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Re-Inventing The Wheel-Part1-Clemente_Figuera

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  • Pulses


    In the patent it is also stated that Pulses could be used. So if we listen to the patent, (what everyone claims to do) then we don't need a smooth wave but a sharp impulse would also work. This here changes the dynamics of the machine because there is a difference between a Pulse and a smooth Wave

    What is your opinion on this.

    - Core


    • Pulses

      --> Core
      Certainly, (brushes and commutators) but pulses alone responsible for any OU? I'm sceptical. (MEG ringing??) Pls, can you find that part from pat. or doc. In my mind (bad memory) I can't find any of that.
      "" there is a difference between a Pulse and a smooth Wave "" Ohh yeaa! see pic. Pulses contains a mix of higer freqs. / Arne
      Attached Files
      Last edited by seaad; 11-05-2016, 07:56 PM.


      • Originally posted by marathonman View Post
        Ha, ha ,ha how pathetic !
        The figuera loosers.
        You may live comfortably but your completely ignorant when it comes to the Figuera.
        where is your research ....NOT.
        You did it again.

        As you have here many followers I think it is time that they may watch a video from you and know your own voice.



        • pulsing


          You are right about the pulsing. And no need for 8 different levels.
          Before solid state the old 6 volt car radios needed 200 dc volts to operate.
          The xformer primary was pulsed in series with the contacts of a 6 volt vibrator.
          The higher voltage secondary voltage was then rectified & filtered.

          The patent also says the operation of this device & a xformer has a few things in common.

          Don't be too hard on the Idiot. I just think he got to smoking a bad batch of that wacky_tabaccy and it got recycled in his brain!


          • Originally posted by seaad View Post
            --> Core
            Certainly, (brushes and commutators) but pulses alone responsible for any OU? I'm sceptical. (MEG ringing??) Pls, can you find that part from pat. or doc. In my mind (bad memory) I can't find any of that.
            "" there is a difference between a Pulse and a smooth Wave "" Ohh yeaa! see pic. Pulses contains a mix of higer freqs. / Arne

            This is taken from Patent 30378, in fairness I will say that I copied this from Hanons site.

            The cores* of all these electromagnets are formed in such a way that they will magnetize and demagnetize quickly and not retain any residual magnetism. In the empty space remaining between the pole faces of the electromagnets of these two series, the induced wire passes in one piece, or several, or many. An excitatory current, intermittent, or alternating, actuates all the electromagnets, which are attached or in series, or in parallel, or as required, and in the induced circuit will arise currents comprising, together, the total generator current.

            So the question is; How does one define Intermittent

            Here are a few definitions:
            1. occurring at irregular intervals; not continuous or steady:
            2. occurring or appearing at intervals
            3. lacking in steadiness or regularity of occurrence

            Of all patents the Buforn patent is the most interesting. What is if value is his descriptions and thoughts. This give us an insight as to what they had been thinking.

            As an example, the entire time he describes the ideal generator and where the current comes from he never mentions a secondary coil. He only mentions the secondary coil when it comes time to utilize these currents.

            Personally I am left with the impression that all the action/magic/usable energy is manifested from with-in the core and not the primary winding. So in other words, if the secondary core is vibrated, via a magnetic field correctly, energy in the form of electrical current is emanated from within the induced core material.

            In essence they may of found a suitable way to utilize electrical currents that manifest themselves in the secondary core. Naturally we call then Eddy Currents and they are referred to as losses in a system.

            Some time ago during my last tests I experimented in this direction. I was able to create substantial sparks from the secondary core however it wasn't always consistent and timing appeared to be important.

            Maybe a direction I will move in again.

            - Core


            • Back to basics

              To All,

              To successfully build anything you must first have some idea
              on how the thing is supposed to work.
              Figuera done intensive studying of the dynamo before attempting
              to mimic it's performance.
              The Buforn patent says the energy comes from the atmosphere which
              is also claimed by dozens of other free energy inventors.
              The other thing all these inventors have in common is that there
              has to be some form of asymetrical system to unbalance things.
              Well nature has already provided this because the earth and it's
              vicinity have an excess of negative charges which are just itching
              to mate up with some positive charges.

              And that is the reason why our primaries have to be pulsed only
              with positive going pulses.
              The use of straight open cores gives me good reason to suspect
              that much of this free energy is attracted to the strong magnetic
              flux field flowing between the 2 poles. Therein lies the problem.
              Do we strive for a longer flux field with a weaker magnetic or
              do we want a stronger magnetic with a shorter flux field?

