Clemente Figuera 1908 Basic Application Principle...
Hello to All,
Below I have translated -myself- directly from Figuera's Original Spanish Patent "THE PRINCIPLE OF THE INVENTION"
Now in my translation below I have inserted in between parenthesis my own descriptions in blue, as completing words which are typically not used in Spanish language, in order to achieve the best translation possible from the original paper.
This superb reasoning from this Gentleman, way back in the year 1908...could be easily and very well understood by even a retarded person...or even the lowest IQ possible...however, by all of Us being blinded by the deformed "Classic and Modern Magnetism Sciences"...This could have never be possible...unless becoming part of the Science Fiction Theories used in Hollywood movies by Steven Spielberg, George Lucas or the Wachowski Brothers...
Hope this post will help to open some minds out there...we all need that (and desperately)
Hello to All,
Below I have translated -myself- directly from Figuera's Original Spanish Patent "THE PRINCIPLE OF THE INVENTION"
Observando atentamente lo que sucede en una dinamo en marcha, se ve que las espiras del inducido no hacen más que acercarse y separarse de los centros magnéticos de los imanes o electroimanes inductores, y que dichas espiras, en su giro, van atravesando secciones del campo magnético de diferente poder, pues, mientras este tiene su máximo de acción en el centro del núcleo de cada electroimán, esta acción se va debilitando conforme el inducido se separa del centro del electroimán, para agrandar otra vez, cuando dicho inducido se aproxima al centro de otro electroimán de signo contrario al primero.
Puesto que todos sabemos que los efectos que se manifiestan cuando un circuito cerrado se aproxima y se aleja de un centro magnético son los mismos que cuando, estando quieto e inmóvil este circuito, el campo magnético dentro del cual está colocado ganando y perdiendo en intensidad; y puesto que toda variación que por cualquiera causa, se produzca en el flujo que atraviese a un circuito es motivo de producción de corriente eléctrica inducida, se pensó en la posibilidad de construir una máquina que funcionara, no según el principio de movimiento, como lo hacen las actuales dinamos, sino según el principio de aumento y disminución, o sea de variación del poder del campo magnético, o de la corriente eléctrica que lo produce.
La tensión de la corriente total de las actuales dinamos es la suma de las corrientes inducidas parciales nacidas en cada una de las espiras del inducido. Poco importa que estas corrientes parciales estén obtenidas o por el giro del inducido, o por la variación del flujo que las atraviesa; pero, en el primer caso, se necesitará para el giro del inducido una fuente mayor de la que se puede obtener transformando en trabajo mecánico la corriente total de la dinamo, y en el segundo caso la fuerza necesaria para conseguir la variación del flujo es tan insignificante que se puede derivar sin inconveniente alguno, de la total suministrada por la máquina.
No hay hasta la presente ninguna máquina fundada en este principio que no ha sido aplicada aun a la producción de grandes corrientes eléctricas industriales, y que entre otras ventajas, tiene la de suprimir toda necesidad de movimiento y por lo tanto, de la fuerza necesaria para producirlo.
Observando atentamente lo que sucede en una dinamo en marcha, se ve que las espiras del inducido no hacen más que acercarse y separarse de los centros magnéticos de los imanes o electroimanes inductores, y que dichas espiras, en su giro, van atravesando secciones del campo magnético de diferente poder, pues, mientras este tiene su máximo de acción en el centro del núcleo de cada electroimán, esta acción se va debilitando conforme el inducido se separa del centro del electroimán, para agrandar otra vez, cuando dicho inducido se aproxima al centro de otro electroimán de signo contrario al primero.
Puesto que todos sabemos que los efectos que se manifiestan cuando un circuito cerrado se aproxima y se aleja de un centro magnético son los mismos que cuando, estando quieto e inmóvil este circuito, el campo magnético dentro del cual está colocado ganando y perdiendo en intensidad; y puesto que toda variación que por cualquiera causa, se produzca en el flujo que atraviese a un circuito es motivo de producción de corriente eléctrica inducida, se pensó en la posibilidad de construir una máquina que funcionara, no según el principio de movimiento, como lo hacen las actuales dinamos, sino según el principio de aumento y disminución, o sea de variación del poder del campo magnético, o de la corriente eléctrica que lo produce.
La tensión de la corriente total de las actuales dinamos es la suma de las corrientes inducidas parciales nacidas en cada una de las espiras del inducido. Poco importa que estas corrientes parciales estén obtenidas o por el giro del inducido, o por la variación del flujo que las atraviesa; pero, en el primer caso, se necesitará para el giro del inducido una fuente mayor de la que se puede obtener transformando en trabajo mecánico la corriente total de la dinamo, y en el segundo caso la fuerza necesaria para conseguir la variación del flujo es tan insignificante que se puede derivar sin inconveniente alguno, de la total suministrada por la máquina.
