Finality and Closure
Greetings all,
I just finished reading the page (for the umpteenth time) at RexResearch about Wesley Gary's magnetic devices. Jeez, sometimes it feels like it takes forever to fully absorb a simple concept. Maybe it's just a sign of age. Sigh...
If you take the time to read that whole page SLOWLY and CAREFULLY, it'll hit you like a ton of bricks. Wesley Gary was a full 50 YEARS ahead of Lester Hendershot!
Go read it, then come back here.
Wesley Gary's Magnetic Motor
Remember the device from the first patent, the one with the gear wheel and the coil wound on the end of the lever? The flat core of the coil is positioned on what Gary called the "neutral line," a distinct point at which the iron bar is NOT influenced (i.e., polarized) by the magnet. A slight downward movement of the lever then moves the core OFF the neutral line and causes the immediate polarization of the bar, WHICH ALSO INDUCES A CURRENT IN THE COIL. A spring beneath the lever prevents the bar from contacting the magnet (thereby avoiding becoming "stuck" to it), forcing it back up to the neutral line.
THIS IS EXACTLY how the "buzzer" works in Hendershot's Mark III. Hilton alludes that the two coils were physically attached to the bar, and that a spring adjustment was used to distance the assembly from the magnet. At a particular point, when the bar becomes polarized by the magnet, a current is generated. This current then makes its way through the oscillatory circuitry and returns through the two coils on the iron bar, generating a magnetic field, which causes attraction to the magnet, and the whole cycle starts all over again.
The Gary text refers to the fact that Gary was able to get a spark off of his vibrating coil. A SPARK!? That indicates a pretty high voltage! Imagine such a voltage coursing its way through the Hendershot oscillator, becoming further amplified by resonance, having enough energy to not only make its way through the load, but to return to the vibrating coils and receive another "kick" -- again and again and again. No wonder Hendershot said that his coils often burned up.
Whether or not Hendershot was aware of Gary's work we will likely never know. With his knowledge of magnetics, however, it is reasonably certain that Hendershot knew that a "neutral" point existed, a point at which an iron bar would not be polarized by the magnet, and that a polarity flip occurs on both sides of that boundary.
So, at last, the "Hendershot Mystery" is solved. The final piece of the puzzle has been fit into the eighty five year old jigsaw puzzle. The remaining details of implementation and replication are left to those "skilled in the art," as they say in Patentville.
Sigh. Somebody please wipe me up from the floor. I feel liked an overcooked noodle.
Cheers, all.
No announcement yet.
Mr Lester J Hendershot's magnetic generator.
Further to my last paragraph, I think both a rugged old analogue civil/ military meter type geiger would be essential for any live running investigations, though with use of a more modern digital alpha/beta/gamma type having pancake sensor built into the rear of the unit to monitor an operating environment long term.
Something like the Inspector+ type as demonstrated here -
Testing Tritium keychain with Inspector Alert - YouTube
Also what I have been describing in this thread is LENR = low energy nuclear reactions, but with me not being a scientist, nor not even wanting to be one, I do not know the scientist's designations. I don't even wish to study for 'scientists' 'qualifications' either, for I cannot respect those who use their 'profession' to suppress knowledge and harm humanity.
Besides, this is not the kind of 'science' that any scientist is going to be granted funds to investigate or commercialise for the benefit of humanity, for there would be no benefit to either the controlling oil barons nor the black hearted militaries.
Two other videos worth watching -
911 Dr Judy Wood Presentation Part 5 - YouTube
Conspiracy Theory S03E02 Death Ray - YouTube
!!!...So do think carefully about sharing detail if you ever become a successful replicator of one of these generators...!!!
Cheers .......... Graham.Last edited by GSM; 11-24-2012, 09:49 AM.
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Originally posted by Dave45 View PostHey G
I knew that would get you goin
Im not saying electrons or a subparticle of an electron doesnt orbit an atom, what Im saying is an atom is a particle with a magnetic and electric field as macro so is the micro.
Im sure electrons can be striped from an atom but we dont need to, the particles that feed the atom feed everthing, we live in a sea of them.
Bearden I think it was said it best we have never created an ounce of energy.
