I See
Yes sir i did see that. your mh is statically set as the Figuera device is Dynamic on the fly. i hope it works for you, looks good.
one question. are all your coils actually wound on one closed core ? ie. toroid.
similar to Cadman's work but slightly different approach.
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Re-Inventing The Wheel-Part1-Clemente_Figuera
->MM, Hanon
Notice the different (mH) G taps to achieve "sinewave" in my post #1265
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AC connection/ splitter and or step down transformer to what ever your drive capabilities are along with currant blocking in one direction. the second secondary can be used with proper winding to achieve your desired voltage or a small step down, which ever you prefer.
Nikola Tesla U.S. Patent 413,353 - Method of Obtaining Direct from Alternating Currents | Tesla Universe
MMLast edited by marathonman; 10-11-2016, 09:42 PM.
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Self explanatory
correct winding and currant flow of primaries in relation to part G.
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Circuit Posibilities
Here are a few circuits that may help the people pursuing electronic driven part G.
at no time does anything come between part G and the declining electromagnet otherwise self sustainment will not be achieved.
opposing fields in Tesla's AC to DC patent will not let reverse currant happen. flow in one direction only.
MMLast edited by marathonman; 10-11-2016, 08:10 PM.
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Originally posted by marathonman View Post
You are a piss ant of a man and a ignorant one at that. every time Doug1 on OU forum posted Hanon came running to me asking what did he said and i had to break it down so a 10 year old could understand it. not once, not twice but EVERY TIME. and you actually have the balls to accuse me of trying to rewrite the patent. you unintelligent piss ant of a man, you have always acted like a woman ever since i met you on OU. it doesn't mater how many times a person try's to explain it to you, you don't have the intelligence to understand it anyways. i have broken down every detail to you on numerous occasions yet you still can't comprehend it. EVERYTHING i got from Doug was broken down to you yet you still remain ignorant to the Figuera device. i'm sorry but that is stupidity not ignorance in my book so that tells me you will NEVER understand this device and are useless to this forum adding nothing but reposts, arguments and riding off of the fame of the translation. i pitty you.
your constant attempt to discredit me is really getting tiresome and proves you are a piss ant unintelligent man that knows absolutely NOTHING OF THE FIGUERA DEVICE.
every one knows patents do not disclose every single detail about their devise and Figuera did the same. the power shoved out of the declining electromagnet gets shoved into part G whether your unintelligent brain can comprehend it or not. oh but i MUST BE LYING because o pea brain Hanon can't understand it. EVERYONE IS A LIER BECAUSE PEA BRAIN HANON CAN'T UNDERSTAND IT.
I suggest you pick a device that can be built by a 10 year old because that is your mental status and leave the Figuera device to the more advanced people.
now i suggest you quite acting like a woman on the rag and actually study the patent and understand them if you can. (i doubt it)
Right Hand Rule
Last edited by hanon1492; 10-11-2016, 08:51 PM.
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"The excitation source ( - & + on your diagram), whether an external power supply or tapped off the secondary, is in series with Part G and the primaries."
Absolutely correct, to a point.
MMLast edited by marathonman; 10-11-2016, 08:24 PM.
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Originally posted by Ufopolitics View PostBistander,
I simply did not even bother to "paint" such small arrows (yes smaller than all the rest shown, since whatever returns back to that "momentary" source is just a very minimal amount) returning to negative, therefore I considered it may bring confusion to the explanation to Hanon, which basically was referring -and framing- to the strict relation between Part G and Primaries which is where majority (higher percentage) of currents are traveling.
I am sorry, I will not keep posting here anymore untill I have a completed machine...all I did was try to explain to Hanon my point of view about Part G and Primaries, since He was asking to anyone who could do it...so I offered voluntarily...and unfortunately my view just brought some heavy shooting
It is ok...there will not be anymore "points of views explanations" no matter how much anyone begs for just an explanation.
I have a lot of work to do, so I need tons of time...and this is just wasting it.
Good bye
The excitation source ( - & + on your diagram), whether an external power supply or tapped off the secondary, is in series with Part G and the primaries. It is an integral part of the circuit and cannot simply be ignored. I do not see how you came to your stated conclusion: "(yes smaller than all the rest shown, since whatever returns back to that "momentary" source is just a very minimal amount) returning to negative". I suspect that has hanon confused also.
But nevermind. Go back to your lab or shop and hammer out that prototype. That's what we all really want to see.
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Out Side The Box
Originally posted by Ufopolitics View PostHey MM,
Yes I know about the translation issue...I will try friend to get the whole thing when I have a chance...
When I read one of your first post here that I've quoted previously...I understood your complete view of THE WHOLE PICTURE FROM A COMPLETELY OUTSIDE THE BOX VIEWING POINT...
