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Tesla Science Center at Wardenclyffe deal Struck

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  • #91
    Yes dR, I think regardless of the way the waves are
    produced and regardless of if there are standing waves or not the energy
    propagation through the Earth is longitudinal. Just like the example with the
    current, the current flows straight back and forth not in waves like we see on
    a scope. Sinusoidal longitudinal pressure waves are described in the video at
    about 1:00 minute. Physics: Longitudinal Standing Waves - YouTube

    This explains how it can be done with a regular step up transformer
    ( a high rate of transformation ) as Tesla describes in the Colorado Springs Notes.

    I think regardless of weather the Earth is in resonance or if standing
    waves are produced the propagation of energy would still be longitudinal I think.



    • #92
      As I understand it without a full sized working example to glean info from yet.
      The Wardenclyffe tower made use of several phenomenon observed at Colorado Springs.
      The Earth itself represents an open circuit connection to most electrical circuits, yet acts as a conductor with systems delivering high potentials.
      Tesla talked of the hassles with grounding and of constant water applications to the Colorado soil.
      The air is similarly a non conductive medium. Should be case closed, no power can move, not a Volt, not an Amp.

      However, break through the dielectric constant of both with a rapid pulsing high frequency and you have a pathway.
      For soil - Soil Dielectric Properties
      To quote " As the frequency increases past about 1 MHz for most soils, the conductivity starts to rise."
      For air - Dielectric Strength of Air
      To quote "The dielectric strength of air is about 3 × 106 V/m"

      Thus, energies of rapid burst high potential are the means to conduct through both. To form 2 wires, if the analogy suits.
      The energies are of a pulsed nature, rapid DC switching. It's wholly different to AC or DC and as such exhibits very different behaviours upon loads placed within witnessed by most of us. The wave shape of such a power delivery is not quite the correct term, but can be considered nearest to a square wave. To bring Eric into the talk again, he developed a whole fresh set of mathematics at Borderlands to show the operation of such systems.

      Note in the soil tables the inclusion of water conductivity.
      Chet and myself have conducted several tests regarding the conductivity of waters and, that at Wardenclyffe may hold very special properties. Special in terms of readings being 15W+ when measured with a Watt Meter. Regular tap water appears to be showing around 6.4W from multiple sources, dependent on usual contaminants.
      Preliminary observations and readings, but, the location of the site and the vast expanse of deep tunneling underneath, may hold more importance than simply a good land deal being struck at the turn of the 20th century.
      Any Grounding electrode system cannot be allowed to de-ionize the surrounding soil and must always be replenished with active water movement.


      • #93
        *forum software double post*


        • #94

          Originally posted by Nikola Tesla
          The Future of the Wireless Art

          A mass in movement resists change of direction. So does the world oppose a new idea. It takes time to make up the minds to its value and importance. Ignorance, prejudice and inertia of the old retard its early progress. It is discredited by insincere exponents and selfish exploiters. It is attacked and condemned by its enemies. Eventually, though, all barriers are thrown down, and it spreads like fire. This will also prove true of the wireless art.

          The practical applications of this revolutionary principle have only begun. So far they have been confined to the use of oscillations which are quickly damped out in their passage through the medium. Still, even this has commanded universal attention. What will be achieved by waves which do not diminish with distance, baffles comprehension.

