Originally posted by erfinder
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Re-Inventing The Wheel-Part1-Clemente_Figuera
Here is the document I refer regarding usage of HF principles in lower frequency range.
And please note that if one electromagnet gets full DC voltage we get different add ons in AC realm. It builds up a tank circuit along inherent capacitor of the battery at same time. It will have a genuine resonance frequency and will short circuit higher freqencies.
At same time the other coil might have - in terms of HF - an ideal impedance termination. And here we might approach to Utkin's notions.
TRASH or TRUTH? Who knows?
All those references are puzzle parts we need to sort and valuate in order to get a picture.
We all struggle for a technology we do not understand well. In order to illustrate that I want to tell you how electricity begun well back in 15th scentury.
At that time electicity was not known as such and lighting bolts were nothing but unkonw natural emanations.
The only intentional application of electricity was a party gag. Ladies wore skirts out of silk and some of them liked to have colars made out of amber (Greek = elektron).
The gag was that they rubbed the collars on silk and then some waiters brouhgt frogs on a tray. Touching the frogs with charged amber caused those poor frogs to jump over extraordinary distance trying to eskape. High tech amusement of that time!
At that time they did not know what electricity was and they had no idea what rules needed to be applied and of course no formulas in sight.
Long time later guys like Volta, Ampere, Ohm, Herz experimented with those effects and found rules and formulas in order to use this part of nature. They experimented and followed all sorts of ideas and sometimes they found strange and later on better undertood effects.
Even blind experiments will produce more success and knowledge compared to walking with much knowledge in pure wrong direction.
Back to our current state: We are like those ladies being able to replicate some effects - but worse - we often can't replicate them - not knowing what the real cause for energy effects are. Please note: Every constant in a formula is an admission of the originator that there is something unknown working there. And nobody knows its effects under novel and different conditions. Giant impacts possible!
I believe that few former inventors hid their key knowledge but they simply did not kow real causes. They experimented with the materials they had available and could reproduce effects while others did not succeed.
We never would have incandescent bulbs available if former invertors would have been able to produce pure tungsten. In pure state it is far less heat resistant than what is readily available being pulluted by arsenic. The melting point out of textbooks refers to pulluted tungsten.
Another example: Copper oxide is a semicondutor. There is a patent out there stating that electrons being forced in a magnetic coil to change from metal layer to semiconductor (i.e. copper oxide) layer will travel with superluminal speed while acceleration originates from an unknown energy source. Returning back to metal layers those electrons get rid of their surplus energy and feed it into the system. Now imagine we do not know that and replicate this experiment with all new shining copper wiresAnd - of course - we state that this patent is a fraud.
A poor boy in Asia gets some old copper wires from scrap and can replicate those effects ........ but can not make use of them, no proof. AND - we say again - it is a fraud.
This said I want to invite all of you to swarm out picking plenty of puzzle parts and pieces of knowledge in order to put together a SUCCESS.
There is no effect of magentism, electricity, chemistry, mechanics only - added some unknown components of nature of course. They all interact and we have to play with them.
And I am convinced we need to add some parts to Figueras' invention he did not know.
John StoneLast edited by JohnStone; 10-16-2013, 09:17 PM.Experts spend hours a day in order to question their doing while others stopped thinking feeling they were professionals.
Originally posted by JohnStone View PostReturning back to metal layers those electrons get rid of their surplus energy and feed it into the system. Now imagine we do not know that and replicate this experiment with all new shining copper wiresAnd - of course - we state that this patent is a fraud.
There is no effect of magentism, electricity, chemistry, mechanics only - added some unknown components of nature of course. They all interact and we have to play with them.
And I am convinced we need to add some parts to Figueras' invention he did not know.
