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Mr Lester J Hendershot's magnetic generator.

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  • Not enough time to answer all

    Originally posted by pjotterkjen View Post
    First of all, would you be able to comment on those small experiments that you'll work on, and if you did any as of this moment? Also, did you do any of your testing on the MK1 device or did you build the MK2 right from the start?

    Secondly, I saw that the dimensions of almost all the coils are well within what I would take as a first guess, with the exception of coil #008. It seems to me that its dimension shown on the pictures is much bigger than what is mentioned in the document, what was the reason for this, maybe the dimensions of the other components that are placed inside (a space restriction issue)?

    Third, if I zoom into the coil #008 on the picture then I can see reasonably clear that a type of honeycomb wiring technique is used from the way the wires flow - crossing from one side to the other. But, as both types of wiring can be used to obtain low capacitance, I guess both should be able to do their work fine as long as the necessary resonance frequencies can be obtained.

    Fourth, would it be possible to take a picture of what is inside the coil #008 and publish it here? I mean to see the three different coils in there as well as the ring magnet and how you (physically) placed them.

    Fifth, how did you manage to let core #028 move freely while having wire #005 to connect to the resonator #002? And would the resonance of #002 be of the same frequency of core #028? Why is the resonator #002 even there? I seem to not quite understand why it is needed for the working of the device.

    Sixth, what is your take on the function of the ring magnet #033? According to the Shape Power theory of Dan Davidson a circle concentrated aether flow in its center but I fail to see what its doing to coil #029 and core #028 as this core according to the design is not in the center of ring magnet #033.
    First: I have not had any time to work on any of the external experiments. To list a few, they would be:
    1. Induction Compass (to test the interaction of coil #013 and coil #014)
    2. Magnetic Amplifier (to test the amplication factor of a coil only circuit)
    3. Magnetic Core (to test the strength of a electormagnet with a core that is magnatized)
    4. Basket Weave Coil vs Honey Comb Coil (don't know what I am looking for yet)
    Second: When looking at the picture and using the dimension method stated my WAG makes the width of the plane body just above the wheels to be about 3 inches across. I don't see coils #013 or #014 on the outside of coil #008, therefore coil #008 can't be much bigger than that width. If you have a different opion please spit it out and lets see what happens.
    Third: When looking at coil #008 I see a basket weave but others have stated that it might be a honey comb instead?? don't know. I decided to interleave part A and B of coil #008 on the same form instead of part B inside of part A, no reason why just a WAG.
    Fourth: The only camera I have does not take closeups (soon to have one I hope) it also has a dead battery, but I can describe what is inside of coil #008. If the prop of the plane is facing North then coil #013 and #014 are inside coil #008, one on the East side and the other on the West side standing vertical with the core facing toward the top and bottom of the plane body. Remember one coil is CW and the other is CCW don't get them backwards. There is just enough room to place coil #007 on its side in the center of coil #008 between coil #013 and #014. I adjusted coil #007 (in the horzional position) to be closer to the South side of coil #008, this means coil #007 is not quite centered within coil #008, but it is centered vertically. The MkI version does not have a ring magnet but the core of coil #007 is a magnet.
    Fifth: Coils #028, #029, #030, etc as described, are part of the MkII version. I have not worked on them yet. As for as collector plate #001 and resonator #002 with wire #005 are there is one of the mysteries. IMHO they are part of the oscilator that interacts with coil #007 to break the magnetic field created within coil #007 to allow the magnet core to reenergize the coil and keep the process going?? Don't know how it works yet.
    Sixth: Items #028, #029, #030, #031, etc are the replacement parts to allow the plane to face any direction and still function. Unlike the MkI version that must be alligned in a North -South direction. How these item work is another one of the mysteries?? Remember it took Hendershot two years (I believe that's the correct amount of time) to make the MkII version after the MkI demo was given.
    Note: The Sixth item above is the only difference between the MkI and MkII version of Hendershots toy planes. All the other parts are the same or very close that it makes no difference.
    I hope this help a little. If we can figure out some of the mysteries and make some of the sections work we will have a good shot at getting the MkIII to work as intended.

    The adventure continues


    • Approx size of #008 etc.

