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Mr Lester J Hendershot's magnetic generator.

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  • #91
    Originally posted by GSM View Post

    I mentioned Lester's electric shock in relation to the Mk3 coils.
    This was wrong of me.
    Lester received his electric shock about 30 years earlier when he was working with either a Mk1 or Mk2generator.
    Apologies for this but it does need to be said -

    There are too many freaking LIARS in this world, and sadly lies, when often repeated, then tend to be deemed 'facts', whereafter folks who think they speak truthfully can become liars too. Hence in my experience the ones who fabricate the most 'information' are politicians, closely followed by 'professionals', then gossips, schoolkids, fraudsters and shills, all of whom can think that means to some personal end, or of community necessity, is more important than the Truth.

    This is what the UK's Lord Moncton said in 2009 regarding the promotion of false statements about so called Global Warming -
    __________________________________________________ _________

    The Truth is the Truth, is the Truth, is the Truth .....
    however many lies are told,
    however many people tell the lies, and
    however important the people who tell the lies conceive themselves to be.
    __________________________________________________ __________

    Unfortunately, via my above quoted words - I now truly believe I have unwittingly repeated a lie !

    So; regarding this reported 'electric shock':
    Where else in the annals of medical history has anyone ever needed to be hospitalised for so long a period due to having received an electric shock ?

    Lester was not reported to be burned - but paralysed - and yet electric shocks do not continue to paralyse after the source of electricity has been removed. Also survivors tend to recover quickly, though more slowly if suffering from lightning burned tissues !

    This morning I was checking through "The so called Hendershot Motor" by Gaston Burridge, 1956, and found Gaston wrote that a Pittsburg newspaper reporter stated ......... Hendershot was not taken to the hospital for any such shock treatment, but for a Lunacy Test ......... Hendershot was not found "guilty", and was released.

    Heck, who would not maintain silence after experiencing such incarceration after being taken from an arranged equipment demonstration for Patent purposes in front of 'legal' officials, and especially if encouraged to not work on that design again through a $25k dollar payment. What is clear is that the Hendershot Mk1 and Mk2 generators 'disappeared', and Lester honoured his side of the bargain. 85 years ago, $25k was a lot of money, and 'yes' that is how long this technology has remained 'dead'. (Until now?)

    Now I am sure many here have had original ideas, and thought of or even obtained Patents. I have had several original ideas, but chose to not Patent, for whilst any idea might be original, there is always more than one way of achieving any aim, and thus of cicumnavigating any Patent. I was always aware that if I had Patented a design, that I could still find a way of achieving the same aim using 'different' circuitry. So, whilst the original already known 'Patent applied for' Mk1 and Mk2 Hendershot generators had permanently been laid to rest, there was nothing to prevent Lester from developing something to do the same job of generating electricity, but in an entirely different way !
    Hence the much later appearance of his Mk3.

    Anyone having such imagineering capabilities would want to see their ideas put to good use, and it is likely that as Lester became more infirm with age he wanted his family to have on-going benefit from his endeavours. He appears to have followed a similar path of seeking witnessed demonstrations and formal discussions about possibilities for commercial manufacture, for one of his drawings has something like "$160 dollars cost per unit" hand written upon it. Subsequently he felt urgent need to secretly flee Mexico, and not long afterwards his life ended suddenly after he said he would leave details of his design 'for posterity'. Sadly his design died with him, and whilst Lester's youngest son Mark is photographed with his own rather large boarded and more recent 'construction', it is clear there is no way that Mark's board could work because the wiring does not satisfy oscillating RF coil requirements; components are better appropriately 'nested' than all neatly and individually spaced out with connection block wiring.

    Also, Lester was not merely the basically educated home inventor so often portrayed. Just look at the fine hat he wears in his 1950's photograph demonstrating that Mk3 generator empowering a domestic tube radio. This is the sign of a man having something within that is not widely shared by the general population; then or now !

    This other note by son Mark shows humanity too -
    Pity the photograph has gone, I saw it a year or two ago !