          It is difficult for a layman to grasp how an electric current can be propagated to distances of thousands of miles without diminution of intention. But it is simple after all. Distance is only a relative conception, a reflection in the mind of physical limitation. A view of electrical phenomena must be free of this delusive impression. However surprising, it is a fact that a sphere of the size of a little marble offers a greater impediment to the passage of a current than the whole earth. Every experiment, then, which can be performed with such a small sphere can likewise be carried out, and much more perfectly, with the immense globe on which we live. This is not merely a theory, but a truth established in numerous and carefully conducted experiments. When the earth is struck mechanically, as is the case in some powerful terrestrial upheaval, it vibrates like a bell, its period being measured in hours. When it is struck electrically, the charge oscillates, approximately, twelve times a second. By impressing upon it current waves of certain lengths, definitely related to its diameter, the globe is thrown into resonant vibration like a wire, stationary waves forming, the nodal and ventral regions of which can be located with mathematical precision. Owing to this fact and the spheroidal shape of the earth, numerous geodetical and other data, very accurate and of the greatest scientific and practical value, can be readily secured. Through the observation of these astonishing phenomena we shall soon be able to determine the exact diameter of the planet, its configuration and volume, the extent of its elevations and depressions, and to measure, with great precision and with nothing more than an electrical device, all terrestrial distances. In the densest fog or darkness of night, without a compass or other instruments of orientation, or a timepiece, it will be possible to guide a vessel along the shortest or orthodromic path, to instantly read the latitude and longitude, the hour, the distance from any point, and the true speed and direction of movement. By proper use of such disturbances a wave may be made to travel over the earth's surface with any velocity desired, and an electrical effect produced at any spot which can be selected at will and the geographical position of which can be closely ascertained from simple rules of trigonometry.

          This mode of conveying electrical energy to a distance is not 'wireless' in the popular sense, but a transmission through a conductor, and one which is incomparably more perfect than any artificial one. All impediments of conduction arise from confinement of the electric and magnetic fluxes to narrow channels. The globe is free of such cramping and hinderment. It is an ideal conductor because of its immensity, isolation in space, and geometrical form. Its singleness is only an apparent limitation, for by impressing upon it numerous non-interfering vibrations, the flow of energy may be directed through any number of paths which, though bodily connected, are yet perfectly distinct and separate like ever so many cables. Any apparatus, then, which can be operated through one or more wires, at distances obviously limited, can likewise be worked without artificial conductors, and with the same facility and precision, at distances without limit other than that imposed by the physical dimensions of the globe.

          It is intended to give practical demonstrations of these principles with the plant illustrated. As soon as completed, it will be possible for a business man in New York to dictate instructions, and have them instantly appear in type at his office in London or elsewhere. He will be able to call up, from his desk, and talk to any telephone subscriber on the globe, without any change whatever in the existing equipment. An inexpensive instrument, not bigger than a watch, will enable its bearer to hear anywhere, on sea or land, music or song, the speech of a political leader, the address of an eminent man of science, or the sermon of an eloquent clergyman, delivered in some other place, however distant. In the same manner any picture, character, drawing, or print can be transferred from one to another place. Millions of such instruments can be operated from but one plant of this kind. More important than all of this, however, will be the transmission of power, without wires, which will be shown on a scale large enough to carry conviction. These few indications will be sufficient to show that the wireless art offers greater possibilities than any invention or discovery heretofore made, and if the conditions are favorable, we can expect with certitude that in the next few years wonders will be wrought by its application.

          "The Future of the Wireless Art" by Nikola Tesla

          "Knowledge is cosmic. It does not evolve or unfold in man. Man unfolds to an awareness of it. He gradually discovers it." - Walter Russell

          "Once men died for Truth, but now Truth dies at the hands of men." - Manly P. Hall


          • #95
            Originally posted by Slider2732 View Post
            The Earth itself represents an open circuit connection to most electrical circuits, yet acts as a conductor with systems delivering high potentials.
            Untrue, the Earth is a good conductor and is used continuously at the present
            time to conduct energy transmissions.

            SWER, How does it work? - Rural Power

            Originally posted by Slider2732 View Post
            Tesla talked of the hassles with grounding and of constant water applications to the Colorado soil.
            Because it was dry.

            Originally posted by Slider2732 View Post
            The air is similarly a non conductive medium. Should be case closed, no power can move, not a Volt, not an Amp.

            Tesla explains in this patent Patent US649621 - NIKOLA TESLA - Google Patents about conducting through the atmosphere.

