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Re-Inventing The Wheel-Part1-Clemente_Figuera

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  • Bankers

    Originally posted by hanon1492 View Post
    Figuera filed his four first patent on the 20th of septemmber of 1902

    In the 24th of september he sent this telegram to the editor of a newspaper in his city. That editor published the telegram.

    Follow the clues and you will find why all these designs disappeared until 1908 when Figuera died...

    Bistander: This is not a scientific answer to your disbelieve, but... How many time have you seen a bankster buying something useless? How many times have you seen a bankster doing a bad deal? Just something to go uhmmm
    Where have you been? Banks are notorious for bad or toxic deals. GOV had to step in save them, when was that? 2008? And European banks are running on empty. A sucker born every minute and the worst end up managing banks.


    • Originally posted by bistander View Post
      I wouldn't believe it even if the Pope swore to it. I need proof. Solid scientific evidence.

      No offense intended towards you or the Pope.


      Ok, no problems at almost done with the whole deal...PSU have been my only biggest delay...but I am solving that issue...actually it is on its way to me as I am writing here...only Holidays season and Heavy Packages (60 pounds) in the Mail takes longer than usual.

      I got a nice Oldie but Goodie...a 6274 HP Agilent...60V and 15 Amps...Yeap, 900 Watts LINEAR...Big Transformer, old style... I just have to make sure it works, and may need some TLC hand...but no problems.

      So, be would be worth it.

      Last edited by Ufopolitics; 12-19-2016, 09:48 PM.
      Principles for the Development of a Complete Mind: Study the science of art. Study the art of science. Develop your senses- especially learn how to see. Realize that everything connects to everything else.― Leonardo da Vinci


      • Death Contract...signed, sealed and delivered...

        Originally posted by hanon1492 View Post
        Figuera filed his four first patent on the 20th of septemmber of 1902

        In the 24th of september he sent this telegram to the editor of a newspaper in his city. That editor published the telegram.

        Follow the clues and you will find why all these designs disappeared until 1908 when Figuera died...
        Figuera just signed his Death Contract right there...that was a fact.

        This are International Oil Cartels...they could care less if you are in China, Russia or in the Netherlands..or in Africa...they will get you, period.

        We are just very lucky we got all those patents, but mainly the 1908 one.

        Principles for the Development of a Complete Mind: Study the science of art. Study the art of science. Develop your senses- especially learn how to see. Realize that everything connects to everything else.― Leonardo da Vinci


        • Banks Protection...

          Originally posted by bistander View Post
          Where have you been? Banks are notorious for bad or toxic deals. GOV had to step in save them, when was that? 2008? And European banks are running on empty. A sucker born every minute and the worst end up managing banks.

          Banks are always protected...and not necessarily "saved" by their Governments...whether in U.S by the FDIC...or in Europe by the EDIS...All owned in the Pyramid top by the Federal Reserve on US...and the Global Banking System in EU...which bolts down to a few "International Families"...which have been on the Powers That Be for Centuries...

          Only when those "Money Gods" want to disappear any Bank in the World...they just do it...otherwise they will keep "saving" them so they keep selling their "Legal Tender Notes"...


          Principles for the Development of a Complete Mind: Study the science of art. Study the art of science. Develop your senses- especially learn how to see. Realize that everything connects to everything else.― Leonardo da Vinci


