautifull truth, thank you.

                      Regards Cornboy.


                      • GSM: Precisely.

                        If the modus operandi of a transformer was down to the magnetic field then how come neo magnets do not affect the action of a transformer when you try and interfere with it's action?
                        I've tried time and again to upset a trafo - no result.
                        A trafo only works if it is pulsed. That means it is effectively switched on and off. So where does that take us? Right into Tesla's radiant energy.


                        • GSM,
                          Just to get it straight...

                          According to your explanation, what we call Herzian waves are actually photon streams caused by electromagnetically excited electrons within a broadcasting body (e.g., antenna). These photon streams then act upon electrons in a receiving body (antenna or other matter).

                          And this is why there are no electrical or magnetic components to what is commonly referred to as "electromagnetic radiation," and thus, the notion of Herzian "waves" is pure nonsense - because we are essentially talking about quanta of photons moving thru space and matter (not waves).

                          So then, we throw out the notion of "waves", but retain the understanding that frequency is what is important in picking up, for example, radio broadcasts on the frequency spectrum.

                          Therefore, as AKing21 mentions below, what is key in the FE quest is radiant energy, which is simply photons streaming toward earth off the sun. Your explanation makes self-evident why and how Tesla's Radiant Energy Receiver works: sun-source photons exciting electrons in the receiving plate, etc. One can see how this understanding (if I've got it right) shows the Hendershot apparatus to be essentially a RE receiver with a few additional tweaks.

                          I have four observations that maybe someone can comment on:

                          1. Are scalar vectors, which move at supraluminal (if not instantaneous) velocity, actually the most efficient and least intrusive/harmful form of energy (photon) transmission?
                          (Perhaps this is why, as EPD mentions, RCA stopped using scalar technology after 1917 or thereabouts - perhaps to cover up the truth and promise of Tesla's work in energy harnessing and transmission).

                          2. Might the understanding you elaborate lead us to grasp why introducing multiple harmonic resonance or heterodyned frequencies into a coil/systemm is so effective in producing excess energy from the system - because doing so actually excites the system's electrons (usually in/on a coil) in order that they can produce a maximum stream of photons to energize the entire system?
                          And therefore, the right frequency of electron excitation will result in an abundant outpouring of photons that defies conventional EM theory (and is denied by the establishment, and might be covered up with the notion of aetheric theory and dipole babble)?

                          3. And therefore, conventional EM theory is built on a foundation of lies in order to keep us believing that we can only have inefficient underunity systems of power transmission, lighting, etc.

                          4. Lastly, the Hendershot generator is essentially a RE receiver with a few special tweaks...

                          Forgive my long post, I'm trying to shift my understanding to grasp this "beautiful truth", as Cornboy's expressed.


                          • Originally posted by Bob Smith View Post
                            Just to get it straight...

                            According to your explanation, what we call Herzian waves are actually photon streams caused by electromagnetically excited electrons within a broadcasting body (e.g., antenna). These photon streams then act upon electrons in a receiving body (antenna or other matter).

                            And this is why there are no electrical or magnetic components to what is commonly referred to as "electromagnetic radiation," and thus, the notion of Herzian "waves" is pure nonsense - because we are essentially talking about quanta of photons moving thru space and matter (not waves).

                            So then, we throw out the notion of "waves", but retain the understanding that frequency is what is important in picking up, for example, radio broadcasts on the frequency spectrum.

                            You have indeed well summarised my understanding there.
                            I also feel that Tesla would have reasoned similarly.

                            Originally posted by Bob Smith View Post

                            Therefore, as AKing21 mentions below, what is key in the FE quest is radiant energy, which is simply photons streaming toward earth off the sun. Your explanation makes self-evident why and how Tesla's Radiant Energy Receiver works: sun-source photons exciting electrons in the receiving plate, etc. One can see how this understanding (if I've got it right) shows the Hendershot apparatus to be essentially a RE receiver with a few additional tweaks.

                            I have four observations that maybe someone can comment on:

                            1. Are scalar vectors, which move at supraluminal (if not instantaneous) velocity, actually the most efficient and least intrusive/harmful form of energy (photon) transmission?
                            (Perhaps this is why, as EPD mentions, RCA stopped using scalar technology after 1917 or thereabouts - perhaps to cover up the truth and promise of Tesla's work in energy harnessing and transmission).