            This patent there is no atmospheric conduction Patent US1119732 - ELECTRICAL ENERGY - Google Patents
            it is all done via the Earth and Earth resonance. This is the patent relating to the Wardenclyffe plant, isn't it ?

            There are existing military ELF/VLF facilities using Tesla's discoveries to do
            various things, submarine communications ect.

            Communication with submarines - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

            Very low frequency - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

            These things work, but they are not designed or built to do all the things
            Tesla envisioned. If a receiver was built to operate at the same frequency as
            the military ones it could tap some of the energy from them resonating the
            Earth. I would say that would lead to trouble and I wouldn't recommend it.
            Anyway I think the military feeds their transmitters with Diesel generators or
            other "dirty" means.

            ELF transmissions can be received anywhere on the planet just as Tesla said.
            The military would use standing waves I assume.

            If such a worldwide system was employed to resonate the Earth continuously
            there would be no way to stop people in other countries tapping the energy,
            unless of course they were bombed, sanctioned, sabotaged or sued.
            And since the energy to resonate the Earth has to be input through the
            primary of the transmitter the people operating the transmitter would have to
            provide the input energy, so it is not really a viable proposition unless the
            responsibility for the construction, maintenance and running of the free
            energy power plant (Hydro, Solar ect.) to provide the input energy is shared.

            Last edited by Farmhand; 11-02-2012, 04:26 AM.


            • #96
              As selective as a cell phone number

              This is good
              Your picture of Wardenclyffe gave me goose bumps,and a desire to learn more,The text you posted ,,,,, well that is uncanny ,almost prophetic in how he describes our lives today.

              This part where he describes the minutia of Selectivity and controling
              the effect ....seems to imply we could figure a way to use this today and limit access the same way a Cell phone number does

              By proper use of such disturbances a wave may be made to travel over the earth's surface with any velocity desired, and an electrical effect produced at any spot which can be selected at will and the geographical position of which can be closely ascertained from simple rules of trigonometry.

              This mode of conveying electrical energy to a distance is not 'wireless' in the popular sense, but a transmission through a conductor, and one which is incomparably more perfect than any artificial one. All impediments of conduction arise from confinement of the electric and magnetic fluxes to narrow channels. The globe is free of such cramping and hinderment. It is an ideal conductor because of its immensity, isolation in space, and geometrical form. Its singleness is only an apparent limitation, for by impressing upon it numerous non-interfering vibrations, the flow of energy may be directed through any number of paths which, though bodily connected, are yet perfectly distinct and separate like ever so many cables. Any apparatus, then, which can be operated through one or more wires, at distances obviously limited, can likewise be worked without artificial conductors, and with the same facility and precision, at distances without limit other than that imposed by the physical dimensions of the globe.

              End Quote


              People Stealing things has always been an issue in our world
              it would be our responsibility to not lead them into temptation.
              {do a good Job securing the technologies Access]

              Its also not a good reason to shelve the concept..........

              I'm getting ready to Go down into NY to my job at the facility,No gasoline down there no electricity ,no phone service [towers running out of back up gen fuel] no internet.. I suspect the stage is set for some pretty bad stuff if things don't get back up and running soon.

              And I have absolutely no Doubt whatsoever if any part of this
              "transmitting Power" the Tesla way, is even remotely plausible ,it would take very little effort to yield a very big interest............

              HHMmm Almost sounds like what some call Overunity?
              Opportunity Knocks

              Can anyone reference a good read on Stubblefield and earth transmission?
              Last edited by RAMSET; 11-02-2012, 11:09 AM.
              If you want to Change the world
              BE that change !!