A magnetic field condenses space this creates a low pressure point the aether seeks harmony, balance so a magnetic field is a sink, look at the Z pinch effect.
We just have to stop the aether from reaching balance and siphon off the energy, we're getting close we have to shunt the primary.
just my thoughts
Yet every atom within all matter is an electromagnetic entity in its own right; it does not need 'feeding' in order to exist.
I recon you have not read *The Evolution of Matter* by LeBon.
Heck we've even got 'scientists' now writing about the newly supposed 'neutrellos' said to act faster than neutrinos upon Beta decay elements. When will 'scientists' stop tying themselves in knots with their disparate imaginings ?
Okay. How do you propose to stop the aether particles in your imaginary 'sea' (presumably also permeating all magnet space), in order to prevent your aether from maintaining its all permeating balance.
You also write about magnetism as if it too is something especially different. Magnetism and any effects caused by it (including Z pinch) is merely due to the movement of charge, whether that charge movement is macro as with current in a wire current, or electron spin associated with an atom, or with ionic currents as in a plasma.
Magnets are alignments of electron spin fields around the domain fixed atoms, with most electrons spinning in the same sense.
It is the charge motion/ electron spin which exerts the gravitational like force we call magnetism, and NOT the other way round !
The Hendershot device generates an electromagnetic disturbance at atomic weak-strong force level within the molecular core domains, and simultaneously transduces energy released through inducing elemental atomic nucleus change.
I have suggested that a Geiger Counter would be useful for examining Hendershot Generator operation, though here it is the older type detection equipment I am thinking of, for modern digital types do not work properly in the vicinty of high electromagnetic field strengths and might even be destroyed by same.
Cheers ............. Graham.
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Originally posted by GSM View PostHi Jay,
That is a deliberate time wasting disinfo hoax and scam.
Those coils have insufficient turns, plus no central core-cap.
There is one winding missing per assembly, and they are fix-spaced too widely apart.
Cheers .......... Graham.
They did offer an "extended version" of the plan.. that claims to be able to store the energy created.. Im not sure what the purpose of the Central Core-Cap is.. or what it would look like... but could that possibly be its function? Regardless.. that demonstration is impressive and fairly convincing! Could it be that the larger scale is the reason for the wider seperation of the coils? I dunno.. Im just shooting in the dark here I guess.. hoping to make something out of nothing perhaps... haha!
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Hey G
I knew that would get you goin
Im not saying electrons or a subparticle of an electron doesnt orbit an atom, what Im saying is an atom is a particle with a magnetic and electric field as macro so is the micro.
Im sure electrons can be striped from an atom but we dont need to, the particles that feed the atom feed everthing, we live in a sea of them.
Bearden I think it was said it best we have never created an ounce of energy.
A magnetic field condenses space this creates a low pressure point the aether seeks harmony, balance so a magnetic field is a sink, look at the Z pinch effect.
We just have to stop the aether from reaching balance and siphon off the energy, we're getting close we have to shunt the primary.
just my thoughts
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Originally posted by boguslaw View PostThere is also neutron radiation even worse then gamma. I think the only poor man method to prove all those is to use old photographic paper in black envelope
Originally posted by Dave45 View PostThe atom theory is bs.
We live in a sea of aether, our planet runs in the electric field of our galaxy.
So atom theory is BS is it ?
In other words you are stating that you believe you have a different understanding of the atom to me, and likely others too;
but how do you know that your understanding of the atom is correct ?
You care to explain ?
None of us would be writing here but for the highly reactive (natural energy releasing) iron and oxygen atomic reactions in the life promoting blood feeding our brains.
Have you read The Evolution of Matter by Gustave LeBon 1907 -
The evolution of matter - Gustave Le Bon - Google Books
This fascinating 100+ year old book is a free direct printable download from Google, and via reading you will come to learn exactly where the electric and magnetic fields within our Universe actually come from, and about the discovery of artificially induced radioactivity which, as with all other still radioactive substances we all know about, gives rise to fundamental and never ending changes of electric charge/ energy relations at a distance = radiated (non conducted) change of energy states of matter; ie. from atomic relationships within the molecules of matter to atomic relationships within the molecules of matter.
