Peace guys!! We are here all together following the same aim!!
I think you both are saying the same. Wonju is stating 90º phase shift for a complete cycle (like a sine wave over zero half cycle and underzero half cycle). KehYo77 is saying 180º phase shift over a cycle with half length than those of Wonju (you are taking just Wonju´s haft cycle as a basis). You both are saying the same!! Please think about it. KehYo77 is you double your cycle length you obtain 90º phase shift, or in the other way if Wonju shorten his length basis he will obtain 180º . Peace!!
I think you both are saying the same. Wonju is stating 90º phase shift for a complete cycle (like a sine wave over zero half cycle and underzero half cycle). KehYo77 is saying 180º phase shift over a cycle with half length than those of Wonju (you are taking just Wonju´s haft cycle as a basis). You both are saying the same!! Please think about it. KehYo77 is you double your cycle length you obtain 90º phase shift, or in the other way if Wonju shorten his length basis he will obtain 180º . Peace!!