Completely clueless
When people get to that museum and begin to grasp what once stood at that location as well as the monsterous earth anchor built into the Huge aquafier below grade.there will definately be some explaining to do.
Most people that Grew up right in that area are completely Clueless about its significance.[like myself].
The way things are going ,I believe Tesla will soon get a lot more recognition ,and it is good the site has been saved.
When people get to that museum and begin to grasp what once stood at that location as well as the monsterous earth anchor built into the Huge aquafier below grade.there will definately be some explaining to do.
Most people that Grew up right in that area are completely Clueless about its significance.[like myself].
The way things are going ,I believe Tesla will soon get a lot more recognition ,and it is good the site has been saved.