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Mr Lester J Hendershot's magnetic generator.

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  • Originally posted by thx1138 View Post
    That reversal of field is what is missing in the magnetic machines that only block the magnetic field. They are only, so to speak, turning the magnetic field on and off while what is needed is a complete reversal implemented with reversal times as fast as possible, i.e. not a gradual reversal but as near instantaneous as possible.
    Hi thx1138.

    I did not reply to your Double Coil Relay contribution because I was not sure why you had included it, and I was not going to make any assumptions.
    This last post of yours however ..... has me smiling .....

    and to which I could possibly add .....
    because it is through using a magnet to induce a non-saturating bias polarisation, that a core field reversal may be electrically induced which requires less input energy than that which becomes transducible via the field reset subsequently re-generated;
    and as you say - the faster the better.

    Cheers ............... Graham.


    • In response to;-
      Originally posted by David G Dawson View Post
      The illusion is again before our very eyes:
      Hi David,

      Good to see some new investigations beyond those stated within long ago vetted Hendershot based documents.

      Yes all you need are two neodymium magnets, one for each pole end of either an old horseshoe magnet, or on an appropriately shaped iron/steel body, or even a straight piece of flat metal bar with magnets on its side-ends.

      As for the armature core within our magnetic field reversal based (pre-Hendershot) Wesley Gary type tests, my thoughts are that *flat + thin metal types* would be essential (as used by Wesley) in order to ensure a fast shallow depth of penetration of magnetic reversal close to the magnet pole faces, such that the reversal is not negated/slowed by the need for an internal travelling wave of reversal diametrically into and through the body of any thicker remanent core, or say any circular core pole piece end not within an equal magnetic field all around itself as within shaped pole pieces or large iron/steel nuts/washers in series with the magnetic field!

      A flat overwound ferrite rod plus plain horseshoe ???
      An overwound iron sleeve within gapped washer ends on a horseshoe ???

      So far I have found that modelling the plain mechanically induced series-parallel field reversals illustrated with the ferrite rod in my Dailymotion video is not as clear with solid round metal cores plus plain horseshoe magnet, though I now wonder about giving each end of a solid core a pair of field transferring flat bracket ends cut from relay bodies.

      ( After your reading about the FS Loop I wonder if you imagined as I did when I wrote those words - the possibilities for a pair of modern ferrite sleeves within a Hendershot type generator ?! )

      Hendershot's twin sleeve cores were of course thin for fast field penetration + reversal + flip-flop repetition. Also those cores were completely surrounded by the smaller end windings which induced the phase reversed plus capacitively rolled field induction, plus the main windings for subsequent main core body field reset (induced by coaxial ring magnets beneath the board?). Further David as you have already photographed, the pulsed core field reversal operation need not require Hendershot's beguiling centre magnetic oscillator arrangement, but a substitute electronic pulse energisation.

      Cheers ................ Graham
      Last edited by GSM; 01-10-2014, 11:07 AM.


      • Wesley Gary

        Originally posted by thx1138 View Post

        So rather than moving the magnet or the coil armature through the neutral zone he moves the plate which, when the plate is between the coil and magnet, blocks the magnetic field.
        Thanks thx1138 for the information.

        Last year I have been playing with the same idea of moving a plate instead of moving magnets or coils, and while not literally 'blocking' the magnetic field, the plate does re-align the what I call aetheric flow (since magnetism is an aetheric distortion caused by spin alignment of regions of atoms).
        In other words, using the plate we move the Bloch wall (or neutral line according to Wesley Gary) around, and this of course influences the coils generating electricity on the magnetic field changes.

        I'm going to take one step at a time.

        In the MK1 device on which I'm concentrating, the collector is a simple metallic plate. The signal that is to go to coil #006 in the middle of the winding, is obviously a result of many very small signals picked up by the collector. In this view it works as an antenna. The signal picked up must be a result of eddy currents in the plate, generated by Barkhausen noise representing magnetic changes in specific regions in the metallic plate. The output signal must be a resulting waveform of many different signals with many different frequencies. In other words, the plate won't be resonating at all, just picking up signals continously.

