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Richard VIALLE's new theory and experiments about negative mass and overunity

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  • Richard VIALLE's new theory and experiments about negative mass and overunity

    I realized an interview of the retired physicist Richard VIALLE (french), presenting his negative mass theory, a new model of gravity and of the mass and its applications to antigravity and overunity production of electric power.

    Richard VIALLE has elaborated his theory in the beginning of the 80's but as an exceptional fact he also has realized many experiments showing the validity of the theory. He got gravitational anomalies and has created an overunity generator (free energy) running successfully according to his theory. These devices have been replicated and tested independently successfully.

    Richard VIALLE first presents us his theory, its basis and foundations and the computations explaining it in a large part of the interview (many videos), then he explains the way the devices he invented work, their schematic and the way to reproduce them. Movies showing these devices working are included, concerning gravity anomalies (negative mass) and overunity.

    This interview is the testimony given by Richard VIALLE to mandkind, the sum of almost 30 years of work which has been so slightly spread up to now. He doesn't want to make money with it or being glorified; but he only wants to spread these ideas so they could be used freely by everybody willing to reproduce the devices and use it for a progress. He is a man with a great ideal.

    I spread the work of Richard VIALLE in a french forum attached a website since march 2011. One of the subjects (all in FRENCH) dedicated to him and where you will be able to contact Richard VIALLE if you wish so (he is a member of these forums and wishes to use this way only to be in contact).


    Interview - Richard VIALLE: Introduction & Part 1 (video 1/7)
    Video is in french but an english subtitle has been made - please activate subtitle button in youtube window buttons (second button starting from left within the button bar at the bottom of the youtube video window)

    Link: Interview - Richard VIALLE: Introduction & Part 1 (video 1/7) - YouTube

    Video 1/7


    why this interview was done and who is interviewed (what did he realize?)

    Part 1:
    Mass and Newton's equation of gravitation
    Four-dimension-volume: non compressible 4 dimension volume: basis of the theory
    Radius R0 of gravity expansion
    Flow of the 4th space dimension dependind on time


    Interview - Richard VIALLE: Part 2 & Part 3 (video 2/7)
    Video is in french but an english subtitle has been made - please activate subtitle button in youtube window buttons (second button starting from left within the button bar at the bottom of the youtube video window)

    Link: Interview - Richard VIALLE: Part 2 & Part 3 (video 2/7) - YouTube

    Video 2/7


    Part 2:
    Computation of the time flowing for gravitation in our 3 dimensions from the 4th one
    Use of restricted relativity: modified equation of the flow
    Gravitational mass moving: existence of negative mass
    Alteration of negative mass with acceleration

    Part 3:
    Experimental set-up realized showing negative mass effects: scale with spinning disk (many versions) - description
    Video of the scale with spinning disk and its abnormal gravitational effects

    Coming later... download the english version of the scale report in PDF format (french available:


    Interview - Richard VIALLE: Part 4 & Part 5 (video 3/7)
    Video is in french but an english subtitle has been made - please activate subtitle button in youtube window buttons (second button starting from left within the button bar at the bottom of the youtube video window)

    Link: Interview - Richard VIALLE: Part 4 & Part 5 (video 3/7) - YouTube

    Video n°3/7


    Independant replication of the last version of Richard VIALLE's scale by Jean-Paul C.: pictures, movies, scheme, explaination of observed anomalies: experimental set-up

    Part 5:
    Description of the firts observed effects of the pigtaill system (QDC) by Alain B. and changement in electric resistors and of time flow speed
    Movies of the runnng device showing abnormal resistor modifications.
    Alain B.'s testimony of the time flow modification measured with mchanic and electronic chronometer.


    Interview - Richard VIALLE: Part 6 & Part 7 (video 4/7)

    Video is in french but an english subtitle has been made - please activate subtitle button in youtube window buttons (second button starting from left within the button bar at the bottom of the youtube video window)

    Link: Interview - Richard VIALLE: Part 6 & Part 7 (video 4/7) - YouTube

    Video n°4/7


    Theoretical explanations of the link between resistance change and time change with QDC (pigtail)
    Looped expansion move of the 4th dimension in our 3D dimensions
    Electric field and electric charge: energy fields drilling our 3D
    Publication of Richard VIALLE's theory.

