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Mr Lester J Hendershot's magnetic generator.

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  • #61
    Hi Boguslaw.

    The Dip Angle is proof that the magnetic field of the Earth is of the Earth's core, and thus would decrease through space as does the field around any magnet we would care to examine.

    Interesting here about 2/3rds way down -

    GGOS Portal - Magnetic field missions

    Magnetic Reversals

    Physical problem causes me to be headzonked here today, so taking it easy and re-gathering thoughts.

    Cheers ......... Graham.
    Last edited by GSM; 10-11-2012, 11:02 AM.


    • #62
      Hi Chris,

      Like you I thought of starting at the beginning with the Mk1, but I do not have a workshop, and I imagine precision machining the construction necessary to replicate those early buzzers beyond my scope. So that's me out !

      Lester's original Mk1 tuner core buzzer could even have been a fore-runner to the mechanical IF transformers developed by Rockwell Collins for military communications receivers. With both its vibrating element being somewhat smaller than in the Mk3 version, and the secondary steel oscillator strip more resonant, this early genset must have had a higher frequency of oscillation.

      I do not know how the Hendershot motor had been constructed, but an rpm figure of 1800 is often mentioned. Divide by 60 for revs per second and we get 30; then multiply by the number of motor poles in order to calculate the generated frequency. Three poles would require a 90Hz supply, or with his 6 pole claw stators possibly 180Hz.

      Re the power pulse modulator I mentioned - as you say not only premature - but unfaithful to the already proven principle of completely fuelless operation we ought to harness. (I still can't find it anyway!)

      Re the Hilton book you mentioned. That is the coverless one I already refer to, and Barry's name does not appear to be written anywhere on its pages.

      Presently I'm still puzzling about the main coils. Lestershot's Mk1 utilises matched output coils illustrated with oppositely sensed windings inside transformar laminations minus their centre core. I guess this is so that the Earth's N-S field ran through these cores, whilst a generated E-W field ran through the adjoining 22/23 inductor, to generate equal but opposite rotating fields around T18 and T27 cores ?

      Given that I though I might bypass Mk1 and Mk2 to invesyigate Mk3 straight off, I still wonder about circuit operation and whether you or anyone else here might have had any thoughts about the MK1 modus operandi, because I don't see how the output cores could transduce anything unless T18 and T27 had central laminations ?
      Who knows what disinformation trickery might be afoot in order to deliberately steer potential replicators towards failure ?

      Cheers ............ Graham.
      Last edited by GSM; 10-11-2012, 05:04 PM.


      • #63
        Various points of interest

        Greetings, Graham...

        Hope you're doing better today.

        First, the good news: I do have a fairly complete machine shop at my disposal, so doing precision work won't be much of a problem. I'm thinking specifically of the 57 holes for the basket weave coils. That's pretty much the only difficult part to create (well, getting the holes drilled accurately, anyway).

        I'm not familiar with the Rockwell Collins device you mentioned. Any info available?

        A 90Hz supply? Graham! You're still thinking INSIDE the box! Have you forgotten that his motor was touted as "fuelless?" Here's a clue: think SHORTED COILS. What happens when you short a coil as it's passing through a magnetic field? Ahhh, interesting, eh, mate?

        My Hilton book has the covers intact, not that that means anything. The important thing is that you have it and can refer to it. Just one thing, his analyses lead NOWHERE. This is where intuition, creativity and out-of-the-box thinking come into play. Hilton was diligent in his research, but in the end, he was pretty much clueless about how any of the devices operate.

        As far as the N-S and E-W coils go, I'm thinking that small currents passing through one pair generate a small magnetic flux and thus induce a bit of additional current (for free!) in the other pair. Amplification! As those currents continue to build with each cycle, more and more energy circulates through the system.

        The point of the above, as well as other mentions of building up energy over time is that you can then "siphon off" a small portion of it for your own purposes (the load).

        I have a concept in mind that's definitely Hendershot related, and very possibly related to Hans Coler as well. I suspect both devices have a great deal in common. I'll be tinkering with this concept over the next several days, as time permits. Details forthcoming...



        • #64
          Originally posted by ChrisW View Post

          A 90Hz supply? Graham! You're still thinking INSIDE the box! Have you forgotten that his motor was touted as "fuelless?" Here's a clue: think SHORTED COILS. What happens when you short a coil as it's passing through a magnetic field? Ahhh, interesting, eh, mate?