Even TH Moray studied LeBon's book, and this is likely why Moray's later "Sea" publications carried significantly different meaning to earlier writings.
Cheers ......... Graham.Last edited by GSM; 11-22-2012, 09:18 AM.
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Originally posted by XXXJAYXXX View PostHere is a pic of these guys testing the generator they built...
That is a deliberate time wasting disinfo hoax and scam.
Those coils have insufficient turns, plus no central core-cap.
There is one winding missing per assembly, and they are fix-spaced too widely apart.
Cheers .......... Graham.
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The atom theory is bs.
We live in a sea of aether, our planet runs in the electric field of our galaxy.
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There is also neutron radiation even worse then gamma. I think the only poor man method to prove all those is to use old photographic paper in black envelope
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Hi Jay,
What an interesting photograph. Thanks for sharing.
Maybe that is the 500W output projection written upon one of the Hendershot circuit drawings.
Obviously the photograph shows a six capacitor derivation, which means a later Mk3 design, and possibly similar to the 1963 Aho version drawn by O'Brian.
Three things I note.
- Even though the capacitors are large, two have been overheated, as is shown by their plastic insulating sleeve covers having shrunk !
- The trafos are outside of the core assemblies.
- One capacitor for each half is within a core assembly.
In earlier posts I suggested that the energy output resulted from a NMR energised event from within the iron of the metal cores. Quite possibly this being emanation inducements from nucleii through oppositely directed electron orbit spin waves (orbit spin of already spinning electon, with relative spin axes having 90 degree mutuality), through opposing and phase shifted magnetic coil winding inductions, plus core short circuit energisation and node-peak longitudinal core dimension resonance, concentrating at molecular boundary discontinuities.
Electron Capture - YouTube
If so, then what emanations do we have here - alpha, beta or gamma ?
Yes alpha. beta or gamma or a combination of same, and these relating to which elements within core molecules ?
I truly do not know, and if there is gamma radiation then there is possible danger to anyone experimenting with or being near to Hendershot (and Kapanadze) type circuitries.
If this is an inducement to simple electron capture then iron could convert to manganese, and if doing so within our normal atmosphere it would do so as an oxide, and carbonate, nitrate etc.
And guess what - the oxides of manganese look just look like the oxides of iron - a rust - as observed and reported by Lester himself.
Unless this oxide were chemically analysed, then it cannot be stated that the rust observed was iron rust, and not the result of excited transmutation with energy release from matter: Not energy release from an imaginary aether. Nor does this energy come from the vacuum either, so not a zero point energy ! This is from the Sea of Energy mentioned by Moray, and that which we and all matter are, only here the release of that energy does not pollute in the same way as does the release of energy via the nuclear fission of radioactive matter.
I had already concluded that the spiral capacitor transduced emanations from the core, but I have since pondered why only the outside of the core had been overlayered, for such radiations would emanate from both sides of the thin metal core. Is this why in the photograph there is one large aluminium can capacitor within each core assembly, and is it transducing either beta or gamma output, alpha radiations being too short and requiring that an element shift by two places in the periodic table ? The core would also gain a charge relatively opposite to anything radiated, so was this not connected to any part of the circuit either, or maybe to the long centre corecap strip ?
I think anyone wishing to investigate more ought to first purchase a Geiger counter, via which they might not only gain a better understanding of how circuit inducements might be tuned to peak energise a Hendershot generator, but even more significantly, to protect themselves and everyone nearby from any potentially harmful gamma radiation.
No point in seeing what you are doing via the magic light of a Hendershot generator if by so doing you irradiate yourself and kill children through irreversible health degeneration, as Stubblefield unknowingly did though via a different route !
Also, in writing this I realise that is exactly what TPTB are already doing to us all, with air breathable alpha radiating particles falling on us, especially in rainfall, and yet this being a form of radiation which almost every Civil and Military contamination meter used by 'experts' today to monitor our environment simply does NOT - because they cannot - detect.
Cheers .......... Graham.Last edited by GSM; 11-21-2012, 11:26 AM.