    Part 7:
    Origin of the available overunity: electronic oscillation within the atoms thanks to variable mass
    Electrostatic equivalent mass
    Atomic electrons into resonance
    Theoretical basis of the way you can put into resonance electrons with a magnetic oscillating field


    Interview - Richard VIALLE: Part 8 & Part 9 (video 5/7)

    Link: Interview - Richard VIALLE: Part 9 & Part 10 (video 5/7) - YouTube

    Download the file concerning the 1st selfgenerator here (french only for the moment, wait for a translation):

    Error: Time 13min17s: divide K by additionnal factor 2


    Part 8:
    Schematic of the overunity selfgenerator
    Overunity: Link with theory
    Frequency for overunity
    Cold current, hot current
    Losses with Joule effect and skin depth effect

    Part 9 (too much technical, don't watch it if not a physicist)
    Calculation of power
    Negative mass and electron spin
    Overunity gain calculation withon the atom: way to have it and formula
    Frequency for overunity: link with bar length


    Interview - Richard VIALLE: Part 10 & Part 11 (video 6/7)

    Video is in french but an english subtitle has been made - please activate subtitle button in youtube window buttons (second button starting from left within the button bar at the bottom of the youtube video window)

    Link: Interview - Richard VIALLE: Part 10 & Part 11 (video 6/7) - YouTube

    Download the file concerning the 2nd U autogenerateur here (french only for the moment):


    Video n°6/7


    Part 10:
    Autogenerateur: electric model
    Pictures and movies of the U
    Output power measurement
    Loop running the autogenerateur: overunity
    Negative power
    Tuning input and tuning output
    Many movies of experiments

    Part 11:
    Ferrite autogenerateur: new system
    Diagram and pictures


    NEXT video to subtitle: pigtail (video 7/7)... in progress!
    Available: File concerning the pigtail and its effect concerning gravity anomalies (french version only for now):
    Last edited by Pascuser; 11-11-2015, 05:27 PM.

  • #2
    J-L Naudin experiments concerning Richard VIALLE's overunity device

    Jean-Louis Naudin (creator of JLN Labs) was interested in the overunity generator (asd he is french, he can read all the french documentation and understand very well interviews).

    Since late august he was interested in working on it, and last days he did the work. His replications works very well. Up to know he didn't compute the COP; but could obtain all was described, and output power from a cut copper bar, with no electric contact inside; output tuning like described, and so on.

    His web page describing his work (french page):
    L'autogénérateur de Richard Vialle par JL Naudin


    I pluged again my U autogenerateur overunity electric generator, replication of Richard VIALLE's one.
    I made COP measurements since I never made COP measurements with the U only with the linear autogenerateur (1st version).

    Measurements and experiments are reported here:

    I could clearly show a COP>1 and the way you can choose to have the COP value you want.
    In a first experiment I have COP=1,2
    In the next one I have COP=1,7
    Then I show how you can have COP as big as you want, 10 or 100 or 1000 or 100 000 or 1 000 000 or infinite! Then you have something new: no COP can be calculated because now you produce energy while you are consuming.

    I showed how this COP measurement is of no meaning for the new behavior of this system. You have a COP>1 but you have much more. You have a negative power production coming back to input.
    This is the mechanism explaining the COP value as big as necessary: the output power is the same (diminushes slightly but little) while you diminush input power, and a production electric power comes back as a feedback to the input, and SUBSTRACTS to what you inputted.

    So Your input can be reduced to as extent as you want, with an ouput slightly diminushed: so the COP=output/intput=nearly the same/what you want as nerby 0 as you want = infinity if you want.

    This is for COP measurement and everybody can do it like me. You need to build the U generator, an oscillocope (with a ground isolated from earth, either a PC based oscilloscope with no ground or a classic standard oscilloscope with a ground transformer to isolate from earth ground) and a function generator.

    What is more interesting in the system is to have more output power. Since you have an infinite COP, you have the same output power (it is the reduction of input used power that produces big COP).
    This is the next step that Richard VIALLE did. He produced 10Watt instead of only 100mW with an output tuning (read the document to know more). And one times he could produce 300 000V arcing back to the input accidentally. This is the work to do... to have more power; when you understand that COP is overunity.