        So I'm trying to think what that small plate could have produced back in the location where Hendershot was doing his research. Was it maybe a lot of electromagnetic noise that was generated at that time, when big transmitters could freely emit lots of power without being filtered? I might think that today's noise is of a different kind, and maybe this collector just is not what today is needed to start the device.

        So my first tests will involve a small plate connected to coil like #006, and build the #008 a/b and ring magnet around it. This should be all that is needed to try different 'antennas'. The Shape Power theory of Dan Davidson is going to help with that.

        And if that doesn't work then we could generate the noise ourselves. I read that GSM picked up a lot of noise being close to LED displays, that would be one way to generate input to the circuit. Of course there are many others!

        I think the resonator circuit does influence the whole device tuning of course, but is not crucial to the collector circuit. That comes later on.


        • Drill template for 57 pegs Hendershot capcoil MK3

          For the ones that are interested, while looking for MK1 stuff, I found a drill template scale 1:1 on for the 57 pegs of the MK3 device, if this already has been shared my apologies.


          • Hard disk magnets

            After tearing down 27 hard disks (yeah, I'm a pack rat) and finding all kinds of shapes and sizes of voice coil magnets used to move the head carrying arm I found only 7 that were the same size and shape. They don't make a good stack. It takes 3 to make the 180 degree arc so I can only stack 2 high with a third in the middle. That makes the poles about 3/4" wide and 3/16" high with a 2 3/4" outside dimension at the poles.

            I did, however, find a batch of 20 of the same hard disk magnets on ebay for $25USD so I ordered them. That beats the hell out of the ~$250 for the other ones I listed in the parts document in an earlier post.

            So it seems I'll be doing a build and would like comments on a couple of the notes in the "The Hendershot Motor Mystery" compiled by Tom Brown
            Book page 52, PDF page54 - bottom of page. The notes are from J. G. Gallimore:

            A. The size of the poles are critical
            C. The size of poles determine size of coil
            D. The diameter of coil determines size of poles

            C and D basically say the same thing but he is talking about physical dimensions here. I guess that would be OK if we knew what the sizes of the poles were and what magnet material was used but I haven't seen those items specified other than in general terms like "radar magnet". I think what would be important would be the magnetic field strength rather than the physical size. If that is true then by his notes that would change the size of the cap/coil if we use neodymium magnets that are stronger than what was available in the 1950's.

            Does anybody have any idea how to engineer that relationship using neo's? Best guess?


            • My own comments in Morpher's Hendershot thread have equal interest here.


              Cheers .............. Graham.


              • Originally posted by thx1138 View Post
                After tearing down 27 hard disks .....

                ..... I guess that would be OK if we knew what the sizes of the poles were and what magnet material was used but I haven't seen those items specified other than in general terms like "radar magnet". I think what would be important would be the magnetic field strength rather than the physical size. If that is true then by his notes that would change the size of the cap/coil if we use neodymium magnets that are stronger than what was available in the 1950's.
                Does anybody have any idea how to engineer that relationship using neo's? Best guess?
                Me know ? No.
                My guess - all different types of magnet bodies would still have distinctly different dynamic induction/polarisation related characteristics, even if presenting equal static induction field strengths.

                Another comment I should like to make here, and not directed at yourself thx1138.

                There have been some suggestions relating to extremely high frequency related effects (GHz) within similar looking constructions, and these frequencies then related to Hendershot' generator.
                However, it needs to be realised that his waveform phase changing capacitors have values circa 40uF, and the metal core coil overwinds are either three of 12 turns and one of 64 turns.
                There is no way that a 5"dia. 12t loosely coupled winding over an iron based core and in parallel with 7.8nF (or greater) can freely oscillate even at 1MHz !

                Cheers ............. Graham.


                • Armature material

                  After playing around with the hard disk magnets I already have it dawned on me that the magnet backing plates they came off of are proably what we need for the armature.

