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Mr Lester J Hendershot's magnetic generator.

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  • Read between words. Very interesting. Are we approaching big breakthrough in all aspects of free energy generation systems ? Are we prepared ?

    "In 1919 Hubbard represented the apparatus as being capable of extracting electrical energy directly from the air, but he admitted yesterday that this had been merely a subterfuge to protect his patent rights, and that, as a matter of fact, it had been a device for extracting electrical energy from radium, by means of a series of transformers which stepped up the rays.

    He declined to go into detail in regard to the exact manner in which he managed to extract power from radium -- but said that, so far as he had been able to determine, there was no great difference between the Detroit machine and his.

    "I never heard of this Lester J. Hendershot, the Pittsburgh electrical engineer who is demonstrating the motor", Hubbard said, "but it must be remembered that I worked on the invention for two years in Pittsburgh -- in 1921 and 1922. It was a Dr. Greenslade who represented the people who were financing me at the time -- but, of course, if the people who bought out most of my interest in the invention were to bring it out as their own machinery, they would probably do it through a man with whom I had never worked. I was employed by the radium Chemical Company at the time I was working in Pitsburgh". "


    • I have been informed that Ed Skilling gave a conference lecture in 1981 (USPA) reporting that the device only works in surroundings of extreme low air humidity.
      I note the word *works*, and no matter what earlier disinfo had been circulated, they could not have been using *radium* by the time Skilling took an interest !
      No other details known.

      Maybe if I constructed my 'iron light' on plate glass, then nothing could be said to be hidden.

      Cheers ........ Graham.
      Last edited by GSM; 11-01-2012, 11:56 PM.


      • for information only in the case of
        ... a simple fluxgate



        • Barry Hilton's notes in The Hendershot Mystery link I posted above state that the primary Mk1-2 generator coils (as in the plane) were honeycomb, a form of axial wave winding.
          They were not.
          From a better screenshot they clearly appear to be basketweave as was continued throughout the Mk3 constructions; ie. minimum self capacitance for a given current generated field.

          Also, could it be that the twin L13-14 cored coils were within the co-axial 8A-B windings, as per the Fluxgate video linked in the last post by Wings, and thus more closely aligned with the dip angle of the Earth's magnetic field away from the equator ?

          Why is there such published error ?

          I have already stated that both circuits published on page 57 are seriously incorrect and thus this page of Barry's notes should be binned -
          and now I am stating that page 58 should be binned too !

          It has become MY PERSONAL OPINION that Barry's publication is so full of errors it will PREVENT constructors from replicating a functioning Hendershot device.

          Why does Barry so clearly publish instruction to reverse wind the foil core-cap foil-paper layering when compared to the definitive illustrations published by Mark Hendershot here -

          Also, on page 62 Barry writes
          "Coils wound in a counter-rotational manner are normally regarded as non-inductive coils, whilst those wound in a compatible rotational manner are generally considered inductive.

          What absolute rubbish.

          Sorry folks, this guy is either fabricating untruthful text as he writes, or NOT a competent technical author, or both, and thus his writing must be read with discernment by anyone seeking correct information which might present a useful basis for construction.

          Cheers ............. Graham.
          Attached Files
          Last edited by GSM; 11-08-2012, 09:31 AM.


          • Terminology

            Greetings, all...

            Graham, good catch in that photo! That does indeed appear to a wave-wound coil. I don't know if "wave-wound" is the proper term for that type of coil, and getting the terminology right appears to be much of the problem in Hilton's book.

            As a case in point, as you pointed out from page 62, was his use of the term "counter-wound." I came upon that as well, but my own translation of it was that he meant bifilar, with the wires on one end connected together, such that the coil becomes nearly non-inductive. This, as opposed to bifilar, with the end of the first wire connected to the start of the second wire, resulting in a HIGHLY inductive coil.

            So yes, I would agree that Hilton is likely not a well-versed technical writer. As such, the use of one's knowledge and intuition is a key factor in understanding the device.

            By the way, since the device DOES utilize both the electric and magnetic components, I'm using bifilar coils for all but the "basket-weave" coils. For the latter, I've decided to use 3 layers for each (8A and 8B) simply because the "one turn" description in the patent application hardly seems appropriate.

            Do bear in mind, Graham, that Hilton likely did his best to document Hendershot's work, and as such, we should be grateful, as all other available descriptions are sadly lacking in detail. Thus, Hilton's work is all we've got to go on. It's up to us to find the mistakes and correct them.