    Overunity doesn't mean that you have the output power you want, but is only a ratio (output VS inout). A overunity is yet a big victory against the science system claiming it doesn't exist. But shutting off the system is not enough if you don't have a big output power to use it at home... So a research must be done to have a bigger power.

    Jean-Louis Naudin made a web page to present my last results here:
    Mise en évidence d'un COP > 1 sur l'Autogénérateur en U par Pascuser

    For the moment onlyfrench people are doing replication. Here I gave you infoirmations to do the same work. Again nobody asks you to understand all theory, you just have to do a replication and measure yourself. Many time wasted here in many subjects with hight cost. Here it is a low cost if you have some minimal equipement and skilled a little bit to kno what you are doing. So easy to do... but up to now only french replications.

    I did not make an english translation yet of the documents, but I have no time to do all this for the moment, it will be done later. You can do the replication with a basic google translation.

    I am here to present something that you can DO yourself.
    Last edited by Pascuser; 11-11-2015, 05:22 PM.


    • #3
      Maybe this will start the ball rolling?

      This PDF file seems to cover an overunity device (I think), Autogénérateur de Richard VIALLE : partie 1/2

      Can someone please clean up this rough translation?

      The first autogenerateur (self-genarator?) of Richard VIALLE was comprised of two half-identical copper bars full of 24cm long and rectangular in section 1cm x 3cm, separated by a scotch electrical (thickness < 0.5 mm) glue on one of the ends of one of the half-bars so that once in contact between them, there is no electrical conductivity.

      These demibarreaux (half-bars) have been taken of this size because it is an element of recovery and Richard VIALLE has done with what he had found (he was looking for a full material and there was that of readily available). The whole was coiled by two phone wires in parallel with 0.5 mm in diameter of copper each, with about 0.5 mm in diameter of sheathing (one red and one white).

      In fact, for the practical aspect, the telephone wires were coils on a plastic support of rectangular section serving the barrel to the half-bars which were dragged into this barrel.

      Richard VIALLE could drag the half-bars in the barrel more or less and take out a large part of a half-bar at your leisure.

      The purpose of the winding parallel is to allow to reduce a little the effect of skin.

      FAST FORWARD... This is at the very end in red: SUITE to come… autogenerateur in U of Richard VIALLE: 2nd autogenerateur, with and without closure system
      So should we skip to part 2? If so, how about this, if someone can please type up a parts and equipment list with some step by step replication pictures (or a short video?) and a few words regarding what the (positive) expected results are, I suspect replications will begin. I certainly am lost, for instance, what is a "closure system"? You see, What we have here is a failure to communicate? Help? Perhaps that is why only the French are replicating? Helloooo?

      Don't give up on us, this (for me anyway) is all very new (I think).


      • #4
        Thank you for your interest.

        You can build either a linear device or a bent in U form device. In both case it is the same way of feeding it.
        I have started an english translation long time ago but unfinished, and only for few pages.

        I give you the link to the unfinoshed translation of the part 1:

        When translations will be done, I will post.

        To see what must be plugged, you can see the schematics. Without translation it is clear.
        You just have to connect a function generator to the input coil wound around the linear copper bar (bar is cut in the middle), and a bulb to the bar terminals. Then you can use an amplifier to boost the input. And to have more power, you lust tune the output with a coil+capacitor at 3,6MHz so that you creat a short circuit at the bar terminals, with the bulb in parallel. All is shown in schematics.

        But with english explainations it will be more clear for you, when translation will be finished.
        Last edited by Pascuser; 10-02-2012, 04:58 PM.


        • #5

          Excellent translation! Thank you very much.


          • #6
            Naudin replication

            I used "Bing" for translating Naudin's replication of the "U" device and it was surprisingly good. He gives a step-by-step approach to his re-creating and testing it. I would appreciate input from our French Connection of his work? Thank you in advance.
            Last edited by zapzap; 10-02-2012, 08:49 PM. Reason: correction


            • #7
              Originally posted by Pascuser View Post

              I give you the link to the unfinoshed translation of the part 1:
              Already consigned to the Recycle bin !


