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Dr. Fred Bell

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  • Dr. Fred Bell

    Hi All,
    What do you guys know about Dr. Fred Bell?
    jessie ventura discusses conspiracy theory season 3 and its delay airing excerpt - YouTube

  • #2
    Wow thanks for the link. I dont know anything about him but a quick search pulled up some history on him.

    Dr. Fred Bell's -
    Fred Bell - Guests - Coast to Coast AM

    He was definately into some deep science. He has been speaking on coast to coast since 2003...however, I didnt see any topics that included free energy that he was speaking of on the radio show.

    Maybe he knew to avoid that subject for all those years?


    • #3
      I've got his big book 'Rays of Truth - Crystals of Light'. I knew someone who met with him and gave a seminar with him. He's got some amazing info and it's a fascinating read.
      Last edited by ewizard; 11-03-2012, 04:22 PM.
      There is no important work, there are only a series of moments to demonstrate your mastery and impeccability. Quote from Almine


      • #4
        Matthew 7:20 "Wherefore by their fruits ye shall know them."

        Looking at his books...

        1) "Promise"

        Dr. Fred Bell, engineer and former NASA rocket scientist, describes in exciting detail his wonderous meetings with the people from the far away Pleiadean star system,and how they have been coming to earth for eons to help assist in our planetary growth and to bring us into the stellar community of advanced worlds.

        "These beings are giving us technology that can take us deep into the stars in a matter of minutes - or permit us to know not only whether a pregnant human female is carrying a boy or girl, but who the soul is and from where it originates. Such is what they have to teach us!"

        2) "Rays of Truth - Crystals of Light: Information and Guidance for the Golden Age"

        I can't speak of the man personally but only the work he's putting out to determine who he's working for.

        It is obvious that this man is spreading lies of the New Age and lies of UFOs being aliens here to help us through the approaching "Golden Age".

        These are lies to ensure that people are not prepared for the truth that Jesus is returning to bring his wrath upon mankind. There will be no "Golden Age" for mankind but only eternal judgement.

        These so called "alien brothers" here doing abductions are nothing more than demons.

        This can be easily proven by the fact that ALL alien abductions can be stopped by calling on the name of Jesus Christ your savior. These "aliens" flee in horror at the calling of the name of Jesus Christ.

        See this book "Unholy Communion" as it clearly lies out the truth about these so called "aliens". They are not here to help anyone but Satan.

        A clip from Ian Juby's DVD "Genesis and Aliens" available at Welcome to Ian Juby's Home Page

        People, don't buy into lies of aliens and the New Age.

        These things are easily proven but who has the love for the truth to see it?

        If he's spreading such lies about aliens and the New Age movement.... how can he suddenly be telling the truth when it comes to "free energy"? Not consistent in character. If you catch someone lying to you, just don't ever trust anything that comes from their mouth.

        Last edited by SilverToGold; 11-03-2012, 10:59 PM.


        • #5

          Fred Bell telling lies is your opinion...
          I believe your opinion is very misguided.

          World wide religons in my opinion are nothing more than mass hysteria and insanity. Having blind faith in something without any factual evidence is no better than being in a cult...jonestown style. Good and evil exists, all on its own, without any supervisors. Theres no such thing as god or satan, human beings are responsible for their own actions.

          I tend to have faith in facts. Statistically speaking, there are millions of earth-like planets in the known universe. They are all capable of producing life, and indeed many of them will certainly contain life. Some will contain civilizations much younger than ours, and some will be much older than ours. There are millions of different species of life on our planet earth.
          Over time other earth-like planets will contain that same diversity of life as well. 2+2=4 no matter where you are in the universe.

          There can be peace on earth and a global golden age.
          First people just have to stop with the insanity.
          If aliens were evil they could have taken us out a long time ago.
          btw, humans abduct animals, experiment on them, and return them all the time...Take a look in the mirror, we are no different than anything else.