              We also have to remember that the coil layers close to the core
              are subjected to stronger fields than that of the outer layers.
              Fewer layers & fewer turns of wire mean less voltage out which is
              why C.F. used 7 units to get his required voltage.
              With the much weaker magnetic field of straight cores we should
              wind our coils more efficiently. Being a little longer for more turns
              and with fewer layers & larger wire for greater magnetic impact.
              A fat bulky coil just won't cut it!
              Fewer turns & more units is the way to go.


              • Core thanks!
                Aha, the early patent that I interprets as the 'opposite speaker concept'. see my pic. Steady [cone] coil and flapping magnetic field across. Perpendicular magnetic fields Primary - Secondary
                I remembered some of the text when I saw it. About 'Intermittent' ; At that time age, stocastic sparking spark gaps (spark transmitter) where common. But a square wave with short on pulses or bursts maybe fits in?

                When I first became familiar with the Figuera Buforn concept my thought was : This is a way to fraud wealthy bankers but the second thought was NO, Fraud is more of Hit and Run. And these guys keep sending in patents year after year. Even when they were dead! Thats why I'm still trying to find a lurcing OU. I prefer the 1908 to 1914 patents.
                When I was young I worked with Car radio/ transmitters with Vibrator DC to AC converters. They consumed multi Amperes. No Over Unity where in sight there.

                ""As an example, the entire time he describes the ideal generator and where the current comes from""
                Maybe some obsequious text to make impression on the bankers.

                "" that all the action/magic/usable energy is manifested from with-in the core ""
                Take output power when the primarys are saturated. If working? Maybe the NRamaswami ( huge "transformer" works that way. Or coil shortening.

                "" they may or found a suitable way to utilize electrical currents that manifest themselves in the secondary core ""
                You mentioned pulses before and we have such from the commutator when that climbs up and down the R-stairs (not the MM type) many times higher than the fundamental frequency. (G-part). The sharp edges of those may be cutted/ limited by the behavior of the inductance and core material. See my previous pic with B-H curves.
                I have done some testing myself with tuned donuts which have been tapped on lightly with a pencil, and they produced bursts of good strong sine waves.
                But Figuera didn't have the core Fe-mix we have today.
                Maybe I (you) have diverged the topic too much for this tread with these wild suggestions and then PM's are more suitable? (some here are more patent sensitive than me) Anyhow keep on trying and testing but watch out for high voltages. / Arne
                Attached Files
                Last edited by seaad; 11-06-2016, 10:13 PM.


                • MM, apart from insulting me again in the other thread, has shared a couple of pictures which will sure change the world forever:
                  1- A USB cable

                  2- A waterpipe with two outlets
                  In the meantime the rest of his followers there, I mean the real serious builders, are still waiting to see a picture of his toroid part G. I wonder how long he will be able to mantain this funny tale, simulating to be a builder.

                  I am about to fund him in the funding campain he started just to see if he could wind the usb cable around the waterpipe. If he do it CCW he will get OU for sure

                  MM, As long as you keep on insulting me I will keep on showing your flaws. So you can keep on that... By the way, I am still waiting the answer to my technical questions...


                  • Hanon, didn't you observe that tiny mechanical/ magnetic diode (box) in the intersection of the two outlet tubes. Pls, dropp MM. / Arne
                    PS: NO, No Kapanadze water pipe earth.........
                    " Al Origen " = source, origin, coming from
                    Last edited by seaad; 11-07-2016, 12:51 PM.


                    • Originally posted by seaad View Post
                      "" that all the action/magic/usable energy is manifested from with-in the core ""
                      Lets play the odds here, throughout the last 30 years how many people have chased FE? Exactly how many different ways is there to wind a secondary (induced) coil over a primary? Given the amount of failures and the magnitude of people within the last 30 years is it plausible to believe that people have been looking in the wrong place?

                      Does anyone here really believe that there is only one special way to wind an FE coil? Can it be possible that no one has stumbled upon it yet?..... highly unlikely

                      I am not saying that I am right buy looking at the core as the source of FE, however there comes a time when the thing we call losses in a system have to be given a second look. Maybe, just maybe we all overlooked something because we have programmed ourselves to ignore them because they are losses and there is no-gain in utilizing them.

                      Originally posted by seaad View Post
                      I have done some testing myself with tuned donuts which have been tapped on lightly with a pencil, and they produced bursts of good strong sine waves.
                      But Figuera didn't have the core Fe-mix we have today.
                      My guess he used solid iron or steel, there is not one indication that laminated cores had been used. This leads me to believe there was a lot of heat generated in the cores.