                  I found one site that said, "I would think the magnet holder is made of soft iron, which has a very high permeability so the magnetic field much prefers going through the holder than air."

                  That would be very important in a hard drive to keep the magnetic field away from the recording surface.

                  A little testing with the ones I have certainly shows that they are magnetic when the magnet is attached to the backing plate and the backing plate immediately loses its magnetism when the magent is removed.

                  I also noted that the magnetic field on the back of the holder (the opposite side of where the magentic is attached) is very weak magnetically compared to the magnet side.

                  Maybe we can use them as the armatures although I'm not sure how to connect them to be as long as we need. Thoughts anyone? Anyone familiar with the magnet holder material?
                  Last edited by thx1138; 01-13-2014, 04:50 PM.


                  • Scale 1:1 drawing template for drilling 57 pegs

                    Earlier I posted a link where a scale 1:1 drawing is available, but it seems the link does not work well, so I'll upload the PDF. Credit to
                    Attached Files


                    • frequency (or perhaps Frequencies)

                      Originally posted by GSM View Post
                      There is no way that a 5"dia. 12t loosely coupled winding over an iron based core and in parallel with 7.8nF (or greater) can freely oscillate even at 1MHz !
                      Cheers ............. Graham.
                      Self-resonance of coil was measured to be in AM band -- 500Khz or lower.
                      Yet, the magnet-bar-solenoid arrangement would oscillate much lower, such as 40Hz to 100Hz (no faster). A tuned circuit for power generation would want to be down at these lower mechnical frequencies for IDEAL power.
                      This would imply that all the inductors connected in series are adding up to a very LARGE inductance (or a trick is being done to have a large VIRTUAL inductance), such as complex mutual induction relationships (n-Body problem). The "tuned" circuit, would be down very low in frequency, so that the power is not attenuated.

                      There could be a trick being down with HARMONICS, however. I wouldn't rule that out. There could be multiple frequencies and a sort of transfer from higher frequencies to lower ones by this means. Radio would have you filter away all but one FREQUENCY. But a different device might encourage all harmonics to co-exist, and TAP the power from the lower frequency.

                      If you had a situation where various oscillating magnetic fields were created near stationary coils, perhaps they can be vectored towards each other and added. The math here is a bit tricky. Watch out for gimbal lock. Use quaternion math - like Maxwell.

                      It occurs to me that two PISTON-like cylinders with magnetic fields alternately going up and down, although very CAR-like, may not be the best physical shape. I would think Stan Deyo's talk might be of interest. He mentions that UFOs can fly in certain formations. Rotating magnetic TOPS arranged in a formation of 3 (for example), can keep each other spinning for very long. It is a damped oscillation, but a very LONG one.


                      • Hendershot magnetic generator speculation...