      Originally posted by mikec_ut View Post

      First: I have not had any time to work on any of the external experiments. To list a few, they would be:
      1. Induction Compass (to test the interaction of coil #013 and coil #014)
      2. Magnetic Amplifier (to test the amplication factor of a coil only circuit)
      3. Magnetic Core (to test the strength of a electormagnet with a core that is magnatized)
      4. Basket Weave Coil vs Honey Comb Coil (don't know what I am looking for yet)

      Second: When looking at the picture and using the dimension method stated my WAG makes the width of the plane body just above the wheels to be about 3 inches across. I don't see coils #013 or #014 on the outside of coil #008, therefore coil #008 can't be much bigger than that width. If you have a different opion please spit it out and lets see what happens.
      Thanks for your comments, mikec_ut.

      In general, I think you have done a marvelous job sofar. I hope I will get my materials any time soon and start building my MK1/2 version.

      About the tests you have in mind, let's hope you soon get the time to get them executed. We love to hear about any type of progress from your side.

      About the coil #008, I think 3'' in width would be fine or 2.5'', but it seems to me the height can only be about 1'', at most 1.5''; that said, of course what you have built is fine, as big differences in size isn't that important. It's all about tuning the different parts. I agree coils #013 and #014 should be inside of coil #008 although we could play later with their position of course just to see what happens. Remember that Hendershot was not a theorist but a very practical man. He always disassembled his toys and later on as a father from his sons toys too to see what was inside. This made him of course a very handy and inventive guy. I know of myself being the same but not regarding toys but regarding televisions, radios, and motorbikes at least I used to be when I was younger. I also took everything apart.

      OK, I actually was under the impression you built the MK2 device, thanks for correcting this. I think it is a good decision from you to start where Hendershot already had had considerable experiences and testing to come to what the MK1 was.

      What is important here is to - as you already mention - unravel several mysteries that still cloud our minds. What route did Hendershot take after he decided to invent a compass that would point to real North without the negative aspects of the induction compass? Do you have any good information to read over? We may well pick up clues about how to go from there on.


      • Earth Induction compass

        I just stumbled on a document describing the workings of an Earth Inductor Compass as was used at the time Hendershot started his MK inventions and one of these was used by Charles Lindbergh.


        • I hope everyone had a Peaceful Christmas, and that we can look forward to positive progress in 2014.

          Now I might not have replied or posted here recently, but my brain cogitates relentlessly, and whilst we folk are not stupid, we have still failed to unravel the modus-operandii of Hendershot's designs.
          So what is it that has either been concealed from us, or has been altered and lied about in order to deliberately throw our minds off course from possibly gaining a fundamental understanding with conceptual recognition ?

          Think of a flashgun.
          Its capacitor is charged to below the tube firing potential, then a relatively low energy spark causes tube ionisation plus a high energy release, this being followed by battery-psu capacitor recharge for the next flash.

          Does not Hendershot's Mk3 embody a flash tube corollary whereby the magnet itself is like the 'battery-psu', and the buzzer iron armature (in a Wesley Gary arrangement) being positioned just inside of the armature's neutral line w.r.t. the large permanent magnet representing the already charged capacitor ?

          The armature becomes magnetically 'charged' to a non-saturation portion of its hysteresis chatacteristic, with induced electron orbit alignments physically ordered into a parallel field alignment with respect to the poles of the horseshoe magnet. This is much like a capacitor becoming electrically polarised-charged via a resistor in series with a battery-psu.

          A momentary single impulse to the paired Hendershot 'buzzer' coils likely causes a field reversal within the armature to momentarily render it a series alignment w.r.t. the magnet's fixed polarity, this immediately followed by a more intense 'reset' field reversal via its recovery of the parallel alignment empowered by the magnet itself. This parallel field alignment reset following the initial serialising pulse would also be freely transduced as an alternating current electric cycle by those same energising buzzer coils as well.

          Clearly the armature to permanent magnet distance would be a critical physical adjustment, as would be the shape and repeat timing of the triggering impulse, such that a half cycle impulse input could become a full cycle and possibly tunable waveform of electrical output.

          It is also quite possible that the armature would physically buzz or vibrate as in the Wesley Gary device, though this is not something I remember reading about. Actually there appears to have been a great coyness of mention about Hendershot's buzzer armature alignment and adjustment.

          Of course Hendershot's horseshoe magnet was freely capable of redeveloping the parallel magnetic 'charge',
          which was then cyclically transduced via the armature as if it were a 'free' supply of 'energy',
          and thus I wonder,
          could Hendershot have positioned larger diameter circular loudspeaker magnets at some critical distance beneath his iron sleeve cores
          (the stainless sleeve core notes being a blinder?)
          those magnets then being capable of polarising the circular cores prior to buzzer energised flipping of the fields within them in a transducible flip-flop arrangement ?