          It is the mechanical buzzer/ spring tuning which determines the synchronous output frequency for the separate motor, not the coils, whether shorted or not.

          Also those Mk1 output coils, they cannot transduce unless there is a differential field between inside and outside of the winding, and the published diagram suggests that there is not any internal field differential.

          Re mechanical filters - I've seen the drawings but can't find anything on the 'net. Will see if I have anything in a Collins manual here.

          Just found my generator board - hiding in a ball of bubble-wrap.

          Back soon .......... Graham.


          • #65
            Good pics here -



            • #66
              Just came across this -
              PARAMETRIC POWER CONVERSION - by JL Naudin

              I'm still thinking about second resonant HF phonic oscillation of the core about a half length null point (hence L1 being centred over one core half), plus the buzzer alternating oppositely phased LF pulses between both cores, thus with waveforms just like those in this 1997 created page !!!!!

              If this is the nature of resonant amplification within the Henderson Mk3 (coincidentally peaked electrical circuit wave plus material domain magnetic wave resonances), then the C1 capacitor could be mounted externally to the tank coil assembies and thus be fixed capacitors parallelled with say a 3 gang 500pF variable tuning adjustment per coil.

              Cheers ....... Graham.
              Last edited by GSM; 10-12-2012, 10:23 AM.


              • #67
                Mechanical Resonator.

                Hi Chris,

                This was in my Army/ Air-Force R390A operators manual. Circa 1960 these were 'top secret' $2,000 miltary communications receivers. They still remain one of the very best receivers for discriminating weak distant signals through RF noise, and were forerunner to quality commercial 'amateur' gear.

                This drawing appears to be from 1953.
                For radio purposes many slightly different machined discs having a range of resonant frequencies were positioned in line between the sending and receiving transducers in order to provide a low amplitude ripple 'flat' top reception bandwidth.

                *!* Hendershot must have had US forces contact for him to be able to obtain a magnetron magnet, for these must have been a military secret at that time.
                He was likely very clever and technically well read, but never disclosed anything for fear of overstepping his oath to secrecy-
                that is -
                until April 1961 when he said he would explain his generator, and within days was found dead !

                Cheers ............ Graham.
                Attached Files
                Last edited by GSM; 10-12-2012, 10:27 AM.


                • #68
                  Inductor Compass

                  Hi All

                  I read that Hendershot's device was inspired by the Inductor compass - just wonder if that may hold some additional clues for the operation of his device?

                  Some details:





                  Last edited by john_g; 10-12-2012, 10:54 AM. Reason: missed link


                  • #69
                    Originally posted by GSM View Post
                    Hi Chris,

                    This was in my Army/ Air-Force R390A operators manual. Circa 1960 these were 'top secret' $2,000 miltary communications receivers. They still remain one of the very best receivers for discriminating weak distant signals through RF noise, and were forerunner to quality commercial 'amateur' gear.

                    This drawing appears to be from 1953.
                    For radio purposes many slightly different machined discs having a range of resonant frequencies were positioned in line between the sending and receiving transducers in order to provide a low amplitude ripple 'flat' top reception bandwidth.

                    *!* Hendershot must have had US forces contact for him to be able to obtain a magnetron magnet, for these must have been a military secret at that time.
                    He was likely very clever and technically well read, but never disclosed anything for fear of overstepping his oath to secrecy-
                    that is -
                    until April 1961 when he said he would explain his generator, and within days was found dead !

                    Cheers ............ Graham.
                    Mechanical filter
                    Mechanical Filters
                    Collins Radio Service Bulletins and Information Letters | Collinsradio
                    Rockwell/Collins Mechanical Filters
                    Mechanical filter - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

                    R-390A mechanical filter repairs

                    The Hendershot Motor Mystery
                    Last edited by wings; 10-12-2012, 03:05 PM.


                    • #70
                      Similarities and common threads

                      Greetings Graham,

                      I think you missed the "beef" about the motor coils -- "magnets with specially wound coils" -- but no worries, the motor is not our target.

                      Good find on the Naudin site; I'd forgotten about much of that work, and my head wasn't in the right space at the time, anyway. One page I found quite interesting:


                      Read it carefully and look at the schematic -- eerily reminiscent!

                      @wings -- thanks for the links -- brain food.

                      @john_g -- yeah, it's that magnetic "snap back" (realignment to a natural state) that seems to be at the heart of all this.



