Originally posted by Armagdn03
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An earthquake light is an unusual luminous aerial phenomenon that reportedly appears in the sky at or near areas of tectonic stress, seismic activity, or volcanic eruptions ( canary Islands ) . Once commonly challenged, it was not until photographs were taken during the Matsushiro earthquake swarm in Nagano, Japan (which occurred from 1965 through 1967) that the seismology community acknowledged their occurrence.

Earthquake lights are caused by an unknown mechanism. There are numerous theories as to how and why they occur.
also Extremely low frequency - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Natural sources[edit]
Naturally occurring ELF waves are present on Earth, resonating in the region between ionosphere and surface. They are initiated by lightning strikes that make electrons in the atmosphere oscillate.[12] Though VLF signals were predominantly generated from lightning discharges, it was found that an observable ELF component (slow tail) followed the VLF component in almost all cases.[13] The fundamental mode of the Earth-ionosphere cavity has the wavelength equal to the circumference of the Earth, which gives a resonance frequency of 7.8 Hz. This frequency, and higher resonance modes of 14, 20, 26 and 32 Hz appear as peaks in the ELF spectrum and are called Schumann resonance.
Naturally occurring ELF waves are present on Earth, resonating in the region between ionosphere and surface. They are initiated by lightning strikes that make electrons in the atmosphere oscillate.[12] Though VLF signals were predominantly generated from lightning discharges, it was found that an observable ELF component (slow tail) followed the VLF component in almost all cases.[13] The fundamental mode of the Earth-ionosphere cavity has the wavelength equal to the circumference of the Earth, which gives a resonance frequency of 7.8 Hz. This frequency, and higher resonance modes of 14, 20, 26 and 32 Hz appear as peaks in the ELF spectrum and are called Schumann resonance.
Tesla Patent 685,954 - Method of Utilizing Effects Transmitted through Natural Media
Obviously whatever method be employed it is desirable that the disturbances produced by the transmitting apparatus should be as powerful as possible, and by the use of certain forms of high-frequency apparatus which I have devised and which are now well known important practical advantages are in this respect secured. Furthermore, since in most cases the amount of energy conveyed to the distant circuit is but a minute fraction of the total energy emanating from the source it is necessary for the attainment of the best results that whatever the character of the receiver and the nature of the disturbances as much as possible of the energy conveyed should be made available for the operation of the receiver, and with this object in view I have heretofore, among other means, employed a receiving-circuit of high self-induction and very small resistance and of a period such as to vibrate in synchronism with the disturbances, whereby a number of separate impulses from the source were made to cooperate, thus magnifying the effect exerted upon and insuring the action of the receiving device.
ps : love to check out this website , especially the patents as they are part of the Puzzle left behind by N. Tesla .... mostly the ones that seem out of place like Tesla's Fountain and others ( like the ozone circuit )
rota / introduction to the work of Louis Rota
The energy flowing within the earth generates a field in the atmosphere. It was tapped by large buried laminated metallic structures which Rota called blocks. The energy could light lamps, power machines, inhibit electromagnetic propagation such as radio waves and stop or control electromagnetic induction

This advanced Tesla coil was designed to implement wireless power by means of the disturbed charge of ground and air method.

on a side note :
something you should know about Tesla and other "Players" : it will help a bit understand his way of thinking

Meet some of the Best Players ..... List of people diagnosed with dyslexia - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
ex: Alexander Graham Bell, inventor and scientist
Lewis Carroll, author and mathematician
Albert Einstein, Scientist
Leonardo da Vinci, painter and polymath
Michael Faraday, Scientist.
Nikola Tesla, scientist and engineer
John Lennon, musician, songwriter
Jules Verne, author

forgot to add : Walter Russell to the lot as well .... not 100% sure but looking at his writing style ....
Maya Hypnosis, Hypnotherapy Past life Derbyshire
No two individuals ever has exactly the same gifts but many in the Dyslexia bracket do share some common mental functions. Including:
1. They can utilise the brain's ability to alter and create perceptions (the primary ability).
2. They are highly aware of their environment.
3. They are more curious than average.
4. They think mainly in pictures instead of words.
5. They are highly intuitive and insightful.
6. They think and perceive multi-dimensionally (using all the senses).
7. They can experience thought as reality.
8. They have vivid imaginations
Many of these attributes can get suppressed by the “educational process over the years, but if instead we learn to work with them two characteristics will evolve: higher than normal intelligence, and extraordinary creative abilities. From these the true gifts can emerge - the gift of mastery .
No two individuals ever has exactly the same gifts but many in the Dyslexia bracket do share some common mental functions. Including:
1. They can utilise the brain's ability to alter and create perceptions (the primary ability).
2. They are highly aware of their environment.
3. They are more curious than average.
4. They think mainly in pictures instead of words.
5. They are highly intuitive and insightful.
6. They think and perceive multi-dimensionally (using all the senses).
7. They can experience thought as reality.
8. They have vivid imaginations
Many of these attributes can get suppressed by the “educational process over the years, but if instead we learn to work with them two characteristics will evolve: higher than normal intelligence, and extraordinary creative abilities. From these the true gifts can emerge - the gift of mastery .