              • #97
                @Farmhand - My reference to 'most' electrical circuits would be, say, taking a 12V battery and auto bulb. Connect one wire to the bulb and try to connect the other through the Earth.
                I think anyone would consider 22kV as high potential, as in your example
                Yep, the Ground at Colorado was dry and hence not as conducive to experimentation. Same thing happens with my Thortz Energy Garden Lights...although they did well through the Oklahoma drought this year, pour some water on the ground (as the rain would normally do) and everything gets that much easier.
                Yes, it's interesting about the Wardenclyffe reports, when it was apparently briefly fired up. Bolts of lightning lighting the sky. But that meant escaping potential and non containment within the mentioned in my first reply in this thread.

                @Chet - there's an interesting shortish account here: Nathan Stubblefield - Forgotten Genius Of Wireless Phones

                Imagine the suffering that could have been prevented by powering up Wardenclyffe as soon as Sandy had passed !

                Btw, relating to Earth batteries, Tesla pancake coils and hopefully deemed relevant - here's my latest video. Using the Earth itself to create induction wireless electricity
                No batteries, no solar, just soil as the power source.
                Wireless Electricity from soil ! - YouTube
                The bigger plan ?
                To not need backup generators to deliver at least small quantities of power from the actual Wardenclyffe site. Summed oscillator outputs (of who cares what quantity would be needed) would feed collectively into a wireless transmission system. Something like a hurricane would electrically enhance the system.


                • #98
                  I) Wardenclyffe, As It May

                  1) It has come to pass that the Wardenclyffe powerhouse of Nikola Tesla, or whatever is left of it, is now under the ownership of a social organization. It has also been brought to my attention that a channel on the EG forum has the ill conceived notion that the "human coyote" is just going to up and move to captivity in New York. It is to be remembered that a coyote is something you would not want to invite into your home, if it even would come inside at all. The result would be the coyote eating the poodle and biting the children. It is not meant to happen. Also I am not happy about the un-authorized attributions to my name now emerging on the EG forum, this and others.

                  2) Let us take an imaginary condition and apply it to the physical reality of a "clean slate" for the Wardenclyffe installation. Suppose that I had complete control of this situation. My first endeavor would be to do just as Nikola Tesla would, begin the task of engineering a working Telluric Transmission System for transmission across the Atlantic Ocean. The developmental work has already been done at Bolinas. J.P. Morgan provided 150,000 dollars to Tesla for the construction of this Telluric Telegraph link between America and the continent. But Tesla spent Morgan's money on experiments. Hence the engineering objective here and now is to complete this task once and for all, forever silencing the pedant personalities (Toby Gratz).

                  3) The first stage in this engineering endeavor would be to completely and thoroughly strip everything from the Wardenclyffe installation that was not put there under the direction of Nikola Tesla. The result would be a spacious powerhouse structure, a sort of cathedral of electricity.

                  The next stage is the installation of a 300 KVA transformer bank to provide the powerhouse with a Delta 3 phase 240 source of electric power. A power switchboard and high voltage DC rectifiers are installed to power the radio frequency converters which in turn power the Tesla Tower. In addition, a machine shop and an electrical test laboratory would be constructed within the powerhouse structure.

                  4) Because the construction of a 187 foot tall Tesla Tower is obviously impractical, if not impossible, a scale model will have to suffice, a one to five ratio let us say. This gives a reasonable structure of about 40 feet tall. The limited extent of this scaled structure requires grounding also of a limited extent. The area enclosed by the existing perimeter is to be dug up, this in a manner like digging a swimming pool. At some point the metallic structure of the pre existing Telluric Terminal will show itself. Here the transmission neutral is now connected to the Telluric Terminal, and ground radials are laid to the existing tower perimeter. The new scaled tower sits on an island in the center of this arrangement. Finally, cattails are planted in the pool and such is filled with water.

                  5) The Wardenclyffe powerhouse in its renewed form would deliver 50 KiloWatts of radio frequency power to the scaled Tesla tower and its Telluric Terminal. The frequency would range between 10 to 100 Kilocycles per second, and a terminal potential of a few million volts would be expectd. (With no sparks or discharges into the atmosphere, just a quiet violet glow). In its final engineered form here would exist a working example of a Tesl Telluric transmission system for public viewing and scientific study. But;

                  THIS WILL NEVER HAPPEN!