John Stone
The energy flowing within the earth generates a field in the atmosphere. It was tapped by large buried laminated metallic structures which Rota called blocks. The energy could light lamps, power machines, inhibit electromagnetic propagation such as radio waves and stop or control electromagnetic induction
also for your consideration :
Natural electric currents called telluric currents were well known to 19th century scientists. These electric currents are due to induction from disturbances of the earth’s magnetic field caused by solar flares and storms. Magnetic storms induced quite heavy electric currents in the earth’s surface which, while they lasted, blocked telegraph transmission. The sensitivity of the apparatus of the time to disturbance was due to the use of an earth return in the telegraph circuit. The earth return consisted of large buried metal plates one at each end of the circuit. The telegraph circuits stretched sometimes 100 Km in length and consequently magnetic fluctuations due to solar magnetic storms would induce currents in the overhead wires causing spurious telephone/telegraph signals. Magnetic devices such as electrical transformers relays etc. would saturate. On some occasions the electric currents would reach formidable levels. It is likely that the disturbing currents which existed in telephone wires and the rather strange behaviour of these disturbances interested Rota and lead to his research. This is not unknown today 1.
.... Solar Storms Cause Dropped Cell Phone Calls And Amazing Light Shows .... The strange case of solar flares and radioactive elements
so maybe Clemente connected his machine to Earth ... syphoning the excess energy .... also you should know that the Canary Islands are Active volcanic region ... high telluric energiesLast edited by MonsieurM; 10-16-2013, 11:30 PM.“Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.
Originally posted by MonsieurM View Postso maybe Clemente connected his machine to Earth ... syphoning the excess energy .... also you should know that the Canary Islands are Active volcanic region ... high telluric energies
In the text it seems to refer to the negative pole of the battery, but Figuera also drew the negative pole in the patent drawing …
Originally posted by stupify12The key is already been given to us long time ago. Teslacalled this Rotating Magnetic Induction Machine=Rotating Transformer/Converter=Electro Dynamic Induction Machine.Tesla had use cleverly the Law of Induction Machine on his Motors/Converters/Transformer.
Tesla called this device on a simple term- Egg of Columbus.
All your confusion will be clear ones you will understand the concept behind this device.I think its time to revive this thread again, I already posted this before but nobody seems to take interest.
I know exactly the TPU, Barbosa and Leal Device, Tariel Kapanadze Lenzless Converter,Stanley Meyer VIC,Don Smith Toroid Devices,Clemente Figuera, works exactly the same with this principles.
The Electro Dynamic Induction Machine is wound with 4 coils groups with as 2 sets. Basically we have two Primaries that each primary is wound diametrically opposite with two Coils= 180deg apart on annular ring.
The power supply could be AC and DC.
On DC Supply we need a reversing polarity controller on each coil. We will use the 4 Terminal of the two set of coils on DC Supply. We will need a 4 sequence flip flop switching on this to simulate and replicate the action of an Alternating Current.
On AC Supply we need a TWO phase Alternating Current Generator.We will use only 3 Terminal of the two set of coils, they share common Ground on the 3rd Terminal/Post.
Operation. Lets say: COIL A and COIL B.Lets device this on a 4 quarter cycle.
1. 1st quarter cycle. COIL A(the LEFT-[Positive] AND RIGHT-[Negative] wound coil) is now on maximum magnetic strength, energizing the annular ring fixing the magnetic force of lines 90 Degrees. Now the Magnetic Compass(Pointer) inside the annular ring will point 12 O'clock.
2. 2nd quarter cycle. COL B(The TOP-[Positive] and Bottom-[Negative] wound coil) is now powered by the 2nd phase/lines of supply=flip flop.Is now on maximum magnetic strength while the COIL A is minimum magnetic field.Energizing the annular ring fixing the magnetic force of lines 90degrees. Now the Magnetic Compass(Pointer) inside the annular ring will move to point 3 O'Clock.
3. 3rd quarter cycle. COIL A(LEFT-[Negative] and RIGHT-[Positive] is again maximum magnetic strength but in reverse polarity.Energizing the annular ring fixing the magnetic force of lines 90 degrees. Now the Magnetic Compass(Pointer) inside the annular ring will point 6 O'clock. COIL B on this quarter is minimum strength which means OFF.
