Originally posted by onewsun
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It should be very interesting to run a "Liquid Mercury Core" on this set up...lowering temperatures below 4 Kelvin to achieve the right magnetization levels.
It really don't matter for a CONSTANT REVERSING Field Switching set, to have a Diamagnetic Material that works Opposite to Exciters Field Direction, it will still have to reverse, and actually I believe it would be even better because the output Coils would be responding to core changes which are opposite to direct excitement, therefore, loads responses would not be directly reacting to the excitation sequences, but to the core changes.
Above means that our Input would be even more ISOLATED from the Reaction caused by loads at Output.
Besides a Liquid Core could also be made of ferromagnetic powder diluted in a fast responsive liquid (not too viscous, not too thick) just like water mixed with some silicon or other light lubricant...This reactive movements -Due to Reversal Shifting- would give us a GEOMETRY OF DISPLACEMENT while being switched to Field reversals...this could help on achieving the right shape on a solid core geometry.
I did this ferromagnetic powder (also added some aluminum dust) with water+oil on a glass tube (replacing the solid iron core) to test my Repulsion Generator Demonstration...in order to establish differences between Attraction versus Repulsion Fields...and the PATTERNS for both Fields were completely different, which helped me to explain my positive results.
There is so much to be tested here...until finding the perfect choice....that denying ANY Possibility is DEFINITIVELY, the WRONG APPROACH!!
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