Originally posted by boguslaw
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Actually, there is a great deal of information on this device from the documents found in the links that you provided in another thread. The following paragraph was taken from A Letter From Nicola Tesla – Orbo.es, just before the heading - ADVANTAGES OF THE ELECTRICAL GENERATOR “FIGUERA”
“The invention is really new; very bold and above all has huge inductrial consequences did not want ask for privilege of invention to avoid running a machine based on these principles, giving this writing the sancio? n pra? practice without which seri? an inu? tiles few considerations were made.”
Based on the Spanish version found here
El enigma de Clemente Figuera y la máquina de la energĂ*a infinita - TecnologĂ*a Obsoleta
this paragraph shall read something like this:
“The invention is truly new; very bold and above all has huge technical and industrial consequences under all known concepts, I did not want to claim the invention until having a working machine based on these principles, giving this writing the support of the practice without which would be futile any considerations being made.”