          • I think UFO means ----

            Hi Bistander - I'm afraid I have to agree with UFO here and its a murky unpleasant path to follow, The contention, and natural thought process is to reveal your free energy device, save the planet and the world whilst making plenty of money.
            Meanwhile rumor has it that researchers (and more importantly for them) loved ones and family are threatened, controlled and sometimes murdered, I'm afraid thats true, but to grasp that needs a fundamental shift in thinking and understanding. I hope you have a little time to trawl through a few of the documentaries I offer here, (grasp the basic steps and the gaps will fill themselves.) To understand the thinking,aims,and methods of what UFO calls 'big oil' and the way they hold their grip on energy along with the banksters and politicians who they own and control world wide a little history needs re-editing. At the very head of this control system is an iron grip of what may be taught,which books were printed and which not, along with control of technology (and patents) -- Not surprisingly it all starts (and will probably end) with energy.
            as you can see from the previous documentary various steering committees were engineered into place to control all aspects of life. Given limited time post WW2 is of major interest.
            Both the British and the Nazi's had a very effective 'plan B' in place in the event of military failure, The German plan hinged on corporate control of business. a plan devised by minister of finance Martin Boremann and seeded at the 'red house hotel'
            This powerful steering committee a who's who of industry titans was spread far and wide not least by the Marshall Plan and operation paper clip. A covert group pulling powerful strings.
            A number of them met at a hotel just outside Oosterbeek Holland. (of a bridge to far fame) a decade later, In the absence of any name or identification the group has been known thereafter by the name of that hotel - The Bilderburg group.

            Alex Jone is a little bit to dramatic and over eggs the cake a bit to much for my liking in this documentary, still you'll get a good idea of what Bilderburg is about.
            you now see - The private control of The federal reserve bank . education. medication, technology and importantly, the US dollar moved into a position of the worlds reserve currency.
            The next move is to remove any real value from the dollar 'bits of paper' -ergo destroy the gold standard . presented by Bilderburger Henry Kissinger here's Tricky Nicky reneging on all debt's and collapsing any world standard.
            CIA agent and economic enforcer John Perkins now tells how bankrupt America with invasion, murder,threats and corruption led by corporations forced the world onto whats effectively an 'energy' standard.
            could you imagine what even a huge new oil energy source might have on this contrived situation? Disaster ! But the fates decreed it to happen, 200 years worth of American energy consumption, found on American soil too ! . here's lay preacher Lyndsay Williams to explain that aspect and the suppression that followed.
            I'm sorry but UFO's probably right the news paper printing that bit of information is as good as a death warrent. IMHO, TPTB (the powers that be) would get you a lot faster in this day and age.
            I Think George Carling had a pretty good understanding of the bones of the case
            Still Its an electric universe and we are electric beings, eventually the truth will out.
   I hope you enjoyed at least one or two of these documenteries if you could spare the time to watch kindest regards Duncan
            Whatever you can do,or dream you can,begin it.Boldness has genius,power and magic in it.Begin it now.


            • Oh!..No, No...there is no such Conspiration at

              Originally posted by Duncan View Post
              Hi Bistander - I'm afraid I have to agree with UFO here and its a murky unpleasant path to follow, The contention, and natural thought process is to reveal your free energy device, save the planet and the world whilst making plenty of money.
              Meanwhile rumor has it that researchers (and more importantly for them) loved ones and family are threatened, controlled and sometimes murdered, I'm afraid thats true, but to grasp that needs a fundamental shift in thinking and understanding. I hope you have a little time to trawl through a few of the documentaries I offer here, (grasp the basic steps and the gaps will fill themselves.) To understand the thinking,aims,and methods of what UFO calls 'big oil' and the way they hold their grip on energy along with the banksters and politicians who they own and control world wide a little history needs re-editing. At the very head of this control system is an iron grip of what may be taught,which books were printed and which not, along with control of technology (and patents) -- Not surprisingly it all starts (and will probably end) with energy. ...
              Thanks Duncan,

              It is exactly a "murky, unpleasant path"...but unfortunately we MUST WALK order to understand all the BS involved in it...

              Energy was and still is the KEY, on this. And so absolutely anything that could even start an "unveil" about where they have been hiding this long known secret...becomes a Red Flag...A Target.

              Exactly that...Seizing and Destruction of Patents, Developments and Research Literature, etc,etc...Resuming, ALL Material which could even start leading Us all to that particular "secret" path.

