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Re-Inventing The Wheel-Part1-Clemente_Figuera

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  • You Guys realize what we have been doing so far?

    Hello to All,

    By reading and understanding this Patent...we should be able to realize/understand "How We have been Generating Electricity so far?"

    And it is simple...all the -so far- existing Generators Designs have "Incorporated" Always, the Induced Coils/Generating Fields Built/Wound within the SAME CORE of One of the Two Exciters, either Rotary or Static....And -of course- this Design minimizes a LOT the Air Gap...but at what price?

    Eventually, the "Stiffness" that a Generator develop under High Loads, (Stiffness that only a Gas/Diesel Engine could turn, so far) is NOT DUE to the Induced Copper Windings...BUT, it is due to the Increase in the Magnetic Field Drag/Strength demanded from this generating fields to their respective Exciters...

    If We set this Two Exciters Static/Fixed...and just rotate the generating copper matter how much demand/loads we hook to that Generator will result in a super strong Magnetic Fields between them...BUT FIXED...while our Copper/Plastic spinning rotor and shaft will never get "stiff" again...not "stressing" our Prime Mover.

    Reason why Clemente Figuera cites that... "Even a weak motor could turn this Generator..."

    If We have to deal with a "Bigger Air Gap" in this new concept design...then we could either Increase the Exciters Field Strength...or Increase the RPM's...or order to achieve the Required Outputs...We can easily do them all without any "stressful stiff drag"

    Or, as a final gathering, We could Pulse the Exciters Independently by Pairs (Inner-Outer) a Sequential Fashion...while we spin the rotor...Then we "fuse" both Patents in just One...

    Either way...We will win...


    Last edited by Ufopolitics; 06-09-2013, 01:51 AM.
    Principles for the Development of a Complete Mind: Study the science of art. Study the art of science. Develop your senses- especially learn how to see. Realize that everything connects to everything else.― Leonardo da Vinci


    • Got It!

      Originally posted by Ufopolitics View Post
      Hello All, Hello Cornboy555,

      Not one piece, then it must be "solid"...not good, I would conceive it based on steel lamination plates, just like any other Generator...or Transformer Core.
      Related to Air Gap, it could be at least around 10 mm or approx 1/2 Inch

      Using from 16 to 18 gauge (awg) will be plenty of space for a few sine wave turned Layers.


      There should be some other laminations cut without the "Poles", just like washers or rings from the Outer and Inner Diameters, to raise/elevate poles structure on top and bottom, allowing room for windings, collectors/brushes...and same screw holes....allowing some long bolts to attach all laminates to just one lower Cap containing the lower bearing.

      If we were to build it from scratch, I would rather select a Four Poles Machine, just like above picture shown by Hanon1492 on Figuera's Patent...Four Poles requires Half of the speed of a Two Poles...1500 for Europe/Australia/South America...and 1800 for US and Canada...instead of the "Typical" 3000 or 3600 RPM's.

      Now, Cornboy, I know You......and again, this should be tested before at a small scale model prior to jump into a bigger "usable" prototype.



      Thanks, UFO, your diagram completely clears up what is needed, and i understand now.

      Don't worry i will make 4" model first, to test output, i am hoping air core coils will put out strongly, and centrifigul force will be something to consider with design.

      Thanks Heaps Cornboy.


      • Originally posted by Cornboy 555 View Post
        I think i can see what UFO is seeing in this design.

        Regards Cornboy.

        ...I bet You do...

        Think of your MAG3 running a Six Poles Exciter Generator...reducing the RPM's to 500?...instead of 3000?...

        But...what may have been thinking I have "seen" here...

        Maybe pulsing those Generator Exciters Pairs with the exact Sequential Signals you would be sending to your MAG3 Stators/Gates?

        Then those two Machines would be really "communicating" between each others right?

        Warm Regards

        Principles for the Development of a Complete Mind: Study the science of art. Study the art of science. Develop your senses- especially learn how to see. Realize that everything connects to everything else.― Leonardo da Vinci


        • Making a small scale model...

          Originally posted by Cornboy 555 View Post
          Thanks, UFO, your diagram completely clears up what is needed, and i understand now.

          Don't worry i will make 4" model first, to test output, i am hoping air core coils will put out strongly, and centrifigul force will be something to consider with design.

