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Re-Inventing The Wheel-Part1-Clemente_Figuera

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  • Analogies with Hubbard and Hendershot

    Hi all,
    I have found that the method to make the induction is very similar to the one used by Hubbard. See the sketch in page 5-149 of this link:

    There is a book by Joseph Cater ("The Awesome Life Force") where there is plenty of detailed information about this device and the way to produce the induction. I think it is very useful to read it. It seem that used a DC signal (always positive) and with a sinusiodal shape (not square shape)

    The Awesome Life Force by Joseph Cater OCred
    Free Energy Hubbard Coil


    • Hubbard used a very similar method to induce the coils as Clemente Figuera. An interesting detail:

      Hubbard: " The coil [...], he says, is lifeless until given an initial impulse. This is done by connecting the ends of its windings for a fraction of a second to an ordinary house lighting circuit, he says.

      The manner of this momentary charging, however, constitutes the principal secret of the device, according to the inventor, who says that while machinists have built a number of coils for him under his direction, they have been unable to "start" them. In the event the power of the coil should diminish, it can be rejuvenated in less than a second, Hubbard says. "

      (Source: Alfred M. Hubbard: Coil Generator )
      Last edited by hanon1492; 01-10-2013, 10:22 PM.


      • Another option for the pulser

        Besides using a dimmer circuit as a pulsing device you can also try with a variable-frequency drive (VFD) to implement the modulation of the excitatory current. If you have one in your lab I encourage you to test it to produce high frequency pulses. Share the results!! I am working with the dimming circuit.

        What is a Variable Frequency Drive (VFD)? How Does a VFD Work? (Part 2)

        Power inverter: Power inverter - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
        Last edited by hanon1492; 01-10-2013, 11:08 PM.


        • Simulation of the commutator

          I attach an Excel file with the simulaiton of the 1908 patent commutator for the case of using one1brush or using two brushes. In this second case you can get many different signal patterns to each row of coils depending on the number of contacts in the gap between both brushes.

          PS. Soon I will post my result with the dimmer. I want to test first some cases without reaching zero voltage.

          Commutator Simulation. Excel File

          Another external link to download the Excel file

          Last edited by hanon1492; 08-29-2013, 09:29 PM. Reason: Added external link


          • Strange behaviour with irregular pulses


            I have found an strange behaviour when using irregular pulse rates: with regular pulses the results have efficiencies much lower than 100% , but if I use irregular pulses I get some spikes which are well over 100%. I don´t know if this is important of is just a normal behaviour, but I want to share it to have your comments. The spikes seem to be quite high, but I have just a normal multimeter and I can not measure them at its maximum value. Please see this video:

            Clemente Figuera generator with irregular pulses

            About my tests with the dimmer: I have burnt the main capacitor because I connected to the DC source in the wrong way. As far as I have tested I haven´t got any great result. I wanted to test with a base current to avoid reaching zero voltage but I couldn´t do it so far. As the maximun frequency to get saturation into the soft iron cores is around 500 Hz I think there is no sense in using frequecies as high as KHz. I should look for a pulser to cover the range between tens of Hz (obtained with a relay) and 500 Hz.

            Edit: I have done further tests: If I use a resistor in parallel to the relay (in order to get a small base current and avoid reaching zero voltage in the switching off periods) the spikes disappear. The spikes seems to be related with the tests where voltage reached zero voltage and current.
            Last edited by hanon1492; 01-16-2013, 07:42 AM.


            • Frequency generator

              This is an appendix to post 270: I have realized that a PWM (Pulse Width Modulation) circuit is not the most proper choice for testing different frequencies. PWM is designed to test with different duty cycles in the pulsed signal but not to change the frequency.

              For adjusting the frequency a better circuit will be the next one. One potenciometer is used for adjusting the pulse width, and other potenciometer is used for adjusting the frequency. The capacitor should be choosen for the right range of frequencies. In my opinion the good range for frequencies will be between about 1 Hz and 500 Hz (As I have read that the iron core doesn´t respond to frequencies higher than this value).

              Homemade Signal Generator

              Power Pulse Controller

              Pulse Generator with 555
              Last edited by hanon1492; 01-29-2013, 10:39 PM.


              • Coil orientation in 1902 patent

                Mr. Figuera stated that the sepation between the exciter electromagnets is very small, and in that small space is "properly" placed the induced coil. In the attached file there is a sketch of a suitable coil orientation which could have been used in the 1902 patent. Each turn go around the four internal electromagnet in the small space between the electromagnets poles.

                I don´t know if you remember the Joseph Newman machine: A rotating magnet inside a coil. ( Rotating magnet = Switching electromagnet ) ...
                Attached Files


                • Clemente used this current distrubutor in his 1908 patent. In the spanish text he refers to 'vueltas' (turns). This name is exclusive used in coils!!. Why did Mr. Figuera represented a supposed resistor with turns instead of a saw-like line as used always in resistors? ....uhmmm??

                  I think that Clemente was trying to represent an autotrasformer ( a variable transformer, or Variac) . This is another way to distribute the current to each group of coils with the advantage that it has no losses as the resistors (search: loss free resistor). In this case you have different voltages and current in each row of coils.

