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People getting dumber?

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  • #16
    The way i see it is if you do make a free energy device should you let the world have it if its so full of stupid people? A free energy devices will only breed more stupid people like in the movie where peoples lives got easier and natural selection stopped and we kept supporting the idiots so that they can reproduce.
    I think also, it's just we live in relatively "easy" society (despite economic problem ,crisis, etc, etc).

    This is because we live in a "modern" society, it's a leisure society.
    It's cool to be dumb instead being intelligent, well educated having good mores, values, etc, etc...
    (See TV program, advertisement, the education system who is dumbed down and doesn't encourage reflection, if you want to get brainwashed go to university... )

    You can add the constant "feminization" of the society since decade which is another societal illness of our "modern" society: privilege female "values" instead of male "values" (competitiveness, rigorousness, work, constancy, etc, etc).
    Have read the persecution of Eric Dollard ? It was not done by Men In Black but Women In White (see the connection with the powerful feminist lobby and you will understand it.)

    The spirit of "you feel it, then do it" is also responsible of this.

    Also chemical substance dumped in the environment since decades like endocrine disruptor, drugs, etc, etc doesn't arrange things.

    Personally when I see the current state of the world I see no hope for the future: humanity is depraved like hell even if i'm only 25 years old...
    That's why I think more and more to let the humankind collapse herself and rebuild the civilization... Why to give FE device in a such depraved society it will be a curse rather than a benediction.
    Many civilization have collapsed in the past even one who was advanced materially and scientifically, being advanced scientifically is NOT a guarantee for the sustainability of a civilization...
    If one day our civilization collapse, I will not drop a tear, I will not regret it...
    Sorry for my English: I'm French, SRM.

    Edit: If read this you will think that I'm again one of those "freaking" believer, (which I'm proud of it) being a believer is a "sin" in our current world, but here I haven't used religious reference to expose my views, even an Atheist can draw the same conclusion: just observe around yourself.
    Last edited by SchubertReijiMaigo; 11-16-2012, 11:53 AM.


    • #17
      Originally posted by Duncan View Post
      A Day With Andrija Puharich - Final on Vimeo
      As for considering if the worlds population is worthy of free energy, Its life, its evolving and precious !
      the dumb can learn! It is not our place to be judge jury and execution particularly regarding gods freely given gifts and that particularly w.r.t free energy.
      I rather regard the question as being can the population afford to leave the the structure of our world in the hands of the really Dumb who operate in secret and anonymously using evil cunning and mind control with drugs assisted by propaganda and banksters ? If the picture the following few video's paints is even partially correct we need a radically different system quickly and certainly not the NWO


      , been a while , good reading you ..... It seems we are on the same page concerning Tesla's life and the rest

      SchubertReijiMaigo to the forum :

      Science sans conscience n'est que ruine de l'βme. Rabelais

      Science without Conscience is but the ruin of the soul

      ps: the fact that you are alive is Science at work
      Last edited by MonsieurM; 11-16-2012, 12:13 PM.
      “Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


      • #18
        Back to the original question... you only see evidence of increased polarity, which is evidence of increased energy. Yes, many people see the same things.

        Now. It doesn't matter. You don't have to involve stupidity in your life, so stop it. Find another focus, see something else than stupid people. See what you are looking for instead.

        As long as you recognize and label people as stupid, you're stuck in this world surrounded by stupid people, because you find what you expect and it is yours to keep.

        You must find your own answers. In this question, your answer is that you are surrounded by morons and you wanted confirmation. Your'e welcome, creation answered your call.

        Wanna change that? Redefine your question and your answer. What do you want to be surrounded of? Figure it out and start looking for it. What you find is yours to keep. The more you find the more will come. If you wish to be a searcher, you will keep searching. If you wish to be a finder, you will find things. If you wish to be a moron, there's Youtube clips with people getting hurt 12 hours a day, and people watching it who you can watch while they do it


        • #19
          Originally posted by Duncan View Post
          Walter Graham offers one theory about the rush to fluoridate Ulster's water. 'In 1976 Margaret Thatcher suggested fluoride for Northern Ireland. German research shows fluoride has mind-controlling properties. It made people lethargic. Remember, Mrs Thatcher has a chemistry degree. So why should she suggest fluoride for Northern Ireland?'
          Because Northern Ireland was out of control? Mr Graham gave me a knowing look".
          Good post Duncan, as are others here.
          Also flouride is not the only water distributed chemical capable of either 'controlling' people, or shortening their 'pension' lives. What about Aluminium Sulphate which poisons bacteria and adds sparkle ?