          Thanks Heaps Cornboy.
          Hey Cornboy,

          I have been thinking to find a couple of Brush-Less Motors...actually I have one...the Out runner...Then to find an "Inner Runner" outer core (the ones that inner rotor is the permanent magnet)...will give Us both exciting cores...checking that air gap would be suitable for the rotary windings/structure...

          This will save the time and money to make them with our Water or Laser Jet Machine guys from scratch...

          I am hoping air core coils will put out strongly...
          I know what you mean...We know that by having the Generating Coils attached to One of the Exciters through same steel frame/core...will "assist" to increase currents by the "Transformer Effect"side...which we will not have here...right?

          We will see...I feel very strong it will work...


          Principles for the Development of a Complete Mind: Study the science of art. Study the art of science. Develop your senses- especially learn how to see. Realize that everything connects to everything else.― Leonardo da Vinci


          • High Spin.

            It may be that a light almost frictionless rotor like this could be spun up to very high rpm, and find a "sweet spot" where extra can be coaxed in, and then converted to lower usable voltage?

            Could be interesting!

            Regards Cornboy.


            • Oportunities.

              Originally posted by Ufopolitics View Post
              ...I bet You do...

              Think of your MAG3 running a Six Poles Exciter Generator...reducing the RPM's to 500?...instead of 3000?...

              But...what may have been thinking I have "seen" here...

              Maybe pulsing those Generator Exciters Pairs with the exact Sequential Signals you would be sending to your MAG3 Stators/Gates?

              Then those two Machines would be really "communicating" between each others right?

              Warm Regards


              Great idea, UFO, six pole generator, not that hard to build from scratch, after seeing your diagram. Wonder if i could directly excite the stators with the radiant reverse flow from the MAG3 .

              I noticed in the patent, Clemente said that once excited it coul be looped to self excite from a small part of the output.

              Could we just pulse the exciter coils, and harvest the reverse flow, with diodes, for another purpose, meanwhile removing any reverse confusion to the copper rotor, for extra smooth running.

              The mind boggles,

              Better get this MAG3 finished soon.

              Regards Cornboy.


              • Originally posted by Cornboy 555 View Post
                Great idea, UFO, six pole generator, not that hard to build from scratch, after seeing your diagram. Wonder if i could directly excite the stators with the radiant reverse flow from the MAG3 .
                Hello Cornboy,

                Honestly speaking...I do not think Radiant coming out from stators will develop enough strong magnetic field to excite fields order to induce a Solid Hot Flow at would be great if it does though...

                I noticed in the patent, Clemente said that once excited it coul be looped to self excite from a small part of the output.
                Of course it could be looped...look at the Alternator of any vehicle out there...disconnect battery...and watch it supplying all required Accessories, Air Conditioning, Firing Spark Plugs through Ignition Coils (Gas Engine running perfectly fine)... etc,etc...after exciting fields are "primed" definitively will do it...

                Could we just pulse the exciter coils, and harvest the reverse flow, with diodes, for another purpose, meanwhile removing any reverse confusion to the copper rotor, for extra smooth running.
                Yes we could do that...Figuera wrote that..."intermittent or sine wave flow" the Motionless Generator Patent...however, if we do both...pulse and motion...

                Remember we will need to "Synchronize" the shaft-rotors of both Machines, as also the outer Stators (for Motor) and the Outer Exciters from Generator...if you have a Six Poles Exciter could easily sync at the triggering times for motor Gates...AND also, the "exciting-induction timing" for Generator...meaning you will have to adjust same N-S-N-S-N-S on same angles of Interactions...this will generate the perfect timing when motor is developing the strongest repulsion-attract forces (Peak Torque)...while Gen Rotor is passing exactly through those heavy magnetic fields (Peak Magnetic Drag/Stiffness) when on High Loads...

                The mind boggles,

                Better get this MAG3 finished soon.

                Regards Cornboy.

                Yeap, get it finished...You have a lot in your hands now...

                ...and more to come...

