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Re-Inventing The Wheel-Part1-Clemente_Figuera

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  • Now they are on the right track. Thanks God now they have great builders there to advance. I guess those builders will succed soon or later.

    I just wanted to show that MM has been promoting all his interpretation from his theoretical understanding of the device. Never from tests.

    Theoretically the toroid needed a unique shortcircuited winding. Wrong

    Theoretically the toroid needs a thick wire able to power a building. Wrong. Netica did it with household wire.

    Theoretically the toroid is mandatory. Waiting...
    Theoretically the toroid recycle back the energy, and if not it will never be selfsustaining. Waiting...

    We will see. The patent does not tell anything of that. Time will tell...theoretically.
    Last edited by hanon1492; 11-25-2016, 03:05 PM.


    • ? ? ? ? ?

      Is MM a reincarnated MuhaMmed ??

      quote: God said to me, "Do not quit Donald" so i stood tall and i will reap his rewards.
      as for the thanking, well, i can't lie, it is nice to be told "thank you" but in the long run i am just Gods messenger.
      Last edited by seaad; 11-25-2016, 03:44 PM.


      • Part G analysis

        Hi Ufo,

        Since I'm forbidden on the other thread I'll drag your post over here. Kinda silly but that's MM.

        Originally posted by Ufopolitics View Post
        Hello to All,

        I have been trying to put all Functions of Part G together...along with Primaries.

        And, like I wrote before...being studying pretty deep all Magnetic Circuits Calculations related to Hopkinson's Law and Ohm's Law...

        Some diagrams below I believe will assist Us in understanding how to build our Wave Signal even better:

        Below Diagram shows Primary N at Max Output:


        And so I have set a few Parameters to have in mind...:

        Total Amp-Turns, which is equivalent to Total MMF disbursed at Max on both ends. This Number of Turns on our Toroid will dictate the Raise and Fall distances in our Scopes it will Increase the Primaries Magnetic Field Strength, therefore their Spatial expansions and Contractions.

        Notice on this IMG I have set the Positive Brush Arrow delivering Max at N Primary.

        Please note Brush Rotation Direction on Top of Toroid

        I have reflected on IMG Left side all Parameters following their respective Directions...

        Electric Circuit: is showing Current and EMF direction following Red Circular Arrow Increasing Values within Toroid Core.

        Magnetic Circuit: MMF is also following Red Arrow direction Increase as is Flux Density.

        Based on either Hopkinson's or Ohm's Law we all know that MMF/EMF and Current/Flux are Directly Proportional...meaning as one the other one.

        But not so with Resistance/Reluctance...which are Inversely Proportional according to the Law's Equations...

        So we have the Opposite Increase reflected by Black Arrow within Toroid, moving away from Red Arrow (Opposite Directions)

        Which concludes that as MMF/EMF/Flux/Current are moving with red arrow direction, the Resistance/Reluctance Increases Opposite based on Black Arrow Direction.

        The Result is that we get Higher Potentials Values (MMF/EMF/Flux/Current) delivered at Terminal going to Primary N.

        As We get the Highest Resistance/Reluctance at Terminal going to Primary S. Which means Minimal the other Parameters Increasing at N.

        Now the Opposite Image is shown below:


        Brush is delivering Max at S Primary...which means that ALL Output Parameters on previous Image REVERSE.

        Note Red-Black Arrows within Toroid are now opposed than IMG 1...

        While Brush Rotation is the same...

        All Equations from both Laws are in agreement with my writings above...

        Reluctance = L/uA

        Where L is the Total Length of the Magnetic Circuit (Our Toroid Windings) and uA is the Magnetic Permeability (Conductivity) of Iron Core Sectional Area...which tells Us all that by Increasing L which round up to be also Number of Turns...will increase our Reluctance...but CAREFUL here!!...since they are Inversely Proportional to MMF/Flux...too much Resistance will lower our MMF/Flux Rendered Potentials.

        And here is where I see the reason why to work with heavier gauge wire...which means that we could increase L (Length=A-T) without increasing Ohmic allowing better path for higher currents flow.

        Therefore, We keep a Balance of both Opposed Magnetic Parameters here (MMF/Reluctance) which we need to create Higher Raise as lower falls at Signals Peaks.

        Anyways, this is my take on this...My two pennies worth...

        Regards to All

        It appears that you show one of the primary coils wound backwards. Is that right? I like to see that you're taking an analytical approach. I have to go but will study this later.




