Part G
Actually reviewing you post and staying up all night reviewing note and this and that i think your post about impedance has merit. if the entire system with all the cores wired up (whole system) even wired with low impedance/resistance like i think they should be as does Doug, the system should be matched as a whole. all wired with thick wire for low losses can still be impedance matched and still allow part G to do it's job.
part G controls the currant as i am sure every one knows by now but you have to realize Figuera chose his wording very, very carefully as to expose just enough to get the patent. you may not think the energy is recycled but i really don't care if you understand it or not because after all this time trying to explain it to you and you still don't get it you probably will never get it but i will one more time since your post was and is so valuable.
as the reducing primary is shoved out the secondary core power is produced so why not take advantage of this power produced and use it. now if someone decided to use this power from the receding electromagnet in a beneficial way, what then would be the best alternative to using that power .??? by reusing the power would be the best thing and not waist it so you have to ask your self what would be the best option to reinject power into the system. since part G has opposing field in it's core already and is fed a small portion of the output combining them together would give a slight boost to the increasing electromagnet so how and where would you do this.???? at the brush would be the most logical place to inject the power as the opposing fields act as a diode and allows part G to absorb the power and store it in the form of a magnetic field for later use. this very action is taking place every half turn of the brush so part G is fed power every half turn from both sources, the receding primaries and the secondary and will only take or absorb what power it needs.
I hope this helps to clear the fog a little if it don't then oh well, i tried.
PS. that post was the most intelligent thing you have posted in years, so yes, thanks for contributing.
I am sorry for posting like that, i am sure you are a valuable asset and will contribute highly to this device once understood correctly so i will refrain from posting negatively. thank you for your input.
but i will ad that i am not the one that is confused about the recycling, you are. the power is reinserted at the brush not shuffled back and forth between the primaries and part G so your understanding of the system is still short but getting better.
Your completely useless with your stupid antics, grow up. we are suppose to be trying to help humanity not join a circus.

Actually reviewing you post and staying up all night reviewing note and this and that i think your post about impedance has merit. if the entire system with all the cores wired up (whole system) even wired with low impedance/resistance like i think they should be as does Doug, the system should be matched as a whole. all wired with thick wire for low losses can still be impedance matched and still allow part G to do it's job.
part G controls the currant as i am sure every one knows by now but you have to realize Figuera chose his wording very, very carefully as to expose just enough to get the patent. you may not think the energy is recycled but i really don't care if you understand it or not because after all this time trying to explain it to you and you still don't get it you probably will never get it but i will one more time since your post was and is so valuable.

as the reducing primary is shoved out the secondary core power is produced so why not take advantage of this power produced and use it. now if someone decided to use this power from the receding electromagnet in a beneficial way, what then would be the best alternative to using that power .??? by reusing the power would be the best thing and not waist it so you have to ask your self what would be the best option to reinject power into the system. since part G has opposing field in it's core already and is fed a small portion of the output combining them together would give a slight boost to the increasing electromagnet so how and where would you do this.???? at the brush would be the most logical place to inject the power as the opposing fields act as a diode and allows part G to absorb the power and store it in the form of a magnetic field for later use. this very action is taking place every half turn of the brush so part G is fed power every half turn from both sources, the receding primaries and the secondary and will only take or absorb what power it needs.

I hope this helps to clear the fog a little if it don't then oh well, i tried.
PS. that post was the most intelligent thing you have posted in years, so yes, thanks for contributing.

I am sorry for posting like that, i am sure you are a valuable asset and will contribute highly to this device once understood correctly so i will refrain from posting negatively. thank you for your input.

Your completely useless with your stupid antics, grow up. we are suppose to be trying to help humanity not join a circus.