    Sadly it seems 'fame', or infamy, can haunt those portrayed to bathe in it, or at least cause some dark individuals to do the haunting, as with Hendershot's acquaintance Lindbergh, who lost his son to kidnappers - still never explained, and right through to the court case a typical dark forces scenario.

    Think I need another cuppa. I had origally wanted to write more about the Mk1 and Mk2 generators, but I feel it more important that Lester - the man - receives better recogniton.

    Back later ............. Graham.
    Last edited by GSM; 10-17-2012, 09:26 AM.


    • #92
      Can someone answer my question about Hendershot and Hubbard connections ?

      About what Pitsburg town we are talking about ? I'm living in Europe and searching for Pitsburg gives me quite large amount of towns in USA.

      Post-Intelligencer (Seattle, Washington) had article about Hubbard in 1919. How far is Seattle from Pitsburg ? Or maybe that was Pittsburgh ?

      Read this page : Nikola Tesla on His Work With Alternating Currents and Their Application to ... - Nikola Tesla - Google Ksi±¿ki

      I have a theory that people from Pittsburgh were in close contact with Tesla and that was the reason of Hubbard, Hendershot generators. Tesla business relationships with people from Pittsburgh were dated back to 1895 but this is not long from 1919 and 1928 . Worth a check anyway....


      • #93
        One more note , this time about permanent magnet. I have crazy theory that it is not more then a method to condense external magnetic field the same way as iron having low reluctance allow for creating magnets (just by hit on other metal). sorry for offtopic


        • #94
          Originally posted by boguslaw View Post
          Can someone answer my question about Hendershot and Hubbard connections ?

          I have a theory that people from Pittsburgh were in close contact with Tesla and that was the reason of Hubbard, Hendershot generators. Tesla business relationships with people from Pittsburgh were dated back to 1895 but this is not long from 1919 and 1928 . Worth a check anyway....
          Hendershot worked in the mills near Pittsburgh, and did electrical work there.
          He is also said to have thought his Generator worked on Earth currents.

          Tesla worked with Earth currents, and dreamt of remotely empowering aeroplanes fitted with electric motors !
          Was Tesla running a radiating transmitter in 1927-28 ?

          A crucial question would be as to whether Tesla investigated with and utilised magnetic buzzers as Hendershot did.

          Soft iron does 'condense' an external magnetic field, but a permanent magnet won't.

          Cheers ............. Graham.
          Last edited by GSM; 10-17-2012, 01:29 PM.


          • #95
            Originally posted by GSM View Post
            Hendershot worked in the mills near Pittsburgh, and did electrical work there.
            He is also said to have thought his Generator worked on Earth currents.

            Tesla worked with Earth currents, and dreamt of remotely empowering aeroplanes fitted with electric motors !
            Was Tesla running a radiating transmitter in 1927-28 ?

            A crucial question would be as to whether Tesla investigated with and utilised magnetic buzzers as Hendershot did.

            Soft iron does 'condense' an external magnetic field, but a permanent magnet won't.

            Cheers ............. Graham.
            It was only an analogy Graham. I understand that permanent magnet is made by magnetization process by nobody really knows why it is sustained, except experiments indicate that magnetic running current is a reality (Ed Leedscalnin PHM).

            You asked about buzzers. Not sure if this is an answer you searched for but the same source at page 45 , Tesla described his buzzer or high frequency mechanical oscillator.


            • #96
              E & I bar System


              Not sure if this is helpful or not, but I thought about the E & I bar system the other night - dug it out from my old course note - sort of thinking out loud as they say!




              • #97
                Hi Boguslaw,

                Magnetic current is one of those flawed descriptions which has not been brought into the fold of atom fundamentals.

                Electrons orbiting an atomic nucleus constitute tiny magnets.
                In soft iron these are random until aligned by a field.
                In magnetised substances the molecules preserve electron spin alignment through the molecular structure.

                Put a soft iron keeper on a magnet and the permanent field will align electron orbits in the keeper.