          Cheers ........... Graham.
          Last edited by GSM; 12-27-2013, 01:30 PM.


          • Charging Hendershot magnetic generator

            Referring to post No. 483, if you do a search under patents for "earth inductor compass" you'll find quite a bit of reading material.

            Basically, these devices created a weak electrical output resulting from rotation in azimuth (change in heading) of the host vehicle relative to the earth's electrical field. That begs the question in my mind, did Hendershot rotate his device repeatedly clockwise and counter-clockwise on his workbench to charge or initialize the capacitive components. Just a thought.


            • Hendershot

              Thanks for the info. I just wanted to jump into the thread. I planning a build and I contacted Mark Hendershot's wife. Mark did not want to talk. They live in Washington State, Redmond. So the question about Mark is that he is still out there but has not worked on motor for a while. Wife was very nice but could not help. She claimed everything Mark had is published.


              Greg C


              • Hi Greg,

                I invited Mark to join in here with any stories he might be able to recount, but no reply was forthcoming.
                In view of long past happenings I feel it best that Mark and family be allowed to live without intrusion from the many possible enquiries resulting from our inabilities to unravel Lester's technology.

                Do be careful about whose plans you follow, there are some erroneous and incomplete (bogus) versions being sold out there !

                Cheers ......... Graham.
                Last edited by GSM; 12-28-2013, 04:34 PM.


                • Earth Inductor compass -> MK1 - how?

                  Originally posted by MorningStar View Post
                  Referring to post No. 483, if you do a search under patents for "earth inductor compass" you'll find quite a bit of reading material.

                  Basically, these devices created a weak electrical output resulting from rotation in azimuth (change in heading) of the host vehicle relative to the earth's electrical field. That begs the question in my mind, did Hendershot rotate his device repeatedly clockwise and counter-clockwise on his workbench to charge or initialize the capacitive components. Just a thought.
                  Yeah I have read through some documents and also a patent mentioned on the WikiPedia page (Donald Bliss, 1912). I am trying to get my thoughts about how Hendershot got from that device to his first MK1.

                  First of all the MK1 device does not have a winding rotating at high speed in the weak earth magnetic field. Second, when the winding of the earth inductor compass is exactly lined (magnetic) north - south, and if the brushes make contact at that moment, there's no induction.

                  Here's where we need to unravel the first and biggest secret: how did Hendershot manage to pick up signals that caused his device to oscillate and
                  without using rotating windings? What did he discover when he was trying to invent a compass that indicated true North?

                  I'm convinced we have to look collectively in this part of the device MK1 - that is, the collector #001, the resonator #002, the wire #005, the coil #006 and core #007, and possibly coil #008 (a and b) with related components. The biggest secret is there.

                  I think we need to include aether distortions to be able to see what could be the key to cause the MK1 to oscillate. I have been reading up on Dan Davidson's Shape Power, and besides that the theory of Maurice Cotterell of how the atomic particles spin originates and how gravity, electricity, and magnetism are related and actually are results of aetheric distortions - even matter - then we can start to see how everything is related.

                  Will come back with more on this later as I'm trying to get a clear picture of Hendershot at the time and what his knowledge and experience could have led to. I must admit this is not an easy task at all but slowly I feel some constructive progress could be made if we all together try to do the same thing.

                  I will be building the collector - resonator part of MK1 anytime soon and start playing with it, then come back with my results. Anyone who wants to do the same (build, test, publish results) please let me know through this thread.


                  • Ring magnet in coil #008

                    I was reading up again on the patent that describes the MK1/2 devices, and some questions came to my mind (with regards to the collector/resonator part).

                    1. The patent says about #002 "a flexible strip of magnetic material" and later refers to this component to be the resonator. Until now I only find it is useful for an audible indication that oscillation occurred, and nothing else. Does anyone else have a different opinion about this?

                    2. The patent does not supply information about the core that is used for coil #008. Major Lanphier said to a NYT reporter that the first model had a ring magnet of less than 3 inches and around this ring magnet coils #008 a/b were rigged "as only Hendershot knew how to rig them". Has anyone considered this in the design? If so what outer and inner diameter were used?

                    Also, in addition to my previous post, I think I will include the coil #004 and core #003 with coils #013 and #014 and resistor #017 into my first partial replication of the MK1 device, as they will cause the resonator #002 to oscillate.