                  Break more to follow

                  Purchase Eric Dollard's Books & Videos: Eric Dollard Books & Videos
                  Donate by Paypal: Donate to EPD Laboratories


                  • #99
                    Yeah that "violet Glow" would never get past the zoning board!!

                    Tell Mr.T Rex To enjoy his Turkey day!!
                    And Poodles don't taste like chicken,I hope somebody buys him a nice meal today!!
                    Last edited by RAMSET; 11-22-2012, 02:09 PM.
                    If you want to Change the world
                    BE that change !!


                    • II) Wardenclyffe, As It Is

                      1) While the previous fantasy on Wardenclyffe seems such an obious course, there enters the "Human Factor", a pathogen to a successful resurrection. Remember in the real world the Wardenclyffe installation is now under the ownership of a social organization. Trinket stands, and Al Gore science displays will crowd out the transformers and switchgear, which would be considered insightly by the white women. Endless hours in the committee meetings will be spent in heated discussions on whether to paint the interior walls baby puke pink, or fish gut green. But what would Nikola think?

                      Tesla's response can be equated to an analogy in the life of Jesus Christ. It came to pass that Jesus entered the Temple of God, only to find the edifices of God pushed aside, this to make space for the tables of the money changers. In response to the infectious condition found within the temple, Jesus cast the tables and wares of the money changers out the front door, into the street. Jesus Christ was executed shortly thereafter.

                      Verily this would be the response of Nikola Tesla upon entering the future of Wardenclyffe. He would cast the effigies of scientism out in the street. Someone would call 911 and the police would arrive, shooting Tesla in the back. Nikola Tesla is dead at Wardenclyffe.

                      2) My life has been an endless morass of horrible experiences, particularly with so called "Historic Societies". To this day I have repeated nightmares from my experience with the resurrection of the Marconi powerhouse in Bolinas, California, not unlike the analogy just told. Just look at the Integratron of George Van Tassel in Landers, California. It is now a goddess worship temple to the demon Sheva, under the direction of the women in white. The fate of the Integratron is a complete travesty! And let us not even mention what just happened to my Mojave research installation up the road from the Integratron.

                      3) I have sworn to eternity that I will never again involve myself with another "Historic Preservation" Group, nor any kindred Socialist Organization. Why, such groups are the kiss of death to any functional engineering endeavor. Moreover, it is through these organizations, in their flailing ignorance, they seek the advice of false prophets and saboteurs posing as experts. In can offer numerous examples.

                      Most recently I was drawn into a historical railroad engine reconstruction effort. Considering the daily boredom of "Corolla Life" in the desert, how could I resist, so I ignored my intrinsic instinct that this would be yet another negative experience in my life.

                      While at first the effort seemed harmless, I discovered that I was becoming involved in an episode of the "Fred Flinstone Show". Skipping the details, it was found that this group could not progress beyond telling shallow jokes. Because of my shipyard experience I possess considerable knowledge on the reconstruction of large engines and boilers. But my knowledge was an irritation to the Force Fit crowd working on the engine.

                      During idle conversation it became known that the Corolla was my home, and moreover it was leaned that I receive food stamps. The "vibes" turned sour. To compound this it was further discovered that I did not ingest Carrion (meat), so now I was avoided. Finally, I made the grievous mistake of saying to the sole person that would still talk to me that I did not believe in the Sept 11th (911) Police Phantasy! I quickly fled for fear of attack.

                      Yes a lovely day for the historic Railroad Society. The event left me yelling uncontrollably in the wilderness for several days.

                      4) Perhaps what has poisioned my attitude on "Historical Societies", more than anything, is my experience in the effort to resurrect the historic naval vessel, the LCS 102, at Mare Island Naval Shipyard, California.

