The toroid will work if used as a dynamic variac as was proved empirically by Netica or also in the video in the link below. It will not work as described theoretically by MM with one continuous winding and one whole brush rotation around the whole circle. Just to remember because MM is refering now to "his design" as the one that Netica resolved and posted with an open winding and brush movement back and forth, not continuous. Merits to whom is due.
BTW, many months ago I already posted that, as a first rule of thumb, the impedance of the current regulator (resistance or whatever method used) should be aprox. the same as the impedance of each serie of electromagnets. If anyone need to see my post I will look for it. Just in case anyone think he is ahead of others.
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Re-Inventing The Wheel-Part1-Clemente_Figuera
I could build a hundred of your devices and when none of them worked you would insist I didn't build any of them right. When yours is built and works like you claim I will gladly apologize for being wrong.
I did not make that post in the other thread to start a war of words. I only posted to clarify a statement I thought might be misleading to those that did not have a lot of experience with inductors. For some reason that offended you. I have no idea why. Was there something you thought was wrong about what I posted? Do you want people to be misled or confused?
I do really want to see this device work in spite of what you think. But it is only going to work by using sound reasoning for building and not wild fantasy.
I have been studying your scope shots and think I have some ideas about what is going on with your build. If you want to discuss those ideas I am willing but if not that is fine also. Just let me know.
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There are words to describe people like you but unfortunately they will get me barred and You aren't worth the sweat off of my backside.
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Interesting MM,
You claim you didn't care if I posted but you posted a reply about it and then sent me a PM about it. Then you posted part of my reply to your PM. Well here is the rest of my reply:
Originally Posted by marathonman
Read page one of this post as all posting members currently on this thread have and abided by thus you are no exception to this rule.
i really have no problem with you posting as long as we don't have to hear a mouth full of Bs and if it comes to that point you will be removed no if and's or butts.
we ALL get along here and i get pm's all the time to keep it that way.
HEY Bigmouth,
Take it up with Aaron. I was not out of line at all with what I posted. I was only trying to clarify a statement to keep people from being misled. I am amazed someone that claims to know so much about a device didn't even know the formula for calculating inductance. You have said at least a thousand times inductance was the only way part G could work, yet you didn't even know how to calculate the inductance. What a con artist you are. Now do you really want me to post all of this in the other thread like I first thought about doing? I decided to let that go and just concentrated on what I thought was important for someone to know if they were serious about attempting to build your idea of the Figuera device. In spite of all your bad mouthing of those of us that actually have worked in electronics I still had hopes the testing of part G UFO did would prove me wrong and show some promise. But alas his tests only prove your ideas about part G are nothing but fabrications of your imagination.
Just because it is on YouTube does NOT make it real!!Last edited by citfta; 12-25-2016, 10:02 PM.
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"Originally Posted by marathonman
Read page one of this post as all posting members currently on this thread have and abided by thus you are no exception to this rule.
i really have no problem with you posting as long as we don't have to hear a mouth full of Bs and if it comes to that point you will be removed no if and's or butts.
we ALL get along here and i get pm's all the time to keep it that way.
Plus my post on Continuum.
Fly by's not welcomed nor needed. if you want to become a member of this thread you are required to read page 1 of this thread and then is at my discretion and other member recommendation in which i have received none of you what so ever. therefore please refrain from posting again.
all members have adided by this rule and you are no exception."
HEY Bigmouth,
Take it up with Aaron." end Quote.
This is the response i got trying to be blunt but nice and abide by the rules set forth. even told him i had no problem with him posting in my pm but this is the sour truth of it.
Sorry Cifta part G is an inductive device and have been proven but your dogma taught education says it wont work.
sell your BS to someone that cares. sure UFOP is having problems, he will get past it though but you apparently wont.
Happy New Year and may your Part G overflow with Inductance.
MMLast edited by marathonman; 12-25-2016, 09:42 PM.
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I am reposting this here because MM took exception to me posting it in HIS thread.