            I expect to have the resonator strip assembly completed today, and initial set-up underway by the weekend. Stay tuned!



            • A little help - Just starting

              I ran across the forum with a name something like "get 5 out with 1 in ..." and started to read some of the posts. I read one post that had a schematic of what I have come to learn is referred to as the MkIII version. I noticed that it looked like a schematic I have owned for about 30+ years (I was really young when I got it). I couldn't tell what the name was except that it was something like ES... . I have periodically tried to look up this name but with no luck. I guess I didn't try that hard. The article I have is incomplete so I never bothered to do anything with it. The name of the article is "Electrostatic Power Generator" that contains only page one and a schematic that is dated Oct. 26, 1958, signed by someone named ES... Sunday 11:30 to 2:30pm. The title on the schematic page is "75 watts output, Meter read 110 volt AC, after 3 min. drop to 90 volts and capacitor starts boiling".

              From this forum I have found the name of Ed Skilling and decided to find the the above papers. After about a week of searching I found them and in fact the name on the paper is E Skilling. I have always wanted to build this but had no information of any kind. I want to make this my next project but from what I have read in this forum it almost seems that at the present no one is doing much. I have download a lot of PDF files and I'm happy to see that new posts are still being made here.
              1. 1979 - Arthur C Aho - Tomorrow's Energy ...
              2. A story of free energy - Ed Sk...
              3. From the archives of Lester...
              4. HendershMot-UtilityEng
              5. Herdershot Early Generator
              6. HendershotMystery...
              7. The hendershot enigma
              8. The Hendershot motor mystery
              9. The so called hendeshot motor
              10. The manual of free energy devices and systems...
              11. X the truth about fueless motor - july 1928

              Can anyone give me an idea of what is the good/bad and the ugly of the PDFs that I have found or where I should go to find out more. There are lots of web sites out there but I am going to stick with this forum until I get more knowledge under my belt about the Hendershot apparatus. I am starting with PDF #6 above, but if you have a better order or other PDFs I should read first let me know.


              • MikeC,

                Read them all, in no particular order. As you do, bear in mind that: (1) an electrical current also has a magnetic component at 90° to current flow, (2) that the field of a permanent magnet can be cancelled out or made stronger with a coil wrapped around it, and (3) as Hendershot stated, if you use your finger to physically move a compass needle to the east/west position, it will return to the north/south position when you let go of it. There's no "magic" or "mystery" here. Be child-like in your thinking (as opposed to a totally brainwashed academic who is incapable of thinking outside the little box his professors created for him) and it'll become clear how the Hendershot device works. Start at the beginning as Hendershot did. Pay particular attention to what happens ELECTRICALLY when you make/break a MAGNETIC circuit -- which can happen in a wire even WITHOUT an electrical return path.

                Best wishes in your endeavors.


                • Originally posted by mikec_ut View Post
                  The name of the article is "Electrostatic Power Generator" that contains only page one and a schematic that is dated Oct. 26, 1958, signed by someone named ES... Sunday 11:30 to 2:30pm. The title on the schematic page is "75 watts output, Meter read 110 volt AC, after 3 min. drop to 90 volts and capacitor starts boiling".
                  Hi Mike,

                  Looks like you have a good original find there, for electrostatic is indeed the C1-2 feedback mechanism which maintains generation, yet I do not remember reading this anywhere else.
                  This was the main reason for my last post, for Barry's 'Mystery' text stating construction of C1-2 will negate electrostatic transduction, whilst Mark's 'Archive' published drawings are correct, as per that last link I posted.

                  If a capacitor boiled then clearly there was more than enough power generated than that necessary to merely light a lamp, and obviously this was why so many variants existed as the circuit became more developed.

                  I concur with Chris too - for here there is indeed need to read all texts in order to get a feel for Lester's constructions:
                  His works were entirely intuitive and yet he 'real-world' demonstrated (what all the scientists said was and still ensist is) the impossible.

                  Cheers ......... Graham.

                  Presently Chris is studying the Mk1-2 versions, myself more the Mk3 variations.
                  Attached Files
                  Last edited by GSM; 11-08-2012, 11:13 PM.