                    • Originally posted by pjotterkjen View Post
                      Here's where we need to unravel the first and biggest secret: how did Hendershot manage to pick up signals that caused his device to oscillate and without using rotating windings?
                      Could it not be that he magneto-electrically generated the initial 'signals' himself, and via the nature of his equipment these were fed back within his circuit to be reactively tuned to self regenerate until reaching sufficient amplitude to empower a load ?


                      • Originally posted by pjotterkjen View Post
                        I'm convinced we have to look collectively in this part of the device MK1 - that is, the collector #001, the resonator #002, the wire #005, the coil #006 and core #007, and possibly coil #008 (a and b) with related components. The biggest secret is there.
                        If only - Big Sigh - I became weary of trying to understand what is supposed to be illustrated within the drawings presented to us for his Mk1-2.
                        My opinion is that the secret is *not* there because it has been completely removed from the coils that empowered the resonant assemblies you are considering here.

                        There are several different drawings for mechanisms within Lester's dowel wound coil assemblies; none of which I can adequately follow.

                        To me Lester's mechanisms are developments of a mechanical resonator used to tune circuit oscillation such that optimisation is achieved for transducing field reversals within a polarised but non-saturated core, where that speed of reversal within that core relates directly to both its atomic nature and overall physical shape+size.

                        Some time back I thought Lester's mechanisms were as like the mechanical resonators eventually developed to run at the circa 455kHz intermediate frequencies within high selectivity military receivers, however we need to consider the limitations that everday materials would place upon any maximum frequency achievable.

                        The finer a lamination strip the higher can be its operating frequency within a transformer. Hence old frame output transformers likely had a much higher upper limit to operate with a 50-60 triangular waveform than would standard low efficiency mains transformers running on sine waves.
                        Also the thinner/shorter a resonately energised pin within any coil, the higher its frequency/'Q' of resonance.
                        Last edited by GSM; 12-29-2013, 09:28 AM.


                        • Originally posted by pjotterkjen View Post
                          I think we need to include aether distortions to be able to see what could be the key to cause the MK1 to oscillate. I have been reading up on Dan Davidson's Shape Power, and besides that the theory of Maurice Cotterell of how the atomic particles spin originates and how gravity, electricity, and magnetism are related and actually are results of aetheric distortions - even matter - then we can start to see how everything is related.
                          Where does, and how could, an Aether come into this without there being other detectable, measureable and observable effects ?

                          We are taught about magnetism as if lines of force, but that merely closes our mind to the already *freely* energised electron orbits generating those fields, and the full three-dimensionality (not just two) of the reactivities involved within a magnetic field, exactly as is the case with rotating matter (a gyroscope) in a gravity field.
                          An Aether ?
                          Watch out for what might happen to your cognitive capabilities related to matter if you believe in an Aether; for matter embodies gyroscopic electron motion, this capable of being aligned by various electro-magnetically induced fields, and thereby acting in directions mutually at 90 degrees wrt those activations.
                          It is via three dimensional relationships that everything exists (lives) and operates, not via some imaginary Aether !!!!!

                          And it was the three dimensional relationships of magnetic fields which Lester so clearly understood, not TPTB crap being taught in school today to turn us into mind-dead tax-payers for their benefit !!!!!
                          Last edited by GSM; 12-29-2013, 11:23 AM.


                          • Originally posted by pjotterkjen View Post
                            2. The patent does not supply information about the core that is used for coil #008. Major Lanphier said to a NYT reporter that the first model had a ring magnet of less than 3 inches and around this ring magnet coils #008 a/b were rigged "as only Hendershot knew how to rig them". Has anyone considered this in the design? If so what outer and inner diameter were used?
                            I trust that my posts here are seen as me sharing (or challenging), and not me picking on anyone's individual efforts or work, for I am not an expert having qualified or self appointed right to comment.

                            Pjotterkjen - WOW !!!!!

                            I had not known about that ring magnet before, and heck if it does not tie in with words in my post just two days ago.
                            Can a magnet not polarise the core of a coil, much like a battery can charge a capacitor ?
                            And can a specific type of winding wire used within a 'coreless' coil not constitute its own core ?
                            This where a magnet will not run down like a battery will if that singly polarised charge is used to initiate fully cyclical reactive alternation.

                            We have all seen Lester's drawings in relation to his Mk1/2, plus his description of fully square laminated 'transformer' surrounds numbered 18 and 27 over inductive windings 19 and 25, as also included in Mike's recent upload -


                            Yet there is no such thing as an *external* core for an inductor !!!!!