          Hence a water distiller MUST come before 'free energy' for anyone wishing to preserve their ability to *think* about making same !!!!!

          When I develop 'free energy' will I publicly share the plans ? No way.
          Why ?
          Because the techno fascist PTB devolvers are maintaining a society blind to the fact that they are being 'common purpose' controlled.

          Cheers ............ Graham.
          Last edited by GSM; 11-16-2012, 12:33 PM.


          • #20
            Hence a water distiller MUST come before 'free energy'
            Good point, fresh water is necessary. Coconut oil, and curry in combination with blackpepper, can help a lot to turn around some of the effects. Don't forget lots of Iodine too, fluoride, bromide and chlorine uses the same cell receptors when Iodine is low. Look for Dr. John Douillard or other ayurveda health care knowledge. I'm not into the 'healthy stuff' and find it hard to find interest for penetrating these questions, but it isn't pointless in any way even though you might have other goals in life.


            • #21
              Originally posted by MonsieurM View Post

              , been a while , good reading you ..... It seems we are on the same page concerning Tesla's life and the rest

              SchubertReijiMaigo to the forum :

              Science sans conscience n'est que ruine de l'βme. Rabelais

              Science without Conscience is but the ruin of the soul

              ps: the fact that you are alive is Science at work
              , effectively this citation confirm what we are seeing today.
              BTW, I'm not anti-science if I was like this, I will not be here or reading scientific paper on the web.
              But science is double-edged sword some discoveries and things are good but others are clearly evil, today everything is good or rather there is not no "good" nor "bad" everything is relative... (The current post modernist thinking: moral relativism).
              I think it's dangerous to think like that because it can slip into weird direction.

              Look at nuclear power it was good (cheap electricity production) the bad (Fukushima) and the ugly (Hiroshima/Nagasaki).
              With science the mankind play with the Nature itself and her "laws" if not supervised properly by ethics or moral, those modification can have irreversible and destructive effect. (The fluoride problem above with M.Thatcher).
              You can add also Chemtrails...
              With FE we could build bombs that will turn Nuke energy into a toy.
              Look also at the antimatter/matter annihilation and it's result in energy, its scary like hell.


              • #22
                Moral relativism used for egoistic purposes maybe is the 'bad' or 'ugly' interpretation of an otherwise neutral state? Good or Bad are cultural inventions, and that is a relativistic way of putting it. But it is still to manifest through a purpose, which may be ego, or for the benefit of mankind, or for no real reason at all. Science says there is a key to everything. But who's the locksmith? Good or Bad, the keys, are all manmade. We have to deal with it and yes, moral exists, relative or determined it still is there. Moral determinism also have it's good, bad and ugly moments. Avoid fear, find the key and unlock


                • #23

                  Schubert I can understand your fear after all are we all not a little scared of the unknown ?
                  As is made quite clear in the video's I posted fear is also used on a massive scale to maintain control.
                  Usually with false flag operations. At the moment it would seem to me that the lunatics are not only running the asylum they have started eating their young.
                  This for public consumption after very costly sound editing....
                  WTC2 collapse - YouTube
                  This being the actual footage shot at the time...
                  cutter - YouTube
                  let me ask you Schubert what frightens you the most, a benevolent useful force that is at the core of life itself or the megalomaniac Lunatics driving our bus right now? I know what my selection would be!
                  Whatever you can do,or dream you can,begin it.Boldness has genius,power and magic in it.Begin it now.


                  • #24
                    Remember who feeds from fear and what fear can make reasonable morally 'good' people do. Have no fear, it's not productive. Don't do this:


                    • #25
                      ps: the fact that you are alive is Science at work
                      No, the fact we are alive is nature at work and science is simply the study of nature and natural phenomena. We should never confuse the two and nature would get along just fine without us. In fact given what we know we could say nature would be better off without us and our science because the proof we have says we are destroying this planet.