                Warm Regards

                Last edited by Ufopolitics; 06-10-2013, 03:33 AM.
                Principles for the Development of a Complete Mind: Study the science of art. Study the art of science. Develop your senses- especially learn how to see. Realize that everything connects to everything else.― Leonardo da Vinci


                • Circuit to create two unphased signals

                  Hi all,

                  Just to clarify...because there are users which don´t follow this Figuera thread in deep and they are doing a mess with different patents.

                  Mr. Figuera filed 5 patents: 4 of them in 1902, and the last one in 1908 few days before his death.

                  Ufo is trying to replicate the patent from year 1902 No. 30376 which comprises a rotating copper winding with fixed and static exciter electromagnets

                  There are also two patents about two designs for a motionless generator (patent No. 30378 from 1902 , and his last patent No. 44267 from 1908) where the induced coils are static and the exciter electromagnets are variable in strength. Please refer to this site for the whole list of documents: ( Link )

                  In the 1908 patent it is required to feed both opposing electromagnets with two unphased signals. In Patrick Kelly´s book (chapter 3) it is described a circuit to acomplish this task which is really easy to build ( ), but it has some little mistakes in the connections. Please see the scheme I have attached to this post for a correct configuration.

                  Circuit to create the unphased signals

                  I hope this help
                  Last edited by hanon1492; 09-23-2013, 09:59 PM. Reason: Edited on the 23rd of september to update the circuit in order to correct a mistake: pin 3 in the second CD4017 must not be used.


                  • Interview to Clemente Figuera (1902)

                    INTERVIEW TO CLEMENTE
                    FIGUERA IN A LOCAL
                    NEWSPAPER (1902)

                    Mr. Clemente Figuera. - The name of the
                    conscientious and intelligent engineer,
                    Inspector of mountains in Canary, is now
                    universally known, thanks to the news
                    published by the press about the generator
                    of his invention for producing far-reaching
                    consequences, because it constitutes a
                    valuable element in modern mechanics,
                    solving problems which will influence
                    powerfully in most industries.
                    The meritable engineer states in a recently
                    published work. - "With persistent effort
                    nature keeps its secrets, but man´s
                    intelligence, the most precious gift due to
                    the divine artist, author of all creation,
                    allows that slowly and at the cost of
                    thousands studies and works, the human
                    race realize that God's work is more perfect
                    and harmonious than it looks at first sight.
                    There was no need to create a agent for
                    each kind of phenomenon, nor varying
                    forces to produce the multiple motions, nor
                    so many substances as varieties of bodies
                    are present to our senses; In doing so, it
                    was proceeding worthy of a least wise and
                    powerful creator that that, with a single
                    matter and a single impulse given to an
                    atom, started in vibration all cosmic matter,
                    according to a law from which the others
                    are natural and logical consequences”
                    And later he adds: "The twentieth century
                    has given us the mercy of discovering its
                    program in general lines. It will stop using
                    the hackneyed system of transformations,
                    and it will take the agents where the nature
                    has them stored. To produce heat, light or
                    electricity, it will rely on the suitable
                    vibratory motion because nature´s
                    available storages are renewed constantly
                    and have no end ever. For the next
                    generation, the steam engines will be an
                    antique, and the blackness of coal, will be
                    replaced by the pulchritude of electricity, in
                    factories and workshops, in ocean liners, in
                    railways and in our homes”
                    So says Mr. Figueras, who is consistent
                    with his scientific creed, has based his
                    significant invention on harnessing the
                    vibrations of the ether, building a device,
                    that he names as Generator Figueras, with
                    the power required to run a motor, as well
                    as powering itself, developing a force of
                    twenty horse power. Should be noted that
                    the produced energy can be applied to all
                    kinds of industries and its cost is zero,
                    because nothing is spent to obtain it. All
                    parts have been built separately in various
                    workshops under the management of the
                    inventor, who has shown the generator
                    running in his home in the city of Las
                    The inventor holds that his generator will
                    solve a portion of problems, including those
                    which are derived from navigation, because
                    a great power can be carried in a very
                    small space, stating that the secret of his
                    invention resembles the egg of Columbus.
                    With the generator it may be obtained the
                    voltage and amperage required, as direct
                    or alternate currents, producing light,
                    driving force, heat and all the effects of the
                    electricity. It is said that shortly Mr. Figuera
                    will depart to Paris, to constitute a union in
                    charge of the exploitation of his invention.
                    Due to the gallantry of our good friend, the
                    distinguished photographer of Las Palmas
                    Mr. Luis Ojeda, we thank for making public
                    to our readers a portrait of Mr. Clemente
                    Figueras, to whom we congratulate on his
                    invention, making fervent hopes to produce
                    the expected beneficial results, for the
                    benefit of mankind, for the sake of science
                    and honor of our country, proud to count
                    him among the number of its illustrious

