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Mr Lester J Hendershot's magnetic generator.

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  • Vertical osc. transformer

    Hi thx,

    The vertical sweep circuit of a TV in the US is very close to 60 hz. So a power transformer should work very well as far as the frequency part is concerned. I don't remember the VA rating on them but they were not very big so I think somewhere between 200 to 500 VA should be about right. Maybe Graham can give you a better idea of what is needed.

    Just because someone disagrees with you does NOT make them your enemy. We can disagree without attacking someone.


    • Good points have recently been raised here about electrolytics; they are polarised and have different surface charactristics relating to the '+' or '-' connection.

      Lester was very careful about using dry paper for his core overwind, as indeed we would all need to be for capacitors connected to pulse circuitry, and thereafter I cannot see that the choice of either etched or shiny foil would make any difference in a dry situation.

      Regarding the frame (vertical scan) output transformers - I threw many of these out about 40 years ago because they could not be used for other purposes; yet as it turns out now - they suit Hendershot Generators !

      Frame output transformers tended to be driven by lower anode impedance tetrode/ pentode tubes at 50/60Hz, and not only did these transformers have better core quality than standard 50/60Hz mains supply types in order to output a good triangular vertical scan waveform, they tended to be clamped E-I types with a paper strip between the E and I laminations to obviate core saturation effects.

      (Please - everyone here should feel free to correct me if I am am seen to be making any erroneous statements.)

      So, the frame output transformers tended to operate from a typical TV high tension line much lower in voltage than for audio power amplifier supply rails (even for similar type valves), say circa 175 volts, and I'm guessing with a requitement for 1.5 kilo-ohm of anode loading impedance.

      The transformers used by Hendershot typically had ratios of 5:1, and thus impedances of say 1.5k primary to 60 ohm deflection coil matching (guesses), these values being quite unlike all other ready made transformer types.
      The nearest of readily available transformer types would need a primary voltage circa 110Vac with a secondary of say 20Vac.

      So my first action would be to source 110V to 20V (in UK dual 115V primary to dual 20V UK) transformers circa 12 to 25VA rating.

      However, before we could use a standard AC transformer at the higher frequencies present within a Hendershot circuit we might need to perform a little *hands-on* modification to it.
      I have found that most recent AC mains transformers are clamp assembled with a fine line of weld along the edge of the 'E' to 'I' lamination joins.

      The generator circuit itself is symmetrical and thus it would be zero potential neutral throught cycles. So whether such welded core shorting will affect the operation of this type of transformer when used within Hendershot type circuitry I simply cannot know.

      In other (audio frequency) applications I have carefully hacksawed down through the fine 'E'-'I' weld line in order to insert a flux saturation limiting strip of paper exactly as is the case with typical tube output transformers, but that might not be necessary here.
      It is even possible that a 12VA component would do, but I prefer transformers to have lower core and winding resistance losses.

      Wow Mikec_ut. Just look at that, you are leading the way.
      However, I need to admit here that I have not seen enough clarity within original drawings for me to be able to figure out any modus-operandii.

      Have you been able to manually vibrate components in any way that leads to voltage generation anywhere ?
      __________________________________________________ _____

      Folks, I am a bit saddened to see that Lester's son Mike has found his father's design being deemed fake, with him feeling need to speak out against the con-men who are selling plans
      This is not a design to sell, and if it is the one I saw earlier without core-caps then it is completely phoney as well.
      Those con-men are showing a photograph of Lester's son as if Lester himself.
      And they wrongly link the twin core generator with the aeroplane flight.

      The Hendershot Generator is "Fake" - YouTube

      From YouTube -
      mike hendershot
      This Device Is Not Fake... You Can Find Pictures Of Him In His Early Years In New York Newspapers When He Was Young Around 1928 ... I Was Born In 1948 I'm His 2nd Son Michael James Hendershot From His Second Marriage... I Grew Watching His Device Being Built With the Smell Of Paraffin Wax Melting In Our Kitchen Used To Fix His Coils Together... He Once Blew The Tops Off Capacitors In Our Dining Room And Spoiled The Ceiling Over Our Dinner table... Finding Doubters Is Nothing New For Me.

      TheHendershotGenerator (Zaxaa)

      It would be good to have Lester's son come on board here to share old information and any interesting stories - though he might of course have worries about becoming involved.

      Cheers for now ................. Graham.
      Last edited by GSM; 12-05-2013, 07:44 PM.


      • Hi Graham, have you ever seen radium fertilizer before?


        Is it really that dangerous?