Therefore, You could be able to understand (and build) beyond what the common people could even start grasping, basically if they are very tight within their own created boxes...
Cheers friend, and believe me, it is better to get some work done and finished it rather than waste any more time here...arguing and trying to convince closed minds...
After you are done with your beautiful machine...film it...upload it here and then let them -try- to understand it...while you just watch the show enjoying a nice cold beer...
i sometimes don't like to use that function (sorry for confusion). as for the graphs, the arrows in n1 are wrong and the bottom graph n2 arrows are wrong as is the cw, ccw wiring. just how i see it sorry UFOP.
part G controls everything allowed through the primaries all in the same direction just raising or lowering according to the inductive reactance of part G's winding's as the brush or transistor contacts rotate.
sorry friend, you can't get bucking fields with NS no matter how hard you try unless of course you are referring to set N and set S in bucking N/N then you would be correct.
i am assuming that where the letter G is there is a core that those inductive winding's are wound on. if not it will never be self sustaining, just sayin.
MMLast edited by marathonman; 10-11-2016, 07:40 PM.
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Originally posted by bistander View PostHi hanon,
It appears Ufo doesn't actually write or draw exactly what he means and relies on the reader to know more than is shown or told. Case in point: I had the same concern as you so asked him. He said:
So we (the readers) must know that there are other currents not shown. It does make it difficult to understand.
I simply did not even bother to "paint" such small arrows (yes smaller than all the rest shown, since whatever returns back to that "momentary" source is just a very minimal amount) returning to negative, therefore I considered it may bring confusion to the explanation to Hanon, which basically was referring -and framing- to the strict relation between Part G and Primaries which is where majority (higher percentage) of currents are traveling.
I am sorry, I will not keep posting here anymore untill I have a completed machine...all I did was try to explain to Hanon my point of view about Part G and Primaries, since He was asking to anyone who could do it...so I offered voluntarily...and unfortunately my view just brought some heavy shooting
It is ok...there will not be anymore "points of views explanations" no matter how much anyone begs for just an explanation.
I have a lot of work to do, so I need tons of time...and this is just wasting it.
Good bye
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Originally posted by marathonman View Post
who ever did that graph it is wrong. for one all primaries are wound exactly the same, in the same direction. one is not cw and the other ccw. they were wound that way for simplicity and exact dimensions to be exactly the same. two, at NO TIME is polarities reversed, the positive and negative never gets reversed, arrows are wrong.
if both electromagnets were powered up their spin direction would be opposing but in the Figuera device they are not. one is increasing while the other is decreasing allowing there spin directions to compliment each other. this very action allows the duel E fields to be in the same direction if unison is not kept induction falls to the peak of the rising electromagnet.
real currant flow is from negative to positive so the front of coil gets connected to negative side and positive side gets connected to part G.
i hope this clears things a little.
I wish it did clear things but afraid not. I'm unsure of the graph or diagram to which you refer. I really wish you'd learn to use the quote function in your replies. But anything in the way of graphics to which I posted on the past page or two has been drawn by Ufo.
Thanks for the reply,
Edit: perhaps you were referring to post#1265 by member seaad.
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Originally posted by marathonman View Post
Ever since you posted a while back a sentence from the patent that was never in hanon's translation i don't trust him. if you could squeeze a complete translation in your busy schedule i sure would appreciate it.
Yes I know about the translation issue...I will try friend to get the whole thing when I have a chance...
Originally posted by marathonman View Post"This superb reasoning from this Gentleman, way back in the year 1908...could be easily and very well understood by even a retarded person...or even the lowest IQ possible...however, by all of Us being blinded by the deformed "Classic and Modern Magnetism Sciences"...This could have never be possible...unless becoming part of the Science Fiction Theories used in Hollywood movies by Steven Spielberg, George Lucas or the Wachowski Brothers..."
could be why i understand it and hanon doesn't, just saying the truth be told.
When I read one of your first post here that I've quoted previously...I understood your complete view of THE WHOLE PICTURE FROM A COMPLETELY OUTSIDE THE BOX VIEWING POINT...
Therefore, You could be able to understand (and build) beyond what the common people could even start grasping, basically if they are very tight within their own created boxes...
Cheers friend, and believe me, it is better to get some work done and finished it rather than waste any more time here...arguing and trying to convince closed minds...
After you are done with your beautiful machine...film it...upload it here and then let them -try- to understand it...while you just watch the show enjoying a nice cold beer...
UfopoliticsLast edited by Ufopolitics; 10-11-2016, 06:06 PM.
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Originally posted by hanon1492 View PostUfo,
I do not understand most of the physical principles you use. They are quite different to the ones I use
You, simply do not understand it because you are still very deep inside "the Box"...