Unfortunately the images and formula did not copy over so you will have to go to the OTHER thread to see the images and formula.
The following is from a post by UFO:
Where we could see in formula that N, u, A are DIRECTLY PROPORTIONAL TO INDUCTANCE...which means as they are greater, Inductance Increases...EXCEPT for LENGTH (l)...which is INVERSELY PROPORTIONAL (dividing Parameter), therefore the longer the coil the less the inductance.
Hope this help you all guys in your builds...
Hi UFO and Merry Christmas.
The part of your post I have highlighted in red could be misleading to those not real familiar with inductance. A better way to say that would be that for a coil with all other things being the same the longer coil will have lower inductance. This means if one coil has 20 turns of a given diameter and core material and another has the same 20 turns spaced out so the coil is twice as long then the inductance would be half.
Or another way to look at it is if one coil has 20 turns and a second coil has 40 turns so it's length is twice the first coil then the second coil will have MORE inductance and not less.
Actually in VHF radio equipment most tuned circuits have air coils of only 4 to 6 turns and they are tuned by squeezing the loops of the coils together or spreading them apart more to change the inductance.
I hope this helps a little in your understanding of inductance.
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You are a professional mouth runner and i care not to know you nor do i need nor want your opinion as that statement you so chose to quote was aimed at being sarcastic.
when are you ever going to realize bistander I NEED NOTHING FROM YOU AND DON'T WANT IT.
so by all means please continue with your trifling comments as i could really care less what you say.
the world will still continue without one self proclaimed know it all.
please continue on, well, with what ever you are attempting to do as it sure ISN'T building the Figuera device. if it was, you would have more pics to prove me wrong and less mouth.
have a good holiday bistander, i hope it is much better then your build.
if God relied on you to save the human race by building this device we would be doomed.
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year, may your children's eyes sparkle with joy.
MMLast edited by marathonman; 12-25-2016, 05:35 PM.
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More bla bla bla
Originally posted by marathonman View PostBLA, BLA, BLA, BLA that's all i hear all the time from you.
whats funny is I NEVER asked you for advice and I WILL NEVER NEED IT NOR WANT IT. part G works just fine without your 2 cents thank you.
OMG ! world coming to an end cuz i didn't take bistander's advice.
speaking of BS, please do us all a favor and take a deep look in the mirror.
Originally posted by marathonman View Post...
Please do help Bistander as much as you can. ...
Originally posted by marathonman View Post...
just because a person can't see what i see or what you see is no humanly reason to belittle that person in public.
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Bla !
BLA, BLA, BLA, BLA that's all i hear all the time from you.
whats funny is I NEVER asked you for advice and I WILL NEVER NEED IT NOR WANT IT. part G works just fine without your 2 cents thank you.
OMG ! world coming to an end cuz i didn't take bistander's advice.
speaking of BS, please do us all a favor and take a deep look in the mirror.
MMLast edited by marathonman; 12-24-2016, 07:49 AM.
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More insults
Originally posted by marathonman View PostBistander, who was talking to you douche bag. nothing but a loud mouth blow hard that that no one cares about.
you wouldn't know Figuera if he put his walnutz in your face.
get a life mr know it present nothing but crap.
Originally posted by marathonman View Post
sorry but i happen to be dead right on part G's analysis, operation and functions and i really shed massive tears because NEY SAYERS like you don't believe me.
You're correct. I wouldn't recognize Mr. Figuera's junk. But I do know windings, eddy currents and core material. All things which you are or were wrong about in regards to part G.
I've never said the part G from the patent wouldn't work. I just point out BS from you. You think you're so great but it is obvious you need help with the magnetics. I offer it but you choose to insult me.
Too bad.
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Bistander, who was talking to you douche bag. nothing but a loud mouth blow hard that that no one cares about.
you wouldn't know Figuera if he put his walnutz in your face.
get a life mr know it present nothing but crap.