                      • #71
                        Originally posted by ChrisW View Post
                        Greetings Graham,

                        I think you missed the "beef" about the motor coils -- "magnets with specially wound coils" -- but no worries, the motor is not our target.

                        Good find on the Naudin site; I'd forgotten about much of that work, and my head wasn't in the right space at the time, anyway. One page I found quite interesting:

                        PARAMETRIC POWER CONVERSION

                        Read it carefully and look at the schematic -- eerily reminiscent!

                        @wings -- thanks for the links -- brain food.

                        @john_g -- yeah, it's that magnetic "snap back" (realignment to a natural state) that seems to be at the heart of all this.

                        One thing to keep in mind is, man wrote the laws regarding the conservation of energy, not nature.
                        Nature writes it's own laws regardless of what man thinks or does.


                        • #72
                          Originally posted by wings View Post
                          Mechanical filter repair

                          R-390A mechanical filter repairs
                          Good info in those links Wings - especially this in the repair article -

                          Re the coil winding -
                          "The coil is wound in two sections using three insulating washers, two as cheeks and one as the central partition. There is no coil former; the coil is self supporting. You may want to count the turns on your coil to see if you get the same answer as me. I think there are 610 turns of 0.071 mm (0.003") enamelled copper wire per section. The real interesting thing is that the phase of the coil reverses at the centre. So you wind 610 turns, cross the centre partition and then wind 610 in the opposite direction."

                          and then later about the fine vibrating actuator wires -
                          "The little magnetic wire is not working as a piston; it is being alternately stretched by one coil and compressed by the other. I am only guessing but I suspect that the spacing of the two coils is related to half a wavelength of bulk acoustic wave in the wire. So the phase reversal is the key."

                          This being what could be happening with a central null region around the stainless steel coil cores of the Hendershot Generator ?

                          Hi John,

                          I've still got to get my head around the texts in those links, for they are obviously food for thought in relation to the Mk1 generator.

                          Cheers .......... Graham.
                          Last edited by GSM; 10-12-2012, 08:31 PM.


                          • #73
                            Originally posted by ChrisW View Post
                            Greetings Graham,

                            I think you missed the "beef" about the motor coils -- "magnets with specially wound coils" -- but no worries, the motor is not our target.

                            Good find on the Naudin site; I'd forgotten about much of that work, and my head wasn't in the right space at the time, anyway. One page I found quite interesting:

                            PARAMETRIC POWER CONVERSION

                            Read it carefully and look at the schematic -- eerily reminiscent!

                            @wings -- thanks for the links -- brain food.

                            @john_g -- yeah, it's that magnetic "snap back" (realignment to a natural state) that seems to be at the heart of all this.

                            Hi Chris,

                            'Beef' ? There are not enough facts revealed about the motor to stick a fork in.

                            Besides, the points I had been making were not about the motor, but about the Mk1 generator empowering it; ie. I was reasoning how the Mk1 was most unlikely to have had a 50-60Hz output, and I was also puzzling about the lack of T18 and T27 central cores within the oppositely sensed output windings.

                            When people write Patents they often leave out some crucial detail, so that replicators cannot succeed. Suppose that with the Mk1 plans, Lester 'forgot' to mention that within the L19 and L25 output windings there needs to be placements of paper gapped 'N-S' magnets, such that transformer cores 18 and 27 become alternating generators as a result of to 'E-W' variation via L22 and core 23.

                            Regarding that version of Parametric Power Conversion - granted it looks strikingly similar, with series 'C' and where 'R' could be a lamp, but it operates as stated only with a low Z power drive; ie. switched between DC power rails. Will it run the same with magnetic buzzer impulses ?

                            Cheers ........... Graham.
                            Last edited by GSM; 10-12-2012, 09:34 PM.


                            • #74

                              Graham, oh dear Graham...

                              It appears incumbent upon me to lend you a fork.

                              From the news article dated February 26, 1928, found on the Hendershot page at

                              "The demonstration was very impressive", Mr. Stout said. "It was actually uncanny. I would like very much to see how a large model designed to develop power enough to lift an airplane would operate".

                              Mr. Stout said the model he saw was about the size of the tiny motors used in vacuum cleaners.