                Like charge motions attract, opposite repel, hence like electron spins attract.
                Like spins within the molecular structures (domains) pull a keeper to a magnet, and also give rise to the phenomenon of magnetostriction.

                There is no magnetic current flowing through a magnet keeper, but it will remain attracted for as long as the magnet remains polarised, which is assisted by closing the field through the keeper.

                All magnetic effects and properties can be reduced to atomic characteristics, and thus it becomes easy to understand why heat causes a magnetic to lose strength.

                Must check out page 45.

                Cheers .......... Graham.


                • #98
                  Hi John,

                  Nice one !

                  A thin but powerful neodi magnet on the centre limb of a standard 'E' transformer core would make a nice buzzer with A-B windings and sprung centre pivoted armature !

                  Cheers ......... Graham.


                  • #99
                    Originally posted by ChrisW View Post
                    Greetings, Graham,

                    Last night I was reading the patent draft; it leaves much to be desired. One thing I did notice, something that Hilton did not catch, apparently, is the description of L6, wherein it states (paraphrasing) that a wire is attached to the middle of the INNER windings. Doesn't this imply that an OUTER layer might exist? Why use the word INNER if there is no OUTER?

                    Hi Chris,

                    In concurrence with your stated thoughts I too am now studying the Mk1.
                    My reasons -
                    - Known to be light of weight for power generated, hence efficient of materials.
                    - Once the principles are figured out, it would not take hours or weeks to tune up like the Mk3 does.

                    Something else I have noted from the notes, and relating to the Mk1 -
                    Lester's wife is reported to say it worked only in the N-S direction, whilst he himself stated that the rotary motion was produced in an E-W direction.

                    Two points arising.
                    Was his wife looking at the toy plane, and Lester looking at coil alignments ?
                    Even then, could Lester have told his wife to align the wings N-S, and not the fuselage ?

                    Yesterday I wrote here about 'professional liars', these being people who will controllingly look you in the eye and bare facedly speak lies as if they are the truth, for 'professionals' are free to lie when they know that you have no way of challenging their statements either directly, or subsequently via a Court of Law. The experience of such an occurrence IS life changing, and this is exactly what happened to Hendershot in his pursuit of that Patent application, which he was likely encouraged to file for 'commercial' reasons.
                    Poor Lester fell into a veritable viper's pit, and from that moment on, not only was he controlled, but the information about his Mk1 and Mk2 generator designs were controlled too.

                    Thus I have come to believe that the notes formally published about the Mk1 and Mk2 designs exist only because they contain deliberate disinformation, for anything else would have been made to disappear !

                    Additionally, separated drawings of portions of the circuit in isolation over-ride our mind's-eye abilities to focus upon the whole, especially when the 'complete circuit' representation is not correct either !
                    There is even written "possible broad-band gigahertz receiver" where the central L6 assembly resides, but it is impossible for multiturn inductors to transduce gigahertz !

                    Getting back to your observation Chris, and that L6 tuning coil where you spotted the description of its centre tap wire being attached to the middle of the 'inner' winding:
                    So maybe there are two separate windings of outwardly overwound electrically centre-tap balanced layers upon a common former, or, just an internal centre tap.
                    Either way, if the other L6 connections came from opposite ends and there was an internal centre tap, then L6 must have had an 'odd' number of layers greater than one.

                    I still want to check out the winding/ field alignments of L6 with respect to L13 and L14, and other resonator aspects.
                    Could Lester's mechanically tuned magnetic resonator assemblies be replaced by a more conventional tuned L-C arrangement, possibly an updated one energised by a transistor oscillator, as in direction finding equipment ?