          As far as free energy,

          I'm certainly not the smartest person here, but I personally think much of what we know about science is very misguided. For two reasons, governments want to keep people in the dark and keep us all ignorant of the truth. As well, I think we generally over complicate complex things that we dont fully understand.

          Traveling through space faster than light can obviously be done. Its already happening now on the quantum level. All we need is the technology to replicate the occurance at our scale.

          Free energy also can obviously be achieved. All you need is a perpetual imbalance. Any force such as gravity or magnetism can provide a perpetual imbalance. The sun itself is a big free energy device that gravity holds together. Every piece of matter in existance obviously already has energy in it, we just need to harness it.

          I personally think free energy is the tip of the iceburg, once that is releaved it will start the avalanche of current suppressed technolgies. Such as, particle manipulation, anti-gravity, inter-dimension travel, time dialation, consciousness interactive hardware, even conscious artifical intelligence. This isnt science fiction, thats what the government wants you to believe so they can control you. what we are using now is cave-man technology.

          electromagnetic that all we've got? lol thats weak sauce.
          Some days while driving I'll look up at all the power cables and wires hanging everywhere down the roads and I feel like I'm stuck in the 1950's...Everything outside almost appears black and white. lol.. Its really sad, how much further along we should be by now.
          Last edited by jdodson; 11-04-2012, 05:21 AM.


          • #6
            It's fear mongering. The control is through fear mongering. If there was in fact
            aliens form another place visiting Earth and collaborating with our Governments
            they would be neither "good" nor "beneficial", they would surely know the
            criminality of the humans they would be dealing with.

            I don't say they do not exist. But it looks to me like Dr Bell was mind "spammed"
            or used by dark forces for purposes of spreading fear. There could be many
            reasons for that. He could have died from heart failure due to stress, because of
            his own beliefs, or the stress could have been induced.

            What does the doctor provide in terms of technical information ? Or proof.

            It's plain to see how easily peoples minds are controlled to swing far to the
            extremes to keep people's consciousness away from the truth which is nearly always
            in the middle somewhere.


            P.S. Technology is held back because the driving factor is the making of
            money, not the benefit on mankind in general. Nothing will change in any
            significant way until the driving factor for implementing new tech is the
            benefit of mankind not the making of lot's of fake money for a few people.
            The people with all the money now have the control of the governments
            so they can use the law and corruption to resist change which may reduce
            their profits. It's really simple. The problem is greed corruption and peoples
            apathy in general to do anything about it in any significant way. We will get
            from our governments what we are willing to take.

            We just need to look at this thread. If it's not the Aliens coming it Jesus.
            Could it be that these things are all used for control.

            Jesus said the love of money is the root of all evil, throw away the money.
            Why then do many "Christian" organisations ask for money, it seems for many
            it their main focus.


            We have politicians wasting billions of dollars on bad decisions which are just
            madness and they pay themselves handsomely for it with our work. They have
            no disincentive. Why should they stop.

            Last edited by Farmhand; 11-04-2012, 10:42 AM.


            • #7

              You make some interesting but contradictory statements. You say you only believe in facts yet you deny the very strong evidence of a creator. I don't have the time or space here to even touch the surface of all the evidence of a creator. But I will share just a couple. A very renowned atheist who is also a renowned physicist set out to prove evolution was mathematically possible. He spent several months gathering data and then did the calculations of the odds of life on earth happening by accident as the evolutionists claim. He came to the conclusion it was more likely a tornado could go through a salvage yard and accidentally create a fully functioning 747 than for life to have happened by accident. In other words evolution is mathematically impossible.

              Supposedly it takes millions of years to produce the fossil record of the animals that lived long ago. Yet scientists have discovered that the volcanic ash of Mt. St. Helens that blew up a few years ago has already created fossils of the animals and plants that were buried in the volcanic ash.

