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Re-Inventing The Wheel-Part1-Clemente_Figuera

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  • bistander

    Originally posted by citfta View Post
    I knew you couldn't give a technical reason why inductance was important but resonance wasn't. ...
    Hi citfta,

    I'll paste in a copy of a forbidden thread post from Netica describing system behavior he sees with his test. I was curious if you thought it sounded like resonance might be at play.



    Originally posted by Netica View Post
    One thing I have found with my set up at least up to now is that there seems to be an optimum hertz to use, roughly being around 40 to 55hertz. My secondary power output peeks in this area.


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  • SlickDick
    Originally posted by marathonman View Post
    The only reason Solar is allowed is they are not a direct threat to petrol companies due to their inefficiency and your so called fuels of choice all involve petroleum products.
    There is a whole world outside the US. For most American conspiracy theorist this is a hard concept to grasp.

    In Europe, Germany generated electricity especially, is sold on the open market for a negative price at times, due to the surplus of wind and solar power. This will happen more and more in the future. In fact, if Germany did'nt shut down some of their nuclear power plants, electricity would be free already. Only pay for network and transport.

    But hey... Total control you say

    So yes. Lets drop the conspiracy. And while we're at it. Also drop the scientific lies. Science is not static. Current science is aware there are errors in some theories used. New errors are found on a daily basis. If some 100 year old textbook contains a flaw or error, maybe time to buy new book instead of keep on bickering about it.

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  • bistander

    Originally posted by marathonman View Post
    ... why do you people fell the need to attack or ridicule someone in their pursuit.
    I have attacked or ridiculed nobody. I don't understand why you say that. Show me. You can't because I don't name-call or belittle anyone. I simply ask reasonable questions concerning your statements and claims and show inaccuracies and falsehoods in those statements. Why is that unreasonable? This is a discussion board; let's discuss Figuera and related science instead of this crap.

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  • marathonman
    Your Delusional

    The only reason Solar is allowed is they are not a direct threat to petrol companies due to their inefficiency and your so called fuels of choice all involve petroleum products.

    And who the hell brought up N Korea, you are living in a fantasy land and redirect EVERY TIME.

    YOU are the delusional one stuck in your sorry status quo BS teachings. your so closed minded it is pathetic and refuse to believe any thing else.
    I don't have to prove any thing to people like you because you have your head so far up status quo's A$$ you can't or refuse to get past it.

    I call it stuck on stupid but you can call it what you want. i have tried like crazy to pass this info to you people but as always I am met with total BS. if you don't want the info that is fine but why do you people fell the need to attack or ridicule someone in their pursuit.

    Try going away or trying a different device as this would save people a lot of grief in the long run.

    people like you are not worth the time and effort it takes to believe one single item let a lone the whole device.



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  • bistander
    Conspiracy theories

    Can we at least agree that conspiracy theories are off-topic and not bring them up? Can we get back to the Figuera device and associated science?


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  • bistander

    Originally posted by marathonman View Post

    why do you think all the guarding Occult systems watchers were put into place. systems like IEEE, NFPA, NEC, NEMA, patent office, the list goes on and on and on. all of these are there to stop free energy builders from implementing their devices and control people down to what they eat and who they buy there electricity from.
    Yet it is relatively simple and reasonably affordable for individuals to go elsewhere to get their electricity with solar photovoltaic systems and wind turbines. Or they can go off-grid using generators with fuel of their choice. It looks like your "guarding Occult systems watchers" have failed, or maybe never existed.

    Conspiracy theories are the easy way out for you. It's always someone else's fault, isn't it? Or you could do what I ask and show me some evidence, or at least answer those questions I've asked you and defend your statements on the device and associated science.

    I've heard the conspiracy theories. Do you think North Korea is part of this conspiracy? Why would they be? Half or more of the country is in the dark. They are not stupid. They built nuclear weapons. They refuse to sign on to any treaties. With their dire need for energy, you expect me to believe they are part of the conspiracy to suppress free energy technologies like Figuera?