                            So what was within that inductor BEFORE it was inserted within the entirely square transformer laminations ?
                            And was its passive field thereafter near sinusoidally alternated through zero via the application of a 50% cycle activation through coils 4 and 22 ?

                            It is what was *not* presented for Patent filing, plus that which has since been altered, removed or lied about that has preserved Lester's secrets within designs much more clever than most of the supposedly educated people (TPTB) could ever credit !!!!!

                            What a journey this has been.
                            I now have health to recover since that recent serious illness which afforded me so much thinking time; also a life to recover.

                            Cheers ................ Graham.
                            Last edited by GSM; 12-29-2013, 11:53 AM.


                            • Your model?

                              Originally posted by GSM View Post

                              Where does, and how could, an Aether come into this without there being other detectable, measureable and observable effects ?
                              @Graham, it is good to see you back on this list and thanks for starting this thread.

                              I concur in many comments you have made.

                              You deny the existence of the aether; you manage another model to explain how an atom is able to spin continuously. You refer to a book that I haven't been able to read yet.

                              To me the aether does exist; it is a medium where longitudinal waves can be transmitted through instantly. It is the medium on which light travels. It is the medium where its imbalances represent matter, gravity, electricity, magnetism, or light.

                              Magnetism are represented as lines and of course they do not exist but indicate a flow, a direction. The problem is that when we are explained a magnetic field of say a permanent bar magnet, only a part is being explained. The part that is unexplainable however is not included. The lines drawn are not correct. We're wrongly being taught the field is static, there's no energy. Actually magnetism is aetheric flow, a result of many aligned atom spins. As such, permanent magnets do not exist. And of course magnetism is full of energy!

                              To me, the energy with which an atom spins must come from somewhere. So from where then? Cotterell states it simply comes from ambient heat and light. Each atom also emits radiation to other atoms and can influence their spin too. I think this might well be true: just put some water to boil, what exactly happens? You transmit heat to the atoms, and they spin faster and emit more radiation up to the point where the liquid becomes gas and the water becomes suddenly very instable. But the water molecules do not change.

                              Going downwards, if you cool any matter down to zero Kelvin the atoms stop spinning. This is because of the lack of heat. But there is still energy present; this is what we call ZPE (Zero Point Energy). How can we explain that if there's no medium for this energy?

                              That said, I wonder how you would explain the perpetual motion of an atom spinning in your model which apparently lacks a medium like the aether?

                              Also, I too wonder, could you explain what do you mean by 'the three dimensional relationships of magnetic fields'?


                              • Fluxgate phenomenon in ring magnet

                                I have been reading a bit about the fluxgate phenomenon. If it was the case that coil #008 indeed had a ring magnet as a core (as stated by Major Lanphier in NYT but not mentioned by patent description), then the natural earth magnetic field would cause the fluxgate phenomenon to occur in the ring magnet (if placed in horizontal position). In short words, the earth magnetic field causes the flux through the ring magnet to change in intension, depending where you would measure it.

                                So the result would be a ring magnet where the flux inside the ring would vary from section to section. Either the east or west sections would either accumulate flux or diminish it (assuming the ring magnet is placed horizontally in the earth magnetic field as is the case in the MK1/2 devices).

                                I'm about to ramble on a bit, just for fun.

                                Then, there are the two coils #008a & #008b wound around it in a - according to the patent - honeycomb-like (cross-wound) way, and are connected electrically opposite, receiving signals from the collector #001 through wire #005 and coil #006, each signal 180° shifted in phase by coil #006 as it arrives at coil #008a or #008b.

                                This would pulse or oscillate the coil #008 and ring magnet combination in a perfect standing wave - at whatever frequency possible - and thus steer the output section.

                                At the same time, the coils #013 and #014 would pick up this oscillation too, and hence also coil #004.

                                This could then be the feedback to the output circuit around coils #019, #022, and #025, and the motor or lamp load. Either this (coil #004) was meant to be a positive or negative feedback...

                                One thing that keeps me wondering is the collector #001 and its 'extension' #002 as the patent mentions. My main question is here, the collector, a metallic plate, what signals (current/electricity) would it send through wire #005 to coil #006, and of what metal was it made?

                                This all (I am sure) has to be found out by building and fiddling a lot with the components just like Hendershot did, while measuring signals at specific points... and if so many of us try the same one should be so lucky to stumble on what we're looking for: the actual device oscillation driver!

