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anything that works?

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  • velacreations
    Originally posted by Ufopolitics View Post
    Knock Knock...Velacreations, may I come in?

    And may I ask you...

    What is your exact understanding of OU?



    Of course you can! I am not a gatekeeper, here, I am just asking questions.

    My definition of OU, as it relates here, is getting more energy out of a system/device/machine than is put into the system/device/machine.

    I know that is not an official definition, and I might be using the wrong terminology, but I'm basically asking if we have any energy devices that are more than 100% efficient.

    Even 90% efficient would be something, though!

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  • Duncan
    Bankster's new pension scheme required - Urgent!

    Oh Its just a principle skywatcher It is simply a full stop for those who say free energy isn't available.
    I really have no time for nay sayer's any more . Here's the first blocker Directory:35 U.S.C. 181:Secrecy of certain inventions and withholding of patent - PESWiki
    and as you say a lot needs to be answered by the "sheeple" themselves and the control “fear and pay” system that we wilfully live under, If you can watch both these video's of the same incident one for
    public transmission after extensive and expensive re-mastering, and one leaked from the BBC archive and work out what the difference is and why its been done you have taken a little step toward free energy
    WTC2 collapse - YouTube
    cutter - YouTube
    If you can work out why George felt he had to say this
    George Carlin - The american dream - YouTube
    You’ve taken another little step. A little over 200 years ago the “They” who George talks about and the “Who” skywatcher mentions were doing what they always seem to do “more for themselves”
    But the people who were not in the “big club” with a little help from this very clever man Joseph Fourier

    who found most of the “they s” and their Bankster criminal friends and introduced them to a new pension scheme

    Now in regard of free energy you would be well advised to study the mathematics of Fourier and his supporter Lord Kelvin and their later advancement by this guy

    Charles Proteus Steinmetz: The Man Who Made Lightning - undated - YouTube
    However you needn't concern yourself with free energy It isn't a problem at all, there are thousands of people who know how that’s done . Its the “They” that need sorting out and the sooner the better.
    For Instance a website that does Fourier’s day job and names the “They” a lot of them are here
    EndGame HQ full length version - YouTube (Its how they roll) they seem to not understand

    “Learn from history or you're doomed to repeat it.” Jesse Ventura
    So why do you want free energy? You'll only pay pay pay … four times as much for food or the roof over your head as George tells you the stinking rich who have never washed a pot in their lives “own you”! (and me) the right to have free energy is going to have to be won any suggestions?
    PS Madame La Guillotine ... The medicine hasn't worked a new scheme is required!
    Last edited by Duncan; 12-18-2012, 11:57 AM.

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  • SkyWatcher
    Hi folks, Hi velacreations, well it's rather hard for most to replicate an idea that is suppressed, that was kind of the message.
    It is the intent within, that creates the outer world.
    So, if the few are given power to dictate to the rest of us, we get things we have to pay for and as can be seen, devolves into inferior technology, with designed in expiration times, that enrich these few that do not have the highest good of all at heart.
    To speak of a lack of certain technologies, without looking at the whole picture and all the evidence that proves an agenda of suppression has been going on.
    It is provable fact, that solar panels are intentionally kept at a low efficiency level, by these few dictators, wherever they are in the shadows.
    I'm all for replicating and innovating, though it should be acknowledged.
    We as humanity, have an issue that should be dealt with, the only problem is, this issue is inside of us, call it a spiritual issue, call it a greed issue, call it a fear issue, call it a control issue, call it a power issue, call it what you will.
    It can be seen in almost everything around us, from paying for dirt and paying for the house on the dirt, paying for food, paying for energy, paying for, paying for, paying for.
    Who are we ultimately paying anyway and why?
    These human vessels did not come with pockets for very good reason.
    For any real discussion about the needs of human beings or devices that may serve those needs, a hard look within, is a great start.
    Hi duncan, thanks for sharing the pdf, that seems like it might work with a vande graff type generator or dirod or something, which takes next to nothing to rotate.
    peace love light

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  • Duncan
    There ya go!

    Velacreations .. I don’t believe in over unity, I do believe in COP>1 ,OK so I'm just being picky however given that you understand that simply stick a wire in the air, Its been done for years it works and its free energy. Here's how
    of course if you want to drive cars and houses with it you'll have to learn what your actually doing and how to improve it . There's about 10 years of E.P.Dollards work can help you.
    In the mean time you just asked for a system that works . for starting the thread that seems to be the end of it. QED

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  • Ufopolitics
    What is your understanding of OU?

    Originally posted by velacreations View Post
    Correct me if I'm wrong, but I am not seeing over unity results there. Am I missing something?
    Knock Knock...Velacreations, may I come in?

    And may I ask you...

    What is your exact understanding of OU?




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  • velacreations
    Originally posted by truesearch View Post
    However, it APPEARS like the "Asymmetrical" re-wound electric motors by user "UFO-Politics" seem to be over-unity. Here is a link to that thread
    Correct me if I'm wrong, but I am not seeing over unity results there. Am I missing something?

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  • velacreations
    thanks, tyson, but I prefer replications that are well documented. There are no shortage of theories, but it seems like very few are worth the effort.

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  • SkyWatcher
    Hi velacreations, this may not be the answer you are expecting to hear, as it might seem counter intuitive to the programming or conditioning that we as humans, have been exposed to since our seeming birth.
    It is only with the heart, that one can see clearly, all that is essential, is invisible to the eyes.
    The decoding of this is, all is energy or consciousness and the heart has a connection to our original energetic form of self (one).
    This true self (one) is aware that all so called physical manifestations, including these vessels we currently animate, are constructs of this energy or consciousness.
    All seeming problems or lack of solutions are a byproduct of how well this connection from the heart to the true self is communicating between one another.
    At the level of the true self, one knows we are all one and from the same source and the seeming separation at this human level is seen for the illusion it is.
    All solutions to all seeming problems are within, they do not exist outside of us, for that is illusion.
    For example, lets say a replicator technology has existed for along time, dug up in an archeology find or perhaps given to us by another race of beings from the cosmos.
    This replicator will create anything one needs to live a life of comfort and abundance and is easy to construct this device.
    Now, if certain groups of human beings prevented our use of such devices by withholding this information for whatever reasons, is the solution truly outside or external to us, as in a technology, heater, free energy device.
    It should be apparent, that the solution is within us and always has been.
    peace love light

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  • velacreations
    well, the 2 that I have seen numerous working models are
    Vialle's generator: L'autogénérateur de Richard Vialle par JL Naudin
    MAHG: The Moller's Atomic Hydrogen Generator (COP >21)

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  • truesearch

    You will find LOTS of claims, ideas, and theories here. . . . But "working" models are very hard to find.

    However, it APPEARS like the "Asymmetrical" re-wound electric motors by user "UFO-Politics" seem to be over-unity. Here is a link to that thread

    Good luck in your research!


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  • velacreations
    started a topic anything that works?

    anything that works?

    Is there anything in these forums that actually works, in terms of energy? Lots and lots of posts about free energy and devices. Lots and lots of failed replications.

    Does anybody have anything that works?