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Re-Inventing The Wheel-Part1-Clemente_Figuera

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  • marathonman

    I see the trolls are hard at work along with all the under achievers.

    If you think i am wrong close your mouths and build it as you can't build with your big mouths. try to prove me wrong if your intelligence will let you.


    How about Figuera Device, Part G Continuum.
    Last edited by marathonman; 10-25-2016, 08:07 PM.

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  • hanon1492
    As Cadman has perfectly summarized a few posts back many methods will work.

    What is hard to admit here is the opinion of some users that just admit the toroid part G as the only way to get a self-sustain device.This is their opinion and most probably it is false. Many methods may work fine. The patent just tell to move the fields in unison in a general way.

    Quote from the patent. All other are personal theories/design/interpretations
    Last edited by hanon1492; 10-25-2016, 07:06 PM.

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  • Ufopolitics
    Originally posted by marathonman View Post

    that sounds good, a very closed session thread only for open minded Figuera builders that don't have there heads up their back side and want to argue all the time. i for one am game for it. i will repost all my research there.


    So let's do it...

    You wanna have the pleasure to be the Thread Owner?

    Go for it...go to link below and name it (Title)...its all yours.

    Think very well about the Title as you would not be able to change it after it is published...all the rest of the text below is changeable at all times, except Title.


    Think about like a "FIGUERA Part 2" within Title...since this one is Part 1 ...that new Thread would be "The Continuum" (a range or series of things that are slightly different from each other and that exist between two different possibilities.)...And "PART G" MUST BE THERE FOR SURE!!

    The pleasure is all mine and I will see you there along with Cadman...

    Last edited by Ufopolitics; 10-25-2016, 07:16 PM.

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  • Cadman
    Elcheapo, StickDick,

    G'day gents!

    Out for a nice inciteful afternoon troll?

    I hear the baiting, er, fishing is pretty good too.

    On the Not Open Discussion thread...
    Last edited by Cadman; 10-25-2016, 06:48 PM.

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  • Ufopolitics
    Originally posted by Elcheapo View Post
    I'm S00 sorry to see MM & ufo leave that I can hardly wait to crack open my next nice cold beer.

    I really do not understand why are you including my name in your above post??!!

    When I do not believe I have EVER, directed absolutely ANY posts or comments to You.

    Much less...responding about "where do magnets get their energy"?

    Anyways...since you did, you've opened doors...and for your is just "a bit" more complex...than just getting it from "thin air".

    And speaking about Buforn...that was just an IGNORANT AND RETARDED GALLEGO (for a change), that knew jack sh**t about electricity like Figuera did.

    In all Buforn Patents He attempts to make a belief that He is an Intellectual, a knowledgeable guy in the Electromagnetic Machines speaking "like Poetry" about the Sun Cosmic Rays...the planets and the stars...Galaxies and more BS (which btw, reminds me of a Dutch on this Forum)...just because he could have never get right into the REAL Electrodynamic world like Figuera did before he was assassinated (more likely by Buforn himself).

    And in the end...All this GALLEGO did...was just Copying and Pasting Figuera Original Patents

    Start opening Your Beer...and yes let

    Last edited by Ufopolitics; 10-25-2016, 06:38 PM.

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  • SlickDick
    It is simple.

    Methadonman does not care about any of that. All cares about is he's theory and has no means (any means) to realize this himself. Therefor he comes here fishing for minions to do it for him.

    Methadonman has issues, serious issues. I'd would ask the admin to escort him to the door for his continously insulting posts, but will not. I want to wait for the grand finale.

    The only reason for Methadonman not to bully UFO is he thinks he gained a minion to do the work. Methadonman underestimates UFO. UFO is one stubborn fellow, and granted, he's got the skills. Eventually he will find out, and will also start to ask questions.

    Now, we all have seen what you become when questions about Methadonman proposal, or any of its working, or functions

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  • Ufopolitics
    Gramme Ring Polarized...


    Honestly...Does it look any Familiar at all...with my previous drawings?:




    And it is VERY obvious to anyone "Skill in the Arts"*...that IF we have Two Norths facing each others...or Two Souths facing each others...We will have a Spatially Compressed Field right in between both opposite polarizations.

    *Skilled in the Arts of INVENTIONS...or OPEN MINDS ONLY


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  • Elcheapo
    free energy

    I am utterly amazed with people who are trying to build a free-energy device without any concern as to where this extra energy is coming from.
    I tried to tell MM that the magnetic flux that's flowing between the north & south poles is what's drawing in this excess energy from the atmosphere.

    Here is MM's reply.quote

    sorry to disappoint you but this device does not receive from the air. "

    I could only assume by that statement that he thought his super-duper G device made it's own free energy. What a crock of BS.

    The 1914 Buforn patent clearly states:
    "We have said before that our generators electricity comes from atmospheric
    electricity, held in the most suitable elements, and it is needed now to give
    some explanations to this sensitive issue."

    I guess MM doesn't bother to read the patents.

    Anyone with just basic knowledge of magnetism should know where a permanent magnet gets it's energy to stay permanently attached to a fridge.
    It's already been proven that these magnets attract their energy right out of the air!

    This thread use to have a lot of good posters until MM came along with his profanity and super-ego and chased them all away.
    It's very easy to just ignore people's posts if you want to get rid of them.

    That super-duper "G section" that can do just about anything is just another crock of BS invented by MM.
    I'm S00 sorry to see MM & ufo leave that I can hardly wait to crack open my next nice cold beer.

