Originally posted by Elcheapo
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Cheer up friend, life is beautiful...

What I was trying to say is to BALANCE Volts versus Amperage, exactly as you have said on the above bold out part.
You are wrong as not having a strong field anymore if you cut amperage and increase voltage, let me example that:
In a 4400 Watts small Home Generator, the required Exciting Field must be around the 400 Watts...
HOWEVER, the way Wattage is disbursed is: 175V and 2-2.5 Amps.
And above fact is understandable because this exciting DC field runs ON AT ALL TIME during Operation, so Coil is built with fine wire (like 26-28 awg) and a whole of Amp-Turns, where resistance is around 65 ohms.
On Figuera concept, since we are switching the field to Hi-Lo, then we can afford a lower Voltage from the 175V and a bit higher amperage...just balancing out in order not to have too much impedance so it does not affect fast pulsing.
For example, I have consistently used 386 feet of 16 awg wrapped into many different coil geometries as the exciter part and that allows me to pulse-supply up to 50V and like from 1 to 4 amps max. And this is for testing purposes only, so, do not mean it would be the final device.
Originally posted by Elcheapo
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Voltage and Amperage must be BALANCED OUT for every different application...
In our Figuera case, we need a very well balanced Power (Watts) and that directly relates to the type of coil configuration(understand basically wire gauge plus number of Amp-Turns) we are using.
Let me example that...
You have one gallon of water (One Amp) to run at a 386 feet pipe line and in order to get from one end to the other...you apply One PSI of pressure...what happens?...nothing...water will move but will never reach the end...much less if we wrap that line into a coil serpentine shape.
I applied your "ratio" of 1:1 based on 12 Amps and 12 Volts...But based on 1 unit.
Originally posted by Elcheapo
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Originally posted by Elcheapo
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And that "change" is not the only dependent aspect to generate EMF Induction...but also based on the "Rate of that Change" (interpret it as repetitions of that change)
Originally posted by Elcheapo
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Try putting an amp and a volt meters on each one of the Exciter Coils, then it should read the ALTERNATING changes (In Voltage and Amperage) taking place there when you start switching...or the two Scope Probes while running. If there are no changes...then that is why you are not getting any induction.
Originally posted by Elcheapo
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You have a very small generating coil CORE of 0.75 In (3/4")...and if you build a too high DOUBLE VOLUME FIELDS with your LONGER Exciter Cores...this fluctuation will never be "seen" by the small length core...So I will try either a longer core and spread wire along...or simply and much easier...lower your power down until the Field becomes smaller in volume and it can travel from one extreme to the other of your 3/4 inch core.
Remember, you do not want the retractions and expansions of the two fields to get into their own exciter coils-cores...otherwise you will be sending this self induction back to your source.
Originally posted by Elcheapo
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I know what the answer you would like is..."The Aether"...but that's too "general speaking"...
Extra Energy is coming from many places...we just have to make the right set up to process it.
The day that we all get to see that a Magnetic Field contains A SINGLE Flow Spin, which will NOT progress unless we MOVE it through SPACE/TIME coordinates...and that such Spin moved through S/T will IMPINGE an Electron Flow on any Conductor of wire, specially shaped ACCORDING to that Field VOLUMETRICAL DISPLACEMENT...then we will have Extra Energy in so many forms and shapes...that the whole picture will change rapidly.
First we must set this FIELD SPATIAL VOLUMETRICAL DISPLACEMENT CORRECTLY (like I told you above...to travel through your generating CORE properly)...And then....then it is just a matter to "REPEAT THE PROCESS" through TIME...Or as Faraday Law: INCREASING that RATE of CHANGE.
Resuming...it is GREAT to have a STEADY Output from Source...and just by swinging-playing with the fluctuations between two facing coils-cores...we get extra energy above what we are putting in, by increasing that rate of change.
Hope I have answered all your questions satisfactorily...as also I wanna read that you are having power out of your generating coils