              • #8
                Recycle bin?

                Having spent some time looking over the translated version of Nuadin's "u" shaped device replication, his conservative testing indicates an apparent COP of over one. Also, he indicates that the theoretical work is supported by Naudin's independant testing. I'm interested in what insight(s) you have to, I think, relegate this who concept as recycle-worthy?


                • #9
                  Wow GSM !!

                  If i understand you well , you consider that this "Vialle" technology is not valuable, and is to be rejected in the "recycle bin " ?

                  If it is so i am very surprised, because "Pascuser" make a real effort to bring here this experiment , with quite good explanations , technical datas and video demo, and replication datas, that everybody can use to build a really simple , practical and cheap replication, which is not the case in a lot of other thread in this forum.

                  I don't know if this technology is overunity , but as per my thinking it is simple enough (at this basic stage )to be experimented .

                  OK, my mother tongue is french, so it is easier for me to follow the live video with Mr Vialle, who speaks with a really nice south french accent.

                  Anyway thank's to Pascuser to propose here this technology , and i would not be surprised if i go in my workshop and bent some copper tubing in a U shape very soon,

                  good luck at all



                  • #10

                    If you do attempt to duplicate the "vialle" experiment please post your results here! I'm interested in seeing what you find.



                    • #11
                      Hey Truesearch

                      Yes i intend to replicate the device

                      but feel free also to do the same , so we can cooperate in the results.

                      It seems easy to bend a 12 mm diameter copper tube in a U shape , than cut it in 2 pieces in the middle of the U, than wrap it all along with insulated electrical wire , than build the very simple 3.6 Mhz oscillator circuit a la Naudin and than add some variable cap (as per my last video ) to fine tune the resonance et voila

                      Of course i will deliver the results of my results , probably in form of a video as usual.

                      but as usual also i am not in a hurry

                      HO HO

                      not i am in a real hurry because the 21 of december (mayas prediction ) is arriving very fast

                      good luck at all



                      • #12
                        Very interesting, a new way of looking at COP, for me anyway. Basically, your device needs to be able to supply at least the 'conventional power level' for the load in question, but once the load is driven, used input power can drop considerably!

                        And Naudin seems to have confirmed many of Vaille's claims which is very cool, even if I'm still very 'luke-warm' about Naudin after his Kapanze fiasco - string probably 100's of replicators (et moi!) along for a few months, only to explain the COP 10+ away as measurement error with another expensive piece of kit, rather than having just stuck a few light bulbs in series with the input from the beginning...

                        I also noted that the 'negative power' seems very dependent on the load being driven - when Naudin uses the fan in place of the bulb, the COP drops significantly. So I would imagine that a DC generator would suffer similarly. And as Pascuser pointed out, getting high COP's is apparently easy, its using this to drive practical loads that may prove to be the biggest obstacle.

                        It would be great if someone came up with a setup (wire length/gauge, driver circuit etc.) that was capable of driving a practical load, say 100 watts.


                        • #13
                          Hi all

                          Pascuser has presented his last results on the thread at

                          There is also the results of JLN on the subject (simply Google "naudin " and scroll down to see the total process and some of Pascuser too.

                          TOTALY AMAZING guys !!

                          Today is a great day

                          Youp very good news

                          OK and now really motivated to bending some tubing

                          Bravo et merci à toi Pascal et aussi à Jean-Louis Naudin et évidemment à Richard Vialle.

                          good luck at all



                          • #14
                            what is the status of this project? It seems very interesting, though I don't have the function generator and oscillator needed to replicate.

                            I was reading Naudin's experiments charging 12V batteries with it, and that seems very useful


                            • #15
                              Easy enough experiment.

                              Hi all,

                              My partner read the patent, french is our prime language, watched the video and did the experiment. It worked on the first try. He experimented with a bent copper tubing, straight tubes and in different locations one from the other with the same positive results. So don't stick to the bent copper tubing only, be creative and enjoy.

                              I think a bank of Vialle's generator dumped in caps and discharging at a set voltage into a battery would work fine for a small 7A battery.

                              Take care all,


