The input wave-forms to my 2 coils is exactly like that shown in post 973
(original). But the 2 voltages cancel each other. So I get no output.
I am driving these coils with just 2 npn mosfets rated at 50 amps and an
rds (on resistance) of only .022 ohms.
So very little heat is developed. Just about all the power goes to the coils. Ya with 19 awg wire, the coils get a little hot.
Except for those who are unable to build a decent circuit, why would anyone even use these power wasting resistors?
The input wave-forms to my 2 coils is exactly like that shown in post 973
(original). But the 2 voltages cancel each other. So I get no output.
I am driving these coils with just 2 npn mosfets rated at 50 amps and an
rds (on resistance) of only .022 ohms.
So very little heat is developed. Just about all the power goes to the coils. Ya with 19 awg wire, the coils get a little hot.
Except for those who are unable to build a decent circuit, why would anyone even use these power wasting resistors?