              The Inventor's Secrecy Act Law (1951)...penalty for disclosure is completely "Federal"... and could be enforced internationally...anywhere...Enforced by Federal Laws...Copyright and Patent Laws...through the PCT or WIPO...was designed since prevent from Inventors to disclose their findings...after they have been warned of the "Thread" to jeopardize "National Security"...HIDDEN under the so "Naive" act to "Protect" the inventors work...really?...

              The "Secret" to Free Energy has been hiding right in front of our eyes all this time. and it is just about a hidden property of Magnetic Fields behavior in Space.

              They put us ALL, that blindfold, NOT to realize this Simple Scientific Fact, exactly with all the BS Classic Methods, indoctrinated through all their bought out Scientists, plus Inculcated Educative Material disbursed all over the Planet.

              Figuera mentioned exactly that "Simple Scientific Fact" in was announced on Newspapers on his time...Unknowingly,and very Naively He just set that Red Flag on him with his phrase...:

              It has taken "SO LONG"...and that was expressed by Figuera in 1902...and after 114 years have passed...IS STILL NOT RECOGNIZED!!

              And here is a perfect example of what am talking about...

              Bistander, a well educated member here....related to all Classic Knowledge can not realize what was that "Simple Scientific Fact" Figuera was talking about on his post...:

              Originally posted by boguslaw View Post
              "the extraordinary point about it is that it has taken so long to discover a simple scientific fact"
              Originally posted by bistander View Post
              Hi boguslaw,

              Please tell me what you're talking about. What is it and what is the simple scientific fact?


              The "Simple Scientific Fact" resumes into the very easy and simple method that we NEVER, needed to move absolutely ANY MASS to obtain ENERGY...We only needed to move the Virtual, Massless, Weightless Magnetic Field through Iron, Copper conductors and THE order to obtain FREE ENERGY...with such SMALL EFFORT...that even a small motor could do the job, and NOW, at this stage of Electronics could be done by a solely Microchip, powered by tiny batteries...and then NO LONGER REQUIRING the need of the Farting Machines, plus having to DUMP OIL every Hour or so.

              Then, simply... Lenz Law, do Not "Apply" here at all...Lenz is a Physical Force Reaction that is INVOKED ONLY whenever we are moving Physical Mass.

              Where, in order to Increase Energy Generation SKY HIGH...the ONLY requirement is to speed up those Fluctuations Frequencies of the "SPIRITUAL MAGNETIC FIELDS"...Yeap, "Spirits Dancing within the Machines"...Unbelievable Uh?

              And so...this Property, intrinsic to ALL Magnetic Fields ever since they existed on this Planet.

              Originally posted by Duncan View Post
              This powerful steering committee a who's who of industry titans was spread far and wide not least by the Marshall Plan and operation paper clip. A covert group pulling powerful strings.
              A number of them met at a hotel just outside Oosterbeek Holland. (of a bridge to far fame) a decade later, In the absence of any name or identification the group has been known thereafter by the name of that hotel - The Bilderburg group.

              kindest regards



              Maybe a typo...but it is BILDERBERG...not "Bilderburg"...We have here the "WARBURG FAMILIES"...and the BILDENBERG'S...Plus let's not forget the ROTHSCHILD'S...:


              But You are right about all the info about them...I've got Books about all Operations and History:


              I was able to find the copy shown in Spanish...but no problem for me.

              I also recommend:


              However, even though they all look so "strong and powerful"...just by the release and spread of this "Secret" mentioned above...they will ALL Collapse like a stack of Playing Cards standing vertical...and "structurally" holding up together just by leaning on each others...since what holds them together is simply Oil Stock all the "Satellites" Corporations which make a living from this Polluting Liquid exploitation.

              The number of different Machines Designs that could be built based on this now known beyond it would be our minds capability of invention...the only limits.

              Regards and thanks again for your post.