                      Michael C
                      Now. It doesn't matter. You don't have to involve stupidity in your life, so stop it. Find another focus, see something else than stupid people. See what you are looking for instead.
                      I would agree, we can howl at the moon all we like but that will not change it as real change comes from within.



                      • #26
                        Originally posted by Allcanadian View Post

                        No, the fact we are alive is nature at work and science is simply the study of nature and natural phenomena. We should never confuse the two and nature would get along just fine without us. In fact given what we know we could say nature would be better off without us and our science because the proof we have says we are destroying this planet.

                        Thank you for clarifying my thought ..... It is debatable to confine Science to study of Nature or the Language of Nature ..... but we would be drifting off topic

                        ps: you reminded me of a Great Philosopher :

                        George Carlin - Saving the Planet - YouTube

                        Science - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

                        “Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                        • #27
                          On the subject of fear:

                          From The Universal One by Walter Russell:

                          Every action has its equal and opposite reaction.

                          An action and its opposite reaction are not two. Their energies, when combined, make one.

                          Positive charge attracts positive charge and expels negative discharge.
                          Negative discharge repels both negative discharge and positive charge.

                          The fact that electricity (positive charge) expels magnetism (negative discharge) does not mean that it repels it.
                          Expulsion is not repulsion.
                          Expulsion is the result of electric attraction which causes electrically charged particles to draw closer together.
                          This effect of closer assemblage, is a centripetal effect of contraction which squeezes magnetism away from the spaces between the integrating particles of electric preponderance.
                          The magnetic flow resulting from this squeezing process is merely the reaction of the action of squeezing.

                          It must be remembered that electricity is the attractive force and that magnetism is the repellant force.
                          The attractive force attracts only attractive force, which is itself.
                          Electricity attracts electricity.
                          Electricity does not attract the repellant force, neither does electricity repel the repellant force.
                          On the other hand, magnetism, which is the repellant force, does nothing but perform its function of repelling.
                          Positive pole attracts, negative pole discharge positive force and repell it. Positive strive to become a singularity of everything, negative to become fully evolved entropy.

                          What does this say about fear?

                          Fear is a reaction to an action taken by negative repelling force. Action and reaction make one. Fear allows negativity to discharge energy from positive, then action and reaction become one, ending in entropy.

                          Every action has a reaction. By manifesting the reaction, positive pole will allow itself to become discharged.

                          Do not participate.

                          Fear and Love are the forces of nature. Between them is a scale of all existing emotions:

                          Fear - Anger - Indifferent - Sympatetic - Love

                          Moving from fear to anger squeezes negativity out of the system, that's true. But reaction to negativity will discharge the system. Anger is a state with higher probability to reaction.

                          If you do not serve the purpose of being the reaction, the reaction must come from elsewhere. All action must have a reaction, otherwise there can't be any action. Negative force may repell and desintegrate itself as well as repell, discharge and desintegrate you. It doesn't matter as long as it's action is leading to entropy. If you're not a part of it, you will not be part of that entropy.

                          If nobody care, then it's no point in desintegrating skyscrapers. The only thing left to do for negativity when there's nothing or nobody to discharge is to desintegrate itself.

                          Your action will also create reaction. Be the one who create oneness, who gathers the energy in the same point, growing in charge for each moment. Don't allow discharging by becoming a reaction.


                          • #28
                            Originally posted by Duncan View Post
                            Schubert I can understand your fear after all are we all not a little scared of the unknown ?
                            As is made quite clear in the video's I posted fear is also used on a massive scale to maintain control.
                            Usually with false flag operations. At the moment it would seem to me that the lunatics are not only running the asylum they have started eating their young.
                            This for public consumption after very costly sound editing....
                            WTC2 collapse - YouTube
                            This being the actual footage shot at the time...
                            cutter - YouTube
                            let me ask you Schubert what frightens you the most, a benevolent useful force that is at the core of life itself or the megalomaniac Lunatics driving our bus right now? I know what my selection would be!
                            OMG, did you see the small explosion before the tower collapse, I always thought that it was a controlled demolition (even if I saw loose change movie) but here we see clearly the smalls explosion before the collapse, the second video you hear all the explosion before collapsing, OFMG !!!