Like I wrote before...you have to either take the blue or the red pill, friend...am sorry but you can not have the cake and eat it all too...Translating...you have to "let go" all those stupid theories about "imaginary lines of force" "cutting" the wires...and all the Lorentz BS...
Figuera's Patent is based on an advanced thinking and reasoning that even up to right now, today (108 years ago from the day he wrote it), is still not "accepted" by the Modern Scientific Community...which is -supposedly- very advanced in magnetism concepts...¿really? ¿?...
Originally posted by hanon1492 View PostIn short: Below there are two zoomed details of your sketches. Between the first image and the second image there is pole reversal in each electromagnet because current is flowing in different directions in each sketch whether you like it or not.
Even I continue watching a North-South, or South-North, in each sketch: CW+CW and CCW+CCW.
It is about You opening your mind just a bit to understand this without the need of all the BS of Reference Methods and Classic Laws...just you and your own common sense.
No pole reversal at all, it is just the Higher Influence Spin from the Stronger Field Projected into the Weaker Field.
And this was just a couple of frames Hanon...what if I upload an animated full video of both constant reciprocating fields?!
Oh, then we may loose you...
This is really fun...and it is just the beginning...
Fasten your seats belts for a very close "Shift"...if you could stand the "gravity forces" involved...
Take care
UfopoliticsLast edited by Ufopolitics; 10-11-2016, 05:56 PM.
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A Sorry Man
Thanks for your profound technical answers to my two questions. I see you are really an expert into the part G design.
Again your posts and insults defines more to you than to me. Your education is clearly stated in your post.
Guys, you have in front of you to MM, the man who is always right and do not even admit a good technical question if it does not match his view.
PD: The 1908 does not even mention any internal recycling energy device. It is self looped taking a fraction of the output current and using it to power the small brush motor and the electromagnets. Read below again.
Be aware of those who want to re-write the original patent with his own ideas and design"
You are a piss ant of a man and a ignorant one at that. every time Doug1 on OU forum posted Hanon came running to me asking what did he said and i had to break it down so a 10 year old could understand it. not once, not twice but EVERY TIME. and you actually have the balls to accuse me of trying to rewrite the patent. you unintelligent piss ant of a man, you have always acted like a woman ever since i met you on OU. it doesn't mater how many times a person try's to explain it to you, you don't have the intelligence to understand it anyways. i have broken down every detail to you on numerous occasions yet you still can't comprehend it. EVERYTHING i got from Doug was broken down to you yet you still remain ignorant to the Figuera device. i'm sorry but that is stupidity not ignorance in my book so that tells me you will NEVER understand this device and are useless to this forum adding nothing but reposts, arguments and riding off of the fame of the translation. i pitty you.
your constant attempt to discredit me is really getting tiresome and proves you are a piss ant unintelligent man that knows absolutely NOTHING OF THE FIGUERA DEVICE.
every one knows patents do not disclose every single detail about their devise and Figuera did the same. the power shoved out of the declining electromagnet gets shoved into part G whether your unintelligent brain can comprehend it or not. oh but i MUST BE LYING because o pea brain Hanon can't understand it. EVERYONE IS A LIER BECAUSE PEA BRAIN HANON CAN'T UNDERSTAND IT.
I suggest you pick a device that can be built by a 10 year old because that is your mental status and leave the Figuera device to the more advanced people.
now i suggest you quite acting like a woman on the rag and actually study the patent and understand them if you can. (i doubt it)
Ever since you posted a while back a sentence from the patent that was never in hanon's translation i don't trust him. if you could squeeze a complete translation in your busy schedule i sure would appreciate it, or from anyone for that matter. a second opinion is highly welcomed.
"This superb reasoning from this Gentleman, way back in the year 1908...could be easily and very well understood by even a retarded person...or even the lowest IQ possible...however, by all of Us being blinded by the deformed "Classic and Modern Magnetism Sciences"...This could have never be possible...unless becoming part of the Science Fiction Theories used in Hollywood movies by Steven Spielberg, George Lucas or the Wachowski Brothers..."
could be why i understand it and hanon doesn't. iQ might be on the low side, just saying the truth be told.
who ever did that graph it is wrong. for one all primaries are wound exactly the same, in the same direction. one is not cw and the other ccw. they were wound that way for simplicity and exact dimensions to be exactly the same. two, at NO TIME is polarities reversed, the positive and negative never gets reversed, arrows are wrong.
if both electromagnets were powered up their spin direction would be opposing but in the Figuera device they are not. one is increasing while the other is decreasing allowing there spin directions to compliment each other. this very action allows the duel E fields to be in the same direction if unison is not kept induction falls to the peak of the rising electromagnet.
real currant flow is from negative to positive so the front of coil gets connected to negative side and positive side gets connected to part G.
i hope this clears things a little.
MMLast edited by marathonman; 10-11-2016, 06:36 PM.
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