4. 4th quarter cycle. COIL B(TOP-[Negative] and BOTTOM-[Positive] is again on its maximum magnetic strength but in reverse polarity. Energizing the annular ring fixing the magnetic force of lines 90Degress. Now the Magnetic Compass(Pointer) inside the annular ring will point 9 O'clock. And lastly repeat the 1st quarter cycle to fully turn or move the magnetic rotation of the Magnetic Compass(Pointer).
I already wanted to reach this to you before. But no one is interested until a man name machinealive had interest on the Rotating Magnetic Field/Rotating Transformer.He is the one you should thankfor he encourage me to post this on this thread. I already give you everything which some has keep as secret. But there is no such thing as new on their invention, the new to this people is using their common sense. There is another form of operation this device that I am still looking for I have not perfectly deduce the magnetic field interactions/magnetic field of lines. Post you opinion and suggestion with pictures is much better.
This device when properly understood is somewhat you guys call the LENZLESS Generator. Don't limit yourself with using only 1 coil windings. Imagination is your limit.I think I have now clear all your confusion. Please dont disregard on what I wanted to tell you people, if not then I will delete this post.
I wonder if this 1/4 cycle rotation may be done with a 16 poles commutator salvaged from a DC motor. (with two sets of brushes at 90 degrees).
What do you think ?
Originally posted by Michael John Nunnerley View PostHas anyone thought of this being parametrics? the coils have capacitance as well? is this a parametric LCR setup?
Have to run but I will post a link later when I have found it
MikeI'm thinking x6 pretty LF too a'la MJN
Last edited by Duncan; 10-17-2013, 02:44 PM.Whatever you can do,or dream you can,begin it.Boldness has genius,power and magic in it.Begin it now.
Originally posted by erfinder View PostI have...
Its been my experience that we don't connect coils in our circuits correctly. Coils in generators should be configured so that the wave forms that they generate when current is flowing is SQUARE! That's right gentlemen, and ladies, if there are any present. An AC generator which produces Square waves.
Sine to Square - YouTube
Square wave generation forces us to rethink our present understanding about LCR resonance......we are no longer dealing with a single resonant frequency. We are creeping up on infinite resonant harmonics...
Have not read the whole thread. But this post is by far both unappreciated and the most awesome demonstration I have seen on this site bar none. Mechanically induced parametric transformation / harmonic bifurcation (trifurcation really, lol) to create a superposition of frequency resulting in a square wave. This is awesome. Nobody seems to realize. This is awesome. Pay attention. You have never heard me say this.
Square wave - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Origin and uses[edit]
Square waves are universally encountered in digital switching circuits and are naturally generated by binary (two-level) logic devices. They are used as timing references or "clock signals", because their fast transitions are suitable for triggering synchronous logic circuits at precisely determined intervals. However, as the frequency-domain graph shows, square waves contain a wide range of harmonics; these can generate electromagnetic radiation or pulses of current that interfere with other nearby circuits, causing noise or errors. To avoid this problem in very sensitive circuits such as precision analog-to-digital converters, sine waves are used instead of square waves as timing references.
In musical terms, they are often described as sounding hollow, and are therefore used as the basis for wind instrument sounds created using subtractive synthesis. Additionally, the distortion effect used on electric guitars clips the outermost regions of the waveform, causing it to increasingly resemble a square wave as more distortion is applied.
Simple two-level Rademacher functions are square waves.“Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.
Originally posted by Armagdn03 View PostHave not read the whole thread. But this post is by far both unappreciated and the most awesome demonstration I have seen on this site bar none. Mechanically induced parametric transformation / harmonic bifurcation (trifurcation really, lol) to create a superposition of frequency resulting in a square wave. This is awesome. Nobody seems to realize. This is awesome. Pay attention. You have never heard me say this.