                        1. Magnetic field is oscillated near stationary coil. Power can be had this way. No need to move the coil. No need to move the magnet. Only the field need move.
                        2. A bar placed between a solenoid and a horseshoe magnet causes the field from the magnet to BEND with North bent one way, and south bent another way. Solenoid can be used to OSCILLATE these bent fields. The fields are FREE in that you do not need power to create them. They are already there from the magnet. You only need a little power to the solenoids to move these BIGGER fields.
                        3. Hand made capacitors are "tunable". This implies Hendershot did indeed care about frequency and tuning.
                        4. Solenoids were physically adjustable. You could move them towards or away from the horseshoe magnet. This too implies "tuning" or a magnetic amplifier-style control.
                        5. Hendershot was very specific about coil diameter, number of pegs, sizes of pegs, wire gauge. He had worked out a very specific circuit.
                        6. Circuit diagram is BOGUS and lost to time. There are several "speculations" about this circuit, but no one can say for sure what the real circuit is. I tend to think the clues are in the components themselves, which have a more specific specification. The circuit can possibly be reverse engineered.
                        7. I imagine the two fields around the cylinders need to be equal and opposite. I.e. when one is going UP with RIGHT SPIN, the other is going DOWN with LEFT SPIN, and vice a versa. This has implications on coil winding direction, and how you hook things up.
                        8. Solenoids and horseshoe magnet are balanced. With the smallest amount of power possible to the solenoid, you need to work out how much of a field can be created to balance the magnet. This implies a great number of turns around the solenoid. There are formulas for the magnetic field around a solenoid. Make this MATCH your magnet with the "least" amount of current. You might need very low-resistance wire, high quality IRON (or FERRO material), high-Q coil. You might also experiment with different solenoid coil winding styles, and geometries. Solenoids convey a BIGGER field if the cylinder is not long, but has larger diameter. There is an "ideal" ratio of diameter to length to work out. Read up on coils and you'll start to get a sense of what the ideal shape is for solenoid.
                        9. Be "less greedy" about what you try to power with the generator. Start small and attempt to power an LED (Avramenko plug).
                        10. Don't be afraid to power with a "chopper" circuit at first to work out the best circuit, coil placement, magnet-solenoid-bar, placement, etc. You can use a "relay" very easily to make a chopper circuit - or use solid-state chopper - or Joule-Thief... Think of powered-mode as training wheels.
                        11. Lastly, the notion of "self-powered" is a bit misleading. The coils might need to be placed over running water with minerals, or up against a wall in your room near your house main. I had worried that Hendershot may have been coupling with the power in his own house. The real test for self powered devices is to take them far out into a field, away from all sources of electro magnetism (except for what the Earth's field might be providing).
                        Last edited by morpher44; 01-14-2014, 09:35 AM.


                        • harnessing the wheelwork of nature

                          re: The Hendershot Magnetic Generator.

                          I also think, a good approach is to back up a bit and think about what power you want to harness.

                          Coils can pick up power from oscillating magnetic fields. Fields that don't move generate NO power. Weak fields generate NO power.

                          Metal cylinders (or metal) can pick up Hertzian waves, or Tesla waves, depending upon your perspective or frequency target.

                          These WAVES need to come from some source. Most sources are pretty weak. Radio waves are weak. Mechanical waves like sound are weak. Physics tells us there is more power in the HIGHER frequencies (toward LIGHT). Converting high-frequencies DOWN to slower mechnical frequencies for our use comes at some loss.

                          Magnets already have a magnetic field -- but it is not moving.
                          It is possible to move the magnets field with a solenoid and bar.
                          This can be done with "little" power. This is not unlike how a pully
                          can amplify the lifting power of a rope or a lever can lift a heavy rock.
                          You can utilize something BIG -- in this case a pre-existing magnetic field,
                          and lever it so that it oscillates -- with little power.

                          The challenge is to lever a very LARGE magnet with a very small
                          amount of power. You want to lever the magnet so that it sprays
                          its oscillating field over a coil structure for pick up.
                          That "receiving" coil will generate power since it sees a changing flux.
                          The coil need not physically move. The magnet too need not physicall move.
                          Anything that moves has inertia, creates heat, and takes more power
                          to move. So let us move something that is EASY to move -- the field only.

                          Further, the geometry could be such that as your oscillating field
                          starts to generate power, some of that power could be fed back,
                          positive feedback, to build a LARGER field, and so on, and so on, up
                          to some LIMIT. There will be losses due to HEAT and resistance, etc.
                          Any load you put on it will be detrimental, but if the load resistances
                          is LOW -- like an incandescent bulb for example -- that load could be just
                          thought of as WIRING in the circuit.
                          This is very much like the Tesla Switch notion in that current just
                          flows back and forth -- w/o draining batteries. In the Hendershot case,
                          however, the CAPACITORS are your temporary "batteries".

                          There can be a slight amount of power coming from the OUTSIDE of this closed circuit via mutual induction. Some have speculated that schumann resonances could be tapped for a "startup" power.
                          There are also "lighting strikes" around the globe, in the range of 100-200Khz, that are always present and create little spikes in circuits.
                          Hendershot probed around with wires, perhaps going for that quick little static discharge (via triboelectric effect), to create a bit of startup power
                          for the self-running circuit.
                          You can experiment with triboelectric surfaces to create such start-up power.