                  • Thanks for the insight

                    I am not sure yet what version is more interesting. Like I said I do have a MkIII schematic with hand written notes like, "capacitor C2 equal to .0062, squeeze with clamp to work, variation of pressure raises value to .01 from .0062". I believe that the circuit was currently being tested. But the idea of the MkI version that can be created any size, in the small airplane or connected to a 45HP motor of 130lbs. I must read for awhile and there is a lot of it. Thanks for the insight, this should be fun.


                    • Originally posted by ChrisW View Post

                      I expect to have the resonator strip assembly completed today, and initial set-up underway by the weekend. Stay tuned!
                      Looking forwards to seeing your resonator Chris. Likely beyond what I could fabricate.

                      This video shows nicely how a wavewound coil is fabricated -
                      Morris Gingery Ham Radio Coil Winder - YouTube

                      and this patent is quite Hendershot motor like, though in reverse !
                      Patent US4618806 - Ironless, brushless DC motor with wave-winding - Google Patents

                      Cheers ............. Graham


                      • Toy Airplane

                        Are there any other photos of the toy airplane besides the one side view. I was wondering if the model was a tin toy airplane. The strut that goes for the wing to the body looks like thin metal (tin). Do we know if this is a custom toy or a modified purchased toy. Just curious. I love model planes and these old ones are very pricey.


                        • An experiment that was performed in tel-aviv university in Shimshon Bar-ad lab by Moshe Elazar .
                          In this pump (high intensity beam) -probe (low intensity beam) experiment at a fixed magnetic I did an excitation on permalloy with single pulse (pump) and used a kerr microscope and a probe in order to record the changes (with CCD camera) in the sample magnetization as a function of time.
                          In this movie, one could see how a single pulse accelerated the spontaneous magnetization.

                          Single pump accelerates the evolvement of the spontaneous magnetization - YouTube
                          Last edited by wings; 11-12-2012, 01:16 PM.


                          • First Thoughts

                            After reading all of the material and the posts in the forum I have come to the same conclusion as both Chris and Graham. This apparatus has some very interesting background and discoveries. I have decided that I want to start in the beginning. The MkIII seems to have to many schematics and for a start project way to hard to get it to start running. Even though to build it looks simple. After Ed Skilling took a working model and disassembled it and then reconstructed it plus built a second one to the exact same specs, he could not get either one to work. He then took it to Hendershot and it still took awhile for him to get them to work again. Where as the MkI/MkII model, from the information available seem to work without any trouble. Hendershot's family didn't seem to have any problem playing with the airplane that Hendershot built plus other appliances when Lester was not around. After the airplane demo the air base engineers under Hendershot instructions (hands off) they were able to build a very large 45 - 60 HP version that seem to work without any problems. The MkI/MkII, I think is where I want to focus first.


                            • Second Thoughts

                              From the information available Hendershot under other occasions build projects (toys, etc.) that he sold to companies, I could see him selling the information for the MkI/MKII for $25000 (a lot of money back then) and walk away saying that the project was a fake and never talking about it again. I can see him signing a NDA (or what ever they had) to not create another one for the seventeen years of a standard patent. I believe that the MkIII was a result of his commitment and why it took so long for him to expose another version that is a lot different.


                              • Which version - MkI or MKII

                                When searching the web I only came across 2 pictures of model airplanes that were associated with Hendershot. One was mounted on a wood stand and the other picture was of Herdershot and his son holding the airplane. After looking at the two pictures I have concluded that the mounted airplane is the MkI version and the other picture is the later MkII version. The MkI version was a toy. By looking at the picture you can see it was made of metal (tin toy) with a modified front end to house the motor. The propeller is too small to be of any use and the wing span is too short. The body seems a bit long as well. This picture shows a very good model building skill of Hendershot. It was nice of him to leave it open so we could see what was inside. The second picture is very bad and it is hard to see any details. But the propeller is bigger and mounted on a pointed nose cone, the wing span is wider and the body length with both Hendershot and his sons hand holding it seem to be in the right proportions as the one that would have been used as the demo airplane that does not need to be in the North/South direction to work.

                                Claiming that the difference between the MkI version and the MkII version was only within the basket weave coil then we can assume that the apparatus for each was really close. I don’t think that after mounting the MkI version he would take the guts out to build the next version. He had time to rebuild and make the second version work as he claimed, any direction, leaving the first version still mounted and at his home (where is it now?). The first version MkI seems simpler as it relates to the induction compass and I don’t care that it only works in one direction.