        • Originally posted by bistander View Post
          Hi Ufo,

          Since I'm forbidden on the other thread I'll drag your post over here. Kinda silly but that's MM.

          It appears that you show one of the primary coils wound backwards. Is that right? I like to see that you're taking an analytical approach. I have to go but will study this later.



          Hello Bistander,

          I just did it to keep wiring connections "Symmetrical" and so prettier...between G and Primaries.. ...nothing important...we all know it is the other way around. or N-N...that is why I painted Blue both arrows at N-S Max...

          But now can you see what looking for Symmetry makes Us all do?...

          Very observative like always Bistander!!...But you've missed that I had Battery terminals polarity symbols wrong...

          I got a technical question for you about my switching PSU...but I will post it on the Open Thread later on...

          I know either Citfta or You will have the right answer.


          Last edited by Ufopolitics; 11-25-2016, 09:43 PM.
          Principles for the Development of a Complete Mind: Study the science of art. Study the art of science. Develop your senses- especially learn how to see. Realize that everything connects to everything else.― Leonardo da Vinci


          • Ants Noise...

            By the way...I could slightly hear some kind of very low , almost imperceptible low coming from a very tiny ant?

            Anyone of you could hear it?

            By the way, I had Turkey yesterday...but what about my steak supposedly to be done with some resistors flames???!!!

            So far my Toroid Part G is sooo cold that only serves me to store veggies and salad...

            Electronic Taste...

            Last edited by Ufopolitics; 11-25-2016, 07:23 PM.
            Principles for the Development of a Complete Mind: Study the science of art. Study the art of science. Develop your senses- especially learn how to see. Realize that everything connects to everything else.― Leonardo da Vinci


            • The same proof of principle done by Netica and Ufo was time ago shown in this video regulating two lightbulbs in the range 0-100%. But it went into deaf ears. Bistander and Seead also pointed to this kind of design.

              1- The video shows a variac . Variac have a open winding. MM was telling that a continuous close winding was mandatory, and he was....wrong.

              2- As in any variac the brush movement was back and forth between both outlets. MM was describing a continuous whole rotation around the toroid. And he was again...wrong

              3- The winding in the variac has a normal thickness. MM was telling thar the winding must be very very thick. Netica proved him to be wrong when he built his device with normal household wire.

              4- I say that the toroid do not make any energy recycling function between the toroid and the electromagnets. Time will tell if they can disconnect the battery just by using a toroid or use just a small input to compensate heat losses (very small in the toroid). Time will tell and will prove that MM is ....

              I see in MM a virtue , and that is his big commitment with this project, and this is really good in some points because he at least has bring into light the toroid as a great efficiency current regulator. But please do not accept other self imposed design restrictions, as saying that the toroid is mandatory or that it needs a wire able to power a whole building, which is also a guess coming from his own interpretation. This device should work with any method which would be able to move the two fields. The toroid is not the only way.

              It is a pity that this forum is not really open. As no disident opinion is accepted in the other thread, nobody can read there some constructive critics as the one from Bistander and Seead, who finally were proved to be right. The other thread is a kind of "just those accepting ang replicating my views are allowed here". I do not know if in the future Netica and Ufo will be accepted there if they discover any other disagreement with the "Theory". I hope they stay there, they are the only ones with real hability to bring that thread onto the right track.
              Last edited by hanon1492; 11-27-2016, 10:21 AM.


              • Open thread

                While this is an open thread i choose to not post here except to confront your BS.
                my thread is closed because of people like you that constantly attack me for no reason other than pissed off that i took your lousy 15 minutes of fame away.
                you have been riding off your translation of the patent since 2012 and have done NOTHING since to promote the Figuera device. even your translation was wrong with missing translations and sentences. you have NO research of your own except the NN fields and that is it. your attempt at constructing the primaries and secondaries ended it a COMPLETE DISASTER and NOTHING WORKED. all the information i have was given to you but you have NO ability to understand it.
                YOU ARE WRONG HANON.
                all you do is post different patents in an attempt to fool people that you have your own research, in which you have NONE. you have even been to my research photos and graphs to many times to count copying my research because you don't have the ability to figure it out on your own. YES HANON I KNOW YOU VISIT MY RESEARCH ALMOST DAILY. talk about a HYPOCRITE TO THE THIRD DEGREE.

                YOU ARE THE FRAUD HANON not me. every thing i post has come true. SO WHAT pert G needed a little tweek, WHO CARES.
                you are JEALOUS like no tomorrow and can't stand it that I have pushed this device to the next level NOT YOU.
                i get email's and pm's all the time about people saying YOU ARE WRONG and DO NOTHING TO PROMOTE THE DEVICE. all you bring to the table is a mouth full of BS.