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  • marathonman
    Are you Joking or what.


    "Are you asking why haven't classical scientists pursued Figuera's method. An obvious answer comes to mind. Never has it been demonstrated or supported with analysis using scientific method. Up to now, and even now, it is all talk of which most contain glaring inaccuracies and falsehoods.

    Just speculating"

    Typical answer from a classical BS trained robot. I have found that ALL the people of this "Controlled Occult" react in the exact same manor with the same defensive moves of denial.
    If this information and device were to be mainstream, every single founder, supporter and follower of this Occult would probably commit suicide as we watched their Occult Castle come crumbling down to a pile of rubble because the whole world would see the truth that we were lied to for the last 150 years. the fact is J. P. Morgan and people like him started this Occult and it is enforced to this day.

    why do you think all the guarding Occult systems watchers were put into place. systems like IEEE, NFPA, NEC, NEMA, patent office, the list goes on and on and on. all of these are there to stop free energy builders from implementing their devices and control people down to what they eat and who they buy there electricity from.

    This Figuera device was buried for a reason, "TOTAL CONTROL" .

    Then comes along people like myself, UFOP, the Continuum and hundreds of thousands of others that are standing up to this horrific lie that has been portrayed on us. we are tired of the classical BS and know it is a total LIE.

    So by all means continue in your Classical BS dream, we won't stop you but please keep your control system to yourself as we choose to not to live in a dream world and are tired of getting screwed by the puppet masters.

    so please Mr. puppet men please keep your BS and your bad comments to your self and at least try to understand. you people are too much blocked by all this classic the point it really blocks your power of deep analysis which needs to go beyond with the Figuera device. try thinking out side the BOX once in a while.

    Last edited by marathonman; 01-29-2017, 03:48 PM.

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  • bistander
    Faraday's Law

    Originally posted by Ufopolitics View Post
    Great Bistander!

    Glad you see this as a fact.

    And so that "change" in the magnetic field contributing to the EMF generation is -at the same token- also dictated by two other factors mentioned in Faraday's 2nd, 3rd Laws...

    2-The rate of change of the Magnetic Field.

    3-The Magnitude of the Magnetic Field.

    Now the "rate" of that change (whichever be "the change") implies that the higher the speed rate or frequency, the greater the Induction...

    Also the third, is understood as a stronger field would influence a stronger induced EMF than a weaker field...

    Now let me ask you something Bistander...since it sounds "so normal and common" for you to accept...

    Why if these so general applicable facts on these Faraday's laws were "so well known" for almost two centuries...(Faraday 1831)...

    Why Research and Development of Our Classic Sciences, basically Magnetism...ever directed its Studies (or at least create research branches in those areas) in those directions, broadening such Horizons?

    Would we ever get an answer here?, when all is already done and proven to be more effective, more efficient than all the known methods to obtain a simple Induced EMF Voltage?


    Originally posted by Ufopolitics View Post
    3-The Magnitude of the Magnetic Field.


    Also the third, is understood as a stronger field would influence a stronger induced EMF than a weaker field...

    #3 is incorrect. Field strength without a change in the environment of the flux thru or cutting the coil or conducter induces no emf.

    Faraday's third law of electromagnetic induction The sense of the induced electromotive force depends on the direction of the rate of the change of the field.
    Source: ?????? ????? ??????? | Science Wiki | Fandom powered by Wikia

    Also, I don't understand your question to me. Are you asking why haven't classical scientists pursued Figuera's method. An obvious answer comes to mind. Never has it been demonstrated or supported with analysis using scientific method. Up to now, and even now, it is all talk of which most contain glaring inaccuracies and falsehoods.

    Just speculating

    Last edited by bistander; 01-29-2017, 01:29 AM. Reason: Added third law

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  • Cornboy 555
    Yep, Agree, there sure is a lot of Wasted energy here.

    Warm Regards Cornboy.