No hay hasta la presente ninguna máquina fundada en este principio que no ha sido aplicada aun a la producción de grandes corrientes eléctricas industriales, y que entre otras ventajas, tiene la de suprimir toda necesidad de movimiento y por lo tanto, de la fuerza necesaria para producirlo.
Now in my translation below I have inserted in between parenthesis my own descriptions in blue, as completing words which are typically not used in Spanish language, in order to achieve the best translation possible from the original paper.
Closely observing what takes place in a running generator, we can notice that all induced coils do, is to approach and get further away from the magnetic centers (cores) of magnets or electromagnets that act as the inductors (exciting fields), and such coils by their constant spin are going through sections of the magnetic field of different levels of strength, since, this (magnetic field) have its maximum strength at the very center of the core of each electromagnet, this (strength) property starts weakening as the induced (generating coil) is separating (getting further away) from the center of the electromagnetic core, to then maximize again, when such induced (coil(s)) gets closer to the center of the next electromagnet's core of opposite polarity as the later one.
Based on the fact that we all know about the effects whenever a closed circuit approaches to then get further away from a magnetic center are the same as when this circuit is being static and it is then the magnetic field the one either gaining or loosing in strength; So, based on the fact that any (flux) variation from any due cause, is produced in the flux which is going through a circuit is the meaning for the generation of an induced electrical power, we thought on the possibility about constructing a machine that would function, not based on the (mechanical) movement principle, like all generators do, but based on the principle of gain and decrease, meaning the variation of the magnetic field strength, or from the electrical currents which produce it.
The Voltage which drives the total currents of actual generators is based on the sum from all partial induced currents taking place at each induced coil. And no matter that such partial currents would be obtained from the (mechanical) spin from the induced (generally understanding any moving part of the generator, and not necessarily only the induced end but also -like in most now days design- the rotating -inducing- field) or from the flux variation that goes through; however, in the former case, it would be required to spin the induced part with a much greater source of force than what could be obtained by transforming in mechanical work the total current produced by the generator, as in the second case the required force in order to achieve the flux variation is so extremely small that it could be derived without any inconvenient, from the total (sum of currents) obtained from the machine.
Up to this present (day) there is no such a machine based on this principle that has been applied to the industrial generation of electric currents, and having, but not limited to, the advantages to suppress all the need of movement, and as such, all the required forces to produce it.
Closely observing what takes place in a running generator, we can notice that all induced coils do, is to approach and get further away from the magnetic centers (cores) of magnets or electromagnets that act as the inductors (exciting fields), and such coils by their constant spin are going through sections of the magnetic field of different levels of strength, since, this (magnetic field) have its maximum strength at the very center of the core of each electromagnet, this (strength) property starts weakening as the induced (generating coil) is separating (getting further away) from the center of the electromagnetic core, to then maximize again, when such induced (coil(s)) gets closer to the center of the next electromagnet's core of opposite polarity as the later one.
Based on the fact that we all know about the effects whenever a closed circuit approaches to then get further away from a magnetic center are the same as when this circuit is being static and it is then the magnetic field the one either gaining or loosing in strength; So, based on the fact that any (flux) variation from any due cause, is produced in the flux which is going through a circuit is the meaning for the generation of an induced electrical power, we thought on the possibility about constructing a machine that would function, not based on the (mechanical) movement principle, like all generators do, but based on the principle of gain and decrease, meaning the variation of the magnetic field strength, or from the electrical currents which produce it.
The Voltage which drives the total currents of actual generators is based on the sum from all partial induced currents taking place at each induced coil. And no matter that such partial currents would be obtained from the (mechanical) spin from the induced (generally understanding any moving part of the generator, and not necessarily only the induced end but also -like in most now days design- the rotating -inducing- field) or from the flux variation that goes through; however, in the former case, it would be required to spin the induced part with a much greater source of force than what could be obtained by transforming in mechanical work the total current produced by the generator, as in the second case the required force in order to achieve the flux variation is so extremely small that it could be derived without any inconvenient, from the total (sum of currents) obtained from the machine.
Up to this present (day) there is no such a machine based on this principle that has been applied to the industrial generation of electric currents, and having, but not limited to, the advantages to suppress all the need of movement, and as such, all the required forces to produce it.
Hope this post will help to open some minds out there...we all need that (and desperately)