              Last edited by Ufopolitics; 12-20-2016, 03:32 PM.
              Principles for the Development of a Complete Mind: Study the science of art. Study the art of science. Develop your senses- especially learn how to see. Realize that everything connects to everything else.― Leonardo da Vinci


              • Virtual

                Originally posted by Ufopolitics View Post

                The "Simple Scientific Fact" resumes into the very easy and simple method that we NEVER, needed to move absolutely ANY MASS to obtain ENERGY...We only needed to move the Virtual, Massless, Weightless Magnetic Field through Iron, Copper conductors and THE order to obtain FREE ENERGY...
                Hi Ufo & Duncan,

                Thanks for the opinions and references. Seriously.

                The thing I fail to understand is the virtual. Everyday there are millions of machines moving real massless, weightless magnetic fields through iron, copper conductors and the works, yet no free energy appears. The only thing I see different is you speak of virtual and I see real. So the simple scientific fact remains your secret until you can show me proof. And I welcome the day that happens.




                • Originally posted by bistander View Post
                  Hi Ufo & Duncan,

                  Thanks for the opinions and references. Seriously.

                  The thing I fail to understand is the virtual. Everyday there are millions of machines moving real massless, weightless magnetic fields through iron, copper conductors and the works, yet no free energy appears.

                  I consider you a pretty smart person...capable of really realizing what I am talking about/ IN FULL...but, nevertheless I will answer your doubts above...

                  You are right..."Everyday there are millions of machines moving real massless, weightless magnetic fields through iron, copper conductors and the works.."



                  Absolutely right...but at what cost are we all moving a massless, virtual, weightless magnetic field?



                  Of course...we need those HUGE Caterpillars Farting Machines above to do the "job"..."Business as Usual" to spin all the Huge, Tons of Weight and "very" Physical Generator Rotor, which only carries within, the Virtual Field which is EXACTLY and essentially what really works down to the bottom produce some Kilowatts of Energy...exactly above ICE drives a Generator which delivers 1018 kW...Now, go figure how much Energy would that Caterpillar utilizes to spin at the required torque and speed compared to the Gen Output??!!

                  Originally posted by bistander View Post
                  ...yet no free energy appears.

                  How could we have Free Energy?!...if we are WASTING SO MUCH Just in THE MECHANICAL DRIVING POWER FORCE REQUIRED just to SPIN THE HUGE AND HEAVY Rotors of ANY Generator on the Globe?

                  ...PLUS...Fighting the PHYSICAL LENZ LAW ALL THE TIME, while Loaded...What are We...An ARMY of Zumo Fighters to get ENERGY?

                  Originally posted by bistander View Post
                  The only thing I see different is you speak of virtual and I see real. So the simple scientific fact remains your secret until you can show me proof. And I welcome the day that happens.



                  That day is coming soon...get ready for it...VERY Seriously also.


                  I honestly have no idea what this revelation could develop into...maybe happiness in the beginnings...maybe a Global Free Energy Party?...but what about after "Party"s over"?

                  After we all realize this whole ORCHESTRATED SET UP was just to satisfy the WEALTH AND POWER of a few Families??



                  Last edited by Ufopolitics; 12-22-2016, 12:38 PM.
                  Principles for the Development of a Complete Mind: Study the science of art. Study the art of science. Develop your senses- especially learn how to see. Realize that everything connects to everything else.― Leonardo da Vinci


                  • Stationary mass

                    Hi Ufo,

                    I thought you were talking about stationary iron and copper. I was. Just before these rotors start moving there is a real magnetic field moving in the machines. So again, what is the secret virtual field and where is the free energy?



                    edit: missed your question.

                    "exactly above ICE drives a Generator which delivers 1018 kW...Now, go figure how much Energy would that Caterpillar utilizes to spin at the required torque and speed compared to the Gen Output??!!"

                    My estimate is 1050 kW, shaft output power.
                    Last edited by bistander; 12-20-2016, 05:10 PM.