        Best regards,



        • Hi Paul,

          Yes that's a good find.
          ! See the photograph on the right and 3/8 down this page, and especially the bolder text beneath that group of photographs !

          Copyright Joel O

          ""Radium fertilizer provided a profitable use for the ore tailings. The Standard Chemical Company claimed the fertilizer was beneficial - compare the plants between the men, both unidentified, with the controls on the left.""
          ""The photographs in this group are courtesy Oak Ridge Associated Universities (ORAU). They are from a photo album apparently compiled by the company. Not surprisingly, it is slightly contaminated with radium.""

          Radium was the brand, not the beneficial content; ie. the crushed *mineral tailings* from mining, where the Standard Chemical mill required 500 tons of ore, 500tons of various chemicals, the power from 1,000 tons of coal, and 10,000 tons of purified water to produce just one gram of radium.

          Crushed minerals are always good for plant growth, whereas real radium would cause mutagenesis, and serious animal/human illness.

          It is most important that the Epilogue on that page is read !

          I own a geiger counter, for I will not tolerate anything radioactive close to living organisms, whether from natural substances or resulting from any energy processing circuit arrangements. (And yes I do realise I consume minute fractions of radioactive substance by eating bananas daily.)

          Cheers ............ Graham.
          Last edited by GSM; 12-06-2013, 10:26 AM.


          • Transformer VA rating

            Originally posted by citfta View Post
            Hi thx,
            The vertical sweep circuit of a TV in the US is very close to 60 hz. So a power transformer should work very well as far as the frequency part is concerned. I don't remember the VA rating on them but they were not very big so I think somewhere between 200 to 500 VA should be about right.
            I far as I remember the circuit only lights a 60 Watt bulb. Using a 0.8 power factor that would be 75 VA so I'm thinking 100VA would be sufficient but that's not necessarily what the original used nor the correct power factor for this circuit. I guess there's no way to tell what the power factor was for the working circuit so maybe your suggestion of 200 to 500 VA would be more appropriate. I'm just trying to keep expense down and as the VA goes up, the cost goes up.

            Graham said
            ...they tended to be clamped E-I types with a paper strip between the E and I laminations to obviate core saturation effects.
            I note two things here: 1) the Hendershot notes make a point of specifying the "Vertical Oscillator Type" and 2) it seems to me that eliminating core saturation would be very important in this circuit and especially so since it is essentially a magnetic circuit. It seems to me that was why he specified the "Vertical Oscillator Type" and this could be one of the problems that cause replications to fail. Everyone, even Lester, has a devil of a time getting this circuit to work and, as they say, the devil's in the details.


            • Hi thx1138,
              Just found this link -

              Note at the end of this video, this 'hands-on' guy states he has noted ratios between 6:1 and 12:1.
              I believe Hendershot stated 5:1, but whatever, any particular type used within a TV would must depend upon tube size and the associated type of deflection yoke assembly.
              A range of transformer voltages available via transformers like the ones I provided the link for can also be purchased without breaking the bank, so maybe it would be worth buying and trying transformer pairs with 15Vac and 12Vac secondaries as well.

              Also do please note the size. Imagine a battery charger transformer of that size and what its maximum current rating would be, say 2A fused maximum, therefore not more than 20VA.
              I would consider 200VA or larger to be much bigger than necessary, and quite incapable of fitting within the Hendershot cores as has been photographed.

              Cheers ............... Graham.


              • Originally posted by mikec_ut View Post
                Sorry for the delay, time is not always kind for those that wait. I have got a PDF doc on my project and will attach it here.

                There are lots of small experiments that I need to work on, association with this build. Hopefully I will be able to get a better Wild Ass Guess (WAG) as to wire size and coil size and placement as these experiments are completed. With my limited time experiment are slow but I am still working on this project.
                Thanks this is awesome information which will allow me to start collecting materials.

                Was kind of busy the whole week with my regular job - most often it does - but now it's weekend so that means I got some spare time to start looking at exactly what Hendershot was connecting to get electromagnetic resonance going and obtain amplification of the energy provided by the aetheric distortions. This document looks like it's going to help me advance.

                Thanks again for posting this and I'll be back with my observations.


                • Originally posted by pjotterkjen View Post
                  Thanks this is awesome information which will allow me to start collecting materials.

                  Was kind of busy the whole week with my regular job - most often it does - but now it's weekend so that means I got some spare time to start looking at exactly what Hendershot was connecting to get electromagnetic resonance going and obtain amplification of the energy provided by the aetheric distortions. This document looks like it's going to help me advance.

                  Thanks again for posting this and I'll be back with my observations.
                  Lester J. Hendershot


                  • hyiq site

                    Originally posted by wings View Post
                    Thanks wings I know the site, it has some great information but it is not complete.


