Originally posted by Dwane
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Figuera's design uses TWO EXCITERS (inductors or primaries, etc) for ONE INDUCED CORE-COIL sandwiched IN BETWEEN both Exciters ...And so ALL THREE Components form ONE MODULE...which repeats on the 1908 patent...I believe like seven times.
The Two Exciters work in a PUSH-PULL ARRAY and the idea is to form a SINGLE FIELD which SWEEPS (CHANGES) across the core axis of INDUCED OR SECONDARY COIL.
Now, do not get distracted by NN OR SS OR NS...All work as giving an output, Is just the output signal is different for Bucking (repulsing) and for Attracting poles.
So, in order for the exciting, moving virtual, massless field NOT to collapse, nor to LOOSE COMPACTNESS (therefore strength) The signal sent to BOTH EXCITING COILS MUST BE IN UNISON...One OPPOSITE or REVERSE to the other one, but always OFF PHASE, meaning when one is at peak, other MUST BE at it lowest potential PLUS NEVER dropping below zero...and Figuera insists that brush must be contacting TWO COMMUTATOR ELEMENTS in width.
Figuera uses a DC Signal modulated to MIMIC an AC Signal which NEVER reaches negative signals or even zero...as this would COLLAPSE THE INDUCING FIELD, then INDUCED OUTPUT WILL COLLAPSE AS WELL.
Hope is more clear now
EDIT1: Note in Citfta's signals they are NOT in parallel but OFF PHASE, in order when one is peak(top) the other one is at bottom (lowest point)...as both are always positive and above zero.
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