                    Link: download in pdf


                    • Hello Hanon1492,

                      Originally posted by hanon1492 View Post

                      Mr. Figuera filed 5 patents: 4 of them in 1902, and the last one in 1908 few days before his death.
                      Hello Hanon,

                      I was trying to find details about his death on your the whole net...and came up with "NADA"...

                      Did you research on His Death?...How it happened?...How old was He by then...

                      Obviously He went "directly" to the "Evil's Mouth"...The Bankers...however, that was in 1902, according to Telegram Old picture...

                      It seems His "Final" Patent was like the way to "Resume" His whole may have "upset" someone...

                      Regards and great work you are doing!

                      Principles for the Development of a Complete Mind: Study the science of art. Study the art of science. Develop your senses- especially learn how to see. Realize that everything connects to everything else.― Leonardo da Vinci


                      • Mr. Figuera´s death

                        Originally posted by Ufopolitics View Post
                        Hello Hanon,

                        Did you research on His Death?...How it happened?...How old was He by then...
                        I couldn´t find the cause of his death. He was 63 when he died. I only know that his last patent was filed by Constantino Buforn acting as his representative. Constantino de Buforn was a finacial partner of Mr. Figuera and he tried to comercialize the generator after Figuera´s death. Mr. Buforn even filed some more patents which are an exact copy of the one of Figuera from 1908 (you can download Buforn´s patents in the website with all the Figuera info) Link

                        I suppose that Figuera was ill, and instead of going to the patent office he sent to Constantino de Buforn in his name. The patent was filed on the 31st of October 1908 and he died around the middle of November ( I don´t know the exact date but we have references of his death in a technical magazine dated on november ). I think that his death was unexpected previously because the same year was designated by the spanish goverment to carry out a big project into his engineer career.

                        I have a document, that I have not traslated yet, which was signed in 1907 before a notary where Mr. Figuera sold the 60% of the futures incomes of his future generator to Constantino de Buforn and Francisco de Borbon for supporting him financialy. This document was attached to the text of the 1908 patent in the patent office files. According to this paper it can be understood that he had to build a new generator. I am afraid that he had to redesign his generator because the 1902 design was under the control of the banker union to which he sold the 1902 patents. He might have signed a non disclosure agreement in 1902. But all of these are my suppositions.

                        The guy who signed with Figuera the 1902 patents, Pedro Blasberg, was more lucky than Figuera. He was an electrician when young (around 1902) but some years later he became the main director of the principal gas plant in the Canary Islands. What a paradox!!! I wonder how he achieved such a good promotion in his electrician career...


                        • D'Angelo patent

                          I have been thinking that a possible configuration for Mr. Figuera 1902 motionless generator (link) is based on exciting the coils with a two-phase AC current in order to create a rotating magnetic field in the generator (as Tesla´s egg of Columbus). In this case the 1902 generator would be also composed by two unphased signals delayed 90º as Mr. Figuera did it in his 1908 generator.

                          I would like you guys have a look to Antonio D'Angelo patent (link). In figure 15 (XV in romans numbers) it is represented a generator very similar to Figuera´s 1902 generator. D'Angelo excited his generator with the unphased signals represented in figures 5b and 5c (V-b and V-c in romans)

                          More info about Antonio D'Angelo.

                          Please comment your opinion about this patent. Do you see any paralellism between Figuera´s patent and D'Angelo´s patent?
                          Last edited by hanon1492; 06-19-2013, 07:03 AM.


                          • Is it possible he was using a radioactive agent like some of the other guys near his time and not saying he was.

                            Stubblefield, Hubbard, Hendershot, I forget which ones did what exactly.