You appreciate it, you know what it means, why its significant. That's all I need, a knowledgeable friend who comprehends the importance of my demonstration. I have waited a long time for just one person to see this on the forum, and I am so glad it was you!
We talked off line about this and you let me know how your research is related, I think its time for us (you too Allcanadian if you're reading this, would also like to invite LutherG to our pow wow) to team up again and solve this thing once and for all. I truly believe we can do it, together! If this is something that you gentleman are interested give me a ring, each of you has my contact information.
Originally posted by erfinder View PostArmagdn03,
You appreciate it, you know what it means, why its significant. That's all I need, a knowledgeable friend who comprehends the importance of my demonstration. I have waited a long time for just one person to see this on the forum, and I am so glad it was you!
We talked off line about this and you let me know how your research is related, I think its time for us (you too Allcanadian if you're reading this, would also like to invite LutherG to our pow wow) to team up again and solve this thing once and for all. I truly believe we can do it, together! If this is something that you gentleman are interested give me a ring, each of you has my contact information.
a compendium of all the games very Interesting Erfinder and Gordon .. there are some loose ends here and there in my mind and some bits only partially remembered I also don't fully understand the construct of erfinders machine still … going with the flow as best I may.. and then stand to be corrected
The transition from square wave to sine wave is obviously very important rather more important is the “natural” composition of both .. In simple terms what is the composition of that area under the curve which you cannot see ! It is certainly directly proportional to power. In fact radio stations are restricted by this power relationship and term it “peak envelope power” from here on I need to rely on some some simple maths and an even simpler demonstration along with a gut feeling of what is occurring .
First any who have built a signal injector will know that a clean sine wave is the number one priority the reason being encompassed within the sine is the construct of every other wave.
As Pi is an irregular number there can never be a “perfect sine wave” Indeed from a maths point of view the co-sine can be demonstrated to be infinite residue of the sine wave. And of course visa versa
like wise a square can never be “perfect” after all how can a voltage change from one state to another in zero time?
This statement is also well known and I assume accepted by everyone ?
Energy cannot be created or destroyed; it can only be changed from one form to another.
(Not that I'm very keen on much Albert has to say) however in this case it says to me .. energy is all around us … all be it in a chaotic state , this being the case in the normal run of things the sum total available is … Zero .. To put this blandly... organise that chaos and you have limitless free energy. At the moment all the science and mathematics is taught with in “known parameters” and with huge lumps missing … The lunatic Boffins of today accept that one mass effects another through space and yet insist the space is empty how dim is that?
We pay these nit wits huge amounts of public money to spew out this drivel, The truth is none of them has ever seen an atom never mind an electron and have no idea what they may look like..
I have seen huge amounts of so called “free energy” from these systems and so what ever else I may say about these well paid corpulent scientists who think deeply .. They are wrong !
Simple logic should tell you that maths would not provide an answer to the access of free energy .. if it were that easy it would have been resolved long ago with sharp pencils.
Indeed its obvious that where the mathematics cant go is where the answer to the enigma is.
Quite right to! The answer is “resonance” of course! this you tube video can perhaps convey the effect of resonance on a chaotic situation in one dimension
Amazing Resonance Experiment! - YouTube
This then is why erfinder Gordon and Armagdn03 are snapping at the bait ! I don't really like the tendency to “go off forum”or open another thread history shows that these things developed in secret never make it into the public domain quite apart from that a thread is surly a combined effort ? I also believe the harvesting method is neither here nor there .. Its common to all the machines … excuse me anyway enough rant!
I must stress this next video is not what is anticipated in this machine as the machine is focused on “series resonance” as opposed to the tank circuit you see here. The fact is you can “see” voltage on an oscilloscope you cannot “see” current. As I have just pointed out to John this is NOT a tank circuit resonant effect … which is the transverse wave , … It is the series resonant situation and the linear wave (you know the one that doesn't exist) here then is “an indication “ of the effect going from chaos to order … or square wave to sine wave, or visa versa. I was going to video this specifically for you erfinder but I have just searched you tube and this guy has done a pretty good video of what I wished to show. Please NB that at resonance regardless of what wave pattern is fed into the tank circuit at resonance the result is ….. A SINE WAVE
Coil Resonance Tutorial 1 - YouTube
It should also be kept in mind that parallel resonance is the state of a normal Radio antenna either for transmission or reception .. However that is the transverse wave we know all about that .. there is no free energy in that quadrant!
