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  • To all the slaughtered entities in history...

    Yes, oh wise one, blame it on the individual victim(s) instead of the perpetrator(s). All the horrible things that have happened in this reality are the fault of the victim(s), aren't they? For example, all the truly huge "mass murders" (wars, battles, holocausts, genocides, etc.) are, tell me again, whose fault? Aha the victim because the law of attraction and positive thinking says so. Oh, and the victims visualized the wrong things, right?

    I have a small suggestion you can try for free, instead of wasting your time ragging on E.P.D, do it right, why don't you go to Israel (even via the internet) and tell them, it is all YOUR fault! Think of how many gifts you could be giving? Go to the ADL and tell them how "it's all their own doing". You won't because you know what you will attract for your gifts, don't you. One more example, those animals getting slaughtered and worse at big corporate "farms", it too is all their fault, right? The GMO grain, it is all its fault for existing in the state it does... The bees dying off, should we blame the queen or the whole hive?
    Last edited by zapzap; 01-11-2013, 04:35 PM. Reason: sp.


    • @Zapzap,

      You can not avoid the birds of misfortune to fly over every now and then, but you can avoid their nesting in your hair (beard?).



      • @zapzap again,

        Yes, oh wise one, blame it on the individual victim(s) instead of the perpetrator(s).
        Blame what? Everybody has his or her share of misfortune, some more than others. I am not blaming anyone for this. The thing is: what are you doing AFTER such an event.
        All the horrible things that have happened in this reality are the fault of the victim(s), aren't they?
        Nope. That is not what I am saying. Read it again.
        For example, all the truly huge "mass murders" (wars, battles, holocausts, genocides, etc.) are, tell me again, whose fault? Aha the victim because the law of attraction and positive thinking says so. Oh, and the victims visualized the wrong things, right?
        Great examples, but totally out of place. Even more so when you look at this very instant that I was responding to. Is Eric a victim of any of the above? Then read his chain of posts here and tell me "is that the most effective way of dealing with the PAST?"

        Now let me give you an example.
        About 10 years ago, I woke up one morning and found that my wife, who was sleeping next to me, had died that night. Now that is part of my misfortune, I would not like to call it my fault. Now I could be sad about that for the rest of my years and I am sure I will never accomplish anything anymore. My life would be wasted. And that WOULD be my fault.
        But no matter how horrible that event, there comes a time when you will have to leave that behind you and work on your future. Do something. Become what you were born to be.
        Any bad experience that does not kill you, will eventually make you stronger. Those are the "so what"-parts.
        All I am saying is: do not throw your life away! You have talents, exploit them.

        Last edited by Ernst; 01-12-2013, 02:26 AM.