                            • Egg of Columbus

                              Thnx for posting so much information about Senior Figueras,

                              The Motionless Generator of Senior Figueras is the Same with The Electro Dynamic Induction Machine/TPU. The Tesla toroid has two Primaries powered in different polarity to halves the toroid/ring of half NORTH and half SOUTH, at 180degs tesla reverse the polarity of this two coils- inverse magnetic Poles,half SOUTH and half NORTH.This what Tesla call fixing the core with the Lines of forces. The waveform of this apparatus is much like a HELIX of DNA, or a Square wave with a Inverted wave on OFF time.

                              UFO cited that Motor and Generator of Tesla are the same,The Electro Dynamic Induction Machine is a motionless Transformer/Generator with the same working principle of Senior Figueras, but the Tesla Toroid is very difficult to analyze and digest its function, It takes a lot of time to analyze the working principle of the Electro Dynamic Induction Machine,Me and my Cousin have analyze base on the some Free Energy Devices like: Thane Heins Bi-Toroid with Dual Secondary, Bob Boyce Triple Frequency/Coil Input Toroid, Dave Lawton Double Frequency Input Toroid,UFO Politics Radiant/Asymmetric Pulser, dont look at the energy parameters on the examples, but analyze carefully the MAGNETISM part or Destroying the Symmertric System=Asymmetric System.

                              Tesla said on one of his article,referring to Senior figueras that He has found that phenomenon long time ago. Senior figueras also told that He's secret lies on the Egg of Columbus/Tesla Egg of Columbus.

                              Ufo Politics already showed us the effects of Pulse Dc on coils. that the magnetic field rotate with the help of the Natural reverse.Thank so much UFO for honestly sharing your knowledge.

                              If you really want to know about this generator please read the Tesla's Patent base on the Toroid Transformer, its pretty same with his Motors/Rotating Magnetic Field a.k.a Unidiretional Magnetic Flux- One direction of Magnetic Flux same with UFO Politics Motors.

                              One skilled in the Art can readily Understand what is being told here- Tesla or Ufo Politics.
                              Attached Files


                              • Originally posted by stupify12 View Post
                                Thnx for posting so much information about Senior Figueras,

                                The Motionless Generator of Senior Figueras is the Same with The Electro Dynamic Induction Machine/TPU. The Tesla toroid has two Primaries powered in different polarity to halves the toroid/ring of half NORTH and half SOUTH, at 180degs tesla reverse the polarity of this two coils- inverse magnetic Poles,half SOUTH and half NORTH.This what Tesla call fixing the core with the Lines of forces. The waveform of this apparatus is much like a HELIX of DNA, or a Square wave with a Inverted wave on OFF time.

                                UFO cited that Motor and Generator of Tesla are the same,The Electro Dynamic Induction Machine is a motionless Transformer/Generator with the same working principle of Senior Figueras, but the Tesla Toroid is very difficult to analyze and digest its function, It takes a lot of time to analyze the working principle of the Electro Dynamic Induction Machine,Me and my Cousin have analyze base on the some Free Energy Devices like: Thane Heins Bi-Toroid with Dual Secondary, Bob Boyce Triple Frequency/Coil Input Toroid, Dave Lawton Double Frequency Input Toroid,UFO Politics Radiant/Asymmetric Pulser, dont look at the energy parameters on the examples, but analyze carefully the MAGNETISM part or Destroying the Symmertric System=Asymmetric System.

                                Tesla said on one of his article,referring to Senior figueras that He has found that phenomenon long time ago. Senior figueras also told that He's secret lies on the Egg of Columbus/Tesla Egg of Columbus.

                                Ufo Politics already showed us the effects of Pulse Dc on coils. that the magnetic field rotate with the help of the Natural reverse.Thank so much UFO for honestly sharing your knowledge.

                                If you really want to know about this generator please read the Tesla's Patent base on the Toroid Transformer, its pretty same with his Motors/Rotating Magnetic Field a.k.a Unidiretional Magnetic Flux- One direction of Magnetic Flux same with UFO Politics Motors.

                                One skilled in the Art can readily Understand what is being told here- Tesla or Ufo Politics.

                                It is a very deep insight into Figuera and Tesla ideas. I will digest it this evening at home as well as reading Tesla patent No. 390414 as you suggest. Thank you very much for such a great info. Maybe you could attach a sketch to clarify all those ideas. Thank you