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  • marathonman
    How True

    there has never been any respect only complete opposition.
    Only the people on the Continuum and outsiders has thanked me for bringing this info to light no matter where it came from.

    Last edited by marathonman; 01-27-2017, 05:20 PM.

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  • Ufopolitics
    Originally posted by citfta View Post
    Hi Ufo,

    I don't recall either bistander or myself ever questioning whether you could get induction into the secondary coils by varying the magnetic field of the primary coils.
    Hello Citfta,

    And I don't recall myself ever saying any of you two questioning it...

    Originally posted by citfta View Post
    That is not the question. The real question is whether by doing it like the Figuera device does do you get any extra energy?
    Citfta, any reasonable mind, even not having all the knowledge that you two guys (Bistander and You) have, which is btw, very vast on these fields...would be able to easily conclude the simple fact:

    That if we could, just by moving or displacing a Non Physical Magnetic Field, which based on its known properties could go through about every single known mass on earth, including steel, copper, aluminum and the works...without absolutely any mechanical drag...since its massless, weightless entity...and so requiring very, extremely minimal effort to cause this "changes" no matter the operating speed/frequency(change rate) utilized...then Generate an Induced EMF...

    With just those three extremely Important Facts bold out above...we could have had Overunity a long, but I mean a very long time ago...

    Don't you two guys (Bistander and Citfta) agree with me above?

    Originally posted by citfta View Post
    ...And so far no one has been able to demonstrate that or give a good explanation as to how that could happen.
    At least I have shown on this Forum that I have been working very hard and providing all kind of graphic-visual evidence of my attempts to reach such goal, I have been freely sharing it all here in the very Open Source...

    However, in all my years here, I can not deny I have acquired lots of knowledge...but unfortunately I have also observed the huge Lack of Team Cooperation demonstrated on this Forum and on all their Threads...basically expected to be coming from the most experimented and expert members here.

    If we all would have gather together as a huge Team, not just criticizing each others and proving the other wrong...but showing the correct ways...the right info, etc...I believe Figuera would have been demonstrated a very long time ago.

    And am not saying this is coming from any of you two guys, there is also fire from the other I could include myself there as well...

    Unfortunately this "Hostile Environment" is shown in every single Thread here, no matter what it is about...and Reality is that this behavior hasn't taken any of Us absolutely anywhere but to waste tons of time and tons of wasted thread pages...but no OU yet.

    I believe if we keep in this direction we will never see it in our lifetime...and then we all have to die is a biological fact.

    Originally posted by citfta View Post
    The claim that the secondary coils are somehow magically disconnected from the primary coils has also not been demonstrated or explained. When these questions are asked we get insults and ridicule instead of answers. So with those kinds of responses I have no choice but to be very skeptical of the claims.

    Maybe it has been just lack of understanding related to the way it has been expressed by both ends...again, lack of Team Work.

    The way I see this relation between Primary simple and it is mentioned in the 1908 Figuera Patent.

    There is absolutely NO Electrical Connection NOR physical cores touching each others much less being part of the same core like in a Transformer takes place,

    The ONLY relation I can observe between Inducing and Induced Cores is the Virtual (Non Physical) Relation of Fluctuating Magnetic Fields coming from Primaries and penetrating the Secondaries Cores and so all related actions-reactions resulting from this interactions.

    Originally posted by citfta View Post
    PS: I sincerely hope the Figuera Device does work as claimed. But so far I haven't seen the evidence to make me a believer.
    I also hope so...but I believe we all should cooperate in a more comfortable environment...since all this work...we may not even see it gaining popularity any soon (even if we reach it right now)...but only Future Generations would enjoy the benefits from all our efforts.

    From my only looking for a warm "Thank You"...and maybe a compliment about "how beautiful all the work You All guys have put together for us to understand it"...


    Last edited by Ufopolitics; 01-27-2017, 07:52 PM.