                    L6 is also shown to be wound around M7, thus indicating a permanent magnetic core,
                    and yet a permanent magnet core cannot but render assymmetrical any coil induced field, unless,
                    that magnetic core has a deliberately weak field such that all it might do is cancel the Earth's natural field and leave L6 working entirely naturally within the honeycombs ?
                    Or could it be that there are a pair of polarly opposing magnets glued together which appear like a normal magnet at their outer ends, but where the L6 overwind could then induce a resultant rotating field within the honeycombs ?
                    If L6 is to do no more than electromagnetically energise a physically resonant metallic element, is it merely influencing the field of L6, or is there some other undocumented circuit coupling ?

                    Is it possible that an L6 induced alternating or rotating field could cyclically augment the field of the simultaneously energised honeycomb winding,
                    and thus spatially energise L13 and L14 equally but oppositely,
                    which might then serially energise L4,
                    and thence the L19 + L22 + L25 windings,
                    all of these constituting a 360 degree phase shifted feedback loop between output and L6, this being a requirement for self sustainably of oscillation ?

                    As I mentioned before, I believe that the transformer laminations stated to surround L19 and L25 are deliberate disinformation to ensure that replicators could never succeed, though there might well have been a silver painted grained wooden frame to support those fine wire windings, this giving the impression of transformer laminations. Certainly no gigahertz possilities here, and thus not with the directly connected L6 and honeycombs either !

                    As per 'The Hendershot Mystery' notes -


                    Page 21, figure 3.3 and page 23 figure 3.4 (without external laminations as indicated) are similar. These might operate mutually out of phase in different planes of polarisation, and thus amplify the potential necessary to re-empower the page 19 figure 3.2 circuit ?

                    Lester steadfastly explained that the principle empowering his generator relied upon alignment with the Earth's N-S magnetic field, but with E-W component inducement of a rotating field. Yet both of his Mk1 and Mk2 designs have coils vertically aligned as well, possibly facilitating triple axis augmentations without mutual interferences.

                    Hope all you folks can understand my ramblings, and maybe even expand upon my thoughts.

                    Cheers ........... Graham.
                    Last edited by GSM; 10-18-2012, 10:53 AM.


                    • I can see clearly now, the rain is gone

                      Greetings, Graham,

                      You've brought up some good points, and indeed, you're very much on the right track with the Mark I.

                      Graham, the operation of the Mark I is so simple I'm surprised I didn't come up with the design myself. ANYONE on this forum with a good understanding of coils and magnets can "get" the concept by studying the Mark I, with their "monkey mind" turned OFF. It's NOT complex. Yes, I still have a few questions about some of the particulars, and these questions will be answered by empirical data and observation.

                      In confirmation of your assessment that Hilton contains some rather wild assumptions, perhaps even BS, yes, I concur. That whole gigahertz-broadband thing is an exercise in bovine scatology, to quote a famous American general.

                      The "antenna" is nothing more than a bloody counterweight! It provides enough "gravitational energy" (that phase used very much with tongue in cheek) to pull the vertical "resonator" away from the end of L4's core. The "antenna" and resonator strip are one piece of metal with a 90° bend in it.

                      There must be enough turns on L6 to cancel out M7's magnetic field at both poles. Thus, L6 is wound like one of Tesla's coils, i.e., from the middle outward, in opposite directions. When L6 is energized (M7's field canceled), L13 and L14 are active, establishing a crosswise field east and west, if you will. This is analogous to moving the compass needle with one's finger into the east/west direction. This causes the resonator to be attracted to L4's core, effectively grounding out L6, which restores M7's field, thus the proverbial compass needle swings back into north/south alignment. In essence, it's the power of making and breaking of M7's magnetic field which makes the whole thing work. The honeycomb coils "see" the changing magnetic field and act like any coil does in a changing magnetic field.

                      I probably didn't do justice to the device in my explanation, but that's the gist of it. It's the cancellation and restoration of M7's field, at the same time, flipping the polarity of the L13 and L14 coils, that cause a moving, if not rotating, magnetic field through the honeycomb coils.

                      Ponder on this, you'll see it. It's not magic, it's simply having enough turns in the right places to convert a current into a magnetic field of the proper polarity.