                LEAVE ME AND MY RESEARCH ALONE AND GET A LIFE. my thread is for people that agree with my findings. maybe not 100 % but they still agree and we are working together to complete this device.
                all this thread does is bad mouth me with NO RESEARCH AT ALL. WOW ! now that is so sad and says a lot about you and the other thread members. YOU ARE SICK IN THE HEAD AND NEED PROFESSIONAL HELP.


                so please stop EMBARRASSING YOUR SELF AND ENTERGETIC FORUM like you have been. try acting like an adult instead of a drama queen and get to work on this device.
                DO NOT POST ON MY SITE IN RETALIATION. just get on with your life and quite being a COMPLETE COWARD if you can.

                NOBODY WANTS YOU OR NEEDS YOUR BS especially on MY THREAD so please STOP THE BS TODAY, RIGHT NOW !
                Last edited by marathonman; 11-27-2016, 02:13 PM.


                • If anyone read my previous post and yours they can judge for themselves who is the mental unbalanced person.

                  Admit you were wrong, and stop telling BS about me and anyone who criticise you. All we are waiting is some technical reasoning to defend your proposals, but you only know how to insult.

                  If you insult me again please do it in the other thread. Write there your crap.


                  • @Hanon

                    Originally posted by hanon1492 View Post
                    If anyone read my previous post and yours they can judge for themselves who is the mental unbalanced person.

                    Admit you were wrong, and stop telling BS about me and anyone who criticise you. All we are waiting is some technical reasoning to defend your proposals, but you only know how to insult.

                    If you insult me again please do it in the other thread. Write there your crap.
                    If you got a notice you were temporarily banned for 7 days, disregard that. We thought Marathon Man's complaint was for you posting in his thread. Your membership is active.
                    Energetic Forum Administrator


                    • @Marathonman

                      Originally posted by marathonman View Post
                      While this is an open thread i choose to not post here except to confront your BS.
                      my thread is closed because of people like you that constantly attack me for no reason other than pissed off that i took your lousy 15 minutes of fame away.
                      you have been riding off your translation of the patent since 2012 and have done NOTHING since to promote the Figuera device. even your translation was wrong with missing translations and sentences. you have NO research of your own except the NN fields and that is it. your attempt at constructing the primaries and secondaries ended it a COMPLETE DISASTER and NOTHING WORKED. all the information i have was given to you but you have NO ability to understand it.
                      YOU ARE WRONG HANON.
                      all you do is post different patents in an attempt to fool people that you have your own research, in which you have NONE. you have even been to my research photos and graphs to many times to count copying my research because you don't have the ability to figure it out on your own. YES HANON I KNOW YOU VISIT MY RESEARCH ALMOST DAILY. talk about a HYPOCRITE TO THE THIRD DEGREE.

                      YOU ARE THE FRAUD HANON not me. every thing i post has come true. SO WHAT pert G needed a little tweek, WHO CARES.
                      you are JEALOUS like no tomorrow and can't stand it that I have pushed this device to the next level NOT YOU.
                      i get email's and pm's all the time about people saying YOU ARE WRONG and DO NOTHING TO PROMOTE THE DEVICE. all you bring to the table is a mouth full of BS.

                      LEAVE ME AND MY RESEARCH ALONE AND GET A LIFE. my thread is for people that agree with my findings. maybe not 100 % but they still agree and we are working together to complete this device.
                      all this thread does is bad mouth me with NO RESEARCH AT ALL. WOW ! now that is so sad and says a lot about you and the other thread members. YOU ARE SICK IN THE HEAD AND NEED PROFESSIONAL HELP.


                      so please stop EMBARRASSING YOUR SELF AND ENTERGETIC FORUM like you have been. try acting like an adult instead of a drama queen and get to work on this device.
                      DO NOT POST ON MY SITE IN RETALIATION. just get on with your life and quite being a COMPLETE COWARD if you can.

                      NOBODY WANTS YOU OR NEEDS YOUR BS especially on MY THREAD so please STOP THE BS TODAY, RIGHT NOW !
                      Please do not send us any more complaints because you disagree with someone. That is not the purpose for the option to report a post. If Hanon posts in your thread, that is a different story since Hanon was asked to not post there, but this is not your thread.
                      Energetic Forum Administrator


                      • I guess you guys are so confusing me, I don't know what the experiment is.
                        It is no wonder everyone is frustrated with the next man's viewpoint. It
                        would be very helpful if once in a while someone would take the time to
                        be generous enough to slow down to make clear.