                      Originally posted by seaad View Post
                      Maybe I (you) have diverged the topic too much for this tread with these wild suggestions and then PM's are more suitable? (some here are more patent sensitive than me) Anyhow keep on trying and testing but watch out for high voltages. / Arne
                      This thread was re-ignited after the failure of the thread. The topics and direction discussed here mirror that on the thread. Having said that, this thread, unless sparked by a new innovative direction, will suffer the same outcome and slow death as the thread..

                      I am a slow worker due to my responsibilities and professional life. If we find it more convenient to discuss this device via PM then I have no issue with that. Also this method should be open to any member that wants to take a different direction then what is being forced here.

                      I welcome all.

                      - Core


                      • This guy is really bad. Look his new insults against myself in the other thread

                        Originally posted by marathonman View Post
                        lies again, i told you how to do it in the first place fool. so your attempting to get credit on something you had no clue in the world how or why it opperated is priceless. I told you how the device operated and you still didn't believe me until you did it according to my instructions and you STILL DON'T KNOW HOW IT little of you Mr. ANT.
                        you are completely ignorant of all opperations of the figuera device and i personally think you have mental issues with borderline retardation. this is my only explanation for your complete lack reasoning or mental prowess and your eagerness to argue and push people to the brink just shy of shoving i knife up your arse.
                        But these are not just insults. The text labelled in red ( by me) are criminal threats against my my integrity. I will report the moderators of this behaviour.


                        • Originally posted by hanon1492 View Post
                          This guy is really bad. Look his new insults against myself in the other thread

                          But these are not just insults. The text labelled in red ( by me) are criminal threats against my my integrity. I will report the moderators of this behaviour.


                          Tú fuiste allá (A SU SITIO) a PROVOCARLO...y ahora quieres venir a llorar y jugar al inocente aquí?!!

                          ¿Y quién crees que te vá a creer?

                          Vamos Hombre comportate como tal!!

                          You went there to HIS THREAD, just to piss him off...and now you wanna come crying here and to play the " Innocent"?

                          Come On Man, behave like one!!


                          Seriously Ufopolitics
                          Principles for the Development of a Complete Mind: Study the science of art. Study the art of science. Develop your senses- especially learn how to see. Realize that everything connects to everything else.― Leonardo da Vinci


                          • Originally posted by Ufopolitics View Post

                            You went there to HIS THREAD, just to piss him off...and now you wanna come crying here and to play the " Innocent"?

                            Come On Man, behave like one!!


                            Seriously Ufopolitics

                            There To piss him off ??? Please read my 2 posts on that thread and tell me what I said there. I posted there my two technical questions. Just that. I am not showing me as inocent. He has been insulting me and the rest of people who dont agree 100% with him many times. Your time will arrive soon too to have a row with him...It is matter of time with him...Time will tell... Let say that I just agree with 95%, except for the things that he say that are "mandatories" in the patent, as the ghost toroid that noone is able to find in the patent. I can not stand that he distort the patent to include in it that design as mandatory. Just that.

                            I just made, in this forum, the joke of the pictures of the USB cable and the waterpipe....Please forgive me for that. Please Ufo, almighty God, forgive me for that joke...

                            I am sorry to see that you defend that man and his disgraced posts.

                            You do not need to write in spanish to show up. I understand perfectly english and I write in english for the rest of members who visit this forum.

                            Good luck with Figuera. Good night
                            Last edited by hanon1492; 11-08-2016, 12:11 AM.


                            • You are wrong

                              I never stated "I" WOULD you are not worth the GOD given sweat on my backside. i simply stated you push people with your BS and i for one did not break. and i for one see past your smoke and mirrors. you are mad i understand Figuera and you DON'T AT ALL. I took your lousy 15 minutes of fame and squashed it like a bug.

                              so get off your girly how dare you attitude and walk away like a man. read my words unlike you reading the Figuera patent. "i" personally did not threaten you what so ever. i have had MANY PEOPLE pm me stating you are out of control and wish you would shut up and go away. you have very few followers and i for one am not a fan of stupidity.

                              I will never post on this crappie thread again as long as i live and i expect you to do the same with MINE. yes, MY THREAD.
                              and if you think my opinion is bad you should hear Doug's opinion. that is a whole new ballpark.

                              END OF CONVERSATION.

                              Last edited by marathonman; 11-09-2016, 05:13 PM.


                              • W Zone

                                I recommend all involved who wants to "murder" each other to start a new thread: "THE FIGUERA WAR ZONE" !!

                                Then we others can put forvard ideas, (eaven wild and odd ones) build, test and dicuss these and analyze the results calmly.