                          • another idea --- SUPER CARBON MIC

                            Hendershot was rumored to have put CARBON rods in his coil or carbon in his hand made capacitor.

                            It occurs to me that one interesting idea is to attempt to make a SUPER carbon microphone. The piezoelectric effect can be exploited on a much larger scale to generate a bit of power from SOUND energy.
                            In the old days, you didn't need much power with these guys.
                            Imagine a setup that makes a lot of noise from very little power.
                            Imagine also a setup that generates power from sound.

                            We are surrounded by noise pollution.
                            Perhaps with a coil-capacitor-carbon-mic configuration, a bit of power
                            could be harnessed from the noise.

                            Also, along these lines, if you CRUSH the crystal material within
                            a capacitor structure, as the electric field is intensified, the piezoelectric
                            effect intensifies. So capacitors and crystals are a good fit.
                            One likes to squeeze, the other likes to be squeezed.

                            From Wikipedia:
                            "An illustration of the amplification provided by carbon microphones was the oscillation caused by feedback, that resulted in an audible squeal from the old "candlestick telephone" if its earphone was placed near the carbon microphone."


                            • Hi thx1138.

                              I love to read of your magnet findings thx, but do I wonder if our modern magnet versions might actually make it more difficult for us to realistically replicate a Hendershot generator ?

                              Hi Morpher.

                              Wow - what a summary !!!!!
                              I went through every line, and there is nothing I would challenge,
                              so please folks this is only my positive response, if you have just come here as a last post, then do go back to here and digest the years of experience morpher has encapsulated therein -

                              Yes, I too feel that Hendershot was using a magnet-bar-solenoid, back-EMF like pulse to generate a higher resonated frequency of oscillation within his specialised core arrangements, thus even after everything had been set up correctly an initial tuning would still be critical.

                              However there may well have been additional cap-core outputs and thus other connections I am still not aware of.
                              Crusty's file was made available via courtesey of N20Wolf on your own thread, and I relate to photographs therein -

                              The photographs have good definition and via Adobe may be viewed in much larger sizes than those on the original file.
                              Check for foil capacitor like connections beneath the core overwindings - esp. near the bulb socket on the board.
                              Were there two hand wound capacitors ? Were they series connected ? Tuned No2 windings on Crusty's circuit ?
                              We have read that crock-clip leads were used to make the generators run.

                              Cheers ............. Graham.
                              Last edited by GSM; 01-14-2014, 02:59 PM.


                              • Hendershot MK3 circuit considerations

                                Originally posted by morpher44 View Post

                                6. Circuit diagram is BOGUS and lost to time. There are several "speculations" about this circuit, but no one can say for sure what the real circuit is. I tend to think the clues are in the components themselves, which have a more specific specification. The circuit can possibly be reverse engineered.
                                Hi morpher44, good to see you back on the forum and with a compendium of notes to ponder over.

                                With respect to note 6 and the MK3 device, I do agree most of it published is BOGUS - on purpose (to distract) or not (incompetence). But we do have the pictures that crusty published in his document on I asked him where he got them, and he told me that a person he contacted (who received the device from Aho's widow - this device being one of five versions that Aho built under instructions of Hendershot and which supposedly all worked) took pictures of this device and crusty published them in the document covered up with letters to prevent abuse. Then he attempted to reverse engineer the circuit diagram, which we also can look up on The result is a slightly different circuit.

                                And while looking over that same forum, I found that crusty had attempted to relate his reverse-engineered circuit to the simplified (but electrically correct) circuit of Fuchs, another user on with an excellent documentation (also a must read). The resulting circuit is at least amazing, and shows us there is a reality that this circuit is the best one to base testing upon.

                                I myself am concentrated on the MK1 device but follow the forums very frequently to see any advancement or comment on my own stuff.

                                Anyways, I'll post this circuit diagram crusty posted on, hoping this will invite anyone to build this and publish the findings. If this was already posted my apologies.
                                Attached Files