                      I had resolved myself to have no further involvements in the San Francisco Gay Area, none at all. The the Golden Tongues of Eric Johnson and Victor George got me onvolved in a glowing future at Mare Island for Eric Dollard. I was directed to the resurrection of the LCS 102. The result was my being left destitute at Mare Island, abandoned like a stray dog . Of course Eric Johnson kept my coyote, "I dont deserve it" he says. After 6 months of intensive electrical reconstruction of the LCS 102 my car was run off the road causing 3000 dollars in damage. After I got back going I was told that I was no longer welcome on the LCS. My reward for 50 thousand dollars of work, a lost dog and a smashed car. How I just love humans.

                      Break, more to follow

                      Purchase Eric Dollard's Books & Videos: Eric Dollard Books & Videos
                      Donate by Paypal: Donate to EPD Laboratories


                      • A lot of experience....

                        Mr.T Rex has a lot of experience with "bad Experiences".
                        Trying to destroy a mans only real sanctuary ,his home
                        and biggest asset the "Noble Toyota" as well as depriving him
                        of his best Bud [the Noble Hound].........

                        Somebody needs some "special attention" in regards to accountability
                        for all this Nasty being directed at the Rex.........

                        Its good to know that there are folks with honest and sincere intentions available to him now !

                        Please make sure it stays this way,..

                        As far as Wardenclyffe is concerned, its history stands judgement to the day that
                        the truth be revealed.

                        When that day comes ,there ain't no Hysterical society on the planet that will
                        alter the course of Justice.......

                        Last edited by RAMSET; 11-24-2012, 03:54 PM.
                        If you want to Change the world
                        BE that change !!


                        • III) Wardenclyffe, the Historic

                          1) The lessons learned from the LCS 102 are archetypical. There can be no other way. The details will be an appendium as the story is priceless. But here it is a stray trail.

                          The Arch-Form is divided into the following:

                          (A) The project starts with "damaged goods" and little information. Initially little exists in the way of support.

                          (B) An individual of ingratitude and brain deadness becomes the custodian of the project. A useless person with no qualifications is typical.

                          (C) Incapable of taking responsibility for the project, in a fearful and sneakingly way, he seeks the advice of others. The "advisors" give the appearance of experts, and thereby drive away those with expertise or qualification, these a threat.

                          (D) The advisors become the sabotage committee and thus prevent any possibility of the project developing. It is now their play pen.

                          (E) Any social or safety responsibilities are now avoided and both the project (ship) and the public are the victim of this sequence.

                          And thus ends the "Historic Restoration". Verily this is the way of the "Human Element".

                          2) Now can we expect the social society plans for the Wardenclyffe installation to be any different? Anything is possible, like getting killed in a car crash. We will see.

                          The morphology of social societies tell us that it is an impossibility. Already, "Plans of Phantasy" have been structured, a tower of Babylon.Now as an organism it will fight for its own survival. For purpose of our study let us take one cell of this organism and call it a Historicite. The Historicite can only exist in a situation void of life, everything is dead, cold, and turned off. One will note that in most museums the animals are all dead, the products of skilled taxidermy.

                          For the condition of a Wardenclyffe powerhouse the ominous hum of the transformer banks, the smell of 10-C oil, and 12 KV a bit close to your face, the Historicite would be unnerved. And in the animal museum a live coyote running loose would unnerve the museum custodians.

                          But the live coyote is EXACTLY what the public wants to see! I discovered this important fact while officiating the public touring of the LCS 102. It was a wonderful experience , the excitement of people when being allowed to engage in the overhaul of a real Navy ship. The donation box filled in proportion. But the saboteurs overrule.