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  • seaad
    Originally posted by bistander View Post
    You are the one making the claims. Proof falls in your court. There is absolutely nothing wrong or improper about others questioning those claims and statements. You are the one who needs to put up or shut up.
    Originally posted by citfta View Post
    The real question is whether by doing it like the Figuera device does do you get any extra energy? And so far no one has been able to demonstrate that or give a good explanation as to how that could happen.

    The claim that the secondary coils are somehow magically disconnected from the primary coils has also not been demonstrated or explained.

    PS: I sincerely hope the Figuera Device does work as claimed. But so far I haven't seen the evidence to make me a believer.
    Bistander, citfta;

    Gentlemen please concentrate from now on your efforts to solve and find the way to Figuera's Overtunity Principle.
    Come on with controversial suggestions here and let us dicuss that instead.
    Make this thread wild without bold letters!

    Regards Arne
    Last edited by seaad; 01-27-2017, 06:33 PM.

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  • Ufopolitics
    Change, Rate of Change, Magnitude...

    Originally posted by bistander View Post
    No argument here Ufo. This is how I've always understood Faraday's Law: Any change in the magnetic environment of a coil of wire will cause a voltage (emf) to be "induced" in the coil.


    Great Bistander!

    Glad you see this as a fact.

    And so that "change" in the magnetic field contributing to the EMF generation is -at the same token- also dictated by two other factors mentioned in Faraday's 2nd, 3rd Laws...

    2-The rate of change of the Magnetic Field.

    3-The Magnitude of the Magnetic Field.

    Now the "rate" of that change (whichever be "the change") implies that the higher the speed rate or frequency, the greater the Induction...

    Also the third, is understood as a stronger field would influence a stronger induced EMF than a weaker field...

    Now let me ask you something Bistander...since it sounds "so normal and common" for you to accept...

    Why if these so general applicable facts on these Faraday's laws were "so well known" for almost two centuries...(Faraday 1831)...

    Why Research and Development of Our Classic Sciences, basically Magnetism...ever directed its Studies (or at least create research branches in those areas) in those directions, broadening such Horizons?

    Would we ever get an answer here?, when all is already done and proven to be more effective, more efficient than all the known methods to obtain a simple Induced EMF Voltage?


    Last edited by Ufopolitics; 01-27-2017, 04:41 PM.

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  • citfta
    Hi Ufo,

    I don't recall either bistander or myself ever questioning whether you could get induction into the secondary coils by varying the magnetic field of the primary coils. That is not the question. The real question is whether by doing it like the Figuera device does do you get any extra energy? And so far no one has been able to demonstrate that or give a good explanation as to how that could happen.

    The claim that the secondary coils are somehow magically disconnected from the primary coils has also not been demonstrated or explained. When these questions are asked we get insults and ridicule instead of answers. So with those kinds of responses I have no choice but to be very skeptical of the claims.


    PS: I sincerely hope the Figuera Device does work as claimed. But so far I haven't seen the evidence to make me a believer.

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  • bistander
    Faraday's Law

    Originally posted by Ufopolitics View Post
    Hello to All,

    I just wanna say...that I have tested the Figuera Device with Resistors in many different configurations, and made videos about these tests...

    And absolutely ALL of them, proof Figuera's concept works, is real, and basically it resumes that by fluctuating currents alternatively and at unison, without falling below zero...we get Induction at Secondaries while all components are completely static.

    And so, the higher the RPM's, the Higher the Induction is shown.

    Now, the fact about our incapability to make the device self sustained ..or even demonstrating output exceeding Input in wattage (OU)...depends completely in our methods applied, our building capabilities and our expertise in innovation and improvement. However, at no point this failure(s) could ever reverse the main fact proven...which is :

    That by displacement of just the Virtual, (Non Physical) massless, weightless and invisible magnetic field through the cores...we get Induction at secondaries.

    We should not forget this simple fact which is completely REAL here.


    No argument here Ufo. This is how I've always understood Faraday's Law: Any change in the magnetic environment of a coil of wire will cause a voltage (emf) to be "induced" in the coil.


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