              We were supposed to have slowly developed over a long period of time according to the evolutionists. Yet slow change over time does not explain how something like an eye could have evolved. The eye is composed of many separate parts that all work together to allow us and animals to see. If you take away any one of those parts the rest of them are useless. Even Darwin himself when confronted with this problem of evolution admitted he did not see how could evolution could explain this. There are many other parts of human and animal anatomy that have the same situation.

              So you see the same educational system that taught you free energy was impossible has also taught you a creator was not needed for life to exist. So why do you believe the one lie and claim the other one is the truth even though the evidence clearly shows both are lies.

              Comparing Jim Jones to true Christianity is also very misguided. Jesus clearly taught we are to love one another and have respect for the life he has given us. Many people have misused God's word for their own purpose but that does not mean it is not the true word of God.

              I also believe in free energy. That is why I have been a member of this forum for several years now. So we do agree on that.

              Just because someone disagrees with you does NOT make them your enemy. We can disagree without attacking someone.


              • #8
                Originally posted by jdodson View Post
                Fred Bell telling lies is your opinion...
                I believe your opinion is very misguided.

                World wide religons in my opinion are nothing more than mass hysteria and insanity. Having blind faith in something without any factual evidence is no better than being in a cult...jonestown style. Good and evil exists, all on its own, without any supervisors. Theres no such thing as god or satan, human beings are responsible for their own actions.

                I tend to have faith in facts. Statistically speaking, there are millions of earth-like planets in the known universe. They are all capable of producing life, and indeed many of them will certainly contain life. Some will contain civilizations much younger than ours, and some will be much older than ours. There are millions of different species of life on our planet earth.
                Over time other earth-like planets will contain that same diversity of life as well. 2+2=4 no matter where you are in the universe.

                There can be peace on earth and a global golden age.
                First people just have to stop with the insanity.
                If aliens were evil they could have taken us out a long time ago.
                btw, humans abduct animals, experiment on them, and return them all the time...Take a look in the mirror, we are no different than anything else.
                I would like to clarify that I do not know if Fred Bell was knowingly lying, I can only say what he claims are lies from his books.

                I like that you love factual evidence, so do I.

                If the Bible is fiction, then how do you explain these factual archeological evidences that prove the Bible?

                REVEALING GOD'S TREASURE - RON WYATT - YouTube

                In all sincerity, I would like to know how you explain these facts since there is only one explanation because they are obviously supernatural and totally match the Bible.

                Satan is real and he is the prince of this world and his sole goal is to destroy trust in God and Jesus Christ by attacking His word in the KJV Bible.

                While you are here, may I ask you a question since by your post - I can assume you believe the world is "millions" or "billions" of years old - what is your best "factual evidence" or "fact" that makes you believe this? I would like to know.

                I am not clear, but do you believe in aliens abducting humans here on earth? How do you explain that they all flee when the abductee claims Jesus Christ for them to stop? If they were advanced aliens from other planets, and Jesus Christ was not God, why would it matter to them?

                jdodson, even though you deny Him, Jesus is still willing to do all he can to save you from Satan's grip that does not violate your free will. I hope that you have enough love for facts and truth as you stated that you consider the facts I've shown you here.

                God Bless
                Last edited by SilverToGold; 11-04-2012, 10:25 PM.


                • #9
                  @ citfta

                  You're pretty knowledgeable about Creation. Good post.

                  Wish I knew more about Fred Bell's "free energy" info but from what I gather, he was a Fed with a handler and he died. I don't see where he had anything provable but only giving out misinformation. Sorry the man passed away, I hope he somehow got saved before it all ended.


                  • #10
                    It would seem that Mr Bell had been in the MK ultra program from an early age, with him being so young I doubt he would be the one running it. This then leads us to the question of how much of what he was saying was real and how much programing? He may well have believed everything he was saying but that does not mean it was true but he could just as easily be making it up. Enough to say that we cannot confirm his intent or what he was saying.

                    Much of what he has said has been contradictory in terms of what we know today, or what we think we know but as far as evidence is concerned, it is lacking.