                          Break, more to follow

                          Purchase Eric Dollard's Books & Videos: Eric Dollard Books & Videos
                          Donate by Paypal: Donate to EPD Laboratories


                          • IV Wardenclyffe, The Decision

                            1) Let us take a diametric view of the possibilities for Wardenclyffe, in view of God's infinite possibilities. Suppose Jane Alcorn is in singular control of all activity to exist at the Wardenclyffe installation. The plan is to continue the un-obstructed contiguation of Tesla's Telluric Transmission plans for the Wardenclyffe site. The Historicites can dig for the Telluric terminal within the tower perimeter. A large sign is displayed above the powerhouse entrance. It states:

                            "This is a powerhouse not an amusement house"

                            If this came to pass then Eric Dollard in such a project that is, finishing the Wardenclyffe Telluric Transmission Facility. Captivity of the coyote is possible for a short period of time. A functional Telluric Transmitter project could find support from a university, or even the office of Naval Research. Hence the installation can become self-sustaining, and possibly even a commercial service, just as Morgan envisioned. Remember, my support from the radio corporation, R.C.A. was for my development of such a system, this to be competitive with satellites for the Maritime Mobile Service, KPH.

                            2) But also we know what happened at Bolinas, via the "Barbara Boxer Report." Just another horrific experience, like the one that proceeds it, and the next one to follow. How will the Neo-Wardenclyffe project defend itself from "The Group"?

                            Three principle elements exist in the forces oppositional to an operating Telluric Transmission Station at Wardenclyffe, internal forces aside:

                            A) The Ivy League Pedant,

                            B) The GreenPeace Syndicate,

                            C) The Einsteiner

                            Each of these factors are independent with regard to each other. However all are co-operative in the Hydrozoan sense, a common spiritual organism.

                            Break, more to follow

                            Purchase Eric Dollard's Books & Videos: Eric Dollard Books & Videos
                            Donate by Paypal: Donate to EPD Laboratories


                            • HI Eric, The layperson needs to be educated in the basic principals of the
                              operation of Telluric transmissions. Most people do not understand, the people
                              running the historical societies most likely are basing their opinions on what they
                              are told. Going by this promotional video at 4:00 minutes the New York Tesla
                              Society is misguided. Maybe if you sent them a letter about it or if someone
                              could formulate a letter approved by you to explain things to them.

                              Most powerful conical Tesla Coil on Earth - Mid-American Science Museum, Arkansas, USA

                              Just allowing them to say anything without any opposition is like endorsing it.
                              It's not necessary for everyone to understand all the complexities of these
                              things, but I think it would benefit the cause if some basic facts were layed out.

                              For instance the assumption that Tesla intended to power the world with free energy at no cost to anyone, as in free energy not from conventional means,
                              people think the Magnifying Transmitter required no input and was not to be fed any power as many believe it was to be the provider of all the free energy.

                              Just some basic facts to dispel common myths.

                              Last edited by Farmhand; 11-27-2012, 07:42 AM.


                              • Originally posted by T-rex View Post
                                1) While the previous fantasy on Wardenclyffe seems such an obious course, there enters the "Human Factor", a pathogen to a successful resurrection. Remember in the real world the Wardenclyffe installation is now under the ownership of a social organization. Trinket stands, and Al Gore science displays will crowd out the transformers and switchgear, which would be considered insightly by the white women. Endless hours in the committee meetings will be spent in heated discussions on whether to paint the interior walls baby puke pink, or fish gut green. But what would Nikola think?

                                Tesla's response can be equated to an analogy in the life of Jesus Christ. It came to pass that Jesus entered the Temple of God, only to find the edifices of God pushed aside, this to make space for the tables of the money changers. In response to the infectious condition found within the temple, Jesus cast the tables and wares of the money changers out the front door, into the street. Jesus Christ was executed shortly thereafter.

                                Verily this would be the response of Nikola Tesla upon entering the future of Wardenclyffe. He would cast the effigies of scientism out in the street. Someone would call 911 and the police would arrive, shooting Tesla in the back. Nikola Tesla is dead at Wardenclyffe.