                        I see all different designs which is commendable amounts of work and
                        everyone is building hardware. So the question is, who can show any

                        It looks like the waves overlap or cancel and this moves lenz out of the way
                        long enough to get something else?

                        I don't really know, so please explain the goal one more time.

                        If I could see an experiment that gives any extra I might consider it, but
                        all of this talk of who is the biggest and who has a screw loose makes
                        no never mind without the proof.


                        • Originally posted by admin View Post
                          If you got a notice you were temporarily banned for 7 days, disregard that. We thought Marathon Man's complaint was for you posting in his thread. Your membership is active.
                          Well, we see how you are. Trying to get rid of any different opinion to yours. Typical from dictators. I did not know you were working to get me banned from this forum.

                          Marathonman, you are an snake.

                          From now on you are for me SnakeMan.
                          Last edited by hanon1492; 11-27-2016, 10:45 PM.


                          • I see the opposite wound coils in so many inventors claims and
                            out of all of these threads I can't find one good video that shows me
                            that I would get some extra energy.

                            Yeah, I would be interested in seeing a real live device that works
                            and if this is not done then we all need to move on to something practical.

                            I see coils and more coils with no rhyme or reason why, I see endless
                            wiring patterns with all sorts of pulses, spaces, duration's, rest periods
                            it's ridiculousness. All good for an exercise I suppose.

                            People building devices that function should be so consumed for so long
                            that a repeated explanation will come second nature in order to shed
                            light on a subject. When the expression of basis of a working unit is not
                            present it makes people wonder if anyone building really knows what they
                            are looking for.

                            Re-inventing the wheel is a frustrated title of itself where the impossible
                            is done without any outside help and is a slam. In other words I must do
                            everything myself from scratch as I am getting no help. This is the
                            basic thought of the thread.

                            It is every man for himself and no one can tell me anything mainly
                            because no one understands the next man's reasoning.

                            It is a lost feeling coming out of the title, a free for all, every man on
                            his own with many boasting that they have all of the answers while
                            showing no proof.

                            If I have missed any ideas on this thread please feel free to show me
                            the error of my ways. For me a single demonstration could put it all to
                            bed but no one is able to deliver.

                            Last edited by BroMikey; 11-28-2016, 11:08 AM.


                            • Meanwhile we are waiting for the minute of truth to be reached in the forbidden thread we others have to search what is causing OU in the Figuera concept.

                              UFOpolitics have some wild idea about (quote)

                              "" Spatial Magnetic Field Fluctuations ,Wake up!!, main point here is that Virtual Fields Fluctuations Displacement DO Generate an Induction on Secondaries...""

                              Any wild idea HERE, guys??


                              • Source of photos

                                Originally posted by BroMikey View Post
                                I see the opposite wound coils in so many inventors claims and
                                out of all of these threads I can't find one good video that shows me
                                that I would get some extra energy.

                                Yeah, I would be interested in seeing a real live device that works
                                and if this is not done then we all need to move on to something practical.

                                I see coils and more coils with no rhyme or reason why, I see endless
                                wiring patterns with all sorts of pulses, spaces, duration's, rest periods
                                it's ridiculousness. All good for an exercise I suppose.

                                People building devices that function should be so consumed for so long
                                that a repeated explanation will come second nature in order to shed
                                light on a subject. When the expression of basis of a working unit is not
                                present it makes people wonder if anyone building really knows what they
                                are looking for.

                                Re-inventing the wheel is a frustrated title of itself where the impossible
                                is done without any outside help and is a slam. In other words I must do
                                everything myself from scratch as I am getting no help. This is the
                                basic thought of the thread.

                                It is every man for himself and no one can tell me anything mainly
                                because no one understands the next man's reasoning.

                                It is a lost feeling coming out of the title, a free for all, every man on
                                his own with many boasting that they have all of the answers while
                                showing no proof.

                                If I have missed any ideas on this thread please feel free to show me
                                the error of my ways. For me a single demonstration could put it all to
                                bed but no one is able to deliver.

                                Hey BM,

                                This has to be the most coherent post I've seen from you. The new meds must be kicking in

                                Where did you get the pics? Your own? Russian blog? Did the guy run it and record output from secondary coil?


                                Last edited by bistander; 11-28-2016, 06:57 PM. Reason: typo