                    • Transformer VA rating

                      Originally posted by GSM View Post
                      Hi thx1138,
                      Just found this link -

                      Note at the end of this video, this 'hands-on' guy states he has noted ratios between 6:1 and 12:1.
                      I believe Hendershot stated 5:1, but whatever, any particular type used within a TV would must depend upon tube size and the associated type of deflection yoke assembly.
                      A range of transformer voltages available via transformers like the ones I provided the link for can also be purchased without breaking the bank, so maybe it would be worth buying and trying transformer pairs with 15Vac and 12Vac secondaries as well.

                      Also do please note the size. Imagine a battery charger transformer of that size and what its maximum current rating would be, say 2A fused maximum, therefore not more than 20VA.
                      I would consider 200VA or larger to be much bigger than necessary, and quite incapable of fitting within the Hendershot cores as has been photographed.

                      Cheers ............... Graham.
                      I'm sticking with the 5:1 ratio because that is what I've seen stated in the notes in various documents.

                      Taking your hint about size, I've looked at a number of different modern transformers and 40VA seems to be about right judging by the 6" X 3" size of the cap/coil assembly. The transformer top is below the inner edge of the cap but not by much and the width appears to be such that two would fit inside easily. So going by 2.75" high and 2.50" wide a modern 5:1 transformer would typically be a 40VA unit.

                      But that's with modern materials. While the magnetic aspects haven't changed any in the interim, materials science surely has so the transformers from the 50's and earlier may have had lower VA ratings for the same size. In the U.S. we have 120V AC so a 5:1 winding ratio yields a 24V secondary and 24V is widely used for control circuits so they are plentiful.

                      I'm fairly ignorant about the effects of saturation on this circuit so I guess the deciding construction criteria, without getting into custom wound transformers, would be the E/I lamination construction so that we could take them apart and add a small gap to reduce the saturation if needed.

                      So I'm going with the modern 40VA transformers with E/I laminations in my materials list. Will post it soon. Thanks for the info.


                      • Originally posted by GSM View Post

                        TheHendershotGenerator (Zaxaa)

                        Cheers for now ................. Graham.
                        I saw the video and it contains a lot of disinfo, incredible!

                        It would be a good idea to have a sticky thread (always on top) and set up a black list of disinfo, easy to documentate and easy to point possible victims to.

                        If you try to close the page the product is offered to you for 37 bucks, 10 dollar less... so damn typical!


                        • Materials list

                          The attached file is the research I've done on locating materials to build this device. It's all American suppliers so someone else could possibly put together something similar for other areas. I have a spreadsheet but this forum doesn't allow Excel file uploads. Click the links in the document to see examples. I'm not necessarily recommending these items - just showing examples.

                          I noticed today that the link in the document for the old telephone ringer coils isn't working. It's a problem with their site. Use the following link to see the ringer coils:
                          PHONECO magneto telephone phone crank breastplate
                          About 1/3 of the way down the page, in the right hand column is a picture of the device. Click on it and you will get the same error. But if you want to order it, the part # is "OLDRI".

                          I also had another thought on the source material for the iron armature: cut one out of an old brake drum or rotor.
                          Last edited by thx1138; 01-03-2015, 01:57 AM.


                          • Magnetism at Optical Frequencies

                            If found this article today. The illustration in Figure 1a jumped right out at me. I'll have to digest it a bit but at first reading it seems to support GSM's theories about the LJH device.



                            • Some first observations and questions

                              Originally posted by mikec_ut View Post

                              There are lots of small experiments that I need to work on, association with this build.
                              Hi mikec_ut, I have been studying your MK1 documentation and I have some questions and observations that I would like to share with you on this list. Anybody else that wants to reply go ahead of course.

                              First of all, would you be able to comment on those small experiments that you'll work on, and if you did any as of this moment? Also, did you do any of your testing on the MK1 device or did you build the MK2 right from the start?

                              Secondly, I saw that the dimensions of almost all the coils are well within what I would take as a first guess, with the exception of coil #008. It seems to me that its dimension shown on the pictures is much bigger than what is mentioned in the document, what was the reason for this, maybe the dimensions of the other components that are placed inside (a space restriction issue)?

                              Third, if I zoom into the coil #008 on the picture then I can see reasonably clear that a type of honeycomb wiring technique is used from the way the wires flow - crossing from one side to the other. But, as both types of wiring can be used to obtain low capacitance, I guess both should be able to do their work fine as long as the necessary resonance frequencies can be obtained.