                            2. Might the understanding you elaborate lead us to grasp why introducing multiple harmonic resonance or heterodyned frequencies into a coil/systemm is so effective in producing excess energy from the system - because doing so actually excites the system's electrons (usually in/on a coil) in order that they can produce a maximum stream of photons to energize the entire system?
                            And therefore, the right frequency of electron excitation will result in an abundant outpouring of photons that defies conventional EM theory (and is denied by the establishment, and might be covered up with the notion of aetheric theory and dipole babble)?

                            3. And therefore, conventional EM theory is built on a foundation of lies in order to keep us believing that we can only have inefficient underunity systems of power transmission, lighting, etc.

                            4. Lastly, the Hendershot generator is essentially a RE receiver with a few special tweaks...

                            Forgive my long post, I'm trying to shift my understanding to grasp this "beautiful truth", as Cornboy's expressed.
                            Now I do not know the definition of radiant energy, and therefore I cannot answer.
                            May I ask please a.king21 or anyone else who would care to respond what this *Radiant* energy is supposed to be.

                            Please bear in mind that I am not trying to trick anyone, for you must all realise by now I am most keen to sort out fact from incorrest interpretation also from intentional dis-info.

                            Do we not all already know that solar radiation is capable of limited energy generation at the Earth's surface, this being nowhwere near the power necessary to energise a higher frequency AC electric motor of say ~35HP boat (Hubbard) or aeroplane (Hendershot) or car (Tesla) ?

                            Over the years I have read far too many methods for generating free energy, and it is only when I expand upon the words above that they can be viewed as quite preposterous.

                            I really like your No 1 precis, and cannot fault it, but does it not take even more energy to generate superluminal photons, and thus there is not actually any energy gain ? Instantaneous - I think not; my understanding is that scalar electromagnetic radiation is still photonic. Nor am I aware that Tesla ever claimed or demonstrated any over unity during his energy transmission tests.

                            No 2. Wow, what a wonderful question, and way beyond what I expected.
                            Thank you Bob.
                            The 'free' energy is not photonic, and this did not become clear to me until after I read the book - The Evolution of Matter, written by Gustav LeBon over 100 years ago. This being the book which the FBI removed from all libraries and universities in the 1940's via the excuse that it might aid a national enemy during WW2. It was mentioned by the real inventor of transistor devices TH Moray, for the FBI even wanted his copy. Of course the real enemy was not Germany etc., but ordinary Joe Public who must not be allowed to construct any power generating equipment not regulated by the so called elected 'government'.
                            This book is now available as a free download via Google.

                            No 3. Oh yes. But it is the directly associated model of magnetism where the most significant problem arises.

                            No 4. Same as No 1. I fear that different people have developed different understandings in relation to the term 'radiant energy'. It is quite possible that the term 'radiant energy' has become distorted through the passage of time, and thus I have become most wary of using it. Nor do I make any assumption as to what any individual might understand it to mean lest the beautiful Truth (thanks Cornboy555) also becomes misinterpreted.

                            Thus Radiant Energy, or Zero Point Energy, or energy from the vacuum etc. are terms I shall not be using, nor indeed need to be used.

                            Cheers ................ Graham.
                            Last edited by GSM; 09-15-2013, 10:02 PM.


                            • Originally posted by a.king21 View Post
                              GSM: Precisely.

                              If the modus operandi of a transformer was down to the magnetic field then how come neo magnets do not affect the action of a transformer when you try and interfere with it's action?
                              I've tried time and again to upset a trafo - no result.
                              A trafo only works if it is pulsed. That means it is effectively switched on and off. So where does that take us? Right into Tesla's radiant energy.
                              Radiant Energy ? Were Tesla's ideas interpretable using words the same as we do today ?
                              Does everyone today even have the same ideas about radiant energy ?

                              Also, what is happening in a transformer core ?

                              - The electron orbits of the ferrous related molecular magnetic domains are aligned by current flow, this via an electron orbit alignment of bonding arranged electrons, first within the copper wire due to current flow, and then within the ferrous core. Similar happens via a secondary winding with attendant current generation.

                              Now; how often have we been taught to perceive/ understand what happens here via two dimensional flat drawings of tiny magnetic domains within a cross section of say a magnet or a transformer core ?

                              Initially the little magnetic domains of a core are illustrated randomly - as indeed are their natural molecularly bonded electron orbit alignments - this being the pattern (unless modified) they will retain (either quickly, or eventually, dependent upon molecular nature, grain size and cross-section) once any polarisng influence has been removed.