                              "I was told that the revolutionary feature was a hereto unknown manner of winding the armature", Mr. Stout continued. "Hendershot said he had succeeded in winding it in such a way that it draws energy directly from electrical currents which exist constantly in the air or in the ground. Such sources of cheap and inexhaustible power, of course, never have been reached before. The small model appeared to operate exactly as Hendershot explained that it did".
                              [emphasis added]

                              Also, see the motor illustration here:
                              Lester J Hendershot - The Hendershot Motor/Fuelless Generator -

                              Take particular notice of the RING MAGNET, its polarization, and the COILS. Hint: More than one coil is active SIMULTANEOUSLY. Like, pairs, ya know?

                              I concur that only so much can be gleaned from ANY patent. Getting to the "beef" requires one's intuition and intellect to work together as one.

                              Re: the parametric stuff, I definitely think it's related... a sudden change of inductance is almost certainly involved.

                              Now then, let's see how much "tinkering" I can get done between now and Monday morning...


                              P.S. Steve220 -- Thanks!

                              P.P.S. The illustration at HyIQ is NOT Hendershot's -- but Lester admitted it was "damn close" to his design.
                              Last edited by ChrisW; 10-13-2012, 12:15 AM. Reason: Added P.S. -- and P.P.S.


                              • #75
                                Originally posted by ChrisW View Post
                                Graham, oh dear Graham...

                                It appears incumbent upon me to lend you a fork.

                                From the news article dated February 26, 1928, found on the Hendershot page at

                                [emphasis added]

                                Also, see the motor illustration here:
                                Lester J Hendershot - The Hendershot Motor/Fuelless Generator -

                                Take particular notice of the RING MAGNET, its polarization, and the COILS. Hint: More than one coil is active SIMULTANEOUSLY. Like, pairs, ya know?

                                I concur that only so much can be gleaned from ANY patent. Getting to the "beef" requires one's intuition and intellect to work together as one.

                                Re: the parametric stuff, I definitely think it's related... a sudden change of inductance is almost certainly involved.

                                Now then, let's see how much "tinkering" I can get done between now and Monday morning...


                                P.S. Steve220 -- Thanks!

                                P.P.S. The illustration at HyIQ is NOT Hendershot's -- but Lester admitted it was "damn close" to his design.
                                Hi Chris,

                                It is sad to see your mocking attitude when all here are either trying to understand or replicate prior technology; such posts merely distract from sensible factual communication, discussion and continuity.

                                In your link you make bold emphasis as if I am unaware it is written -"Hendershot said he had succeeded in winding it in such a way that it draws energy directly from electrical currents which exist constantly in the air or in the ground.".
                                Just because I don't mention something does not mean I don't have prior knowledge of it, and thus I often advise folk that "He who makes assumptions without first checking - can make very big mistakes".

                                Are you assuming that I had missed reading that,
                                or are you assuming that this did not relate to his automatic compass related investigations,
                                or are you assuming there had been a stand alone motor without generator - which is not something I have seen stated anywhere ?

                                As I wrote - there is NOT enough information written within Hendershot texts for me or anyone else to exactly copy his motor, so if there is some detail about his motor you have understood then I am sure that more than myself here would be pleased for you to communicate it with us.
                                (This being quite apart from the fact that my stated interest here is in the Mk1 to 3 electromagnetic generators only.)

                                The notes I have read about Hendershot motors relate only to him having rewound already existing conventional motors in order to make them more efficient, or to his utilisation of the magnetised claw stators with his specially wound rotor to utilise the alternating output from his Mk1 generator. Here Hendershot's drawing clearly states that his special rotor had a *split* metal core, as indeed are the rotors of similarly principled 'modern' alternators used today. It is possible Hendershot got there first, and that the military, as they so often do, commandered his design.

                                As you say, that HyIQ link is not Hendershot, and most certainly any 'motor' thus based could not have been made so small as to fit into his original toy plane. See link. Hendershot's prowess was in imagineering the synchronous generators capable of driving split rotor motors at fixed speed, including his large Mk1 version constructed at the air base said to have powered a 60HP motor for two days without showing signs of degaussing the magnets.

                                Notwithstanding, I wish you genuine good luck with your 'tinkering'.
                                Indeed I am so curious about the Mk3 mutual inductors having 'tin can' cores that I will be winding coils to investigate core energisation and resonance with both shorted turn and longitudinally split options.

                                Cheers ........... Graham.
                                Attached Files
                                Last edited by GSM; 10-13-2012, 10:16 AM. Reason: add image