                    • Reality

                      The reality is we have been lied to for well over 100 years that we need to burn massive amounts of fuel to move massive chunks of iron in an EXTREMELY INEFFICIENT manner to get a certain amount of electric output. this very system was taught to most with all wrongfully associated science and mathematics behind it for that last 100 plus years to suppress all avenues of reality of the real working universe and to secure massive amounts of continued streams of revenue through deception, greed and controll.

                      the real reality is all we ever had to do is move the weightless, massless field to produce massive amounts of energy now available through the Figuera device or other devices like it that will emerge from this technology.

                      embrace this technology or get left behind paying someone else.

                      YOUR WASTING YOUR TIME.

                      Last edited by marathonman; 12-20-2016, 05:08 PM.


                      • Originally posted by bistander View Post
                        Hi Ufo,

                        I thought you were talking about stationary iron and copper. I was. Just before these rotors start moving there is a real magnetic field moving in the machines. So again, what is the secret virtual field and where is the free energy?


                        Bistander...In what GENERATOR machines there is a virtual field "already" spinning in their static iron-copper?...Unless you are talking about a three phase MOTOR?

                        Or you were possibly talking about an INERTIAL PRIMER MOVER to get rotor spinning at first stage at NO LOAD Conditions...but after Inertial process is done...and LOAD IS ON Then who "takes Over"...but "BIG DADDY DIESEL"?

                        Because that I know ANY GENERATOR HEAD...there are absolutely NO MOVING VIRTUAL FIELDS at their stationary Iron and Copper at Generating Fields??...but just THE EXCITING FIELDS BEING CARRIED by the HUGE IRON AND COPPER BUILT IN THEIR ROTORS.

                        ALL they are carrying that Virtual, Weightless EXCITING FIELD to generate Energy...alone with tons of copper and iron...

                        And am talking about the simple Generator Approach where Rotor is the Exciter Field, and Stator is where Generating Fields are...for simplicity of explanation.

                        However, there is the "other way around" where Exciter Field is Static, and at Rotor is where Generating Fields are...still same BS, different set up.

                        Understand that now?


                        Last edited by Ufopolitics; 12-20-2016, 06:21 PM.
                        Principles for the Development of a Complete Mind: Study the science of art. Study the art of science. Develop your senses- especially learn how to see. Realize that everything connects to everything else.― Leonardo da Vinci


                        • Moving fields

                          Originally posted by Ufopolitics View Post
                          Bistander...In what GENERATOR machines there is a virtual field "already" spinning in their static iron-copper?...Unless you are talking about a three phase MOTOR?

                          Or you were possibly talking about an INERTIAL PRIMER MOVER to get rotor spinning at first stage at NO LOAD Conditions...but after Inertial process is done...and LOAD IS ON Then who "takes Over"...but "BIG DADDY DIESEL"?

                          Because that I know ANY GENERATOR HEAD...there are absolutely NO MOVING VIRTUAL FIELDS at their stationary Iron and Copper at Generating Fields??...but just THE EXCITING FIELDS BEING CARRIED by the HUGE IRON AND COPPER BUILT IN THEIR ROTORS.

                          ALL they are carrying that Virtual, Weightless EXCITING FIELD to generate Energy...alone with tons of copper and iron...

                          Understand that now?


                          Hi Ufo,

                          I'm unable to address the virtual fields because I don't know what that means. However when a synchronous or asynchronous electric machine (motor or generator; makes no difference) is started across the mains, there exisits a period of time where there is a rotating real magnetic field traveling around the air gap before the rotor starts to move. And even for a half cycle, it is not changing polarity, so fits your description of the requirement to produce this free energy as you look for in Figuera.

                          All this strays off topic. You'll not convince me complaining about combustion engines. I hate the things with a passion. I welcome anything to curtail their use.


                          Last edited by bistander; 12-20-2016, 06:33 PM.


                          • Originally posted by bistander View Post
                            Hi Ufo,

                            I'm unable to address the virtual fields because I don't know what that means. However when a synchronous or asynchronous electric machine (motor or generator; makes no difference) is started across the mains, there exisits a period of time where there is a rotating real magnetic field traveling around the air gap before the rotor starts to move. And even for a half cycle, it is not changing polarity, so fits your description of the requirement to produce this free energy as you look for in Figuera.
                            Sorry Bistander, but I am not talking about a Field traveling through air gaps here...Figuera's Fields must be born right at the center of an iron core, then be projected Spatially through the iron of secondaries at both ends, effecting Induction at its windings...and not just at air gaps.