                              Then after the random pattern drawing we are shown the little magnetic domains illustrated as N-S one way, followed by N-S in the other direction = AC field excitation.

                              It all looks so simple doesn't it - yet that is but a half 'truth', for although those spinning electron axial alignments are like little magnetic domains as illustrated, such explanatory drawings completely ignore the FACT that the tiny 'magnets' are actually axially aligned spinning electrons.

                              The energies of the electrons in those little magnetic domains do not alternate through *zero*, not even in their unexcited rest position, they keep spinning.

                              It is the electron axes which change direction, and when you angularly change the direction of a rotating mass, even that of an electron, there is an unavoidable physical reaction (like a gravitational force) in the direction of a third un-energised axis in response to that directionally/ angularly induced spin axis rotation !!!!!
                              (You hear mains transformers buzz?)

                              Yes, from an external viewpoint the electron spin-axis alignments of the magnetic field are induced to appear clockwise in one direction, and then with the alternation of the induction current cycle their gyrational spin axis appears as spatially reversed into the opposite direction, but what happens in between and during the alternating cycle is far from two dimensional because the electron cannot be simplistically induced to reverse direction - and thus directional (flux) changes are three dimension precessional !!!!!

                              Professor Eric Laithwaite gives a demonstration of a large gyro wheel - YouTube

                              And - if the induced field alternations occur faster than the molecularly bound electron spin orbit axes are capable of influencing neighbouring molecular domain electrons to become similarly precessionally aligned before the excitation is reversed (skin effect), then losses become apparent in the form of heat = electron orbit excitations versus molecular/ atom centres, as in the microwave oven and with inductive heating.

                              Alternating current energisation of ferrous electron axis precession through a material is a mutual electron spin-axis (magnetic domain) induction process; it occurs as like a spin wave through the material and this is why it is core grain size and cross-section shape which limits the useful high frequency response capabilities, as with an audio waveform transformer, or the ferrite rod core of a radio antenna.

                              Everything in our universe (and in our lives) is spin related, and it can be the sudden event discontinuities induced by axis realignment which leads to quite irreversible change in molecular (9-11), atomic and political outcomes (9-11).
                              So to me it is not surprising that Tesla kept many important findings to himself, for he knew that TPTB could be relied upon to use them for their own inhumane gains.
                              Isn't it so ironic then, that it was TPTB military complex themselves who after Tesla's death immediately took all of his papers, and who first proved by their own demonstration to the entire world (9-11) that they have been concealing the technologies capable of releasing Free Energy on one hand, or on the other, creating the atomic dust that Gustav LeBon clarified would unavoidably result from the interference of electron orbits around molecules and atoms.

                              So a.king21, did your neo magnets permanently align the electron spin axes throughout the overwound core of your trafos, or did you merely permanently align spin axes within just a small core volume very close to the magnet around which the alternation induced electron spin-axis precessions could circumnavigate ?
                              I know you 'hands-on' already know the answer to that one

                              Cheers ........... Graham.
                              Last edited by GSM; 09-16-2013, 10:31 AM.


                              • Guys and Gals -

                                I have been spied upon (computer + telephone), my computer interfered with, and I have been conspicuously followed by ****wits for many years since I first wrote about molecular dissociation by TPTB on YouTube in relation to 9-11.

                                Why do I call them ****wits, because they stopped developing their own personal human spirit the moment that their watching of other people's positive lives and the truthful work became the main importance of their own secret belief of lie driven life-force corrupting activities.

                                Today my last post took quite some time to load and I had time to make a copy/ paste in case it might disappear.

                                Whilst I was waiting I thought that I would erase back letters in the address bar in order for my Windows browser to be redirected directly to the energetic forum home page, thereby bypassing the reply address still showing there, or so I thought.

                                The energetic forum became unobtainable, even when I retried twice again directly from my separate desktop shortcut.

                                Whilst trying to reconnect so that I might check my post I noticed that something of significance showed in the drop-down choices which appeared below the address bar. This was after I right clicked and then left clicked on the address bar in order to turn it blue plus erase back some of the energetic forum address letters; it is shown in the attachment.

                                So BING has an automatically activated external keystroke reader as well as g'OO'gle, and had clearly been in control of my Window !
                                Maybe I should tell them in their own address bar where to go. LOL.
                                Of course it is turned off now, but - Do I trust these providers - No way.

                                Cheers ........... Graham.
                                Attached Files
                                Last edited by GSM; 09-16-2013, 09:34 AM.