                      • Originally posted by ChrisW View Post

                        The "antenna" is nothing more than a bloody counterweight! It provides enough "gravitational energy" (that phase used very much with tongue in cheek) to pull the vertical "resonator" away from the end of L4's core. The "antenna" and resonator strip are one piece of metal with a 90° bend in it.

                        'Antenna' - yes a mechanical return force makes sense.
                        So that 'antenna' could even be an adjustable torsion bar spring+mounting arrangement for the vibrator leaf - enabling better defined and higher frequency vibration characteristics ?
                        Now that really would look like a little wire antenna !

                        Could it really be that the Mk1 is so basic, and that we have been so misguided by those texts ?

                        Cheers ............. Graham.


                        • Simplicity


                          Yes! While everyone back in the day was piling on the woo-woo about psychic powers, earth's magnetic field, mystique and mumbo-jumbo, they overlooked the obvious. It's shocking how "science" just pulls down its pants and excretes an enormous, stinking pile of dung on someone who discovers the simple and obvious. 'Oh, that's not possible," they say. Well, I salute those brave souls who had the courage to say "Well, that magnet on the refrigerator is holding up a piece of paper. Isn't that WORK being done?" Response from "science:" A big, flatulent "phhhhhhhtttttt."

                          The most amazing and remarkable thing about the Mark I is that it's ALL being done with coils. No capacitors, relays, semiconductors, none of it!

                          If everything's positioned properly, it's quite likely that the small amount of ambient EM noise in the environment could get the oscillations started; otherwise simply injecting a short pulse from a small battery would do the trick. Hell, one little solar cell could accomplish that.

                          Your idea of using a small spring to sharpen up the response is excellent. Once you've proven that the idea works, how about replacing it with a hall effect sensor and a transistor? Speed! (Finding an appropriate spot to ground it is the only issue I foresee with that idea).

                          You're probably right about another thing. "They" probably obfuscated the whole thing with their dung piles so you WOULDN'T see and recognize the obvious. Sad, pathetic little control-freak psychopaths. It almost makes you feel sorry for them. Almost.

                          Well, the beans have been spilled, the cat is out of the bag -- insert your own metaphors here. It's clear what we must now do. Let the work begin, let imagination run wild!



                          • Hi All

                            Most of you are far more experienced than me but I thought I’d share my thoughts with you all. I must admit that it has been some time since I had a look at the Hendershot device, and looking at other devices I think I can see some common threads occurring, though maybe at odds with the excellent research here.

                            I’m wondering if Pat 2143437 may hold some clues? You will see the D shaped device with coils/magnets. This transforms an incoming ac wave to an output pulse – maybe a variation of the buzzer used?

                            Re the 500khz, this is the frequency of lightning pulses. In this PDF, ELECTROMAGNETIC SIGNATURES OF LIGHTNING NEAR THE HF FREQUENCY BAND explains:


                            So it could be that the 500khz was used as a switch for the magnetic field?
                            Or maybe the earth field was a diversion.

                            Anyway, just thought I'd share!




                            • Lighting Map

                              Thought this was of interest - a map of world lighting strikes. Note that Congo/Rwanda has the highest world rate - maybe linked to their appalling circumstances?


                              • Hey John,

                                There's no shortage of RF and atmospheric devices in the history of FE devices. If the psychopaths hadn't taken over at the turn of the last century, we'd have structures capturing the energy that's abundant all around us; instead, we have nuclear plants poisoning the planet and its inhabitants.

                                Hendershot's work is unique in that it doesn't require woo-woo to explain it (which is not to say that woo-woo is a bad thing, other than its requirement of a budget that would finance small nations, along with access to unique and exotic materials, the best minds on the planet, etc.). Hendershot's design is simple, affordable and low-tech. Even if the Mark I only provides enough power to run a small lamp or a few dozen LEDs, it's one less bulb on the grid and one step closer to self-reliance for all of us.

                                The above leaves me wondering two things: 1) how small can it be made, and 2) how LARGE can it be made? One's imagination can go wild with questions like these.

                                More to come...