There is however free energy at 180 deg to the transverse wave …. This is the linear wave .. and mostly a ground tulleric entity .. at SERIES resonance with the antenna being a LEAD ACID BATTERY
reactive current becomes available . As explained many times by John Bedini a lead acid battery that has been charged “conditioned” by reactive current will convert this current to useable power.
OK so this “Series resonance” and its 90deg resonant component the “linear wave” is explained by Chris Carson (RIP) here Note the content is predominantly electrostatic
Part 5 of 6: Eric Dollard & Chris Carson Tesla Longitudinal Wave Energy SBARC Ham Radio - YouTube
of course at resonance not only is the wave shape organised so is the power content under the wave form .. order from chaos. Which in turn means usable power..
so just to do a simple 1, 2,3,4
use an electro magnetic circuit to capture ambient energy this can be antenna and ground or a coil
divide that random energy into equal packets you can of course only do this in one dimension time (or if you prefer angular velocity)
Tune the equal and organised “packets” of random energy into a series resonant antenna (lead acid battery) .. discover the resonant point of the packets. This organises the waveform and of course anything under the waveform into a usable entity just as you have just seen done with any wave converted to a sine wave. In this case the result will be reactive current.
If you just want to light a few bulbs .. predominately reactive current is just fine.. a'la TK or Don smith however if you use a lead acid battery as the antenna and providing its been conditioned it will supply real power ! ..( if'n you can hold resonance that is)
Thats wot I finks appens any hows:Last edited by Duncan; 10-19-2013, 02:51 PM.Whatever you can do,or dream you can,begin it.Boldness has genius,power and magic in it.Begin it now.
the interesting thing about Square waves ....
Square Wave Research - Grover Wonderlin's research on using Rife frequency technology successfully.
Waveform. There are some very simple reasons why the only waveform a true Rife machine generates is a square wave
Square wave - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
square waves contain a wide range of harmonics; these can generate electromagnetic radiation or pulses of current that interfere with other nearby circuits,
Ferroresonant Transformers | Manufacturer
Ferroresonant Transformers
Ferroresonant transformers are a special type of laminated transformer which provides a regulated output.For dc (rectified output) applications, ferros supply a quasi-square wave output which can reduce or even eliminate the need for filtering.
rota / introduction to the work of Louis Rota
The energy flowing within the earth generates a field in the atmosphere. It was tapped by large buried laminated metallic structures which Rota called blocks. The energy could light lamps, power machines, inhibit electromagnetic propagation such as radio waves and stop or control electromagnetic induction
musically / mystically talking ..... the square waveform is the mother of all flutes .... S.O.U.L. - Burning Spear - YouTube
The Physics of Dreamtime: An analysis of the acoustical properties of a didgeridoo ....
. The nearly pure sine wave present at low pressure would correspond to the Fourier analysis of any "dull" sound, with few harmonic components. Then, as the pressure is increased, the graph response becomes sharper, giving the "brighter" sound associated with a square wave or other harmonically rich, straight waveforms. This is one part of what causes the didge's timbral modulation. (Fletcher, 1)Last edited by MonsieurM; 10-19-2013, 09:58 PM.“Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.
square waves contain a wide range of harmonics; these can generate electromagnetic radiation or pulses of current that interfere with other nearby circuits,only harmonics Gordon, no overtones ?
no parasitic elements ?
of course thats the huge thing .... transformation at resonanceWhatever you can do,or dream you can,begin it.Boldness has genius,power and magic in it.Begin it now.