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Here is a pic of these guys testing the generator they built... There are 28 light bulbs there.. and the pic is showing them glowing at about half the power of what they show in the video... Even if these are small wattage bulbs (say 40w) which seems unlikely for how bright they actually shine.. (I would guess they are more like 60w bulbs) 40wX28 bulbs = 1120w conservatively.... Definatley not a kW.. but its quite a bit more than what you claim to have seen... It seems to me like the large capacitors play a hand in allowing this thing to produce a great deal more power than previous models... From your suggestion.. I am understanding that I should be using caps with a much higher voltage rating to avoid burning them out? Thanks again for your help! Ive learned more in the last few days than I did in a week trying to study this plan! lol!Attached Files
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Originally posted by XXXJAYXXX View Postmy understanding is that a 1kw output would not be out of the question for this unit.
Is there a way I can test these coils for an "output" to check for the voltage that will be running through the system in order to find the voltage rating for the caps?
Most of the transformers I have found are 24v-120v... Would it be a safe bet to keep the 24v rating the same for all of the caps? Or is it a possibility that all of the caps may need to have different voltage ratings in order to work properly?
Thanks for your patience GSM.. I appreciate the response!
1kW at 100Vac is 10A current.
None of the described windings could handle this, and Lester stated that his wires burnt out if he loaded the generator too much. He even reported capacitor overheating too.
Thus for any experiments here I shall be using 440Vac caps until I find out what is happening.
Cheers ......... Graham.
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Thanks for the Info.
Originally posted by GSM View PostHendershot designs were the epitomy of 'passive' analogue technology !
I have to start somewhere, so the next step for me is selecting a size and shape of each component. From the information given the Mk1/2 was constructed with 2 different sizes for the honey-comb coil, approx. 3" and 7". I am going to start with the smaller size and see if I can come up with matching components.
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Originally posted by GSM View PostHi XXXJAYXXX.
57 pegs ? I do not see how this can be critical. The idea with a basket weave coil is to reduce interturn capacitance without much reducing alternating magneic field coupling.
I believe the most important aspect was to construct self supporting windings in order to be able to insert or replace separately constructed corecaps without need for destroying coils in order to do so.
I do not know enough about neodimium magnets.
Magnets 'ring' and impart same waveform characteristic within any coil or mechanical coupling arrangement when constituting part of a pulse energised magnetic circuit.
Alnico types do not ring as much because their cores are conductive, thus the coil current to mechanical/ armature transduction is more direct.
This is the reason older loudspeakers with Alico magnets remain better to listen to than modern types having higher power ceramic or ferrite type magnets.
Fourth wire ? What fourth wire ?
Capacitors - non polarised motor-run types are available, if expensive.
Where do those capacitor values come from I wonder. Unless any output is low-Z and at least 1kW then 1,000uf is like a short circuit to the Hendershot arrangements. Maybe someone has missed out a decimal point before each last zero ?
Transformers. The TV frame output transformers Hendershot used were quite unlike transformers still made today. They were more like audio transformers with 1k primary and 40 ohm secondary matching impedances, also with gapped E-I cores to reduce core saturation. Mains transformers would not have as finely grained laminations, nor paper gapping within the cores, so any mains transformer substitute would need to be much larger in order not to saturate at the low running frequency, and be toroidal in order to have an improved HF response.
Mains transformers today also tend to have laminations that are side welded whilst having been under pressure. It is possible to hacksaw through this weld and insert a layer of paper yourself (I have done this). Windings on mains transformers also tend to be bobbin separated for insulation purposes. This is disadvantageous for HF coupling; however there is no reason why you could not then wind your own layered transformer after sawing a modern component apart.
Anyone who wants to replicate a Hendershot generator today is going to need to overcome many more obstacles beyond incomplete/ inaccurate circuit records/ instructions.
but don't let that put you off ........... Graham
Is there a way I can test these coils for an "output" to check for the voltage that will be running through the system in order to find the voltage rating for the caps?
Most of the transformers I have found are 24v-120v... Would it be a safe bet to keep the 24v rating the same for all of the caps? Or is it a possibility that all of the caps may need to have different voltage ratings in order to work properly?
Thanks for your patience GSM.. I appreciate the response!
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Hendershot designs were the epitomy of 'passive' analogue technology !
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