                            About the Driving Signal...we can not just "replace it" by something "that looks similar"...the signal spec's have been displayed here before...and absolutely NO AC Positive Half Cycle, which drops to zero then "jumps" to next step further away...will simply will not work.

                            Besides...this Positive Signal MUST have another one simultaneously taking place but opposite...BOTH ABOVE ZERO.


                            Do they look like what you are talking about?

                            Can we replace a Tennis Ball by a Golf Ball...just because both are round?

                            Originally posted by bistander View Post
                            All this strays off topic. You'll not convince me complaining about combustion engines. I hate the things with a passion. I welcome anything to curtail their use.


                            Ok, I am then let me work on it...


                            Principles for the Development of a Complete Mind: Study the science of art. Study the art of science. Develop your senses- especially learn how to see. Realize that everything connects to everything else.― Leonardo da Vinci


                            • Originally posted by marathonman View Post
                              Nice bar stock.
                              Edit; added later.

                              Originally posted by marathonman View Post
                              Here is a shot of my iron cores after i resined them together. all i need to do is polish them up and slip on the bobbins. i will begin wiring up everything very shortly.

                              MM. UFO The above looks like a transformer to me with open ends ?? UFO do you have, use, the same config.??

                              Does not look like the secondaries are: "y PROPERLY PLACED" to me! Looks the same as one of my failed experiments. But BIGGER.

                              UFO your ideal signals in your pic above are going to look like as something else when you have the interaction with an iron core (MM type) and coils + make before brake, in reality.

                              Please send us some scope pics from your test + wiring diagram. / Arne
                              Last edited by seaad; 12-20-2016, 08:48 PM.


                              • Originally posted by seaad View Post
                                MM. UFO The above looks like a transformer to me with open ends ?? UFO do you have, use, the same config.??

                                Does not look like the secondaries are: "y PROPERLY PLACED" to me! Looks the same as one of my failed experiments. But BIGGER.

                                UFO your ideal signals in your pic above are going to look like as something else when you have the interaction with an iron core (MM type) and coils in reality.

                                Please send us some scope pics from your test + wiring diagram. / Arne
                                A Transformer does not have a Fraction (Split) Cores where each coils mount to...

                                The experiment you did, beside having tubing exceed size of coils like double or was a single core.

                                I am using Brass Bolts to attach each iron core together, and fiberglass sheet in between, with just the hole for the 1/4 inch bolt to run through, so that is my gap...very small like 2 mm or less.

                                The basic transformer core is supposed to be a one solid piece, whether it is an E-I composition or staggered (interlaced).

                                On solid iron core, the minute you splice, cut the bar into pieces, no matter if you stick them together without any gaps...they will NOT react the same as related to magnetization properties as a Full Solid Bar would behave which contains all 3 coils. (your case)...and I mean, you could weld them together...or you could just add steel bolts...they will NOT Magnetize same way as a solid rod would.

                                Similar to shattering a magnet in pieces...then gluing it back together...polarity arrangement will never be the same again, no matter how good you are forcing it together. Same applies here.

                                There is more about it, related to molecular ferromagnetic structures and magnetism...but too long of an explanation and really off topic here.

                                And really, this is a simple test to do...and check out differences.

                                My Signal is similar...But it deforms as frequency increases (shrinks and get higher towards both ends), then scope must be reset accordingly when you increase motor speed...and am not into "signal observation" at this point but screening my fields amplitude range along secondary.

                                Last edited by Ufopolitics; 12-20-2016, 09:17 PM.
                                Principles for the Development of a Complete Mind: Study the science of art. Study the art of science. Develop your senses- especially learn how to see. Realize that everything connects to everything else.― Leonardo da Vinci