                            And 11 years later people continue to vote: left/right, Obama/Bush, Obama/Romney, left/right/left/right and so on (same things here in my country in France). While the civilization is going to the toilet, people get trapped in their collective delirium (look at people's behavior in big cities: a permanent zombie movie in your face) and continue as is...

                            For the last question: my choice is evident too. That's why I could see FE in small communities like small spiritual/religious communities, things like small survivalist "village" not our highly centralized and destructive system. An occasion to go out at least partially of the mainstream system and repopulate countryside.
                            I will stop here because I'm going to be seriously off-topic.


                            • #29
                              Originally posted by ibpointless2 View Post
                              Also when did it become not cool to read? Why is the "learning channel" have show about someone name "honey boo boo". Why do people want to become like the ones on "Jersey Shore"? People actually think the Sun revolves around the Earth. Is this crazy or what?
                              Thanks for the thread, i think 99% of the people on earth think that not only the sun revolves around the earth but the universe revolves around humans.

                              George Carlin


                              • #30
                                Interesting Topic...

                                Hello ibpointless2 and All,

                                Even though I have already made my decision on what I would do...with a Free Energy device...I will respond here to your main question/concern.

                                People become dumb because of their dependency upon the Systems where they try to survive everyday ...
                                Systems are designed to make people dumber every time more...the dumber, the better...till they become (full time) puppets of their games...

                                Monotony is a typical scenario to harvest dumbness...
                                Stressed Out Societies (SOS) are the perfect environment to grow uncertainty...
                                Fear, injected through a Sensationalist Media...are part of the "process"...

                                Highly Developed Societies...are just a Massive Dumb Factory galore...there is NO TIME to do your own self enhancing studies and development as a Human...

                                Thinkers, doers..."smart" people...simply, do not care about those CONTROL games...(out of the BOX Status)...Then they DO all their enhancements...find the sleep, endless nights...but do it.

                                One of the Main Dependencies of People...are Energy slavery...filling their Gas Tanks every day to make a living...
                                Controlling expenditure on their Households, trying to reduce it in order to lower their electricity bill$$...but that extends only to the point of Human survival necessities like Heaters in very cold weather, or Cooling in extremely Hot areas...even just ventilation...(example)

                                I believe We all have same capacities, IF We allow those "smart ones" to develop...and the only to cut off dependency from Systems Negative Influences...

                                If People get released of ALL those daily stresses/fear/dependency...I believe they will eventually change...and become more conscious about, develop and evolve...

                                In the end...We are all the same...

                                I believe it is possible a different Society than what we all have so far...a far more advanced one, where we could afford to dedicate more time to teach/educate/learn >develop...>evolve...

                                Most of times a thief, a bank robber...needs to do that because it did not worked out well as a typical citizen within His/Her System...most of times they do NOT like what they do...unless is a psychopath...They do it to survive, to bring food to their their families...they will also change, I am sure off that fact...we see it in many Church based programs and Juvenile Corrections they could also make beautiful things...

                                Most of School Kids abandon their learning facilities too early...(High School) start help their parents...or to live by themselves...and I am talking about developed United States...
                                Education Cost$...and most parents can not afford to pay for a College career...
                                This adds up to the Dumber side...big time.

                                Even Health...a Human survival main need...cost$...and we will die...if we do not have the buck$ to pay for medicine/health we must do pay for extremely expensive Health Insurance...will everyone could AFFORD that?...the answer is NO.

                                I believe Free Energy will put a Radical Stop to all those "charges"...for Human main needs...think about all the Energy required to fulfill all those facilities requirements...Schools, Hospitals...etc.

                                And I have not "touched" Transportation/Machinery...which is a main side to increase price$ of goods, including food supply...

                                I believe We all could start by making a doing what is NOT being done...give for free...teach knowledge, show the truth...reveal what they have been trapped into...that is the job of the "Thinkers", besides developing beautiful devices...

                                Nikola Tesla had something besides His Genius side (that most people don't look at)...a Humanitarian big time side...

                                If the thinkers, could be able to work out/develop, both sides equally...then we will be ready to change this Planet.

                                Regards to All, and great topic.


                                Last edited by Ufopolitics; 11-16-2012, 06:32 PM.
                                Principles for the Development of a Complete Mind: Study the science of art. Study the art of science. Develop your senses- especially learn how to see. Realize that everything connects to everything else.― Leonardo da Vinci