                    On god evolution and aliens, I am not going say one is wrong and the other is the truth because again the evidence is lacking. There is evidence that shows biological entities can evolve but not enough to be able to say that evolution is the whole picture and there is some evidence to the contrary. On god the evidence is lacking to prove his existence but what we know about life and other things cannot be totally explained without some intelligent intervention. This leads, of course, to the question is god an alien? If god was an alien that seeded or created us, then who or what created him. Evidence of alien existence is up for debate but it seems likely that they do exist. The truth is we have far more hard evidence that self running motors exist than any of the above but that does not mean that that any of the above is true or false, In fact they all could be true or all false.

                    It is our right to believe what we want to believe and I sit here with an open mind.

                    On Fred Bell, like god evolution and aliens, there is much that is true but much where the evidence is lacking and many contradictions so again we are left to believe what we want to believe.


                    • #11
                      Creationists ignore one thing, a matter of logic. If there was a Creator then
                      what created it ? Then what created that creator, no one will ever begin to
                      understand it because it in not fathomable by human intellect. There was no
                      beginning because there was never a time when nothing existed. There will
                      never be a time when nothing exists either. Wrap you're heads around that.
                      Nothing is added to the Universe because there is nothing else, nothing can be
                      taken away because there is nowhere to take it.

                      Who or what created the creator ? Answer that simple question of logic.
                      And what did he create everything from ?



                      • #12
                        great post, and i agree there is much evidence lacking which is probably the biggest problem.

                        You say you only believe in facts yet you deny the very strong evidence of a creator.
                        I said I have faith in facts. I believe in many things...some things I believe have no facts at all to support them. Also I didnt deny any evidence, I simply dont know of all the evidence and what evidence I have heard, I dont personally believe it. As I said my disbelief of a creator was only my opinion and not fact based.

                        My disbelief of a God, being my opinion, is logic based. It astounds me that people believe some 'savior' cares about any of us when every single day innocent people are slaughtered and abused for no good reason at all. When you go to sleep at night, you lock your savior will save your life.

                        Excellent post, love the logic, I've always asked that as well and no one really knows. If no one created god, why would anyone need to create us? Somewhere along the line, things are eternal. We are eternal. The soul never dies. In my opinion

                        The basis of life itself is hard for the human mind to comprehend. Why does life have to be this way? Why are living creatures created with the sole purpose to kill?
                        Animals have every bit as much of a soul as human beings do. Humans are only warm blooded mammels. We are all the same.
                        Killing is a "sin" yet we are designed to kill and eat meat. There is no logic behind going to heaven, or hell.

                        A creator, created a world full of blood and death, why?
                        A creator would have the power to create utopia. Why must we live in this world as slaves fighting to survive and to protect ourselves?
                        Does anyone understand why life has to be this way?
                        Personally, I believe in the singularity of consciousness. I think we all are one. At the soul level we all are god.
                        We already are eternal and the only way for us to experience a full emotional life, is to live in a world like this.
                        Living in heaven for all eternity would make you numb to all emotion, which really isnt a life at all...thats my theory.

                        A human lifespan is 77 years. That is extremely short. However its long enough to experience everything at least once.
                        Isnt it funny we are born with no memory at all. It makes perfect sense. Being eternal, you could never live a new life without forgetting the past.
                        Where were any of us a 1,000 years ago?
                        Last edited by jdodson; 11-05-2012, 04:53 AM.


                        • #13
                          Hi jdodson, The person who came closest to explaining some of this stuff was
                          Water Russell. Many consider his writings to be "divine". It looks to me like he
                          just had many revelations of truth and was "connected" to the "ONE" substance
                          he talks of.

                          We all consist of the "ONE" substance/energy and we all shall return to it.