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  • marathonman
    "before J.P Morgan bought out all books, got rid of Tesla, and hired Lorentz to do the dirty job...(around 1910)"

    as did Heaviside and stupid scrip flipping Einstein. all bought and paid for by un other than good ole J. P. MORON, EM MORGAN, SORRY.

    so put that in your bistander pipe and smoke it. ha, ha, ha ,ha !

    Last edited by marathonman; 10-25-2016, 05:39 PM.

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  • Ufopolitics
    The interesting G Ring...or Gramme Ring.


    A Gramme machine, Gramme ring, Gramme magneto, or Gramme dynamo is an electrical generator that produces direct current, named for its Belgian inventor, Zénobe Gramme, and was built as either a dynamo or a magneto.[1] It was the first generator to produce power on a commercial scale for industry. Inspired by a machine invented by Antonio Pacinotti in 1860, Gramme was the developer of a new induced rotor in form of a wire-wrapped ring (Gramme ring) and demonstrated this apparatus to the Academy of Sciences in Paris in 1871. Although popular in 19th century electrical machines, the Gramme winding principle is no longer used since it makes inefficient use of the conductors. The portion of the winding on the interior of the ring cuts no flux and does not contribute to energy conversion in the machine. The winding requires twice the number of turns and twice the number of commutator bars as an equivalent drum-wound armature...

    Infinite Machines applied this methods way back in time...before J.P Morgan bought out all books, got rid of Tesla, and hired Lorentz to do the dirty job...(around 1910)

    Check out this book:


    A Ring called Part G...

    Thanks Cadman!!

    Last edited by Ufopolitics; 10-25-2016, 05:23 PM.

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  • marathonman

    I thought that was what you were talking about as i was just thumbing through early century dynamo's last night. and yes the Gramme Ring is very interesting.


    "I'm glad for that because we certainly need their help also."

    please speak for your self as i certainly DON'T need their help as does UFOP and CADMAN. i am on this forum for you guys NOT the other way around as I don't have my head up the back side. you may need their help but I certainly DO NOT WHAT SO EVER AND DON'T WANT IT.


    that sounds good, a very closed session thread only for open minded Figuera builders that don't have there heads up their back side and want to argue all the time. i for one am game for it. i will repost all my research there.



    "I think this is more your own oppinion than a fact. Oppinion which matches with MM oppinion.
    Meanwhile the patent just explain to have an increasing electromagnets while the other is decreasing."

    you are the one that is sadly mistaken and completely closed minded beyond belief.

    you don't have the ability to understand the patents, all you do is read the words with no ability conceptualize it's meaning. all you and most people on this forum see is black and white while myself, UFOP and CADMAN see in full color.

    we have the ability to build this device and sadly you and most like you do not. so i generally believe that without people like us you and your kind (close minded) will never achieve a working device. sad but true

    sorry to tell you but my so called opinion, is backed by fact, unlike you closed minded individuals that can't get past simple words, (resistance) or (a drawing to understand it's function).
    part G will never sustain self exitation without a core so the use of resistors is Preposterous. you can't replace ignorance with resistors, just won't work.

    Last edited by marathonman; 10-25-2016, 05:27 PM.

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  • Ufopolitics
    Originally posted by hanon1492 View Post
    Where is written that?

    I think this is more your own oppinion than a fact. Oppinion which matches with MM oppinion.

    Meanwhile the patent just explain to have an increasing electromagnets while the other is decreasing.


    Well, You know...It is written in "some" ancient law(s) out there, where it recites that whenever we convert electricity in can not be recovered, nor converted back to energy unless we were talking about a Vapor or Steam Machine...

    By the way...opinion have only one "p" well as in Spanish...Opinón


    You need to keep studying friend...
    Last edited by Ufopolitics; 10-25-2016, 04:40 PM.

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  • hanon1492
    Originally posted by Ufopolitics View Post

    A Closed resistor based or electronic based system would never produce more at secondaries that what it takes it to run, so it would never, ever be self sustained.
    Where is written that?

    I think this is more your own oppinion than a fact. Oppinion which matches with MM oppinion.

    Meanwhile the patent just explain to have an increasing electromagnets while the other is decreasing.

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  • Ufopolitics
    Originally posted by Cadman View Post
    My apologies, I meant to say most famous electric dynamos in history. Got a little carried away. Anyway, I was referring to the Gramme Ring. See The Electromagnet and Electromagnetic Mechanism by Silvanus P Thompson, pg 55 & 56. Screenshot attached.

    Yes, understood well.

    OH!!...Many, Many Thanks!!, and I was carried away thinking of Tesla, sorry!!...absolutely beautiful example the Gramme Ring!!

    Simply Wonderful Example to shut up many, many oppositions to Part G!!

    See how it generates Two Norths on one end as two Souths on the opposite end, exactly as I have posted here before?

    I will make that Pic Bigger...and outline in yellow the F Poles, plus the F Currant Arrows (and yes, F CURRAAANT with an A) FLOWS)!!!

    Many, Many Thanks Cadman!!


    Last edited by Ufopolitics; 10-25-2016, 04:25 PM.

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  • Cadman
    Originally posted by Ufopolitics View Post

    Also made a metal egg rotate?...

    Part G closes and opens them (ports) alternatively and "automatically",... based on magnetic pressures and counter-pressures (we could call it a magnetic vacuum if this way would be better understood) geometrical locations along toroid core.

    Capisci mio amico?


    My apologies, I meant to say most famous electric dynamos in history. Got a little carried away. Anyway, I was referring to the Gramme Ring. See The Electromagnet and Electromagnetic Mechanism by Silvanus P Thompson, pg 55 & 56. Screenshot attached.

    Yes, understood well.

    Attached Files

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