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Originally posted by ufopolitics View Post
intensity (a) = amperage= density of currents= amount of charges per volume.
If flow crosses a big resistance which opposes to that flow, resistors becomes hot...and then we must increase source flow until there is an equilibrium on circuit.
what do you think that heat is a result from?...just the traffic of electric flow?, according to you, there are not taking place any kind of "conversion" from electrical flow into heat there?
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Extreme silence.... Not
Originally posted by marathonman View PostQuote;
"As far as the Figuera device goes I don't see any reason to believe that MM is correct in his analysis of the part G"
And this from MM:
And your research and analysis of part G is what ??? (extreme silence)
sorry but i happen to be dead right on part G's analysis, operation and functions ...
So far there are several aspects of analysis, operation, and functions of part G where you have been dead wrong. So this "extreme silence" is just in your head. The analysis by citfta, seaad, Netica and myself have been presented. We can revisit those items if your memory is lacking.
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"As far as the Figuera device goes I don't see any reason to believe that MM is correct in his analysis of the part G"
And your research and analysis of part G is what ??? (extreme silence)
sorry but i happen to be dead right on part G's analysis, operation and functions and i really shed massive tears because NEY SAYERS like you don't believe me.and i also bet i'll loose a lot of sleep over it to.
i have put to much time and effort in this device to even be remotely swayed by people like you and sorry i refuse to except dogma taught science and physics as my head is not stuck in their backside or a closed box with six sides not knowing which side is up, down, left or right.
but please excuse me as i will leave you to enjoy your box.
have a Merry Christmas Cifta remembering all your presents are in a box as is your mind.
thus thinking close minded will get you no where with this device.
Good day and Happy Figuera New Year.
MMLast edited by marathonman; 12-23-2016, 02:54 AM.
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Originally posted by citfta View PostUFO,
In post 1792 of this thread you said once again that I don't believe OU is possible. I have never said that. I have corrected you before for saying that about me. I most certainly believe OU may be possible.
I never meant to write -in general speaking- that you or Bistander do not believe in OU...It is simple...if it wouldn't be so...any of you guys will spend a minute here.
I was referring to trying -like Hanon is attempting- to explain Figuera according to Physics Foundation...or say, Classic Magnetism and Electrodynamics to be more specific.
Originally posted by citfta View PostI have seen enough evidence in my working career in electronics to know sometimes things happen that just don't fit all the accepted theories about electricity and or magnetism.
Originally posted by citfta View PostThe reason I question a lot of the things I see on this and other forums is to try and understand why someone thinks what they have may be OU or free energy. If they answer with a lot of mumble jumble techno babble then I am pretty sure they either don't have any OU device or they are another scam artist.
As of yet I can't say for certain that I have seen any working OU device. So the hunt goes on.
Originally posted by citfta View PostAs far as the Figuera device goes I don't see any reason to believe that MM is correct in his analysis of the part G. However until it is built neither of us will know for sure. I sincerely hope I am wrong and he is right. I would love to see a device that can put out excess power and eliminate the need for oil from the robber barons. See, we can agree on some things.
Yes, that's good...we have something pretty strong in common...Oil Total elimination.
Originally posted by citfta View PostPS: I have to disagree with you about smelly diesel engines. I love the smell of my big Dodge truck running on home made biodiesel. Smells just like french fries! YUM YUM
And even with Biodiesel...the smoke it farts contains a "Gum, a Tar"...where the best degreaser's will not take it off easy...
There would not be anything cleaner than a Tesla Vehicle...
I do not like any farting machine at all Citfta...stupid oil leakers, and all kind of fluids they use to run...filthy in every needs "maintenance" every time, patching all leaks, hoses, heat, high pressures, steamy...etc,etc,etc...
For the real smell of French Fries...I go to Burguer King Kitchen...then eat them...YUM YUM...
UfopoliticsLast edited by Ufopolitics; 12-21-2016, 04:46 PM.
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