                          Our brains are organic our minds are not, our thoughts are electric in nature.
                          and what makes us - us is the consciousness of our mind. A brain is like a
                          machine, our mind and our thoughts are electric energy just as the
                          unconscious impulses from our brain to our body is electric energy, energy
                          cannot be created or destroyed only "controlled" "transformed". We can with
                          our own consciousness control our thoughts, which makes us self controlling
                          beings, or we can allow others consciousness to control out thoughts, which
                          can only be done with our submission, weather willing or not.

                          If one blocks out all the baloney fed to us, we can see much more clearly with
                          our minds what is invisible to the eye.

                          Walter states that all matter is a result of a contraction of the electric poles.

                          I don't buy into the conscious creation of life by an entity as such unless the
                          Universe is considered an entity. I do believe in accelerated evolution and
                          that life in other places in the Universe can exist and could have existed for a
                          very very long time, and could have even existed here some time in the past
                          or could have come here from some other place. Truth is if it happened it
                          happened so long ago we will never really know.

                          Time travel is impossible, we experience time, we don't travel through or
                          across it. The speed of light is variable but never exceeds it's own velocity
                          There are velocities faster than "light speed", dark is faster, no joke it has to be.

                          Being that our minds are organic, wear out and subject to faults even the
                          most clever genius can be deluded in his thoughts at some time or other.

                          Much of the mind junk in modern science has no place in reality.


                          P.S. When people say they can "create" energy they are more or less saying
                          they can add something to the Universe, which is just silly, so the Law which
                          states energy cannot be created or destroyed holds true, it is a natural law
                          recognized by men.

                          Last edited by Farmhand; 11-05-2012, 06:31 AM.


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by jdodson View Post
                            Personally, I believe in the singularity of consciousness. I think we all are one. At the soul level we all are god.
                            We already are eternal and the only way for us to experience a full emotional life, is to live in a world like this.
                            I have heard this before and although I don't know the answer I think I disagree. We could be a singularity of energy but our consciousness seems to be individual but influenced by our environment and the actions of others. So in a way we could be all one but in another we are definitely not. Its like the sea, it is made up of individual molecules doing there own thing but as a whole they act as one. Sort of like your theory upside down.

                            This is far too deep, lets have a beer


                            • #15
                              Hi Farmhand,

                              Answering your question is simple, God always has been and always will be. The alpha and the omega. No one created God because he always was/is. As God said to Moses in the burning bush, He is "I AM". He just is and always was and always will be.

                              Understanding the answer is not so simple, since how can anyone really comprehend such a thing.

                              What did God create things from? He spoke it into existence. Again, simple to answer but hard to understand. And I don't claim to, I just know that's how it was done. But man was created differently, we were molded by God's own hands out of clay. We are not like the animals who he spoke into existence but literally created by the hand of God in his own image.

                              There actually was a time when nothing existed and the earth is only 6000 years old.

                              Speaking of logic, without God, such things as morals, logic and uniformity of nature make no sense - since all these things all require God.

                              It's like a man arguing that air doesn't exist, while all the time breathing in air to make his argument.

                              Originally posted by Farmhand View Post
                              Creationists ignore one thing, a matter of logic. If there was a Creator then
                              what created it ? Then what created that creator, no one will ever begin to
                              understand it because it in not fathomable by human intellect. There was no
                              beginning because there was never a time when nothing existed. There will
                              never be a time when nothing exists either. Wrap you're heads around that.
                              Nothing is added to the Universe because there is nothing else, nothing can be taken away because there is nowhere to take it.

                              Who or what created the creator ? Answer that simple question of logic.
                              And what did he create everything from ?

                              Farmhand, were you aware that your idea that there was no beginning to the universe does not hold up to the physical evidence. Even the evolutionist had to invent the "Big Bang" theory as an explanation for the physical evidence that the universe is not eternally old with no beginning. Believe me, if they could - they would NOT have come up with this theory that is nonsensical... in that we came from nothing.
                              Last edited by SilverToGold; 11-05-2012, 11:07 PM.