                              Fourth, would it be possible to take a picture of what is inside the coil #008 and publish it here? I mean to see the three different coils in there as well as the ring magnet and how you (physically) placed them.

                              Fifth, how did you manage to let core #028 move freely while having wire #005 to connect to the resonator #002? And would the resonance of #002 be of the same frequency of core #028? Why is the resonator #002 even there? I seem to not quite understand why it is needed for the working of the device.

                              Sixth, what is your take on the function of the ring magnet #033? According to the Shape Power theory of Dan Davidson a circle concentrated aether flow in its center but I fail to see what its doing to coil #029 and core #028 as this core according to the design is not in the center of ring magnet #033.

                              Then, about the possible working of the device... most interesting. We have the following components:
                              1. The collector and core
                              2. The 1st electromagnetic amplifier
                              3. The 2nd electromagnetic amplifier
                              4. The output load (the AC or DC motor) (connected to 3)

                              The collector and core #028 are connected electrically. So if the collector acts as an antenna then the signal is transported to the core #028. I have read the theory of how the atom maintains its perpetual motion as explained by Maurice Cotterell (Maurice Cotterell and in specific, among others like Dan Davidson and Arthur Aho. Cotterell states that the particles that comprise the atom receive energy from ambient heat and light. Then the atom itself radiates this energy towards the core of the earth. Primary motors of radiation are the hydrogen and helium atoms. Other atoms also receive their energy from ambient heat and light.
                              This specific effect (aetheric flow causing atoms to spin and align) could also take place in the collector, where the aether from space flows perpendicular through the collector and alters the atoms spin in such a way (synchronizing many of them in small areas) that small eddy currents develop. These small eddy currents add up to small position changes in the core #028 through wire #005, which are then picked up by coil #029.

                              Then we have the second circuit, which should be able to pick up those small voltage variations in coil #029. This is the closed circuit within coil #008. This circuit, if tuned well, will amplify the small signal changes in coil #029. Both circuits will need to be in close resonance with each other, just like the two Hendershot capcoils in the MK3 design. The reason why there aren't any capacitors in this circuit (nor in the other parts) is because at the time using capacitors to change resonance frequency was likely not yet widely applied (all was done using coils), and of course each coil exposes an intrinsic capacitance value, and therefore each component has its own resonance frequency.

                              Next, we have the third circuit, where coil #008 picks up signals amplified by the second circuit. Again, tuning this circuit is of critical importance. The load, which is the motor, must be part of the circuit when tuning because when connected the overall resonance frequency of the interconnected coils will change. So, changes from coil #008 are being picked up by coil #004 and this starts the oscillation in coils #019, #022, and #025. This energy, produced by aetheric disturbance, and amplified through the series of three coils is absorbed in the motor by turning it around (kinetic energy). We need to find out still exactly how are the coils wound - CW or CCW.

                              So, after having separated the various parts into several circuits, I think that the best approach would be to start with the collector / resonator / coil-core and measure signals produced on coil #029. The input on the collector plate should be just light and heat and expose it to natural aether flow.

                              I just wonder if at the time Hendershot developed this device because of strong aetheric disturbances caused by powerful transmitters nearby (we can assume not much was regulated regarding harmonics then, for example), so this type of collector was maybe AT THE TIME a sufficient component to get sufficient signals (aetheric disturbances) to start oscillation of the next circuits. If so, different collectors should be tried. As a guide, Dan Davidson explains that using specific shapes you can actually amplify aetheric flow through a component. So maybe a cone, or a pyramid, or simply an assymetric capacitor could be used to pick up aetheric distortions.

                              I hope to be able to start building my MK2 device any time soon, but first I need to gather materials and I'm having trouble finding a good resource for wires; if anyone knows of a good supplier near the border of Mexico, or in Texas, then please do not hesitate to publish your links. TIA!

                              Onward, pjotterkjen


                              • Hi All,

                                I've not read the last couple of posts here yet - will do shortly.
                                Recovery has been slower than I imagined, and needed so much quiet rest plus more antibiotics the past few days - really was seriously unwell.
                                12th Dec pm was first I could look to the right without experiencing obnoxious in-head pains. Today is the first since early Nov I've felt not only hungry for snacks instead of just survival food, but brighter-positive minded too.
                                So I'm looking forwards to digesting your last here Pjotterkjen; also there is still something fundamental I don't understand about the Mk1/2 that Mikec_ut has taken the trouble to construct and start testing with; and as ever, thx1138 is keeping the informs going too.

                                Cheers .......... Graham.
                                Last edited by GSM; 12-16-2013, 01:47 PM.