                                2) My life has been an endless morass of horrible experiences, particularly with so called "Historic Societies". To this day I have repeated nightmares from my experience with the resurrection of the Marconi powerhouse in Bolinas, California, not unlike the analogy just told. Just look at the Integratron of George Van Tassel in Landers, California. It is now a goddess worship temple to the demon Sheva, under the direction of the women in white. The fate of the Integratron is a complete travesty! And let us not even mention what just happened to my Mojave research installation up the road from the Integratron.

                                3) I have sworn to eternity that I will never again involve myself with another "Historic Preservation" Group, nor any kindred Socialist Organization. Why, such groups are the kiss of death to any functional engineering endeavor. Moreover, it is through these organizations, in their flailing ignorance, they seek the advice of false prophets and saboteurs posing as experts. In can offer numerous examples.

                                Most recently I was drawn into a historical railroad engine reconstruction effort. Considering the daily boredom of "Corolla Life" in the desert, how could I resist, so I ignored my intrinsic instinct that this would be yet another negative experience in my life.

                                While at first the effort seemed harmless, I discovered that I was becoming involved in an episode of the "Fred Flinstone Show". Skipping the details, it was found that this group could not progress beyond telling shallow jokes. Because of my shipyard experience I possess considerable knowledge on the reconstruction of large engines and boilers. But my knowledge was an irritation to the Force Fit crowd working on the engine.

                                During idle conversation it became known that the Corolla was my home, and moreover it was leaned that I receive food stamps. The "vibes" turned sour. To compound this it was further discovered that I did not ingest Carrion (meat), so now I was avoided. Finally, I made the grievous mistake of saying to the sole person that would still talk to me that I did not believe in the Sept 11th (911) Police Phantasy! I quickly fled for fear of attack.

                                Yes a lovely day for the historic Railroad Society. The event left me yelling uncontrollably in the wilderness for several days.

                                4) Perhaps what has poisioned my attitude on "Historical Societies", more than anything, is my experience in the effort to resurrect the historic naval vessel, the LCS 102, at Mare Island Naval Shipyard, California.

                                I had resolved myself to have no further involvements in the San Francisco Gay Area, none at all. The the Golden Tongues of Eric Johnson and Victor George got me onvolved in a glowing future at Mare Island for Eric Dollard. I was directed to the resurrection of the LCS 102. The result was my being left destitute at Mare Island, abandoned like a stray dog . Of course Eric Johnson kept my coyote, "I dont deserve it" he says. After 6 months of intensive electrical reconstruction of the LCS 102 my car was run off the road causing 3000 dollars in damage. After I got back going I was told that I was no longer welcome on the LCS. My reward for 50 thousand dollars of work, a lost dog and a smashed car. How I just love humans.

                                Break, more to follow

                                Sweet lord,

                                I just found this, your writings are scattered about like the forlorn notes of maldoror. Truly your are damaged beyond repair Mr. Dollard, a living example of shredded messiah. A man like you will never accomplish anything unless heavily guarded. Only the support of the people or a determined benefactor will restore you to your mission. Remember those wizards in those role playing games were always surrounded by warriors protecting them, for good reason.

                                Your life story is stranger than fiction and would make an AMAZING book. I'd personally call it Aether Mage, the story of Eric Dollard. This book shall be written one day, but only AFTER you have completed your mission,f or you are not yet dead Mr. Dollard. You have some life yet in you.

                                No large scope Tesla projects will ever be permitted within this nation, they would be worn down by the witches in white or torn down by the men in black, either way impossible. You need to start thinking small scale, coffee top and mobilizing this army of idealists to your cause.

                                I am not sure anyone on this forum realizes what desperate cries of pain and anguish each of these messages are... they just follow them up with questions about coil synchronization etc... and we wonder how our prophets end up dead.
                                Banned For Illegal Activities / Fraud