                  The spanish word used to name it was 'resistencia' which can be traslated as resistance or as resistor. Choose the one that you prefer ...

                  Autotransformer - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


                  • Originally posted by hanon1492 View Post
                    Clemente used this current distrubutor in his 1908 patent. In the spanish text he refers to 'vueltas' (turns). This name is exclusive used in coils!!. Why did Mr. Figuera represented a supposed resistor with turns instead of a saw-like line as used always in resistors? ....uhmmm??

                    I think that Clemente was trying to represent an autotrasformer ( a variable transformer, or Variac) . This is another way to distribute the current to each group of coils with the advantage that it has no losses as the resistors (search: loss free resistor). In this case you have different voltages and current in each row of coils.

                    The spanish word used to name it was 'resistencia' which can be traslated as resistance or as resistor. Choose the one that you prefer ...

                    Autotransformer - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
                    That was information. Thanks
                    William Reed


                    • 1908 Patent :

                      "“R” [is] a resistance which is drawn in an elementary way to facilitate the comprehension of the entire system"

                      "the resistance makes the function of a distributor of current because those current not going to excite some electromagnets excites others"

                      "Here what it is constantly changing is the intensity of the exciting current which drives the electromagnets and this is accomplished using a resistance through which circulates a proper current"

                      "As seen in the drawing the current, once that has made its function, returns to the generator from where was taken"

                      Autotransformer just work with AC. Maybe the initial exciting current was an AC with the "proper" parameters
                      Last edited by hanon1492; 01-23-2013, 10:33 PM.


                      • @ hanon1492

                        Here is what I am building to power the inside and outside magnets alternately. The blue coil will power the outside magnets and the red coil will power the inside magnets.
                        This is an AC generator with a three brush slip ring commutator that I am building myself.

                        gen 1.jpg
                        Last edited by rosehillworks; 01-24-2013, 02:38 PM.
                        William Reed


                        • Originally posted by hanon1492 View Post

                          There is a book by Joseph Cater ("The Awesome Life Force") where there is plenty of detailed information about this device and the way to produce the induction. I think it is very useful to read it.
                          The Awesome Life Force by Joseph Cater OCred
                          "A small current passed through such a coil with a moderate number of turns per unit length will magnetize this core to a surprising degree. This principle is utilized to great advantage in electromagnets. What apparently hasn't been realized is that during the brief interval in which the current builds up after it is turned on, an induced EMF is produced in the coil by the changing magnetic flux, which is in the same direction as the current. This induced EMF is the result of the magnetic field produced by the magnetization of the iron core. ... Figure 21 shows a graph of the magnetization of an iron core plotted against ampere turns per unit length. ... There is a section on the curve where a slight increase in ampere turns will produce a tremendous increase in the magnetization of the iron core ... This is something conventional science has found convenient to ignore."

                          I think it is essential to read this book (pages 266 and next ones) to find key features for replicating the device. It looks like that you have to design the electromagnets with few turns to avoid reaching saturation (In 1902 patent Mr. Figuera just used 88 turns aprox.). Also it is discussed the convenience of high wire diameter and thick insulation (also sketched in the 1902 patent drawing). Also it is suggested to use a DC signal with sinusoidal shape better than a square wave.


                          • local copy

                            Hi hanon,

                            Please do you have a local copy of the file. The site is requesting to become a premium member before download.



                            • Originally posted by rosehillworks View Post
                              @ hanon1492

                              Here is what I am building to power the inside and outside magnets alternately. The blue coil will power the outside magnets and the red coil will power the inside magnets.
                              This is an AC generator with a three brush slip ring commutator that I am building myself.

                              Hi, I was wondering why you are trying to power the electromagnets alternately. Could you elaborate this a bit deeper? In any case it is always good to test many different configurations. Also, with your modified generator/motor with added brushes, you can do more tests using 2 signals with phase shift of 180º , and then 90º to try all the variations discussed previously in this thread. Good Luck!!


                              • Originally posted by hanon1492 View Post
                                Hi, I was wondering why you are trying to power the electromagnets alternately. Could you elaborate this a bit deeper? In any case it is always good to test many different configurations. Also, with your modified generator/motor with added brushes, you can do more tests using 2 signals with phase shift of 180º , and then 90º to try all the variations discussed previously in this thread. Good Luck!!
                                I am alternately powering the electromagnets because when the electromagnets are setup to be opposing to each other as one electromagnet
                                starts to power down the lines of force shift toward it causing them to be pushed through the coil. When it is set up this way the electromagnets only have to vary in strength in relation to to each other to cause induction in the secondary coil. In the diagrams I have provided earlier in this thread I have
                                shown how anyone can prove all this out. Also when you do it this way the
                                wires in the top of the induced coil have an opposite sign as the wires in
                                the bottom of the coil. This is why it is necessary to split the coil in the middle, and hook the wires like I did. When the induced coil is used in this
                                way it's flux can not effect the flux of the primary electromagnets.
                                William Reed

